In this instrument:
"Act" means the Telecommunications Act 1997 .
"Australian Parliament" means the Parliament of the Commonwealth, a Parliament of a State or a Legislative Assembly of a Territory.
"authorised law enforcement officer" means an authorised officer (within the meaning of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 ) of a criminal law - enforcement agency (within the meaning of that Act).
"authorised research" , under a research authorisation, means a kind or kinds of permitted research to which the authorisation applies (see paragraph 22(2)(b)).
"authorised research entity" : see paragraph 22(2)(a).
"authorised unlisted mobile number information" , in relation to an authorised research entity, means unlisted mobile number information to which the research authorisation covering the entity applies.
"breach" :
(a) in relation to an Australian Privacy Principle, has the meaning given by section 6A of the Privacy Act 1988 ; and
(b) in relation to a registered APP code, has the meaning given by section 6B of that Act.
"Commonwealth entity" has the same meaning as in the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 .
"contacted person" : see subsection 30(2).
"covered by the Privacy Act" : the following are covered by the Privacy Act :
(a) an organisation within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988 ;
(b) a small business operator (within the meaning of that Act) that has chosen to be treated as an organisation under section 6EA of that Act.
"de-identified" : research information in relation to a contacted person is de-identified if the information:
(a) does not identify, or no longer identifies, the contacted person; and
(b) is not reasonably capable, or is no longer reasonably capable, of being used to identify the contacted person.
"electoral matter" means a matter which is intended or likely to affect voting in:
(a) an election to an Australian Parliament or to a local government authority; or
(b) a referendum under a law of the Commonwealth or a law of a State or Territory.
"former authorised research entity" : see paragraph 40(2)(a).
"identifying number of a government document" :
(a) means the unique identifying number of a document that is issued by the Commonwealth or a State or Territory (such as a driver licence, Medicare card or passport); but
(b) does not include:
(i) a receipt number or transaction number (such as a transaction number issued by the national Document Verification Service); or
(ii) an Australian Business Number, Australian Company Number or Australian Registered Body Number.
"integrated public number database" means the database maintained by Telstra as mentioned in Part 4 of Schedule 2 to the Act.
"IPND Scheme authorisation" means an authorisation granted under the integrated public number database scheme.
"legacy service" : see subsection 13(3).
"local government authority" means a body established for the purposes of local government by or under a law of a State or a Territory.
"mobile carriage service provider" means:
(a) a carriage service provider who supplies a customer with a public mobile telecommunications service; or
(b) a carriage service intermediary who arranges for the supply by a carriage service provider to a customer of a public mobile telecommunications service.
"National Relay Service" has the same meaning as in the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 .
"next-generation broadband service" : see subsection 13(2).
"permitted research" : see section 6.
"personal information" has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act 1988 .
"political representative" means:
(a) a member of an Australian Parliament; or
(b) a councillor (however described) of a local government authority.
"post-paid carriage service" : see subsection 8(3).
"premium content service" : a content service is a premium content service if a charge for the supply of the service is:
(a) expected to be included in a bill sent to a customer of a mobile carriage service provider by or on behalf of that provider; or
(b) payable by a customer of a mobile carriage service provider to that provider or any person acting on behalf of that provider:
(i) in advance; or
(ii) in any other manner.
"premium service" : see subsection 9(2).
"prepaid mobile carriage service" : see subsection 8(2).
"proprietary network" means a telecommunications network used by a mobile carriage service provider that enables end - users to access a premium content service by way of a mobile device where the service is not otherwise generally available.
"public number" has the same meaning as in section 472 of the Act.
"registered APP code" has the same meaning as in the Privacy Act 1988 .
"registered political party" has the same meaning as in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 .
"research authorisation" means an authorisation granted under subsection 21(1).
"research employee" , in relation to an authorised research entity, means an individual employed or engaged by the entity to conduct authorised research under a research authorisation.
"research entity" : see subsection 18(2).
"research information" , in relation to a contacted person, means any information obtained from the person when the person is contacted by an authorised research entity for the purposes of authorised research under a research authorisation.
"service provider determination" has the same meaning as in section 99 of the Act.
"unconditioned local loop service" : see subsection 12(2).
"unlisted mobile number information" : information is unlisted mobile number information if:
(a) the information is contained in the integrated public number database; and
(b) the information relates to a person's mobile number that:
(i) is unlisted; and
(ii) the database indicates is not used for government, business or charitable purposes; and
(c) the information consists only of either or both of the following:
(i) the number;
(ii) the postcode of the person's address.