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Commonwealth Electoral Legislation Amendment Act 1983 No. 144 of 1983 - SCHEDULE 1

Section  145 



Section  59 

  To                           the Australian Electoral Officer for the State
of (here insert name of State).


We command you to cause election to be made according to law of (here insert
number) Senators for our State of ( here insert name of State) to serve in the
Senate of the
Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. And we appoint the          day
19 as the day for the close of the Rolls. And we appoint the
day of          19 , at twelve o'clock noon to be the day and time before
which nominations of Senators at and for the said election are to be made. And
appoint the          day of          19 , to be the day on which the poll is
to be taken in the event of the said election being contested. And we command
you to indorse on this our writ the names of the Senators elected and to
return it so indorsed to our Governor in and over our said State on or before
day of          19 .

Witness (here insert the title of the Governor of the State issuing the writ)
at (here insert place) in our said
State the          day of          in the year of our Lord One thousand nine
hundred and

By His Excellency's command,


Section  59 

  To                       the Australian Electoral Officer for the Territory
of (here insert name of Territory).


We command you to cause election to be made according to law of 2 Senators for
our Territory of (here insert name of Territory) to serve in the Senate of the
Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia from and after
the date of their election. And we appoint the          day of          19
the day for the close of the Rolls. And we appoint the          day of
19 , at twelve o'clock noon to be the day and time before which nominations of
Senators at and for the said election are to be made. And we appoint the
 day of          19 , to be the day on which the poll is to be taken in the
event of the said election being contested. And we command you to indorse on
this our writ the names of the Senators elected and to return it so indorsed
to our Governor-General in and over our said Commonwealth of Australia on or
before the          day of          19 .

Witness (here insert the Governor-General's title) at
(here insert place) the          day of          in the
year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and

By His Excellency's command,


Section  59  Writ for the Election of (here insert members or a member, as
the case requires) of the House of Representatives.


  To         , Electoral Commissioner.


We command you that you cause (here insert elections or election, as the case
requires), to be made according to law of (here insert Members of the House of
Representatives or one Member of the House of Representatives for the
Electoral Division of (here insert name of Division), as the case requires),
to serve in the Parliament of our Commonwealth of Australia and we appoint the
following dates for the purposes of the said, (elections or election as the
case requires)

  1.  For the close of the Rolls          the          day of          19 .

        2.  For nomination          the          day of          19 .

3. For taking the poll at the different polling places in the event of the
      election being contested          the          day of          19 .

        4.  For the return of the writ on or before          the          day
19 .

Witness (here insert the Governor-General's title or Speaker's
title, as the case requires) at (here insert place)
       the          day of          in the year of our Lord One thousand nine

hundred and

By His Excellency's command,


Section 71

State of (here insert name of State/Territory)

Nomination of Senator.

To the Australian Electoral Officer for the
(State/Territory) of (here insert name of State
or Territory).

We, the undersigned Electors on the Electoral Roll for the
(State/Territory) of (here insert name of State
or Territory), and entitled to vote at the election of Senators for
the said (State/Territory) do hereby nominate
(here insert Christian or given name or names in full, surname, place
of residence, and occupation of the person nominated) as a Senator
for the (State/Territory) of (here insert name
of State or Territory) to serve in the Senate of the Parliament of
the Commonwealth.

        Dated this          day of          19 .

------                                    Subdivision

for Signature of
      Name of Nominator   Place of

                          Living         which enrolled Number on Roll
        I,          of          consent to the above nomination, and to act
elected, and declare-

1. That I am qualified under the Constitution and the Laws of the
Commonwealth to be elected as a Senator;

2. That I have not consented to act if elected in relation to a nomination in
relation to another election under the Commonwealth Electoral  Act 1918 
the polling day of which is the polling day of the election in relation to
which this declaration is made; and

(or if applicable)

(That I have consented to act if elected in relation to a
nomination in relation to another election under the Commonwealth  Electoral
Act 1918 the polling day of which is the polling day of the election in
relation to which this declaration is made and that consent has been withdrawn
under section 80 of that Act; and)

3. That I do not intend to consent to act if elected in relation to a
nomination in relation to another election under the Commonwealth  Electoral
Act 1918 the polling day of which is the polling day of the election in
relation to which this declaration is made.

(Signature of Candidate.) Witness-


N.B.-The Candidate's consent to the nomination and his declaration may be on a
separate paper and in any form, but if given on the nomination paper in the
above form their sufficiency is not to be questioned.

A nomination must be signed by not less than six persons entitled to vote at
the election for which the candidate is nominated.


Section  71 

Division of (here insert name of Division).

Nomination of a Member of the House of Representatives.

To the Divisional Returning Officer for the Electoral Division of (here insert
name of Division).

We, the undersigned Electors on the Electoral Roll for the Electoral Division
of (here insert name of Division), in the (State/Territory) of (here insert
name of State or Territory), and entitled to vote at the Election of a Member
of the House of Representatives for the said Division, do hereby nominate (
here insert Christian or given name or names in full, surname, place of
residence, and occupation of the person nominated) as a Member of the House of
Representatives for the above-mentioned Division.

  Dated this         day of          19 .

-- Subdivision
                                   for                           Signature of

Name of Nominator   Place of

                    Living         which enrolled Number on Roll nominator

  I,          of          consent to the above nomination, and to act if
elected, and declare-

1. That I am qualified under the Constitution and the Laws of the
Commonwealth to be elected as a Member of the House of Representatives;

2. That I have not consented to act if elected in relation to a nomination in
relation to another election under the Commonwealth Electoral  Act 1918 
the polling day of which is the polling day of the election in relation to
which this declaration is made; and

(or if applicable)

(That I have consented to act if elected in relation to a
nomination in relation to another election under the Commonwealth  Electoral
Act 1918 the polling day of which is the polling day of the election in
relation to which this declaration is made and that consent has been withdrawn
under section 80 of that Act; and)

3. That I do not intend to consent to act if elected in relation to a
nomination in relation to another election under the Commonwealth  Electoral
Act 1918 the polling day of which is the polling day of the election in
relation to which this declaration is made.

(Signature of Candidate.)



N.B.-The Candidate's consent to the nomination and his declaration may be on a
separate paper and in any form, but if given on the nomination paper in the
above form their sufficiency is not to be questioned.

A nomination must be signed by not less than six persons entitled to vote at
the election for which the candidate is nominated.


                                    FORM  E                  Section 104


(5) of (6)
Election of (7) Senators DIRECTIONS:
  EITHER  -  Place the single figure   A()  or B()  or  C()  or D()

1 in one, and one only,
of these squares to
indicate the group
voting ticket which
you wish to adopt as
your vote

  OR      -  Place the numbers 1 to   A()1 3 B()1 3 C()1 3 D()1 3  ()1 4  ()1
             (8) in the squares       A()1 3 B()1 3 C()1 3 D()1 3  ()1 4  ()1
immediately to the left A()1 3 B()1 3 C()1 3 D()1 3 ()1 4 ()1 4
             of the names of the      A()1 3 B()1 3        D()1 3  ()1 4  ()1
             respective candidates    A()1 3 B()1 3        D()1 3  ()1 4

             so as to indicate the<   A()1 3 B()1 3                ()1 4

order of your
preference for them NOTE: Candidates marked by the same letter (A or B or C
etc.) have agreed to be grouped together on this ballot-paper. In some cases
they have also lodged a group voting ticket which you can adopt as your vote;
where this has been done, the square above the group is marked with the same
letter. The fact that no letter appears before the square to the left of a
candidate's surname indicates that the name of that candidate has not been
included in any group.

1 Here insert name of a candidate 2 Here insert name of a registered political
party or composite name of registered political parties if to be printed 3
Here insert name of a registered political party if to be printed 4 Here
insert name of a registered political party or word 'Independent' if to be
printed 5 Here insert State or Territory as appropriate 6 Here insert name of
State or Territory 7 Here insert number of vacancies 8 Here insert number of


Section  104 


(State/Territory) of (here insert name of State or Territory).

Electoral Division of (here insert name of Division).

Election of one Member of the House of Representatives.

Directions.-Mark your vote on this ballot-paper by placing the numbers (here
insert ''1 and 2'' where there are two candidates, ''1, 2 and 3'' where there
are three candidates, ''1, 2, 3 and 4'' where there are four candidates, and
so on as the case requires) in the squares respectively opposite the names of
the candidates so as to indicate the order of your preference for them.


() CRANE, JASON.^1^                            (^1^Here insert, if
() WILSON, BENJAMIN.^1^                                 the name of

() BROOKMAN, DANIEL.^1^                                 political party, or

() FRENCH, SARAH.^1^                                      word

() LOPEZ, KATH.^1^


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