(1) A request by a person under this Division must be made:
(a) before the end of 28 days after the trustee gives a payment split notice to the person; or
(b) if the trustee allows a longer period, before the end of the longer period allowed.
(2) The request must be made by written notice given to the trustee.
(3) The notice must:
(a) be signed by the person making the request; and
(b) state the date when it is given to the trustee; and
(c) include the name, date of birth and postal address of the person making the request; and
(d) for a request made by the member spouse, include a written nomination by the non - member spouse of the regulated superannuation fund, approved deposit fund, EPSSS or RSA specified in the request.
(4) The trustee may allow the request to be withdrawn.