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Commonwealth Electoral Legislation Amendment Act 1983 No. 144 of 1983 - SECT 31

Alteration of Rolls

31. Section 47 of the Principal Act is amended-

         (a)  by omitting from sub-section (1) ''Registrar'' (first occurring)
and substituting ''Divisional Returning Officer'';

   (b)  by omitting from paragraph (1) (b) '', address, or occupation'' and
        substituting ''or address'';

   (c)  by omitting paragraph (1) (f) and substituting the following

''(f) where he is satisfied that an objection against the enrolment of an
elector whose name has been deleted from the Roll as a result of the objection
was based on a mistake of fact and that the person objected to still retains
and has continuously retained his right to the enrolment in respect of which
the objection was made-reinstating on the Roll the name of the elector;'';

   (d)  by omitting from paragraph (1) (g) ''by direction of the Divisional
        Returning Officer'';

   (e)  by omitting paragraph (1) (h) and substituting the following

''(h) where the name of a street or any other part of an address that appears
on the Roll is changed-substituting the new name or other part of the address
for the name or other part of the address so appearing.'';

   (f)  by omitting paragraphs (2) (a) and (b) and substituting the following

''(a) if the 2 Subdivisions are both in the same Division, the Divisional
Returning Officer may remove the name of the elector from the Roll on which
the elector is enrolled and place the name of the elector on the Roll for the
Subdivision in which the elector is living and notify the elector of the
change of enrolment; and

   (b)  if the 2 Subdivisions are not in the same Division, the Australian
        Electoral Officer shall forward a certificate setting forth the facts
        to the Divisional Returning Officer for the Division for which the
        elector is enrolled, and the Divisional Returning Officer for the
        Division in which the elector is living, and thereupon the Divisional
        Returning Officer for the Division for which the elector is enrolled
        shall remove the name of the elector from that Roll and the Divisional
        Returning Officer for the Division in which the elector is living
        shall place the name of the elector on the Roll for the Subdivision in
        which the elector is living and notify the elector of the change of
        enrolment.''; and

   (g)  by omitting sub-section (3) and substituting the following

''(3) An alteration to a Roll in pursuance of sub-section (1) or (2) may be
made at any time.''. 

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