(1) A service provider determination may relate to the interests that customers (including prospective customers) of service providers have in relation to the supply of any of the following carriage services:
(a) a standard telephone service;
(b) a public mobile telecommunications service;
(c) a carriage service that enables customers to access the internet.
Note: A service provider determination may limit the circumstances in which rules set out in the determination apply to service providers: see subsection 99(1) of the Act.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a service provider determination made in relation to the matters specified in that subsection may include rules about the following:
(a) advertising, marketing or promoting services to customers;
(b) notifying potential or existing customers about:
(i) the types of services that are available; or
(ii) the terms on which the services are available, including the price of the services;
(c) enabling a customer to monitor the amount of charges that the customer is accumulating for the services provided;
(d) disconnecting a customer's services;
(e) dealing with a customer's complaint about services.