Company ceases to exist
(1) A company ceases to exist on deregistration.
Company's property vests in ASIC
(2) On deregistration, all the company's property vests in ASIC. If company property is vested in a liquidator immediately before deregistration, that property vests in ASIC. This subsection extends to property situated outside this jurisdiction. (3) Under subsection (2), ASIC takes only the same property rights that the company itself held. If the company held particular property subject to a security or other interest or claim, ASIC takes the property subject to that interest or claim.
(4) ASIC has all the powers of an owner over property vested in it under subsection (2).
Company books to be kept by former directors
(5) The directors of the company immediately before deregistration must keep the company's books for 3 years after the deregistration. This does not apply to books that a liquidator has to keep under subsection 542(2).