(1) This regulation applies to an employer who makes a contribution for an employee to an RSA provider.
(2) The employer must give the following information to the RSA provider for the RSA, in relation to the contribution:
(a) the employee's full name;
(b) the employee's residential address;
(c) the employee's tax file number;
(d) the employee's telephone number.
(3) However, the employer is not required to give the information mentioned in subregulation (2) to the RSA provider if the employee has not given the information to the employer, and the employer has made reasonable efforts to obtain the information from the employee.
(4) The employer must give the information to the RSA provider on the same day as the employer makes the contribution to the RSA.
Note: Standards made under subsection 45B(3) of the Act may set out how the information in subregulation (2) is to be given to the RSA provider, additional information that must be given, and how the contribution must be made.
(5) The employer must assign a payment reference number to the contribution and include the payment reference number with the contribution.