Note: See sections 6 and 15.
Abstract |
Page Reference |
Portfolio |
Total |
$'000 |
13 |
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
22,378 |
16 |
Attorney-General's |
224,040 |
26 |
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy |
39,096 |
29 |
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency |
91,340 |
32 |
Defence |
4,383 |
34 |
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations |
32,449 |
36 |
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs |
8,070 |
38 |
Finance and Deregulation |
11,178 |
40 |
Foreign Affairs and Trade |
292,590 |
43 |
Health and Ageing |
150,924 |
48 |
Human Services |
22,121 |
50 |
Immigration and Citizenship |
298,541 |
52 |
Infrastructure and Transport |
20,319 |
54 |
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
7,783 |
56 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet |
85,576 |
63 |
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities |
26,771 |
66 |
Treasury |
22,222 |
Total |
1,359,781 |
Summary Summary of Appropriations (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 |
Portfolio |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
3,350 |
19,028 |
22,378 |
439,073 |
216,474 |
655,547 |
Attorney-General's |
40,617 |
183,423 |
224,040 |
3,369,841 |
595,021 |
3,964,862 |
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy |
22,476 |
16,620 |
39,096 |
231,644 |
1,337,860 |
1,569,504 |
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency |
88,803 |
2,537 |
91,340 |
107,962 |
1,442,934 |
1,550,896 |
Defence |
2,921 |
1,462 |
4,383 |
23,398,747 |
120,415 |
23,519,162 |
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations |
5,076 |
27,373 |
32,449 |
1,095,335 |
6,016,961 |
7,112,296 |
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs |
1,450 |
6,620 |
8,070 |
550,961 |
1,818,353 |
2,369,314 |
Finance and Deregulation |
- |
11,178 |
11,178 |
438,875 |
229,715 |
668,590 |
Foreign Affairs and Trade |
43,476 |
249,114 |
292,590 |
1,578,830 |
3,930,921 |
5,509,751 |
Health and Ageing |
4,419 |
146,505 |
150,924 |
689,234 |
6,214,252 |
6,903,486 |
Human Services |
22,121 |
- |
22,121 |
3,820,897 |
6,336 |
3,827,233 |
Immigration and Citizenship |
58,823 |
239,718 |
298,541 |
1,212,878 |
783,449 |
1,996,327 |
Infrastructure and Transport |
6,000 |
14,319 |
20,319 |
232,243 |
596,795 |
829,038 |
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
460 |
7,323 |
7,783 |
357,749 |
1,890,287 |
2,248,036 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet |
6,056 |
79,520 |
85,576 |
427,397 |
653,823 |
1,081,220 |
Resources, Energy and Tourism |
- |
- |
- |
207,702 |
922,971 |
1,130,673 |
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities |
26,613 |
158 |
26,771 |
832,490 |
1,850,510 |
2,683,000 |
Treasury |
5,729 |
16,493 |
22,222 |
4,287,648 |
43,339 |
4,330,987 |
Total: Bill 3 |
338,390 |
1,021,391 |
1,359,781 |
43,279,506 |
28,670,416 |
71,949,922 |
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - More sustainable, productive, internationally competitive and profitable Australian agricultural, food and fibre industries through policies and initiatives that promote better resource management practices, innovation, self-reliance and improved access to international markets |
400 |
19,028 |
19,428 |
112,768 |
187,868 |
300,636 |
116,373 |
212,606 |
328,979 |
Outcome 2 - Safeguard Australia's animal and plant health status to maintain overseas markets and protect the economy and environment from the impact of exotic pests and diseases, through risk assessment, inspection and certification, and the implementation of emergency response arrangements for Australian agricultural, food and fibre industries |
450 |
- |
450 |
302,681 |
21,706 |
324,387 |
185,356 |
17,171 |
202,527 |
Total: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
850 |
19,028 |
19,878 |
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Protection of the health and safety of people, animals, the environment, and agricultural and livestock industries through regulation of pesticides and veterinary medicines |
2,500 |
- |
2,500 |
650 |
- |
650 |
646 |
- |
646 |
Total: Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority |
2,500 |
- |
2,500 |
Summary Summary of Appropriations (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 |
Entity |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Attorney-General's Department |
3,142 |
153,948 |
157,090 |
239,266 |
544,353 |
783,619 |
Payments to CAC Act bodies: |
Australian Institute of Criminology |
- |
- |
6,770 |
6,770 |
Australian Law Reform Commission |
- |
- |
3,152 |
3,152 |
Criminology Research Council |
- |
- |
205 |
205 |
Administrative Appeals Tribunal |
653 |
- |
653 |
32,826 |
- |
32,826 |
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity |
397 |
- |
397 |
4,779 |
- |
4,779 |
Australian Crime Commission |
- |
- |
- |
95,606 |
- |
95,606 |
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service |
5,044 |
- |
5,044 |
1,014,599 |
877 |
1,015,476 |
Australian Federal Police |
5,007 |
29,475 |
34,482 |
1,063,977 |
38,805 |
1,102,782 |
Australian Human Rights Commission |
- |
- |
- |
15,241 |
- |
15,241 |
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation |
- |
- |
- |
373,447 |
- |
373,447 |
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre |
1,200 |
- |
1,200 |
57,219 |
- |
57,219 |
CrimTrac Agency |
- |
- |
- |
3,043 |
- |
3,043 |
Family Court of Australia |
- |
- |
- |
174,005 |
- |
174,005 |
Federal Court of Australia |
- |
- |
- |
99,800 |
- |
99,800 |
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia |
25,142 |
- |
25,142 |
- |
859 |
859 |
High Court of Australia |
32 |
- |
32 |
15,988 |
- |
15,988 |
Continued |
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia |
- |
- |
- |
42,258 |
- |
42,258 |
National Native Title Tribunal |
- |
- |
- |
27,351 |
- |
27,351 |
Office of Parliamentary Counsel |
- |
- |
- |
10,836 |
- |
10,836 |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions |
- |
- |
- |
99,600 |
- |
99,600 |
Total: Attorney-General's |
40,617 |
183,423 |
224,040 |
3,369,841 |
595,021 |
3,964,862 |
Attorney-General's PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - A just and secure society through the maintenance and improvement of Australia's law and justice framework and its national security and emergency management system |
3,142 |
153,948 |
157,090 |
229,129 |
424,865 |
653,994 |
85,321 |
378,414 |
463,735 |
Total: Attorney-General's Department |
3,142 |
153,948 |
157,090 |
Attorney-General's PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Access to a fair, just, economical, informal and quick review mechanism for applicants through reviews of government administrative decisions, including dispute resolution processes and independent formal hearings |
653 |
- |
653 |
32,826 |
- |
32,826 |
32,772 |
- |
32,772 |
Total: Administrative Appeals Tribunal |
653 |
- |
653 |
Attorney-General's PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Independent assurance to the Australian Government that Commonwealth law enforcement agencies and their staff act with integrity by detecting, investigating and preventing corruption |
397 |
- |
397 |
4,779 |
- |
4,779 |
4,127 |
- |
4,127 |
Total: Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity |
397 |
- |
397 |
Attorney-General's PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - The protection of the safety, security and commercial interests of Australians through border protection designed to support legitimate trade and travel and ensure collection of border revenue and trade statistics |
5,044 |
- |
5,044 |
1,014,599 |
877 |
1,015,476 |
1,021,525 |
831 |
1,022,356 |
Total: Australian Customs and Border Protection Service |
5,044 |
- |
5,044 |
Attorney-General's PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Reduced criminal and security threats to Australia's collective economic and societal interests through co-operative policing services |
5,007 |
29,475 |
34,482 |
1,063,977 |
38,805 |
1,102,782 |
1,106,794 |
33,652 |
1,140,446 |
Total: Australian Federal Police |
5,007 |
29,475 |
34,482 |
Attorney-General's PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - A financial environment hostile to money laundering, financing of terrorism, major crime and tax evasion through industry regulation and the collection, analysis and dissemination of financial intelligence |
1,200 |
- |
1,200 |
57,219 |
- |
57,219 |
57,336 |
- |
57,336 |
Total: Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre |
1,200 |
- |
1,200 |
Attorney-General's PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - To provide the Australian community with a simple and accessible forum for the resolution of less complex disputes within the jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia |
25,142 |
- |
25,142 |
- |
859 |
859 |
28,130 |
293 |
28,423 |
Total: Federal Magistrates Court of Australia |
25,142 |
- |
25,142 |
Attorney-General's PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - To interpret and uphold the Australian Constitution and perform the functions of the ultimate appellate Court in Australia |
32 |
- |
32 |
15,988 |
- |
15,988 |
16,477 |
- |
16,477 |
Total: High Court of Australia |
32 |
- |
32 |
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Develop a vibrant, sustainable and internationally competitive broadband, broadcasting and communications sector, through policy development, advice and program delivery, which promotes the digital economy for all Australians |
22,476 |
16,377 |
38,853 |
113,605 |
170,342 |
283,947 |
153,798 |
192,885 |
346,683 |
Total: Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy |
22,476 |
16,377 |
38,853 |
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Administered |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Provide multilingual and multicultural services that inform, educate and entertain all Australians and in so doing reflect Australia's multicultural society |
243 |
211,447 |
208,228 |
Total: Special Broadcasting Service Corporation |
243 |
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Reduction of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the impacts of climate change, and negotiation of an effective global solution, through the development and implementation of a national response to climate change; and bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement internationally |
85,988 |
- |
85,988 |
100,149 |
1,442,934 |
1,543,083 |
121,958 |
698,015 |
819,973 |
Total: Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency |
85,988 |
- |
85,988 |
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Administer and regulate the national Renewable Energy Target scheme to encourage increased renewable electricity generation |
2,815 |
2,537 |
5,352 |
7,813 |
- |
7,813 |
5,553 |
- |
5,553 |
Total: Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator |
2,815 |
2,537 |
5,352 |
Summary Summary of Appropriations (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 |
Entity |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Department of Defence |
- |
- |
- |
22,194,762 |
- |
22,194,762 |
Defence Materiel Organisation |
- |
- |
- |
899,607 |
- |
899,607 |
Department of Veterans' Affairs |
2,921 |
1,462 |
4,383 |
304,378 |
89,557 |
393,935 |
Payments to CAC Act bodies: |
Australian War Memorial |
- |
- |
30,858 |
30,858 |
Total: Defence |
2,921 |
1,462 |
4,383 |
23,398,747 |
120,415 |
23,519,162 |
Defence PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Maintain and enhance the financial wellbeing and self-sufficiency of eligible persons and their dependants through access to income support, compensation, and other support services, including advice and information about entitlements |
1,702 |
33 |
1,735 |
160,303 |
43,192 |
203,495 |
167,022 |
41,033 |
208,055 |
Outcome 2 - Maintain and enhance the physical wellbeing and quality of life of eligible persons and their dependants through health and other care services that promote early intervention, prevention and treatment, including advice and information about health service entitlements |
1,047 |
- |
1,047 |
125,549 |
12,389 |
137,938 |
127,375 |
7,757 |
135,132 |
Outcome 3 - Acknowledgement and commemoration of those who served Australia and its allies in wars, conflicts and peace operations through promoting recognition of service and sacrifice, preservation of Australia's wartime heritage, and official commemorations |
172 |
1,429 |
1,601 |
18,526 |
33,976 |
52,502 |
20,008 |
23,119 |
43,127 |
Total: Department of Veterans' Affairs |
2,921 |
1,462 |
4,383 |
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Improved access to quality services that support early childhood learning and care for children through a national quality framework, agreed national standards, investment in infrastructure, and support for parents, carers, services and the workforce |
1,764 |
4,500 |
6,264 |
82,279 |
405,557 |
487,836 |
86,753 |
416,662 |
503,415 |
Outcome 2 - Improved learning, and literacy, numeracy and educational attainment for school students, through funding for quality teaching and learning environments, workplace learning and career advice |
3,312 |
10,070 |
13,382 |
174,139 |
456,982 |
631,121 |
171,158 |
411,290 |
582,448 |
Outcome 5 - Safer, fairer and more productive workplaces for employers and employees by promoting and supporting the adoption of fair and flexible workplace arrangements and safer working arrangements |
- |
12,803 |
12,803 |
34,775 |
192,585 |
227,360 |
37,681 |
176,048 |
213,729 |
Total: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations |
5,076 |
27,373 |
32,449 |
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Improved child development, safety and family functioning through support services for all Australians, payments for low and medium income families with children, and child support policy |
- |
1,400 |
1,400 |
95,920 |
203,328 |
299,248 |
97,677 |
183,132 |
280,809 |
Outcome 3 - Improved capacity for vulnerable people and communities to participate economically and socially and to manage life-transitions through payments, targeted support services and community capability building initiatives |
- |
970 |
970 |
52,628 |
207,577 |
260,205 |
49,319 |
194,933 |
244,252 |
Outcome 4 - An adequate standard of living and improved capacity to productively manage resources and life-transitions for senior Australians through the delivery of payments, concessions and information services |
- |
5 |
5 |
22,528 |
4,995 |
27,523 |
24,081 |
5,000 |
29,081 |
Outcome 5 - An adequate standard of living, improved capacity to participate economically and socially, and manage life-transitions for people with disability and/or mental illness and carers through payments, concessions, support and care services |
333 |
- |
333 |
81,009 |
468,564 |
549,573 |
83,262 |
458,881 |
542,143 |
Outcome 6 - Improved gender equality through coordinated whole of government advice and support for women's economic security, safety and status |
1,117 |
4,245 |
5,362 |
13,434 |
20,805 |
34,239 |
13,735 |
27,475 |
41,210 |
Total: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs |
1,450 |
6,620 |
8,070 |
Finance and Deregulation PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Informed decisions on Government finances and continuous improvement in regulation making through: budgetary management and advice; transparent financial reporting; a robust financial framework; and best practice regulatory processes |
- |
181 |
181 |
129,892 |
14,954 |
144,846 |
116,226 |
14,390 |
130,616 |
Outcome 3 - Support for Parliamentarians, others with entitlements and organisations as approved by Government through the delivery of entitlements and targeted assistance |
- |
10,997 |
10,997 |
36,783 |
214,095 |
250,878 |
37,670 |
200,880 |
238,550 |
Total: Department of Finance and Deregulation |
- |
11,178 |
11,178 |
Foreign Affairs and Trade PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - The advancement of Australia's international strategic, security and economic interests including through bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement on Australian Government foreign and trade policy priorities |
-9,247 |
- |
-9,247 |
506,065 |
294,210 |
800,275 |
464,840 |
399,896 |
864,736 |
Outcome 2 - The protection and welfare of Australians abroad and access to secure international travel documentation through timely and responsive travel advice and consular and passport services in Australia and overseas |
16,257 |
- |
16,257 |
265,261 |
750 |
266,011 |
283,447 |
750 |
284,197 |
Outcome 3 - A secure Australian Government presence overseas through the provision of security services and information and communications technology infrastructure, and the management of the Commonwealth's overseas owned estate |
-3,372 |
- |
-3,372 |
176,722 |
- |
176,722 |
147,092 |
- |
147,092 |
Total: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
3,638 |
- |
3,638 |
Foreign Affairs and Trade PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - To assist developing countries to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development, in line with Australia's national interest |
39,782 |
249,114 |
288,896 |
213,940 |
3,420,858 |
3,634,798 |
133,004 |
2,862,781 |
2,995,785 |
Outcome 2 - Australia's national interest advanced by implementing a partnership between Australia and Indonesia for reconstruction and development |
56 |
- |
56 |
5,225 |
3,668 |
8,893 |
6,009 |
3,868 |
9,877 |
Total: AusAID |
39,838 |
249,114 |
288,952 |
Summary Summary of Appropriations (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 |
Entity |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Department of Health and Ageing |
4,419 |
142,699 |
147,118 |
607,984 |
5,386,150 |
5,994,134 |
Payments to CAC Act bodies: |
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare |
- |
- |
21,408 |
21,408 |
Food Standards Australia New Zealand |
- |
- |
19,296 |
19,296 |
Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority |
- |
3,806 |
3,806 |
5,992 |
40,947 |
46,939 |
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency |
- |
- |
- |
15,941 |
- |
15,941 |
Cancer Australia |
- |
- |
- |
3,900 |
25,222 |
29,122 |
National Blood Authority |
- |
- |
- |
5,608 |
5,750 |
11,358 |
National Health and Medical Research Council |
- |
- |
- |
39,385 |
715,479 |
754,864 |
Private Health Insurance Ombudsman |
- |
- |
- |
1,964 |
- |
1,964 |
Professional Services Review |
- |
- |
- |
8,460 |
- |
8,460 |
Total: Health and Ageing |
4,419 |
146,505 |
150,924 |
689,234 |
6,214,252 |
6,903,486 |
Health and Ageing PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Population Health - A reduction in the incidence of preventable mortality and morbidity in Australia, including through regulation and national initiatives that support healthy lifestyles and disease prevention |
1,915 |
554 |
2,469 |
57,319 |
307,856 |
365,175 |
59,453 |
283,618 |
343,071 |
Outcome 2 - Access to Pharmaceutical Services - Access to cost-effective medicines, including through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and related subsidies, and assistance for medication management through industry partnerships |
533 |
42,324 |
42,857 |
52,402 |
575,516 |
627,918 |
50,265 |
673,999 |
724,264 |
Outcome 3 - Access to Medical Services - Access to cost-effective medical, practice nursing and allied health services, including through Medicare subsidies for clinically relevant services |
456 |
2,875 |
3,331 |
41,850 |
107,042 |
148,892 |
39,972 |
142,510 |
182,482 |
Outcome 4 - Aged Care and Population Ageing - Access to quality and affordable aged care and carer support services for older people, including through subsidies and grants, industry assistance, training and regulation of the aged care sector |
689 |
2,885 |
3,574 |
193,802 |
869,718 |
1,063,520 |
174,093 |
577,503 |
751,596 |
Outcome 5 - Primary Care - Access to comprehensive, community-based health care, including through first point of call services for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of ill-health, and for ongoing management of chronic disease |
-230 |
17,207 |
16,977 |
37,900 |
836,515 |
874,415 |
42,992 |
839,834 |
882,826 |
Outcome 6 - Rural Health - Access to health services for people living in rural, regional and remote Australia, including through health infrastructure and outreach services |
64 |
1,321 |
1,385 |
10,668 |
183,289 |
193,957 |
12,432 |
175,111 |
187,543 |
Continued |
Outcome 7 - Hearing Services - A reduction in the incidence and consequence of hearing loss, including through research and prevention activities, and access to hearing services and devices for eligible people |
240 |
5,602 |
5,842 |
7,904 |
357,766 |
365,670 |
9,239 |
348,931 |
358,170 |
Outcome 8 - Indigenous Health - Closing the gap in life expectancy and child mortality rates for Indigenous Australians, including through primary health care, child and maternal health, and substance use services |
292 |
6,867 |
7,159 |
59,687 |
661,464 |
721,151 |
63,341 |
585,328 |
648,669 |
Outcome 9 - Private Health - Improved choice in health services by supporting affordable quality private health care, including through private health insurance rebates and a regulatory framework |
65 |
- |
65 |
11,500 |
14,624 |
26,124 |
9,900 |
1,747 |
11,647 |
Outcome 10 - Health System Capacity and Quality - Improved long-term capacity, quality and safety of Australia's health care system to meet future health needs, including through investment in health infrastructure, international engagement, consistent performance reporting and research |
594 |
1,756 |
2,350 |
23,872 |
349,145 |
373,017 |
17,521 |
195,104 |
212,625 |
Outcome 11 - Mental Health - Improved mental health and suicide prevention, including through targeted prevention, identification, early intervention and health care services |
58 |
10,344 |
10,402 |
11,396 |
173,941 |
185,337 |
13,341 |
144,166 |
157,507 |
Outcome 12 - Health Workforce Capacity - Improved capacity, quality and mix of the health workforce to meet the requirements of health services, including through training, registration, accreditation and distribution strategies |
750 |
42,085 |
42,835 |
24,520 |
725,923 |
750,443 |
22,669 |
394,274 |
416,943 |
Continued |
Outcome 13 - Acute Care - Improved access to public hospitals, acute care services and public dental services, including through targeted strategies, and payments to State and Territory Governments |
1,778 |
8,729 |
10,507 |
37,721 |
135,490 |
173,211 |
30,322 |
81,593 |
111,915 |
Outcome 14 - Biosecurity and Emergency Response - Preparedness to respond to national health emergencies and risks, including through surveillance, regulation, prevention, detection and leadership in national health coordination |
177 |
150 |
327 |
28,130 |
26,841 |
54,971 |
31,047 |
66,619 |
97,666 |
Outcome 15 - Sport Performance and Participation - Improved opportunities for community participation in sport and recreation, and excellence in high-performance athletes, including through investment in sport infrastructure and events, research and international cooperation |
-2,962 |
- |
-2,962 |
9,313 |
61,020 |
70,333 |
8,116 |
73,173 |
81,289 |
Total: Department of Health and Ageing |
4,419 |
142,699 |
147,118 |
Health and Ageing PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Improved access to organ and tissue transplants, including through a nationally coordinated and consistent approach and system |
- |
3,806 |
3,806 |
5,992 |
40,947 |
46,939 |
6,192 |
35,787 |
41,979 |
Total: Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority |
- |
3,806 |
3,806 |
Summary Summary of Appropriations (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 |
Entity |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Department of Human Services |
- |
- |
- |
543,146 |
6,336 |
549,482 |
Centrelink |
22,121 |
- |
22,121 |
2,621,496 |
- |
2,621,496 |
Medicare Australia |
- |
- |
- |
656,255 |
- |
656,255 |
Total: Human Services |
22,121 |
- |
22,121 |
3,820,897 |
6,336 |
3,827,233 |
Human Services PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Self sufficiency for individuals and families through access to personalised assistance and co-ordinated delivery of payments and services on behalf of government |
22,121 |
- |
22,121 |
2,621,496 |
- |
2,621,496 |
2,775,399 |
- |
2,775,399 |
Total: Centrelink |
22,121 |
- |
22,121 |
Immigration and Citizenship PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Managed migration through visas granted for permanent settlement, work, study, tourism, working holidays or other specialised activities in Australia, regulation, research and migration policy advice and program design |
5,070 |
- |
5,070 |
506,707 |
50 |
506,757 |
514,409 |
50 |
514,459 |
Outcome 2 - Protection, resettlement and temporary safe haven for refugees and people in humanitarian need through partnering with international agencies; assessing humanitarian visa applications; and refugee and humanitarian policy advice and program design |
-14 |
- |
-14 |
80,884 |
33,188 |
114,072 |
85,737 |
31,625 |
117,362 |
Outcome 3 - Lawful entry of people to Australia through border management services involving bone fide traveller facilitation; identity management; document verification; intelligence analysis; partnerships with international and domestic agencies; and border policy advice and program design |
8,571 |
- |
8,571 |
191,052 |
4,469 |
195,521 |
172,997 |
4,617 |
177,614 |
Outcome 4 - Lawful stay of visa holders and access to citizenship rights for eligible people through promotion of visa compliance responsibilities, status resolution, citizenship acquisition integrity, case management, removal and detention, and policy advice and program design |
52,160 |
239,358 |
291,518 |
241,735 |
418,940 |
660,675 |
234,566 |
233,868 |
468,434 |
Outcome 5 - Equitable economic and social participation of migrants and refugees, supported through settlement services, including English language training; refugee settlement; case coordination; translation services; and settlement policy advice and program design |
-103 |
- |
-103 |
59,128 |
321,884 |
381,012 |
70,355 |
316,136 |
386,491 |
Outcome 6 - A cohesive, multicultural Australian society through promotion of cultural diversity and a unifying citizenship, decisions on citizenship status, and multicultural and citizenship policy advice and program design |
-6,861 |
360 |
-6,501 |
90,154 |
4,918 |
95,072 |
92,266 |
5,367 |
97,633 |
Total: Department of Immigration and Citizenship |
58,823 |
239,718 |
298,541 |
Infrastructure and Transport PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Improved infrastructure across Australia through investment in and coordination of transport and other infrastructure |
7,408 |
417 |
7,825 |
28,203 |
79,447 |
107,650 |
31,764 |
99,979 |
131,743 |
Outcome 2 - An efficient, sustainable, competitive, safe and secure transport system for all transport users through regulation, financial assistance and safety investigations |
-1,368 |
557 |
-811 |
152,523 |
253,751 |
406,274 |
132,211 |
192,725 |
324,936 |
Outcome 3 - Coordinated community infrastructure and services in rural, regional and local government areas through financial assistance |
-40 |
13,345 |
13,305 |
31,325 |
164,383 |
195,708 |
39,943 |
209,153 |
249,096 |
Total: Department of Infrastructure and Transport |
6,000 |
14,319 |
20,319 |
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Enhanced opportunities for business innovation and growth through national leadership in converting knowledge and ideas into new processes, services, products and marketable devices; fostering business cooperation; delivering advice; assistance; and business, measurement and online services |
460 |
6,663 |
7,123 |
285,820 |
723,250 |
1,009,070 |
265,965 |
715,702 |
981,667 |
Outcome 2 - The generation, utilisation and awareness of science and research knowledge through investment in research, research training and infrastructure; science communication; skill development; and collaboration with industry, universities and research institutes domestically and internationally |
- |
660 |
660 |
47,746 |
230,790 |
278,536 |
35,396 |
137,636 |
173,032 |
Total: Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research |
460 |
7,323 |
7,783 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet PORTFOLIO Summary Summary of Appropriations (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 |
Entity |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet |
- |
36,873 |
36,873 |
136,359 |
10,380 |
146,739 |
Payments to CAC Act bodies: |
Australia Council |
- |
- |
172,264 |
172,264 |
Australian Film, Television and Radio School |
- |
- |
23,746 |
23,746 |
Australian National Maritime Museum |
- |
- |
21,551 |
21,551 |
Australian Sports Commission |
21,670 |
21,670 |
248,032 |
248,032 |
National Film and Sound Archive |
- |
- |
24,627 |
24,627 |
National Gallery of Australia |
- |
- |
29,598 |
29,598 |
National Library of Australia |
- |
- |
49,105 |
49,105 |
National Museum of Australia |
- |
- |
40,144 |
40,144 |
Screen Australia |
- |
- |
17,411 |
17,411 |
Australian Institute of Family Studies |
- |
- |
- |
3,748 |
- |
3,748 |
Australian National Audit Office |
- |
- |
- |
73,561 |
- |
73,561 |
Australian Public Service Commission |
- |
- |
- |
33,527 |
- |
33,527 |
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority |
- |
- |
- |
13,370 |
- |
13,370 |
National Archives of Australia |
- |
- |
- |
62,490 |
- |
62,490 |
Office of National Assessments |
- |
- |
- |
35,420 |
- |
35,420 |
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Continued |
Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman |
156 |
- |
156 |
20,157 |
- |
20,157 |
Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security |
- |
- |
- |
2,167 |
- |
2,167 |
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General |
- |
- |
- |
11,589 |
1,669 |
13,258 |
Office of the Privacy Commissioner |
- |
- |
- |
6,400 |
- |
6,400 |
Old Parliament House |
- |
1,093 |
1,093 |
14,464 |
2,000 |
16,464 |
Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government |
5,900 |
19,884 |
25,784 |
- |
- |
- |
National Capital Authority |
- |
- |
- |
14,145 |
13,296 |
27,441 |
Total: Prime Minister and Cabinet |
6,056 |
79,520 |
85,576 |
427,397 |
653,823 |
1,081,220 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 2 - Participation in, and access to, Australia's arts and culture through developing and supporting cultural expression |
- |
35,873 |
35,873 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Outcome 3 - Improved opportunities for community participation in sport and recreation, and excellence in high-performance athletes, including through investment in sport infrastructure and events, research and international cooperation |
- |
1,000 |
1,000 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total: Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet |
- |
36,873 |
36,873 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Administered |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Improved participation in structured physical activity, particularly organised sport, at the community level, including through leadership and targeted community-based sports activity |
21,670 |
72,217 |
78,101 |
Total: Australian Sports Commission |
21,670 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Fair and accountable administrative action by Australian Government agencies by investigating complaints, reviewing administrative action and inspecting statutory compliance by law enforcement agencies |
156 |
- |
156 |
20,157 |
- |
20,157 |
18,795 |
- |
18,795 |
Total: Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman |
156 |
- |
156 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - An enhanced appreciation and understanding of the political and social heritage of Australia for members of the public, through activities including the conservation and upkeep of, and the provision of access to, Old Parliament House and the development of its collections, exhibitions and educational programs |
- |
1,093 |
1,093 |
14,464 |
2,000 |
16,464 |
13,823 |
2,000 |
15,823 |
Total: Old Parliament House |
- |
1,093 |
1,093 |
Prime Minister and Cabinet PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Coordinated community infrastructure and services in rural, regional and local government areas through financial assistance |
5,900 |
3,867 |
9,767 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,008 |
3,008 |
Outcome 2 - Good governance in the Australian Territories through the maintenance and improvement of the overarching legislative framework for self-governing territories, and laws and services for non-self-governing territories |
- |
16,017 |
16,017 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
50,990 |
50,990 |
Total: Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government |
5,900 |
19,884 |
25,784 |
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 7 - Increase protection, awareness and appreciation of Australia's heritage through the identification, conservation and celebration of natural, indigenous and historic places of national and World Heritage significance |
- |
158 |
158 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total: Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities |
- |
158 |
158 |
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Equitable and sustainable use of the Murray-Darling Basin by governments and the community including through development and implementation of a Basin Plan, operation of the River Murray system, shared natural resource management programs, research, information and advice |
26,613 |
- |
26,613 |
49,053 |
- |
49,053 |
51,066 |
- |
51,066 |
Total: Murray-Darling Basin Authority |
26,613 |
- |
26,613 |
Summary Summary of Appropriations (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 |
Entity |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Department of the Treasury |
1,086 |
16,493 |
17,579 |
168,506 |
31,285 |
199,791 |
Australian Bureau of Statistics |
- |
- |
- |
398,904 |
- |
398,904 |
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission |
- |
- |
- |
147,304 |
- |
147,304 |
Australian Office of Financial Management |
- |
- |
- |
16,146 |
10 |
16,156 |
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority |
- |
- |
- |
12,575 |
- |
12,575 |
Australian Securities and Investments Commission |
2,000 |
- |
2,000 |
338,756 |
3,450 |
342,206 |
Australian Taxation Office |
- |
- |
- |
3,150,907 |
8,594 |
3,159,501 |
Commonwealth Grants Commission |
- |
- |
- |
5,445 |
- |
5,445 |
Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee |
- |
- |
- |
1,041 |
- |
1,041 |
Inspector General of Taxation |
- |
- |
- |
2,172 |
- |
2,172 |
National Competition Council |
- |
- |
- |
2,812 |
- |
2,812 |
Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board |
- |
- |
- |
1,151 |
- |
1,151 |
Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board |
- |
- |
- |
3,148 |
- |
3,148 |
Productivity Commission |
2,643 |
- |
2,643 |
38,781 |
- |
38,781 |
Total: Treasury |
5,729 |
16,493 |
22,222 |
4,287,648 |
43,339 |
4,330,987 |
Treasury PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Departmental |
Administered |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Informed decisions on the development and implementation of policies to improve the wellbeing of the Australian people, including by achieving strong, sustainable economic growth, through the provision of advice to government and the efficient administration of federal financial relations |
1,086 |
16,493 |
17,579 |
168,506 |
31,285 |
199,791 |
163,090 |
30,674 |
193,764 |
Total: Department of the Treasury |
1,086 |
16,493 |
17,579 |
Treasury PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Improved confidence in financial market integrity and protection of investors and consumers through research, policy, education, compliance and deterrence that mitigates emerging risks |
2,000 |
- |
2,000 |
249,409 |
3,450 |
252,859 |
246,476 |
3,424 |
249,900 |
Total: Australian Securities and Investments Commission |
2,000 |
- |
2,000 |
Treasury PORTFOLIO Additional Appropriation (bold figures)--2010-2011 Budget Appropriation (italic figures)--2010-2011 Actual Available Appropriation (light figures)--2009-2010 |
Total |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Outcome 1 - Well-informed policy decision-making and public understanding on matters relating to Australia's productivity and living standards, based on independent and transparent analysis from a community-wide perspective |
2,643 |
- |
2,643 |
38,781 |
- |
38,781 |
34,388 |
- |
34,388 |
Total: Productivity Commission |
2,643 |
- |
2,643 |