Commonwealth Numbered Acts
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- Amendments
Air Navigation Act 1920
1 Subsection 3(1) (definition of non-scheduled flight
Repeal the definition, substitute: non-scheduled flight , in relation to
an aircraft, means a flight by the aircraft into or from Australian territory
where the flight is not made under the authority of an international airline
licence issued by the Secretary under the regulations.
2 Sections 13A, 14 and 15
Repeal the sections, substitute: 14 Non-scheduled
flights by aircraft possessing nationality of a Contracting State
An aircraft
that possesses the nationality of a Contracting State may, subject to
observance of the terms of the Chicago Convention and the provisions of this
Act, the regulations, the Civil Aviation Act 1988 and the regulations made
under that Act, fly in transit non-stop across Australian territory, or land
in Australian territory for non-traffic purposes, in the course of a
non-scheduled flight without the necessity of obtaining prior permission.
Definitions In sections 15A to 15F:
charterer , in relation to a
proposed non-scheduled flight of an aircraft, or a proposed program of
non-scheduled flights of one or more aircraft, means the person who makes the
arrangements for the carriage of passengers, cargo or mail on the aircraft or
any of the aircraft.
charter operator , in relation to a proposed non-scheduled flight of an
aircraft, or a proposed program of non-scheduled flights of one or more
aircraft, means:
- (a)
- the owner of the aircraft or each of the aircraft; or
- (b)
- the operator of the aircraft or each of the aircraft.
permission means a permission under section 15D.
suspend , in relation to a permission, means suspend the operation of the
permission, either for a stated period or without limitation as to time.
vary , in relation to a permission, includes alter or remove a condition to
which the permission is subject or make the permission subject to a new
15A Aircraft on non-scheduled flights not to take on or discharge passengers,
cargo or mail without permission (1) An aircraft must not, in Australian
territory, before beginning a non-scheduled flight or at an intermediate
stopping place in the course of such a flight, take on passengers, cargo or
mail for carriage for reward unless a permission for the carriage of the
passengers, cargo or mail is in force and the carriage is in accordance with
the permission.
(2) An aircraft must not, in Australian territory, at an intermediate stopping
place in the course of a non-scheduled flight or at the end of such a flight,
discharge passengers, cargo or mail carried for reward unless a permission for
the carriage of the passengers, cargo or mail was in force and the carriage
was in accordance with the permission.
(3) The Secretary may, by writing, determine that a permission is not required
in relation to a category of commercial non-scheduled flights.
(4) In deciding whether to make a determination under subsection (3), the
Secretary is to have regard to the following matters (except to the extent, if
any, to which the matters concerned relate to the safety of air navigation):
- (a)
- the public interest, including but not limited to:
- (i)
- the need of people to travel on, or to send cargo and mail by, aircraft;
- (ii)
- the promotion of trade and tourism to and from Australia; and
- (iii)
- if the application relates to a program of flights to or from
Australiawhether there is to be a wide range of places in Australia that
will be served under the program; and
- (iv)
- if foreign interests hold substantial ownership and effective control of
a charterer or a charter operatoremployment and investment in, and
general development of, the Australian Aviation industry; and
- (v)
- aviation security; and
- (vi)
- Australia's international relations;
- (b)
- the availability of capacity (within the meaning of the International Air
Services Commission Act 1992 ) on scheduled international air services, and
any relevant determination made by the International Air Services Commission
in respect of the allocation of capacity on those services;
- (c)
- any relevant advice on matters referred to in paragraph (a) that is
provided to the Minister by that Commission under paragraph 6(2)(c) of that
Act; and
- (d)
- any other matter that the Secretary thinks relevant.
(5) A permission is not required for the taking on or discharging of
passengers, cargo or mail in relation to a flight of an aircraft if the flight
is included in a category of flights in relation to which a determination
under subsection (3) is in force.
(6) If subsection (1) or (2) is intentionally or recklessly
contravened in respect of an aircraft, the operator of the aircraft and the
pilot in command of the aircraft, unless the operator or pilot, as the case
may be, has a reasonable excuse for the contravention, are each guilty of an
offence punishable on conviction by imprisonment for a period of not more than
2 years.
- Note: Subsection 4B(2) of the Crimes Act 1914 allows a court
to impose in respect of an offence an appropriate fine instead of, or in
addition to, a term of imprisonment. If a body corporate is convicted of an
offence, subsection 4B(3) of that Act allows a court to impose a fine
that is not greater than 5 times the maximum fine that could be imposed by the
court on an individual convicted of the same offence.
(7) If:
- (a)
- any passengers are, or any cargo or mail is:
- (i)
- taken on to an aircraft in Australian territory before beginning a
non-scheduled flight or at an intermediate stopping place in the course of
such a flight; or
- (ii)
- discharged from an aircraft in Australian territory at an intermediate
stopping place in the course of a non-scheduled flight or at the end of such a
flight; and
- (b)
- a permission was not required for the taking on or discharging of the
passengers, cargo or mail because of the operation of subsection (5);
the operator of the aircraft must, within 14 days after the end of the flight,
give a written notice to the Secretary setting out the prescribed particulars
in relation to the flight and the passengers, cargo or mail.
Penalty: 30 penalty units.
- Note: If a body corporate is convicted of an
offence, subsection 4B(3) of the Crimes Act 1914 allows a court to impose
a fine that is not greater than 5 times the maximum fine that could be imposed
by the court on an individual convicted of the same offence.
(8) A determination under subsection (3) is a disallowable instrument for
the purposes of section 46A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 .
Applications for permission to operate non-scheduled flights (1) A charter
operator may apply to the Secretary for permission for passengers, cargo or
mail to be carried on one or more aircraft on a non-scheduled flight or on a
program of non-scheduled flights.
(2) The application must:
- (a)
- be in writing; and
- (b)
- if the Secretary directs, be in a form approved by the Secretary; and
- (c)
- contain the information referred to in section 15C; and
- (d)
- be lodged with the Secretary:
- (i)
- not less than 21 days before the day on which the flight, or the first of
the flights, is to begin; or
- (ii)
- within any lesser period allowed by the Secretary.
15C Information to be contained in application (1) The information to be
contained in an application includes the following:
- (a)
- the name and address
of the charterer of the aircraft, and the nationality of the interests holding
substantial ownership and effective control of the charterer;
- (b)
- the name and address of the charter operator, and the nationality of the
interests holding substantial ownership and effective control of the charter
- (c)
- in respect of the aircraft, or each aircraft, that is to engage in the
flight or any of the flightsthe type of aircraft, its capacity and
whether it is leased or owned by its operator;
- (d)
- whether the aircraft, or each aircraft, that is to engage in the flight or
any of the flights is to carry passengers, cargo or mail;
- (e)
- if the aircraft or any of the aircraft are to carry cargothe type of
- (f)
- if the application relates to a program of flights:
- (i)
- the duration of the program and the frequency of the proposed flights; and
- (ii)
- if the aircraft are to carry passengerswhether the program is of a
seasonal nature, consists of flights related to special events or is to find
out whether there would be a market for scheduled international air services;
- (g)
- the following particulars of the flight or flights:
- (i)
- the place or places where the flight or flights are to begin;
- (ii)
- the place or places where the flight or flights are to end;
- (iii)
- any intermediate stopping places, including which of those stopping
places are places at which passengers, cargo or mail may be taken on or
- (iv)
- the proposed dates of departure from, and arrival at, the places
mentioned in the preceding subparagraphs;
- (h)
- the proposed tariff structure for the flight or flights.
(2) If the aircraft or any of the aircraft are to carry passengers, the
application must, if the Secretary so requests, contain evidence, satisfactory
to the Secretary, that holders of tickets for the flight or any of the flights
will be indemnified for any financial loss that may be caused by the failure
of the charter operator:
- (a)
- to fulfil its obligations; or
- (b)
- if the application relates to a program of flightsto complete the
(3) If further information is necessary to enable the Secretary to determine
an application:
- (a)
- the Secretary may, by written notice to the applicant,
require the applicant to provide the information; and
- (b)
- the Secretary is not bound to consider the application further, or to
determine it, until he or she receives the information.
15D Determination of application for permission (1) The Secretary may grant
or refuse permission for passengers, cargo or mail to be carried on the flight
or flights to which the application relates and must, as soon as practicable,
give written notice of his or her decision to the applicant.
(2) If the Secretary grants permission, the permission:
- (a)
- is to be in
writing; and
- (b)
- has effect for the period stated in the permission; and
- (c)
- may be subject to any conditions stated in the permission that the
Secretary thinks appropriate.
(3) In determining an application or deciding whether a permission is to be
subject to conditions, the Secretary is to have regard to the following
matters (except to the extent, if any, to which the matters concerned relate
to the safety of air navigation):
- (a)
- the public interest, including but not
limited to:
- (i)
- the need of people to travel on, or to send cargo and mail by, aircraft;
- (ii)
- the promotion of trade and tourism to and from Australia; and
- (iii)
- if the application relates to a program of flights to or from
Australiawhether there is to be a wide range of places in Australia that
will be served under the program; and
- (iv)
- if foreign interests hold substantial ownership and effective control of
the charterer or the charter operatoremployment and investment in, and
general development of, the Australian Aviation industry; and
- (v)
- aviation security; and
- (vi)
- Australia's international relations;
- (b)
- the availability of capacity (within the meaning of the International Air
Services Commission Act 1992 ) on scheduled international air services, and
any relevant determination made by the International Air Services Commission
in respect of the allocation of capacity on those services;
- (c)
- any relevant advice on matters referred to in paragraph (a) that is
provided to the Minister by that Commission under paragraph 6(2)(c) of
that Act;
- (d)
- any other matter that the Secretary thinks relevant.
15E Variation of permission on application by charter operator (1) If the
Secretary has granted a permission, a charter operator in relation to the
flight or flights covered by the permission may apply to the Secretary for
variation of the permission.
(2) The application must:
- (a)
- be in writing; and
- (b)
- if the Secretary directs, be in a form approved by the Secretary.
(3) If further information is necessary to enable the Secretary to determine
an application:
- (a)
- the Secretary may, by written notice to the applicant,
require the applicant to provide the information; and
- (b)
- the Secretary is not bound to consider the application further, or to
determine it, until he or she receives the information.
(4) The Secretary may grant or refuse the application and must, as soon as
practicable, give written notice of his or her decision to the applicant.
(5) In determining the application, the Secretary is to have regard to the
matters referred to in subsection 15D(3).
15F Variation, suspension or
cancellation of permission on Secretary's initiative (1) The Secretary may
vary, suspend or cancel a permission if:
- (a)
- a condition to which the
permission is subject has not been complied with by a charter operator; or
- (b)
- there has been substantial change in any of the matters to which the
Secretary had regard in granting the permission; or
- (c)
- the Secretary is satisfied that it is in the public interest (including
any of the matters referred to in paragraph 15D(3)(a)) to do so.
(2) If the Secretary varies, suspends or cancels a permission, the Secretary
must, as soon as practicable, give written notice of the variation, suspension
or cancellation to the person who applied for the permission.
3 Subsection
Omit "subsection 14(1) or in accordance with an international
airline licence or an approval under section 15", substitute
"section 14 or in accordance with an international airline licence or a
permission under section 15D".
4 Section 18
Omit "13A(3), 14(3A),
15(2C)", substitute "15A(3)".
5 Section 22ZW
Repeal the section.
6 At the
beginning of Part 4
Insert: 23A Review of decisions by Administrative
Appeals Tribunal
(1) Application may be made to the Administrative Appeals
Tribunal for a review of a decision by the Secretary:
- (a)
- to refuse a
permission under subsection 15D(1); or
- (b)
- to grant a permission subject to a condition under
paragraph 15D(2)(c); or
- (c)
- to refuse an application under subsection 15E(4); or
- (d)
- to vary, suspend or cancel a permission under subsection 15F(1); or
- (e)
- to refuse a permission under subsection 17(1); or
- (f)
- to approve a place to be designated as a sterile area under
subsection 21(5) subject to a condition; or
- (g)
- to refuse an application for a place to be designated as a sterile area
under subsection 21(5); or
- (h)
- to refuse to approve a proposed aviation security program under
section 22R or 22U; or
- (i)
- to direct an aircraft operator to vary a proposed program or an approved
program under subsection 22U(1); or
- (j)
- to direct an airport operator to vary a proposed program or an approved
program under subsection 22ZG(1); or
- (k)
- to refuse to approve a proposed airport security program under
section 22ZD or 22ZG; or
- (l)
- to cancel the approval of an aviation security program under
section 22T or 22U; or
- (m)
- to cancel the approval of an airport security program under
section 22ZF or 22ZG; or
- (n)
- to refuse to approve a proposal to vary an aviation security program under
section 22V; or
- (o)
- to refuse to approve the adoption of an approved aviation security program
under paragraph 22X(2)(b); or
- (p)
- to refuse to approve a proposal to vary an airport security program under
section 22ZH; or
- (q)
- to categorise an airport under section 22ZK; or
- (r)
- to give a direction under subsection 22ZQ(1); or
- (s)
- to approve plans subject to a variation under section 22ZS; or
- (t)
- to reject plans under section 22ZS; or
- (u)
- to give a direction under subsection 22ZV(2).
(2) Notice of a decision by the Secretary to which subsection (1) applies
must include a statement to the effect that:
- (a)
- subject to the
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 , a person affected by the decision
may make an application to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of
the decision; and
- (b)
- a person whose interests are affected by the decision may request a
statement under section 28 of that Act.
(3) A failure to comply with subsection (2) does not affect the validity
of the decision.
7 Paragraphs 27(2)(d) and (f)
Omit "13A, 14, 15",
substitute "15A".
8 Paragraphs 27(3)(a), (b) and (c)
Repeal the paragraphs,
- (c)
- an aircraft is taken to be subject to section 15A if
the aircraft is, or apart from subsection 15A(5) would be, prohibited
from taking on in Australian territory passengers, cargo or mail for carriage
for reward, or discharging in Australian territory passengers, cargo or mail
carried for reward, unless a permission for the carriage is or was in force
under section 15D and the carriage is or was in accordance with the
permission; and
9 After section 27
Insert: 27A Registration of security interests in
relation to aircraft and components of aircraft
(1) This section applies to
an aircraft:
- (a)
- that engages in trade or commerce:
- (i)
- between Australia and places outside Australia; or
- (ii)
- among the States; or
- (iii)
- within a Territory; or
- (iv)
- between a State and a Territory; or
- (v)
- between 2 Territories; or
- (b)
- that is owned by a body corporate that:
- (i)
- is a foreign corporation; or
- (ii)
- is incorporated in a Territory; or
- (iii)
- is a trading corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth
(other than a trading corporation incorporated in a Territory); or
- (iv)
- is a financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth
(other than a financial corporation incorporated in a Territory).
(2) Without prejudice to the operation that subsection (1) has apart from this
subsection, that subsection also has the effect that it would have if:
- (a)
- the reference to an aircraft that is owned by a body corporate that is a
trading corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth were a
reference only to such an aircraft that is used by the body corporate for the
purposes of its trading activities; and
- (b)
- the reference to an aircraft that is owned by a body corporate that is a
financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth were a
reference only to such an aircraft that is used by the body corporate for the
purposes of its financial activities.
(3) In this section:
hire-purchase agreement , in relation to an aircraft or
a component of an aircraft, means an agreement for the bailment of the
aircraft or component under which:
- (a)
- the bailee may buy the aircraft or component; or
- (b)
- the property in the aircraft or component will or may pass to the bailee.
instalment purchase agreement , in relation to an aircraft or a component of
an aircraft, means an agreement for the purchase of the aircraft or component
by instalments (whether the instalments are described as instalments of the
purchase price, as rent, as hiring charges or otherwise) other than such an
- (a)
- under which the property in the aircraft or component passes to the
purchaser when the agreement is made; or
- (b)
- in respect of which the purchaser is a person who is engaged in the
business of selling aircraft or components of aircraft.
security interest , in relation to an aircraft or a component of an aircraft:
- (a)
- means:
- (i)
- a mortgage, charge or other encumbrance over the aircraft or component; or
- (ii)
- any other interest in, or any power over or in relation to, the aircraft
or component (however the interest or power is created) for the purpose of
securing repayment of a debt (including payment of interest on a debt) or the
performance of any other obligation; and
- (iii)
- any other interest in the aircraft or component that is of a kind
declared by the regulations to be a security interest; and
- (b)
- includes:
- (i)
- if the aircraft or component is the subject of a hire-purchase
agreementthe interest of the bailee under the agreement; and
- (ii)
- if the aircraft or component is the subject of an instalment purchase
agreementthe interest of the purchaser under the agreement.
(4) The regulations may make provision for or in relation to the following:
- (a)
- the establishment or keeping of a register containing particulars of
security interests in relation to aircraft and components of aircraft;
- (b)
- the appointment of a person (the registrar ) to keep the register;
- (c)
- requiring the owner of an aircraft or of a component of an aircraft to
notify the registrar of particulars of any security interest, a change in any
particulars entered in the register in relation to a security interest, or the
termination of a security interest, in relation to the aircraft or component;
- (d)
- the period within which, and the manner and form in which, a notification
is to be given, including any documents to be lodged with, and any information
to be given to, the registrar in connection with a notification;
- (e)
- the manner in which any such document or information is to be verified
(which may include verification by means of a statutory declaration);
- (f)
- the registration of particulars of a security interest duly notified, the
amendment of registered particulars of a security interest and the
cancellation of the registration of particulars of a security interest;
- (g)
- the publishing by the registrar of information about the registration of
particulars of a security interest, the amendment of registered particulars of
a security interest or the cancellation of the registration of particulars of
a security interest;
- (h)
- the giving by the registrar of a certificate in relation to the
registration of particulars of a security interest and the amendment or
cancellation of such a certificate;
- (i)
- the return by the registrar of documents to the person by whom they were
- (j)
- the return of certificates to the registrar for amendment or cancellation;
- (k)
- the giving by the registrar of copies of, or extracts from, entries on the
- (l)
- the prescribing of fees for:
- (i)
- the registration of particulars of a security interest, the amendment of
registered particulars of a security interest or the cancellation of the
registration of particulars of a security interest; or
- (ii)
- the giving by the registrar of certificates in relation to the
registration of particulars of a security interest or the amendment or
cancellation of such a certificate; or
- (iii)
- the giving by the registrar of copies of, or extracts from, entries on
the register or documents lodged with the registrar;
- (m)
- providing that a notification to the registrar is taken not to be duly
given unless and until:
- (i)
- the notification is given in the manner and form, and is accompanied by
the documents and information, required by the regulations; and
- (ii)
- any relevant prescribed fees are paid;
- (n)
- the prescribing of penalties (not exceeding a fine of 50 penalty units)
for offences against regulations made for the purposes of any of the above
(5) The fees that may be prescribed under paragraph (4)(l) may not exceed
amounts or rates that are reasonably related to the expenses incurred by the
Commonwealth in relation to the matters in respect of which the fees are
(6) A person is not taken to have notice of any matter relating to a security
interest in relation to an aircraft or a component of an aircraft merely
because of anything entered in the register in relation to the aircraft or
Airports Act 1996
10 Section 4 (11th dot point)
Omit "fit for
occupancy or use", substitute "complying with the regulations".
11 Section 5
Insert: lender , in relation to a loan security, means the person who is
entitled to enforce the security.
12 After section 7
Insert: 7A Transfers and acquisitions by way of the
enforcement of a loan security
(1) A reference in this Act to a transfer by
way of the enforcement of a loan security is a reference to a transfer to the
lender by way of the enforcement of the loan security.
(2) A reference in this Act to an acquisition by way of the enforcement of a
loan security is a reference to the acquisition by the lender by way of the
enforcement of the loan security.
(3) This section is enacted for the avoidance of doubt.
13 Section 11 (5th
dot point)
After "acquires a lease", insert ", or enters into possession of
an airport site,".
14 Section 11 (6th dot point)
Omit "statutory authority",
substitute "a statutory obligation".
15 At the end of section 11
* The
regulations may deal with the terms of subleases and licences relating to
airport sites.
* The regulations may provide that the beneficial and legal
interests in subleases and licences relating to airport sites cannot be
separated except in the case of the enforcement of a loan security.
16 At the
end of section 28
(2) If:
- (a)
- an airport lease is subject to a loan
security; and
- (b)
- the lender enters into possession of the land to which the lease relates;
- (c)
- the entry into possession is by way of the enforcement of the loan
the lender must, within 7 days after entering into possession, give the
Minister written notice of the entry into possession.
Penalty: 100 penalty units.
- Note: The heading to section 28 of the
Airports Act 1996 is altered by inserting " or of entry into possession "
after " lease ".
17 After subsection 29(1)
Entry into possession
(1A) If:
- (a)
- an
airport lease is subject to a loan security; and
- (b)
- the lender enters into possession of the land to which the lease relates;
- (c)
- the entry into possession is by way of the enforcement of the loan
the lender must cause the lease to be transferred to a qualified company:
- (d)
- within 90 days after the lender entered into possession; or
- (e)
- if a longer period is specified in a written notice given to the lender by
the Ministerwithin that longer period.
18 Subsections 29(2) and (3)
Omit "(1)", substitute "(1) or (1A)".
Paragraph 29(4)(b)
After "(1)(d)", insert "or (1A)(e)".
20 Division 5 of
Part 2 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Division 5Obligation
to use airport site as an airport
21 Subsection 31(1)
Repeal the subsection,
(1) This section has effect for the purposes of determining
- (a)
- an airport-operator company for an airport; or
- (b)
- a person acting on behalf of an airport-operator company for an airport;
has a defence to, or an immunity from:
- (c)
- an action or proceeding in court (whether civil or criminal); or
- (d)
- an administrative proceeding; or
- (e)
- a proceeding in a tribunal.
22 Subsections 31(2) and (3)
Omit "authority", substitute "an obligation".
Note: The heading to section 31 of the Airports Act 1996 is altered by
omitting " Authority " and substituting " Obligation ".
23 Before section 32
Subdivision AAirport-operator company
must not carry on non-airport business
24 Before section 33
Subdivision BAirport-management agreements
25 After subsection 33(4)
Approval of agreement
(4A) The airport-lessee company for an airport
must not enter into an airport-management agreement in relation to the airport
unless the agreement is approved in writing by the Minister.
- Note:
Airport-management agreement is defined by subsection (7).
(4B) If a purported agreement contravenes subsection (4A), it
is of no effect.
Criteria for approval
(4C) In making a decision under
subsection (4A), the Minister must have regard to:
- (a)
- the matters specified
in the regulations; and
- (b)
- such other matters (if any) as the Minister considers relevant.
Approval of variation
(4D) An airport-management agreement in relation to the
airport must not be varied unless the variation is approved in writing by the
- Note: Airport-management agreement is defined by subsection (7).
(4E) If a purported variation contravenes subsection (4D), it
is of no effect.
Criteria for approval
(4F) In making a decision under
subsection (4D), the Minister must have regard to:
- (a)
- the matters specified
in the regulations; and
- (b)
- such other matters (if any) as the Minister considers relevant.
- Note: The following heading to subsection 33(1) of the Airports Act 1996 is
inserted " Approval of airport-management company ".
26 Before section 34
Subdivision CSubleases and licences
Subsections 34(2) and (3)
Repeal the subsections, substitute:
(2) A sublease
of an airport lease must not be granted or varied in contravention of those
(3) If a purported grant or variation contravenes subsection (2), it is of no
28 At the end of section 34
(4) If a sublease is in force at
the time (the imposition time ) when regulations made for the purposes of
subsection (1) impose a prohibition in relation to the sublease:
- (a)
- the
prohibition does not have any effect on the validity of the sublease during
the 90-day period beginning at the imposition time; and
- (b)
- if, at the end of that 90-day period, the sublease contravenes the
prohibitionthe sublease is terminated immediately after the end of that
29 After section 34
Insert: 34A Regulations may prohibit terms from being
included in sublease of airport lease
(1) The regulations may prohibit
specified kinds of terms from being included in subleases of an airport lease.
(2) A sublease of an airport lease must not be granted or varied in
contravention of those regulations.
(3) If a purported grant or variation contravenes subsection (2), it is of no
(4) If a sublease is in force at the time (the imposition time ) when
regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) impose a prohibition in
relation to the sublease:
- (a)
- the prohibition does not have any effect on
the validity of the sublease during the 90-day period beginning at the
imposition time; and
- (b)
- if, at the end of that 90-day period, the sublease contravenes the
prohibitionthe sublease is terminated immediately after the end of that
(5) In this section:
terms includes conditions.
34B Regulations may require terms to be included in sublease of airport lease
(1) The regulations may require that specified kinds of terms must be included
in subleases of an airport lease.
(2) A sublease of an airport lease must not be granted or varied in
contravention of those regulations.
(3) If a purported grant or variation contravenes subsection (2), it is of no
(4) If a sublease is in force at the time (the imposition time ) when
regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) impose a requirement in
relation to the sublease:
- (a)
- the requirement does not have any effect on
the validity of the sublease during the 90-day period beginning at the
imposition time; and
- (b)
- if, at the end of that 90-day period, the sublease contravenes the
requirementthe sublease is terminated immediately after the end of that
(5) In this section:
terms includes conditions.
34C Regulations may prohibit declaration of trust in respect of sublease of
airport lease (1) The regulations may provide that the sublessee of an
airport lease must not dispose of the sublease by way of declaration of trust.
(2) If a purported disposal contravenes those regulations, it is of no effect.
34D Regulations may provide that a beneficial interest in a sublease of
airport lease must not be transferred independently of the legal interest (1)
The regulations may provide that a beneficial interest in a sublease of an
airport lease must not be transferred independently of the legal interest in
the sublease.
(2) If a purported transfer contravenes those regulations, it is of no effect.
(3) This section does not apply to a transfer by way of the enforcement of a
loan security.
30 Subsections 35(2) and (3)
Repeal the subsections,
(2) A licence relating to an airport lease must not be granted or
varied in contravention of those regulations.
(3) If a purported grant or variation contravenes subsection (2), it is of no
31 At the end of section 35
(4) If a licence is in force at
the time (the imposition time ) when regulations made for the purposes of
subsection (1) impose a prohibition in relation to the licence:
- (a)
- the
prohibition does not have any effect on the validity of the licence during the
90-day period beginning at the imposition time; and
- (b)
- if, at the end of that 90-day period, the licence contravenes the
prohibitionthe licence is terminated immediately after the end of that
32 After section 35
Insert: 35A Regulations may prohibit terms from being
included in licence relating to airport lease
(1) The regulations may
prohibit specified kinds of terms from being included in licences relating to
an airport lease.
(2) A licence relating to an airport lease must not be granted or varied in
contravention of those regulations.
(3) If a purported grant or variation contravenes subsection (2), it is of no
(4) If a licence is in force at the time (the imposition time ) when
regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) impose a prohibition in
relation to the licence:
- (a)
- the prohibition does not have any effect on the
validity of the licence during the 90-day period beginning at the imposition
time; and
- (b)
- if, at the end of that 90-day period, the licence contravenes the
prohibitionthe licence is terminated immediately after the end of that
(5) In this section:
terms includes conditions.
35B Regulations may require terms to be included in licence relating to
airport lease (1) The regulations may require that specified kinds of terms
must be included in licences relating to an airport lease.
(2) A licence relating to an airport lease must not be granted or varied in
contravention of those regulations.
(3) If a purported grant or variation contravenes subsection (2), it is of no
(4) If a licence is in force at the time (the imposition time ) when
regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) impose a requirement in
relation to the licence:
- (a)
- the requirement does not have any effect on the
validity of the licence during the 90-day period beginning at the imposition
time; and
- (b)
- if, at the end of that 90-day period, the licence contravenes the
requirementthe licence is terminated immediately after the end of that
(5) In this section:
terms includes conditions.
35C Regulations may prohibit declaration of trust in respect of licence
relating to airport lease (1) The regulations may provide that the holder of
a licence relating to an airport lease must not dispose of the licence by way
of declaration of trust.
(2) If a purported disposal contravenes those regulations, it is of no effect.
35D Regulations may provide that a beneficial interest in a licence relating
to an airport lease must not be transferred independently of the legal
interest (1) The regulations may provide that a beneficial interest in a
licence relating to an airport lease must not be transferred independently of
the legal interest in the licence.
(2) If a purported transfer contravenes those regulations, it is of no effect.
(3) This section does not apply to a transfer by way of the enforcement of a
loan security.
35E Termination of sublease or licence otherwise than under
this Subdivision This Subdivision does not, by implication, prevent a
sublease or licence from being terminated otherwise than under this
35F Compensationconstitutional safety-net (1) If:
- (a)
- apart from this section, the operation of this Subdivision would result in the
acquisition of property from a person otherwise than on just terms; and
- (b)
- the acquisition would be invalid because of paragraph 51(xxxi) of the
the Commonwealth is liable to pay compensation of a reasonable amount to the
person in respect of the acquisition.
(2) If the Commonwealth and the person do not agree on the amount of the
compensation, the person may institute proceedings in the Federal Court for
the recovery from the Commonwealth of such reasonable amount of compensation
as the court determines.
(3) In this section:
acquisition of property has the same meaning as in
paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.
just terms has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.
33 Subsection 60(6)
Omit " ownership/control matter ", substitute " ownership
matter ".
34 Section 67 (4th dot point)
Omit "fit for occupancy or use",
substitute "complying with the regulations".
35 Paragraph 71(2)(h)
"environmental", substitute "environment".
36 Paragraph 71(3)(h)
"environmental", substitute "environment".
37 After section 84
Insert: 84A
Public commentminor variation
(1) Before giving the Minister a draft
variation of a final master plan for an airport under subsection 84(1), the
airport-lessee company for the airport must:
- (a)
- cause to be published in a
newspaper circulating generally in the State or Territory in which the airport
is situated a notice:
- (i)
- stating that the company has prepared a preliminary version of the draft
variation; and
- (ii)
- stating that copies of the preliminary version will be available for
inspection and purchase by members of the public during normal office hours
throughout the period of 30 days after the publication of the notice; and
- (iii)
- specifying the place or places where the copies will be available for
inspection and purchase; and
- (iv)
- inviting members of the public to give written comments about the
preliminary version to the company within 30 days after the publication of the
notice; and
- (b)
- make copies of the preliminary version available for inspection and
purchase by members of the public in accordance with the notice.
(2) If members of the public have given written comments about the preliminary
version in accordance with the notice, the draft variation submitted to the
Minister must be accompanied by a written certificate signed on behalf of the
- (a)
- listing the names of those members of the public; and
- (b)
- summarising those comments; and
- (c)
- stating that the company has had due regard to those comments in preparing
the draft variation; and
- (d)
- setting out such other information (if any) about those comments as is
specified in the regulations.
(3) Subsection (2) does not, by implication, limit the matters to which the
company may have regard.
38 Paragraph 89(1)(n)
Omit "environmental"
(wherever occurring), substitute "environment".
39 Paragraph 91(1)(k)
"environmental", substitute "environment".
40 After section 95
Insert: 95A
Public commentminor variation
(1) Before giving the Minister a draft
variation of a major development plan for an airport under subsection 95(1),
the airport-lessee company for the airport must:
- (a)
- cause to be published
in a newspaper circulating generally in the State or Territory in which the
airport is situated a notice:
- (i)
- stating that the company has prepared a preliminary version of the draft
variation; and
- (ii)
- stating that copies of the preliminary version will be available for
inspection and purchase by members of the public during normal office hours
throughout the period of 30 days after the publication of the notice; and
- (iii)
- specifying the place or places where the copies will be available for
inspection and purchase; and
- (iv)
- inviting members of the public to give written comments about the
preliminary version to the company within 30 days after the publication of the
notice; and
- (b)
- make copies of the preliminary version available for inspection and
purchase by members of the public in accordance with the notice.
(2) If members of the public have given written comments about the preliminary
version in accordance with the notice, the draft variation submitted to the
Minister must be accompanied by a written certificate signed on behalf of the
- (a)
- listing the names of those members of the public; and
- (b)
- summarising those comments; and
- (c)
- stating that the company has had due regard to those comments in preparing
the draft variation; and
- (d)
- setting out such other information (if any) about those comments as is
specified in the regulations.
(3) Subsection (2) does not, by implication, limit the matters to which the
company may have regard.
41 Section 97 (2nd dot point)
Omit "fit for
occupancy or use", substitute "complying with the regulations".
42 At the end
of paragraph 100(2)(d)
Add "or".
43 After paragraph 100(2)(d)
- (e)
- a standard made by, or by an authority of, the United States of America; or
- (f)
- a standard made by, or by an authority of, a member state of the European
44 Subdivision D of Division 5 of Part 5 (heading)
Repeal the heading,
Subdivision DCertificates of compliance
45 Section 104
Repeal the section, substitute: 104 Certificates of compliance
In this
certificate of compliance has the meaning given by section 107.
46 Paragraph 106(1)(c)
Omit "fitness", substitute "compliance".
- Note: The
heading to section 106 of the Airports Act 1996 is altered by omitting "
fitness " and substituting " compliance ".
47 Paragraph 106(1)(d)
After "fitness", insert "for occupancy or use".
Paragraph 106(4)(c)
Omit "fitness", substitute "compliance".
49 Paragraph
After "fitness", insert "for occupancy or use".
50 Paragraph
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
- (a)
- the issue of certificates
(to be known as certificates of compliance ) stating that a building,
structure, earthworks, engineering works, electrical works, hydraulic works or
eligible alteration is to be treated as complying with the regulations;
- Note: The heading to section 107 of the Airports Act 1996 is altered by
omitting " fitness " and substituting " compliance ".
51 Paragraphs 107(1)(b), (c), (d) and (e)
Omit "fitness", substitute
52 At the end of paragraph 107(2)(d)
Add "or".
53 After
paragraph 107(2)(d)
- (e)
- a standard made by, or by an authority of,
the United States of America; or
- (f)
- a standard made by, or by an authority of, a member state of the European
54 Subsection 107(5)
Omit "fitness", substitute "compliance".
55 Section 108
Omit "fitness", substitute "compliance".
56 Subparagraph 109(1)(c)(i)
"fitness", substitute "compliance".
57 Section 113 (after the 3rd dot point)
* It is an offence to cause environmental harm at an airport site.
58 After subsection 130(1)
(1A) If a final environment strategy is
in force for an airport, a person (other than the airport-lessee company for
the airport) who carries on activities at the airport must take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the strategy is complied with.
59 Subsections 130(2) and
After "(1)" (wherever occurring), insert "or (1A)".
60 At the end of
section 130
(4) In addition to its effect apart from this subsection,
subsection (1A) also has the effect it would have if its application were, by
express provision, confined to constitutional corporations.
61 Before section
Insert: 131A Airports to which Division applies
This Division applies
- (a)
- a core regulated airport; or
- (b)
- an airport specified in the regulations;
if there is an airport lease for the airport.
131B Offence of causing serious environmental harm (1) A person must not, by
act or omission, directly or indirectly cause environmental pollution that
affects an area that consists of, or is included in, an airport site if the
pollution harms, or has the potential to harm, the environment and:
- (a)
- both:
- (i)
- a final environment strategy is in force for the airport concerned; and
- (ii)
- the area is identified in the strategy as environmentally significant; or
- (b)
- the effect of the pollution is, or has the potential to be:
- (i)
- of high impact; and
- (ii)
- irreversible; or
- (c)
- the pollution results, or has the potential to result, in substantial harm
to public health or to public safety; or
- (d)
- the pollution results, or has the potential to result, in substantial
damage to property.
(2) If a person intentionally or recklessly contravenes subsection (1), the
person is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not
exceeding 500 penalty units.
(3) Subsection (1) applies to an act or omission of a person, even if the act
or omission was not the sole cause of the pollution concerned.
(4) This section does not, by implication, limit section 132 or 133.
(5) A reference in this section to environmental pollution includes a
reference to air, water or soil pollution, but does not include a reference to
noise pollution.
131C Offence of causing material environmental harm (1) A
person must not, by act or omission, directly or indirectly cause
environmental pollution that affects an area that consists of, or is included
in, an airport site if the pollution harms, or has the potential to harm, the
environment and:
- (a)
- the effect of the pollution is, or has the potential to
be, of significant impact; or
- (b)
- the pollution results, or has the potential to result, in harm to public
health or to public safety; or
- (c)
- the pollution results, or has the potential to result, in damage to
property (other than minor damage).
(2) If a person intentionally or recklessly contravenes subsection (1), the
person is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not
exceeding 200 penalty units.
(3) Subsection (1) applies to an act or omission of a person, even if the act
or omission was not the sole cause of the pollution concerned.
(4) This section does not, by implication, limit section 132 or 133.
(5) A reference in this section to environmental pollution includes a
reference to air, water or soil pollution, but does not include a reference to
noise pollution.
131D Offence of causing environmental nuisance (1) A person
must not, by act or omission, directly or indirectly cause environmental
pollution that affects an area that consists of, or is included in, an airport
site if the act or omission is not authorised by or under this Act or another
law of the Commonwealth and:
- (a)
- the pollution takes the form of smoke, dust
or odour; or
- (b)
- the effect of the pollution is:
- (i)
- of low impact; and
- (ii)
- transient; or
- (c)
- the effect of the pollution interferes unreasonably, or has the potential
to interfere unreasonably, with the enjoyment of the area by a person
occupying, or lawfully using, the area.
(2) If a person intentionally or recklessly contravenes subsection (1), the
person is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not
exceeding 50 penalty units.
(3) Subsection (1) applies to an act or omission of a person, even if the act
or omission was not the sole cause of the pollution concerned.
(4) This section does not, by implication, limit section 132 or 133.
(5) A reference in this section to environmental pollution includes a
reference to air, water or soil pollution, but does not include a reference to
noise pollution.
131E Alternative verdictsoffence against section 131B
or 131C (1) If a court acquits a person of an offence against section 131B
but is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt of facts that prove that the person
is guilty of an offence against section 131C or 131D, the court may convict
the person of the offence against section 131C or 131D.
(2) If a court acquits a person of an offence against section 131C but is
satisfied beyond reasonable doubt of facts that prove that the person is
guilty of an offence against section 131D, the court may convict the person of
the offence against section 131D.
62 Subsection 132(2)
Before "provision",
insert "particular".
63 Section 132(2)
Omit "250 penalty units", substitute
"the number of penalty units (not exceeding 250 penalty units) that is
declared by those regulations to be the maximum number of penalty units for a
contravention of that provision".
64 After subsection 132(3)
Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) may make provision for or
in relation to a matter by applying, adopting or incorporating (with or
without modification) any matter contained in a standard proposed or approved
by the Standards Association of Australia, being a standard as in force or
existing from time to time.
65 After paragraph 133(1)(a)
- (aa)
- monitoring, mitigating, remedying or rectifying contraventions of section
131B, 131C or 131D; or
66 After subsection 133(3)
(3A) Regulations made for the purposes of
subsection (1) may make provision for or in relation to a matter by applying,
adopting or incorporating (with or without modification) any matter contained
in a standard proposed or approved by the Standards Association of Australia,
being a standard as in force or existing from time to time.
(3B) To avoid doubt, regulations made for the purposes of paragraph (1)(a) may
make provision for and in relation to the monitoring, cleaning up, remedying
or rectifying, after the regulations take effect, of environmental pollution,
even if the environmental pollution was generated:
- (a)
- before the
commencement of this subsection; or
- (b)
- before the regulations took effect.
67 Paragraph 134(1)(a)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
- (a)
- a person has
- (i)
- section 131B, 131C or 131D; or
- (ii)
- regulations made for the purposes of section 132 or 133; and
68 Paragraph 135(1)(a)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
- (a)
- a person has
- (i)
- section 131B, 131C or 131D; or
- (ii)
- regulations made for the purposes of section 132 or 133; and
69 Subsection 136(2)
After "referred to in", insert "section 131B, 131C or
131D or".
70 Subsection 136(2)
After "133(1)(a),", insert "(aa),".
Subsection 137(1)
Repeal the subsection, substitute:
(1) This section
applies to the following provisions:
- (a)
- section 131B, 131C or 131D;
- (b)
- regulations made for the purposes of section 132 or 133.
72 Subsection 137(2)
Omit "regulations", substitute "provisions".
73 After
section 143
Insert: 143A Publication of accounts and statements
(1) The
ACCC may publish accounts and statements given to the ACCC under section 143.
(2) The ACCC may charge fees for the supply of accounts and statements
published under subsection (1).
74 After section 145
Insert: 145A
Publication of airport reports
(1) The ACCC may publish reports given to the
ACCC in accordance with a requirement covered by subsection 145(1).
(2) The ACCC may charge fees for the supply of reports published under
subsection (1).
75 Subsection 147(1)
Omit "to a document", substitute "if a
document is".
76 At the end of section 147
(3) Section 43 of the
Prices Surveillance Act 1983 has effect as if the functions conferred on the
ACCC by section 143A and 145A of this Act were conferred instead by a
provision of that Act.
- Note: This allows the ACCC to publish accounts and
statements given to the ACCC under section 143 and to publish reports given to
the ACCC in accordance with a requirement covered by subsection 145(1).
77 Subsection 200(1)
Repeal the subsection, substitute:
(1) Before making a
declaration under section 198 about an airport, the Minister must cause to be
published in the Gazette a notice:
- (a)
- stating that the Minister is
considering making a declaration under section 198 about the airport; and
- (b)
- inviting persons covered by any of the following subparagraphs to give the
Minister a submission about the proposed declaration within 30 days after the
publication of the notice:
- (i)
- an airport-operator company for the airport;
- (ii)
- a person specified in the regulations for the purposes of the application
of this subparagraph to the airport, being a person who represents the
interests of all of the aircraft operators who use the airport to operate
scheduled air services;
- (iii)
- Airservices Australia;
- (iv)
- the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
78 Subsection 200(2)
Omit "company", substitute "person".
79 Subsection
Repeal the subsection, substitute:
(1) Before making an instrument
under section 201 relating to an airport, the Minister must cause to be
published in the Gazette a notice:
- (a)
- stating that the Minister is
considering making an instrument under section 201 relating to the airport;
- (b)
- inviting persons covered by any of the following subparagraphs to give the
Minister a submission about the proposed instrument within 30 days after the
publication of the notice:
- (i)
- an airport-operator company for the airport;
- (ii)
- a person specified in the regulations for the purposes of the application
of this subparagraph to the airport, being a person who represents the
interests of all of the aircraft operators who use the airport to operate
scheduled air services;
- (iii)
- Airservices Australia;
- (iv)
- the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
80 Subsection 202(2)
Omit "company", substitute "person".
81 Paragraph
After "company", insert ", an agreement or a variation,".
82 After
paragraph 242(2)(g)
- (ga)
- a decision under section 233 (which deals
with authorised officers for the purposes of exercising monitoring powers);
83 Subsection 242(5)
Insert: this Act does not include the regulations.
84 At the end of section 242
Regulations may provide for review of
decisions by Administrative Appeals Tribunal
(6) This section does not, by
implication, prevent the regulations from providing that applications may be
made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of decisions made in
the exercise of powers conferred by the regulations.
85 Paragraph 243(1)(c)
After "company", insert ", an agreement or a variation,".
Airports (Transitional) Act 1996
86 Subsection 30(3)
Omit "20 or 21",
substitute "21 or 22".
[ Minister's second reading speech made in
House of Representatives on 26 February 1997
Senate on 19 March 1997 ]