1 Part 4 of Schedule 1 (after the item relating to KANTURRPAKANTTAJI)
Three parcels of land in the Northern Territory
together containing an area of 8,094.4 hectares more or less comprising:
all that parcel of land containing an area of 1,252 hectares more or
less, being all of Northern Territory Portion 4801.
all that
parcel of land containing an area of 585.4 hectares more or less, being all of
Northern Territory Portion 5798.
all that parcel of land containing
an area of 6,257 hectares more or less, being all of Northern Territory
Portion 4802.
The 3 parcels together being more particularly delineated on
Survey Plans S.95/36A to S.95/36C lodged with the Surveyor General, Darwin.
[ Minister's second reading speech made in
House of
Representatives on 8 December 1999
Senate on 13 March 2000 ]