Commonwealth Numbered Acts

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                   In this Act:

"AAT presidential member " means a person who is a presidential member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal under the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 .

"ABC Commissioner " means the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner referred to in subsection 15(1).

"accredited person " means a person who is accredited under the WHS Accreditation Scheme.

"ancillary site " has the meaning given by section 9.

"authorised applicant " for an order relating to a contravention of a civil remedy provision means:

                     (a)  the ABC Commissioner or any other inspector; or

                     (b)  a person affected by the contravention; or

                     (c)  a person prescribed by the rules for the purposes of this paragraph.

Rules prescribing persons for the purposes of paragraph (c) may provide that a person is prescribed only in relation to circumstances specified in the rules.

"authorised officer " means an inspector or a Federal Safety Officer.

"bargaining representative " has the meaning given by the FW Act.

"builder " has the meaning given by subsection 43(8).

"building agreement " means an agreement that applies to building work (whether or not it also applies to other work).

"building association " means an industrial association whose rules allow membership by members of at least one of the following groups:

                     (a)  building employers;

                     (b)  building employees;

                     (c)  building contractors;

whether or not those rules also allow membership by other persons.

"Building Code " means the code of practice referred to in section 34.

"building contractor " means a person who has entered into, or who has offered to enter into, a contract for services under which the person:

                     (a)  carries out building work; or

                     (b)  arranges for building work to be carried out.

"building employee " means:

                     (a)  a person whose employment consists of, or includes, building work; or

                     (b)  a person who accepts an offer of engagement as an employee for work that consists of, or includes, building work.

"building employer " means an employer who employs, or offers to employ, building employees.

"building enterprise agreement " means an enterprise agreement that applies to building work (whether or not it also applies to other work).

"building industry law enforcement " has the meaning given by section 106.

"building industry participant " means any of the following:

                     (a)  a building employer;

                     (b)  a building employee;

                     (c)  a building contractor;

                     (d)  a person who enters into a contract with a building contractor under which the building contractor agrees to carry out building work or to arrange for building work to be carried out;

                     (e)  a building association;

                      (f)  an officer, delegate or other representative of a building association.

"building matter " means a matter that relates to a building industry participant.

"building site " means a site at which building work is being or may be performed.

"building work " has the meaning given by section 6.

"civil penalty order " means an order under paragraph 81(1)(a).

"civil remedy provision " means:

                     (a)  a Grade A civil remedy provision; or

                     (b)  a Grade B civil remedy provision.

"Commission " means the Australian Building and Construction Commission referred to in subsection 29(2).

"Commissioner " means the ABC Commissioner or a Deputy ABC Commissioner.

"Commonwealth authority " has the meaning given by the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 .

"Commonwealth industrial instrument " means any of the following:

                     (a)  an award or transitional award (within the meaning of the FW Transitional Act);

                     (b)  a workplace agreement (within the meaning of the FW Transitional Act);

                     (c)  a pre- reform certified agreement or a pre-reform AWA (within the meaning of the FW Transitional Act);

                     (d)  an order of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission or the FWC;

                     (e)  the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard (within the meaning of the FW Transitional Act);

                      (f)  a fair work instrument (within the meaning of the FW Act);

                     (g)  the National Employment Standards (within the meaning of the FW Act).

"Commonwealth Ombudsman " means the person for the time being holding office as Ombudsman under the Ombudsman Act 1976 .

"Commonwealth place " means a place referred to in paragraph 52(i) of the Constitution, other than the seat of government.

"compliance powers " means functions and powers conferred on an authorised officer.

"compliance purposes " means:

                     (a)  for an inspector--the purposes referred to in subsection 70(1); or

                     (b)  for a Federal Safety Officer--the purposes referred to in subsection 70(2).

"conduct " includes an omission.

"constitutional corporation " means a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies.

"constitutionally-covered entity " means:

                     (a)  a constitutional corporation; or

                     (b)  the Commonwealth; or

                     (c)  a Commonwealth authority; or

                     (d)  a body corporate incorporated in a Territory; or

                     (e)  an organisation.

"copy " a document includes take extracts from the document.

"Deputy ABC Commissioner " means a Deputy Australian Building and Construction Commissioner referred to in subsection 15(2).

"designated building law " means:

                     (a)  the Independent Contractors Act 2006 , the FW Act or the FW Transitional Act; or

                     (b)  a Commonwealth industrial instrument.

"designated official " means any of the following:

                     (a)  the ABC Commissioner;

                     (b)  a Deputy ABC Commissioner;

                     (c)  an inspector;

                     (d)  a member of staff referred to in subsection 30(1);

                     (e)  a person assisting the ABC Commissioner under section 31;

                      (f)  a person engaged as a consultant under section 32;

                     (g)  the General Manager of the FWC;

                     (h)  the Commonwealth Ombudsman, a Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman or a member of the staff referred to in subsection 31(1) of the Ombudsman Act 1976 ;

                      (i)  a person acting under a delegation under this Act from a person referred to in any of the preceding paragraphs.

"disclose " means divulge or communicate.

"employee " has its ordinary meaning, and:

                     (a)  includes an individual who is usually an employee within that meaning; but

                     (b)  does not include an individual on a vocational placement.

"employer " has its ordinary meaning, and includes a person that is usually an employer within that meaning.

"enterprise agreement " has the same meaning as in the FW Act.

"entrusted person " has the meaning given by subsection 106(1).

"evidential burden " , in relation to a matter, means the burden of adducing or pointing to evidence that suggests a reasonable possibility that the matter exists or does not exist.

"examination " means an attendance by a person, before the ABC Commissioner, where the person is required as a result of an examination notice to answer questions relevant to an investigation.

"examination notice " means an examination notice issued under Part 2 of Chapter 7.

"Federal Circuit Court " means the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.

"Federal Court " means the Federal Court of Australia.

"Federal Safety Commissioner " means the Federal Safety Commissioner referred to in section 37.

"Federal Safety Officer " means:

                     (a)  the Federal Safety Commissioner; or

                     (b)  a person appointed as a Federal Safety Officer under subsection 68(1).

"full-time Commissioner " means:

                     (a)  the ABC Commissioner; or

                     (b)  a Deputy ABC Commissioner appointed on a full-time basis.

"funding entity " has the meaning given by subsection 34(2C).

"FW Act " means the Fair Work Act 2009 .

"FWC " means the Fair Work Commission.

"FW Transitional Act " means the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 .

"Grade A civil remedy provision " means:

                     (a)  a section of this Act (other than a section that is divided into subsections) that has a note at its foot stating "Grade A civil penalty"; or

                     (b)  a subsection of this Act that has a note at its foot stating "Grade A civil penalty".

Note:          The maximum penalty for a Grade A civil remedy provision is 1,000 penalty units for bodies corporate, and otherwise 200 penalty units (see subsection 81(2)).

"Grade B civil remedy provision " means:

                     (a)  a section of this Act (other than a section that is divided into subsections) that has a note at its foot stating "Grade B civil penalty"; or

                     (b)  a subsection of this Act that has a note at its foot stating "Grade B civil penalty".

Note:          The maximum penalty for a Grade B civil remedy provision is 100 penalty units for bodies corporate, and otherwise 20 penalty units (see subsection 81(2)).

"independent contractor " has the same meaning as in the FW Act.

"industrial action " has the meaning given by section 7.

"industrial association " means:

                     (a)  an association of employees or independent contractors, or both, or an association of employers, that is registered or recognised as such an association (however described) under a workplace law (within the meaning of the FW Act); or

                     (b)  an association of employees, or independent contractors, or both, a purpose of which is the protection and promotion of their interests in matters concerning their employment, or their interests as independent contractors; or

                     (c)  an association of employers a principal purpose of which is the protection and promotion of their interests in matters concerning employment, independent contractors or both;

and includes:

                     (d)  a branch of such an association; and

                     (e)  an organisation; and

                      (f)  a branch of an organisation.

"inspector " means:

                     (a)  the ABC Commissioner; or

                     (b)  a person appointed as an Australian Building and Construction Inspector under subsection 66(1).

"land " has a meaning affected by subsection 6(6).

"lawyer " means a person who is admitted to the legal profession by a Supreme Court of a State or Territory.

"lockout " has the meaning given by subsection 7(3).

"nominated AAT presidential member " means an AAT presidential member in respect of whom a nomination is in force under section 61A to issue examination notices under Part 2 of Chapter 7.

"occupier " has the same meaning as in the FW Act.

"officer " , in relation to an organisation or industrial association, means a person who holds an office in, or is an employee of, the organisation or association.

"official employment " has the meaning given by subsection 106(8).

"organisation " has the same meaning as in the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 .

"part-time Commissioner " means a Deputy ABC Commissioner appointed on a part-time basis.

"person " has a meaning affected by section 96.

"pre-construction agreement " has the meaning given by subsection 43(8).

"premises " has the same meaning as in the FW Act.

"protected industrial action " has the meaning given by section 8.

"protected information " means information that:

                     (a)  was disclosed or obtained under an examination notice or at an examination; and

                     (b)  was obtained by an entrusted person in the course of official employment; and

                     (c)  relates to a person other than the entrusted person.

"protected person " has the meaning given by subsection 8(3).

"quarter " means a period of 3 months beginning on 1 July, 1 October, 1 January or 1 April.

"relevant court " means each of the following courts:

                     (a)  the Federal Court;

                     (b)  the Federal Circuit Court;

                     (c)  a Supreme Court of a State or Territory;

                     (d)  a District Court, or County Court, of a State.

"relevant State or Territory court " means each of the following courts:

                     (a)  a District, County or Local Court of a State;

                     (b)  a magistrates court;

                     (c)  the Industrial Relations Court of South Australia;

                     (d)  the Industrial Court of New South Wales;

                     (e)  any other State or Territory court that is prescribed by the rules.

"resources platform " means an artificial island, installation or structure attached to the seabed for the purpose of exploration for, or exploitation of, resources or for other economic purposes.

"Secretary " means the Secretary of the Department.

"single enterprise " has the meaning given by subsection 59(2).

"this Act " includes the rules and the regulations.

"unlawful industrial action " : action is unlawful industrial action if:

                     (a)  the action is industrial action (see section 7); and

                     (b)  the action is not protected industrial action (see section 8).

"unlawful picket " has the meaning given by subsection 47(2).

"WHS Accreditation Scheme " means the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme referred to in section 43.

"Working Group " means the Security of Payments Working Group established by section 32A.

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