Authority may make minor or non - substantive amendments
(1) For the purposes of paragraph 49(1)(a) of the Act, the Authority may make the kind of minor, or non - substantive, amendment of the Basin Plan to which subregulations (2) and (4) apply.
Note: An amendment under this regulation is a legislative instrument: see subsection 33(3) of the Act.
(2) This subregulation applies to an amendment that:
(a) goes only to a matter of spelling, punctuation, grammar or syntax, or the use of conjunctives and disjunctives; or
(b) updates a reference to:
(i) any law, or a provision of any law; or
(ii) a person, body or other entity, or an office, position, place, document or thing; or
(c) replaces a reference to a provision of any law with a different form of reference to the provision; or
(d) numbers or renumbers a provision of the Basin Plan; or
(e) changes the order of definitions or other provisions of the Basin Plan; or
(f) changes the way of referring to or expressing a number, year, date, time, amount of money or other amount, quantity or measurement; or
Example: A reference in a form to "this [blank] day of [blank] 20 ... " may be changed to "[Date]".
(g) changes language that indicates gender or that could be taken to indicate gender; or
(h) omits a provision of the Basin Plan that has expired, the operation of which is exhausted or spent, or that is otherwise obsolete or redundant; or
(i) omits a reference to any law (or a provision of any law) that has expired, the operation of which is exhausted or spent, or that is otherwise obsolete or redundant; or
(j) corrects any of the following errors:
(i) errors in numbering, cross - referencing and alphabetical ordering;
(ii) errors in references to any law, or provisions of any law;
(iii) errors arising out of an amendment of any law;
(iv) any other errors of a nature similar to those mentioned in subparagraphs (i) to (iii); or
(k) affects the format, layout or printing style of the Basin Plan, or any other presentational aspect of the Basin Plan; or
(l) is consequential on any other change made to the Basin Plan under this regulation.
(3) A reference in subregulation (2) to any law includes a reference to a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory.
(4) This subregulation applies to an amendment that does not alter:
(a) rights or obligations provided for by the Basin Plan; or
(b) the substance of the Basin Plan.
Process of making minor or non - substantive amendments
(5) For the purposes of paragraph 49(1)(b) of the Act, the process of making an amendment under subregulation (1) is as follows:
(a) the Murray - Darling Basin Ministerial Council certifies in writing that the amendment does not alter any of the things listed in subregulation (4);
(b) the Authority makes the amendment.