(1) The Court may make such order as it thinks appropriate about how this Part
is to operate in relation to a particular company.
(2) For example, if the Court is satisfied that the administration of a
company should end:
- (a)
- because the company is solvent; or
- (b)
- because provisions of this Part are being abused; or
- (c)
- for some other reason;
the Court may order under subsection (1) that the administration is to
(3) An order may be made subject to conditions.
(4) An order may be made on the application of:
- (a)
- the company; or
- (b)
- a creditor of the company; or
- (c)
- in the case of a company under administrationthe administrator of
the company; or
- (d)
- in the case of a company that has executed a deed of company
arrangementthe deed's administrator; or
- (e)
- ASIC; or
- (f)
- any other interested person.