(1) A research authorisation must be granted in writing.
(2) The authorisation must specify the following:
(a) each research entity (an authorised research entity ) covered by the authorisation;
(b) the kind or kinds of permitted research to which the authorisation applies;
(c) the kind or kinds of unlisted mobile number information that may be disclosed to an authorised research entity.
(3) The authorisation must specify a period that the authorisation is in effect which:
(a) starts on the day Telstra first discloses authorised unlisted mobile number information to an authorised research entity covered by the authorisation; and
(b) ends no later than 12 months afterwards.
(4) The authorisation may specify conditions additional to those specified in Subdivision C to which the authorisation is subject.
Note 1: If the ACMA specifies an additional condition under this subsection, an authorised research entity, and any other person affected by the decision, may request the ACMA to reconsider its decision (see section 42).
Note 2: Before granting a research authorisation, the ACMA may consult any person or body about any additional conditions to be specified under subsection (4) (see section 20).