1 Overview
"State shortfall" means the amount by which the State's guaranteed minimum amount exceeds the amount to which, apart from subclause (2), the State would be entitled under section 13 for the GST year.
"total shortfall" means the sum of the State shortfalls for the GST year.
"State shortfall" means the amount by which the State's guaranteed minimum amount exceeds the amount to which, apart from subclause (2), the State would be entitled under section 13 for the GST year.
"total shortfall" means the sum of the State shortfalls for the GST year.
"guaranteed minimum amount" means the guaranteed minimum amount for the State for the GST year.
State excess is the amount by which the amount to which, apart from this subclause, the State would be entitled under section 13 exceeds the guaranteed minimum amount for the State for the GST year.
total excess is the total of the State excesses for each State to which this subclause applies for the GST year.