(1) The Act applies, subject to the modifications specified in Schedule 1, to and in relation to a person to whom section 14A of the Act applies by virtue of his or her being a person referred to in paragraph (1) (a), (c), (d) or (e) of that section.
(2) The Act applies, subject to the modifications set out in Schedule 2, to a person referred to in paragraph 3A (1) (h).
(3) The Act applies, subject to the modifications set out in Schedule 3, to a class of persons each of whom:
(a) holds an appointment, or is employed, for a fixed term; and
(b) is an eligible employee because he or she is:
(i) a person to whom Division 3 of Part IV of the Public Service Act applies; or
(ii) a person referred to in paragraph 14A (1) (b) or (e) of the Act.
Schedule 1 Modification of Act
(subregulation 5 (1))
1. Insert the following Part after Part VIII:
Part VIIIA Special provisions applicable to certain persons to whom section 14A applies
124A Interpretation
In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:
reinstated means re-appointed or re-employed, or to be deemed to be, or deemed to have been, re-appointed or re-employed, as the case requires.
relevant period means:
(a) in relation to a person to whom this Part applies, being a person referred to in paragraph 124B (a), (b), (c), (e) or (g) -- any period referred to in subparagraph 124B (a) (iii), (b) (iii), (c) (iii), (e) (iii) or (g) (iii), as the case may be, during which the person was not an eligible employee; or
(b) in relation to a person to whom this Part applies, being a person referred to in paragraph 124B (d) or (f) -- any period comprising the whole, or any portion, of the period:
(i) commencing on the day on which the person is reinstated; and
(ii) ending at the end of the day immediately preceding the day on which the person first reports, or reported, for duty after reinstatement;
during which the person was not an eligible employee.
124B Application of Part
This Part applies to a person to whom section 14A applies, being:
(a) a person who:
(i) is performing duty in the Australian Public Service pursuant to a re-appointment to that Service under subsection 63F (9), 63G (7) or 66B (2) of the Public Service Act;
(ii) was an eligible employee immediately before the dismissal, or deemed retirement, from the Australian Public Service to which the re-appointment relates; and
(iii) was not an eligible employee during a period comprising the whole, or any portion, of the period that commenced immediately after the dismissal or deemed retirement and ended at the time at which the re - appointment took effect;
(b) a person who:
(i) is, by virtue of subsection 87K (11) of the Public Service Act, a person to whom Division 3 of Part IV of that Act applies;
(ii) was an eligible employee immediately before the dismissal from the Australian Public Service to which the declaration in respect of the person referred to in subsection 87K (11) of that Act relates; and
(iii) was not an eligible employee during a period comprising the whole, or any portion, of the period that commenced immediately after the dismissal and ended on the making of the declaration;
(c) a person who:
(i) is, by virtue of a determination under subsection 87P (7) of the Public Service Act, a person to whom Division 3 of Part IV of that Act applies;
(ii) was an eligible employee immediately before the termination of employment referred to in subparagraph 87P (1) (a) (i) or (b) (i) of that Act, as the case may be, to which the determination relates; and
(iii) was not an eligible employee during a period comprising the whole, or any portion, of the period that commenced immediately after the termination of the employment and ended upon the making of the determination;
(d) a person who is performing duty in the Australian Public Service by virtue of having been deemed to have been re - appointed to that Service in accordance with section 87M or 87Q of the Public Service Act;
(e) a person who:
(i) is a permanent employee, or a temporary employee, by virtue of having been reinstated in circumstances similar to the circumstances in which a person could have been re-appointed to the Australian Public Service under section 63F, 63G or 66B of the Public Service Act;
(ii) was an eligible employee immediately before the termination or cessation of employment to which the reinstatement relates; and
(iii) was not an eligible employee during a period comprising the whole, or any portion, of the period that commenced immediately after the termination or cessation of employment and ended at the time at which the reinstatement took effect;
(f) a person who:
(i) is a permanent employee, or a temporary employee, by virtue of having been reinstated in circumstances similar to the circumstances in which a person could have been deemed to have been re-appointed to the Australian Public Service in accordance with section 87M or 87Q of the Public Service Act; and
(ii) is reinstated on the day immediately following the day (in this subregulation called his or her last day in prescribed employment ) on which there took effect the termination or cessation of employment to which the reinstatement relates; or
(g) a person (other than a person to whom paragraph (f) applies) who:
(i) is a permanent employee, or a temporary employee, by virtue of having been reinstated in circumstances similar to the circumstances in which a person could have been deemed to have been re-appointed to the Australian Public Service in accordance with section 87M or 87Q of the Public Service Act;
(ii) was an eligible employee on his or her last day in prescribed employment; and
(iii) was not an eligible employee during a period comprising the whole, or any portion, of the period that commenced on the day immediately following his or her last day in prescribed employment and ended at the time at which his or her reinstatement took effect.
124C Periods deemed to be periods of leave of absence without pay
Each period that is, in relation to a person to whom this Part applies, a relevant period shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to be a period during the whole of which the person was absent, on leave of absence without pay, from the employment in which he or she was engaged immediately before the commencement of the relevant period and, where that period does not exceed 12 weeks, the period shall, for the purposes of section 51, be deemed to be a period exceeding 12 weeks.
124D Benefits not payable in certain circumstances
If a benefit becomes, or became, payable under this Act to, or in respect of, a person to whom this Part applies on the commencement of any period that is, in relation to that person, a relevant period:
(a) the benefit is taken not to be, or to have been, payable; and
(b) if the benefit or any part of the benefit is paid, the person must repay the amount of that benefit or that part of the benefit to the Commissioner.
2. Section 159:
2.1 After subsection 159 (1), inser t:
(1A) This section also a pplies to the following bodies:
(a) AIDC Ltd;
(b) the Dairy Resear ch and Development Corporation;
(c) a Commonwealth authority, within the meaning of Part IV of the Public Service Act, tha t is not an approved authority;
(d) the Northern Land Council;
(e) ASP Ship Management;
(g) a company that is:
(i) Qantas; or
(ii) a Qantas subsidiary;
within the respective meanings of the Qantas Sale Act 1992 ;
(h) the New South Wales Red C ross Blood Transfusion Service;
(i) Australi an Meat Technology Pty Limited;
(j) Australian Information Media Pty Limited;
(k) A valon Airport Geelong Pty Ltd.;
(l) ASTAAS Pty Ltd;
(m) Nuclear Safety Bureau;
(n) Au stralian Law Reform Commission;
(o) Medibank;
(p) Employment Nat ional (Administration) Pty Ltd;
(q) AWB Limited;
(r) Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission;
(s) Australian Government Solicitor;
(t) Sydney Airports Corporation Ltd;
(u) Bankstown Airport Ltd;
(v) Essendon Airport Ltd;
(w) Sydney Harbour Federation Trust;
(x) Snowy Hydro Limited;
(y) ATP Ltd;
(z) ASPI Ltd;
(za) the CSS/PSS Board.
(1B) This section does not apply to:
(a) Telstra; or
(b) the Australian Postal Corporation.
2.2 Subparagraph 159 (2) (a) (ii):
After (1) (b), insert or in subsection (1A)
3. Section 160:
3.1 Subsection 160 (4)
Omit the subsection, substitute:
(4) If a person who:
(a) proposes to become employed by, becomes employed by, or is employed by:
(i) an approved authority; or
(ii) a declared authority; or
(iii) a body mentioned in subsection 159 (1A); or
(iv) Telstra; or
(v) the Australian Postal Corporation; or
(b) is the proposed appointee to, or the holder of, a statutory office whose remuneration is paid by an authority or a body mentioned in paragraph (a);
is required to undergo a medical examination under section 16 or 16AB, the authority or body mentioned in paragraph (a) must pay the cost of the examination.
3.2 After paragraph 160 (6) (a), insert:
(aa) a body mentioned in subsection 159 (1A) whose staff includes or included eligible employees; or
(ab) Telstra; or
(ac) the Australian Postal Corporation; or
Schedule 2 Modifications of the Act in relation to persons eligible to be paid a mobility allowance
(subregulation 5 (2))
1. Section 3 (Interpretation)
1.1 Subsection 3 (1):
After the definition of minimum retiring age , insert:
mobility allowance means an allowance of that name payable in accordance with a determination made under section 82D of the Public Service Act 1922 .
2. Section 5 (Annual rate of salary)
2.1 Subsection 5 (2):
Omit the subsection, substitute:
(2) The annual rate of salary on a particular day of a person who is referred to in paragraph 3A (1) (h) of the Superannuation (Continuing Contributions for Benefits) Regulations is:
(a) an amount equal to the amount of salary per year payable on that day in respect of the office that the person held immediately before becoming eligible for a mobility allowance; or
(b) if the person makes an election under subsection 47A (1) -- the maximum amount per year of mobility allowance payable to a person.
3. Section 47 (Decreases in salary)
3.1 Add at the end:
(5) This section does not apply to an eligible employee who makes an election under subsection 47A (1).
4. New section 47A
4.1 After section 47, insert:
47A Election relating to mobility allowance
(1) An eligible employee who:
(a) is eligible to be paid a mobility allowance; or
(b) would be eligible to be paid a mobility allowance except for the amount of income that he or she is receiving;
(in this regulation called the applicant may) make an election in writing to the Commissioner to have the applicant's annual rate of salary taken to be the maximum amount per year of mobility allowance payable to a person.
(2) The applicant must make the election not later than 3 months after the day on which the applicant:
(a) becomes eligible to be paid a mobility allowance; or
(b) would have become eligible to be paid a mobility allowance except for the amount of income that he or she is receiving.
(3) If:
(a) the applicant makes an election under subsection (1); and
(b) as a consequence of the election, the applicant's annual rate of salary is less than the annual rate of salary:
(i) payable to the applicant on the last anniversary of the applicant's birth before the date of the election; or
(ii) taken, under subsection 47 (1) or (3), to have been payable to the applicant on the last anniversary;
the applicant's annual rate of salary on the last anniversary of the applicant's birth before the day on which the applicant:
(c) became eligible to be paid a mobility allowance; or
(d) would have become eligible to be paid a mobility allowance except for the amount of income that he or she is receiving;
is taken to be the applicant's annual rate of salary immediately after the election for the purpose of calculating the amount of the basic contribution payable by the applicant on each contribution day after the date of the election and before the first anniversary of the applicant's birth after that date.
5. Section 51 (Leave of absence without pay)
5.1 After subsection 51 (1), insert:
(1AA) In spite of subsection (1), this section does not apply to an eligible employee who:
(a) is eligible to be paid a mobility allowance; or
(b) would be eligible to be paid a mobility allowance except for the amount of income that the person is receiving.
6. Section 110A (Interpretation)
6.1 Definition of designated employer :
After paragraph (c), insert:
(ca) if the employee
(i) is eligible to be paid a mobility allowance; or
(ii) would be eligible to be paid a mobility allowance except for the amount of income that the person is receiving;
the Department, approved authority or person who is, or would be, responsible for the payment of the allowance; or
6.2 Definition of productivity employee :
Omit the definition, substitute:
productivity employee means an eligible employee who:
(a) is eligible to be paid a mobility allowance; or
(b) would be eligible to be paid a mobility allowance except for the amount of income that he or she is receiving.
(subregulation 5 (3))
1. Section 57B (Definition)
1.1 Subsection 57B (1) (definition of fixed-term employee ):
Add at the end:
; or
(f) a person who:
(i) holds an appointment, or is employed, for a fixed term; and
(ii) is an eligible employee because he or she is:
(A) a person to whom Division 3 of Part IV of the Public Service Act 1922 applies; or
(B) a person referred to in paragraph 14A (1) (b) or (e) of the Act.
2. Section 58A (Special provision regarding certain holders of statutory offices)
2.1 Subparagraph 58A (1) (c) (ii):
Omit paragraph 57B (1) (d) or (e), substitute paragraph 57B (1) (d), (e) or (f)
3. Section 58B (Special provision regarding certain fixed-term employees)
3.1 Subparagraph 58B (1) (c) (iv):
Omit paragraph 57B (1) (d) or (e)", substitute "paragraph 57B (1) (d), (e) or (f)
Notes to the Superannuation (CSS) Continuing Contributions for Benefits Regulations 1981
Note 1
The Superannuation (CSS) Continuing Contributions for Benefits Regulations 1981 (in force under the Superannuation Act 1976 ) as shown in this compilation comprise Statutory Rules 1981 No. 36 amended as indicated in the Tables below.
Under the implementation of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 , which came into force on 1 January 2005 , it is a requirement for all legislative instruments to be registered to the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments. Any legislative instrument made on or after 1 January 2005 is not enforceable unless it is registered. From 1 January 2005 the Statutory Rules series ceased to exist and is replaced with Select Legislative Instruments (SLI). Numbering conventions remain the same, ie Year and Number.
Table of Instruments
Year and | Date of notification | Date of | Application, saving or |
1981 No. 36 | 13 Mar 1981 | 15 Mar 1981 ( see Gazette 1981, No. S44) |
1987 No. 290 | 17 Dec 1987 | 15 Mar 1981 | -- |
1989 No. 168 | 30 June 1989 | 30 June 1989 | -- |
1990 No. 179 | 29 June 1990 | 1 July 1990 | -- |
1990 No. 379 | 6 Dec 1990 | 6 Dec 1990 | -- |
1991 No. 97 | 23 May 1991 | 23 May 1991 | -- |
1991 No. 168 | 28 June 1991 | 1 July 1990 | -- |
1991 No. 446 | 19 Dec 1991 | 1 July 1992 | -- |
as amended by |
1992 No. 213 | 30 June 1992 | 1 July 1992 | -- |
1991 No. 465 | 19 Dec 1991 | R. 3.6: 7 Mar 1988 | -- |
1992 No. 27 | 7 Feb 1992 | 7 Feb 1992 | -- |
1992 No. 213 | 30 June 1992 | 1 July 1992 | -- |
1992 No. 323 | 16 Oct 1992 | Rr. 3.2, 3.3 and 4.1: 2 Jan 1991 | -- |
1992 No. 428 | 24 Dec 1992 | 24 Dec 1992 | -- |
1992 No. 460 | 24 Dec 1992 | 24 Dec 1992 | -- |
as amended by |
1994 No. 271 | 26 July 1994 | R. 8: 24 Dec
1992 | -- |
1993 No. 3 | 29 Jan 1993 | 29 Jan 1993 | -- |
1993 No. 50 | 21 Apr 1993 | 21 Apr 1993 | -- |
1993 No. 348 | 17 Dec 1993 | 18 Dec 1992 | -- |
1994 No. 8 | 4 Feb 1994 | 1 Sept 1993 | -- |
1994 No. 115 | 3 May 1994 | 3 Dec 1993 | -- |
1994 No. 116 | 3 May 1994 | 3 May 1994 | -- |
1994 No. 248 | 7 July 1994 | 7 July 1994 | -- |
1994 No. 271 | 26 July 1994 | R. 8: 24 Dec 1994 | -- |
1994 No. 335 | 11 Oct 1994 | 26 July 1994 | -- |
1995 No. 97 | 18 May 1995 | 18 May 1995 | -- |
1995 No. 201 | 30 June 1995 | 1 July 1995 | -- |
1995 No. 349 | 23 Nov 1995 | 21 June 1995 | -- |
1995 No. 438 | 22 Dec 1995 | 1 Mar 1996 | -- |
1996 No. 6 | 31 Jan 1996 | 31 Jan 1996 | -- |
1996 No. 97 | 20 June 1996 | 23 June 1995 | -- |
1996 No. 297 | 18 Dec 1996 | 1 July 1996 | -- |
1997 No. 47 | 12 Mar 1997 | 12 Mar 1997 | -- |
1997 No. 215 | 27 Aug 1997 | 30 June 1992 | -- |
1998 No. 91 | 21 May 1998 | Rr. 1, 2, 4.1, 4.4, 5.1, 5.4 and 6.1: 11 Nov 1996
| -- |
1998 No. 242 | 31 July 1998 | Rr. 4, 6.1 and 6.2: 1
Aug 1998 | -- |
1999 No. 63 | 22 Apr 1999 | 1 Jan 1999 | -- |
1999 No. 172 | 1 Sept 1999 | 1 Sept 1999 | -- |
2001 No. 230 | 30 Aug 2001 | R. 6:
19 June 1998 | -- |
2002 No. 94 | 9 May 2002 | Rr. 1-3 and
Schedule 1: 1 July 2001 | -- |
2002 No. 341 | 20 Dec 2002 | 20 Dec 2002 | -- |
2005 No. 7 | 14 Feb 2005 ( see F 2005L00146) | 15 Feb 2005 | -- |
Table of Amendments
ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted | ||
Provision affected | How affected | |
R. 1 ................. | rs. 1995 No. 201; 1999 No. 63 | |
R. 2 ................. | am. 1990 No. 179; 1992 Nos. 27, 428 and 460 (as am. by 1994 No. 271); 1993 No. 50; 1994 Nos. 115 and 271; 1995 Nos. 97 and 201; 1996 No. 297; 1998 Nos. 91 and 242; 1999 Nos. 63 and 172; 2001 No. 230; 2002 Nos. 94 and 341 | |
R. 3 ................. | am. 1987 No. 290; 1990 No. 179; 1991 No. 168; 1992 No. 460; 1994 No. 271; 1996 No. 6; 1998 No. 242; 1999 No. 172 | |
R. 3A ................ | ad. 1989 No. 168 | |
| rs. 1990 No. 179 | |
| am. 1991 Nos. 97 and 465; 1992 Nos. 27, 323, 428 and 460;1993 Nos. 3 and 50; 1994 Nos. 8, 115, 271 and 335; 1995 Nos. 97 and 349; 1996 No. 297; 1997 No. 215; 1998 Nos. 91 and 242; 1999 Nos. 63 and 172; 2001 No. 230; 2002 No s . 94 and 341 | |
R. 3B ................ | ad. 1991 No. 446 | |
| am. 1992 No. 213; 1994 Nos. 248 and 271 | |
R. 4 ................. | am. 1990 No. 179; 1992 Nos. 27, 323, 428 and 460; 1993 Nos. 3 and 50; 1994 Nos. 8, 115 and 271; 1995 Nos. 97, 201 and 349; 1996 No. 297; 1997 Nos. 47 and 215; 1998 Nos. 91 and 242; 1999 Nos. 63 and 172; 2001 No. 230; 2002 No s . 94 and 341 | |
R. 4A ................ | ad. 1995 No. 438 | |
R. 5 ................. | rs. 1987 No. 290 | |
| am. 1989 No. 168; 1992 No. 428; 1994 Nos. 115 and 116 | |
Heading to Schedule ..... | rep. 1992 No. 428 | |
Heading to Schedule 1 .... | ad. 1992 No. 428 | |
Schedule ............. | am. 1987 No. 290; 1989 No. 168; 1990 No. 379; 1991 Nos. 97,168 and 465; 1992 No. 27 | |
Schedule 1 ............ | am. 1992 No. 428; 1993 Nos. 3, 50 and 348; 1994 Nos. 8 and 115; 1995 Nos. 97 and 349; 1997 No. 215; 1998 Nos. 91 and 242; 1999 Nos. 63 and 172; 2001 No. 230; 2002 No s . 94 and 341 ; 2005 No. 7 | |
Schedule 2 ............ | ad. 1992 No. 428 | |
| am. 1994 No. 115 | |
Schedule 3 ............ | ad. 1994 No. 116 | |
| am. 1996 No. 97 | |