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amendments of the Corporations Law

1 Part 1.5, the heading to Chapter 2 and Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4

Repeal the Parts and heading, substitute:

Part 1.5--Small business guide

This guide summarises the main rules in the Corporations Law that apply to proprietary companies limited by shares--the most common type of company used by small business. The guide gives a general overview of the Corporations Law as it applies to those companies and directs readers to the operative provisions in the Law.

The notes in square brackets at the end of paragraphs in the guide indicate the main provisions of the Corporations Law, the regulations made under the Law, and Australian Securities Commission Practice Notes that are relevant to the information in the paragraphs.

Other Commonwealth, State and Territory laws also impose obligations on proprietary companies and their operators.

SECT 1 What registration means 1.1 Separate legal entity that has its own powers

As far as the law is concerned, a company has a separate legal existence that is distinct from that of its owners, managers, operators, employees and agents. A company has its own property, its own rights and its own obligations. A company's money and other assets belong to the company and must be used for the company's purposes.

A company has the powers of an individual, including the powers to:

Once a company is registered, its separate legal status, property, rights and liabilities continue until the ASC (Australian Securities Commission) deregisters the company.

[sections 119, 124-125, 601AA-601AD]

1.2 Limited liability of shareholders

Shareholders of a company are not liable (in their capacity as shareholders) for the company's debts. As shareholders, their only obligation is to pay the company any amount unpaid on their shares if they are called upon to do so. However, particularly if a shareholder is also a director, this limitation may be affected by other laws and the commercial practices discussed in 1.3 and 1.4.

[section 516]

1.3 Director's liability for company's debts

A director of a company may be liable for debts incurred by the company at a time when the company itself is unable to pay those debts as they fall due.

A director of a company may be liable to compensate the company for any losses the company suffers from a breach of certain of the director's duties to the company (see 5.3).

In addition to having liability for the company's debts or to pay compensation to the company, a director may also be subject to a civil penalty.

If a company holds property on trust, a director of the company may be liable in some circumstances for liabilities incurred by the company as trustee.

[sections 232, 233, 344, 588G, 588J, 588M, 1317HA, 1317HD]

1.4 Director's liability as guarantor/security over personal assets

As a matter of commercial practice, a bank, trade creditor or anyone else providing finance or credit to a company may ask a director of the company:

The director of a company may, for example, be asked by a bank to give a mortgage over their house to secure the company's repayment of a loan. If the company does not repay the loan as agreed with the bank, the director may lose the house.

1.5 Continuous existence

A company continues to exist even if 1 or more of its shareholders or directors sells their shares, dies or leaves the company. If a company has only 1 shareholder who is also the only director of the company and that person dies, their personal representative is able to ensure that the company continues to operate.

[sections 119, 224A]

1.6 Rules for the internal management of a company

The Law contains a basic set of rules for the internal management of a company (appointments, meetings etc.).

Some of these rules are mandatory for all companies. There are a few special rules for single shareholder/single director companies.

Other internal management rules in the Law are replaceable rules. The replaceable rules do not apply to:

A company does not need to have a separate constitution of its own; it can simply take advantage of the rules in the Law. The company will need a constitution only if it wants to displace, modify or add to the replaceable rules.

[sections 134-141, 224B]

1.7 How a company acts

A company does not have a physical existence. It must act through other people.

Individual directors, the company secretary, company employees or agents may be authorised to enter into contracts that bind the company (see 7).

In some circumstances, a company will be bound by something done by another person (see 1.8).

1.8 Directors

The directors of a company are responsible for managing the company's business. It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that generally the directors may exercise all the powers of the company except a power that the Law, a replaceable rule or a provision of the company's constitution (if any) requires the company to exercise in general meeting.

The only director of a company who is also the only shareholder is responsible for managing the company's business and may exercise all of the company's powers.

The Law sets out rules dealing with the calling and conduct of directors' meetings. Directors must keep a written record (minutes) of their resolutions and meetings.

There are 2 ways that directors may pass resolutions:

If a company has only 1 director, the sole director may also pass a resolution by recording and signing their decision.

[sections 224B, 226A, 248A-248G, 251A]

1.9 Shareholders

The shareholders of a company own the company, but the company has a separate legal existence and the company's assets belong to the company.

Shareholders can make decisions about the company by passing a resolution, usually at a meeting. A "special resolution" usually involves more important questions affecting the company as a whole or the rights of some or all of its shareholders.

There are 2 ways that shareholders may pass a resolution:

If a meeting is held, an ordinary resolution must be passed by a majority of the votes cast by shareholders of the company entitled to vote on the resolution at the meeting in person or by proxy (if proxies are allowed). A special resolution must be passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by shareholders of the company entitled to vote on the resolution and who vote at the meeting in person or by proxy (if proxies are allowed).

The sole shareholder of a company may pass a resolution by recording and signing their decision.

A company must keep a written record (minutes) of the members' resolutions and meetings.

[sections 9 ( special resolution ), 249A, 249B, 249L, 251A]

1.10 What others can assume about the company

Anyone who does any business with the company is entitled to assume that the company has a legal right to conduct that business unless the person knows, or suspects, otherwise. For example, an outsider dealing with the company is entitled to assume:

[sections 128-130]

SECT 2 The company structure for small business 2.1 Proprietary company for small business

Generally, a proprietary company limited by shares is the most suitable company for use by small business. Such a proprietary company must have a least 1 shareholder but no more than 50 shareholders (not counting employee shareholders). It may have 1 or more directors.

[sections 112-113]

SECT 3 Setting up a new company The operators of small businesses can either buy "shelf" companies or set up new companies themselves.

3.1 "Shelf" companies

The operator of a small business may find it more convenient to buy a "shelf" company (a company that has already been registered but has not traded) from businesses which set up companies for this purpose or from some legal or accounting firms.

3.2 Setting up a company

To set up a new company themselves, the operator must apply to the ASC for registration of the company.

A proprietary company limited by shares must have at least 1 shareholder.

To obtain registration, a person must lodge a properly completed application form with the ASC. The form must set out certain information including details of every person who has consented to be a shareholder, director or company secretary of the company.

The company comes into existence when the ASC registers it.

[sections 117-119, 135-136, 140]

3.3 ACN and name

When a company is registered, the ASC allocates to it a unique 9 digit number called the Australian Company Number (ACN). (For use of the ACN see 4.1).

In practice, a new company must have a name that is different from the name of a company that is already registered. A proprietary company limited by shares must have the words "Proprietary Limited" as part of its name. Those words can be abbreviated to "Pty Ltd".

A proprietary company may adopt its ACN as its name. If it does so, its name must also contain the words "Australian Company Number" (which can be abbreviated to "ACN"). For example, the company's name might be "ACN 123 456 789 Pty Ltd".

[sections 119, 147-161]

3.4 Contracts entered into before the company is registered

A company can ratify a contract entered into by someone on its behalf or for its benefit before it was registered. If the company does not ratify the contract, the person who entered into the contract may be personally liable.

[sections 131-133]

3.5 First shareholders, directors and company secretary

A person listed with their consent as a shareholder, director or company secretary in the application for registration of the company becomes a shareholder, director or company secretary of the company on its registration.

The same person may be both a director of the company and the company secretary.

See 5.1 and 5.2 for directors and 5.4 for company secretaries. See 6.1 for shareholders.

[section 120]

3.6 Issuing shares

It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that, before issuing new shares, a company must first offer them to the existing shareholders in the proportions that the shareholders already hold. A company may issue shares at a price it determines.

[sections 254B, 254D]

3.7 Registered office

A company must have a registered office in Australia and must inform the ASC of the location of the office. A post office box cannot be the registered office of a company. The purpose of the registered office is to have a place where all communications and notices to the company may be sent.

If the company does not occupy the premises where its registered office is located, the occupier of the premises must agree in writing to having the company's registered office located there.

A proprietary company is not required to open its registered office to the public but this does not affect its obligation to make documents available for inspection.

The company must notify the ASC of any change of address of its registered office.

[sections 100, 142, 143, 173, 1300]

3.8 Principal place of business

If a company has a principal place of business that is different to its registered office, it must notify the ASC of the address of its principal place of business and of any changes to that address.

[sections 117, 146]

3.9 Registers kept by the company

A company must keep registers, including a register of shareholders and a register of charges. A company must keep its registers at:

A register may be kept either in a bound or looseleaf book or on computer.

If a register is kept on computer, its contents must be capable of being printed out in hard copy.

[sections 172, 1300-1302, 1306]

3.10 Register of shareholders

A company must keep in its register of shareholders such information as:

[sections 168-169]

3.11 Register of charges

A company must keep a register of charges if the company gives a bank, trade creditor or anybody else a charge over company assets.

[section 271]

SECT 4 Continuing obligations after the company is set up The Corporations Law and other laws impose obligations on companies themselves and on their directors and company secretaries. Some of the more important obligations imposed under the Corporations Law are discussed below.

4.1 Use of company name and ACN

The name of a company must be shown at all the company's business premises (including its registered office) that are open to the public. The company's name and its ACN must appear:

[sections 123, 144, 147-156,
Australian Securities Commission Practice Note 47]

4.2 Annual return

A company must lodge with the ASC an annual return which contains such information as:

An annual return may be lodged with the ASC on a printed form or, if an agreement is in place to lodge electronically, in accordance with the agreement.

The ASC may send a partially completed annual return to a company that wants to lodge its annual return on a printed form for the company to check, amend if necessary, verify and send back to the ASC. However, a company must lodge an annual return with the ASC even if the ASC does not send a partially completed annual return to the company.

[sections 345-348, 352]

4.3 Annual fee

A company must pay an annual fee to the ASC on lodgment of the annual return.

[Corporations (Fees) Regulations]

4.4 Notification to ASC of changes

The company must notify the ASC if certain basic changes to the company occur. The following table sets out these notification requirements.

Notification requirements

If . . .

the company must notify the ASC of the change . . .

Form No. . . .

section . . .


a company issues shares

within 1 month after the issue




a company changes the location of a register

within 7 days after the change


172, 1302


a company changes the address of its registered office or principal place of business

within 14 days after the change


142, 146


a company changes its directors or company secretary

within 14 days after the change




there is a change in the name or address of the company's directors or secretary

within 14 days after the change




a company creates certain kinds of charges

within 45 days after the charge is created



SECT 5 Company directors and company secretaries 5.1 Who can be a director

Only an individual who is at least 18 years old can be a director. If a company has only 1 director, they must ordinarily reside in Australia. If a company has more than 1 director, at least 1 of the directors must ordinarily reside in Australia.

A director must consent in writing to holding the position of director. The company must keep the consent and must notify the ASC of the appointment.

In some circumstances, the Corporations Law imposes the duties and obligations of a director on a person who, although not formally appointed as a director of a company, nevertheless acts as a director or gives instructions to the formally appointed directors as to how they should act.

The Court or the ASC may prohibit a person from being a director or from otherwise being involved in the management of a company if, for example, the person has breached the Corporations Law.

A person needs the Court's permission to be a director if the person has been convicted of certain offences or is, in some circumstances, unable to pay their debts as they fall due.

Generally, a director may resign by giving notice of the resignation to the company. The company must notify the ASC of a director's resignation. A director who resigns may also notify the ASC of the resignation.

[sections 60, 221, 222A, 224, 228-230, 242, 242C, 599, 600, 1317EA(3)]

5.2 Appointment of new directors

It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that shareholders may appoint directors by resolution at a general meeting.

[section 224C]

5.3 Duties and liabilities of directors

In managing the business of a company (see 1.7), each of its directors is subject to a wide range of duties under the Corporations Law and other laws. Some of the more important duties are:

A director who fails to perform their duties:

A director's obligations may continue even after the company has been deregistered.

[sections 232, 475, 530A, 588G, 596, 601AD, 601AH, 1317FA,
1317HA, 1317HB, 1317HD]

5.4 Company secretaries

A company must have a company secretary. The directors appoint the company secretary. A company secretary must be at least 18 years old. If a company has only 1 company secretary, they must ordinarily reside in Australia. If a company has more than 1 company secretary, at least 1 of them must ordinarily reside in Australia.

A company secretary must consent in writing to holding the position of company secretary. The company must keep the consent and must notify the ASC of the appointment.

The same person may be both a director of a company and the company secretary.

Generally, a company secretary may resign by giving written notice of the resignation to the company. The company must notify the ASC of a company secretary's resignation. A company secretary who resigns may also notify the ASC of the resignation.

The company secretary is an officer of the company and, in that capacity, may be subject to the requirements imposed by the Corporations Law on company officers. The company secretary has specific responsibilities under the Corporations Law, including responsibility for ensuring that the company notifies the ASC about changes to the identities, names and addresses of the company's directors and company secretaries and that the company lodges its annual return.

A company secretary's obligations may continue even after the company has been deregistered.

[sections 83, 142, 222A, 240, 242, 242C, 345, 601AD, 601AH]

SECT 6 Shares and shareholders A proprietary company limited by shares must have a share capital and at least 1 shareholder. The ASC may apply to a Court to have a company wound up if it does not have any shareholders.

[sections 461- 462]

6.1 Becoming a shareholder and ceasing to be a shareholder

A person may become a shareholder of a company in several ways, including the following:

Some of the ways in which a person ceases to be a shareholder are:

[sections 117, 120, 601AA-601AD]

6.2 Classes of shares

A company may have different classes of shares. The rights and restrictions attached to the shares in a class distinguish it from other classes of shares.

[sections 254A-254B]

6.3 Meetings of shareholders

Directors have the power to call meetings of all shareholders or meetings of only those shareholders who hold a particular class of shares.

Shareholders who hold at least 5% of the votes which may be cast at a general meeting of a company have the power to call and hold a meeting themselves or to require the directors to call and hold a meeting. Meetings may be held regularly or to resolve specific questions about the management or business of the company.

The Law sets out rules dealing with shareholders' meetings.

A shareholder of a company may ask the company for a copy of the record of a meeting or of a decision of shareholders taken without a meeting.

[sections 249A-251B]

6.4 Voting rights

Different rights to vote at meetings of shareholders may attach to different classes of shares. It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that, subject to those different rights, each shareholder has 1 vote on a show of hands and, on a poll, 1 vote for each share held.

[sections 250E, 254A-254B]

6.5 Buying and selling shares

A shareholder may sell their shares but only if the sale would not breach the company's constitution (if any). It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that the directors have a discretion to refuse to register a transfer of shares.

[sections 1091D-1091E]

SECT 7 Signing company documents A company's power to sign, discharge and otherwise deal with contracts can be exercised by an individual acting with the company's authority and on its behalf. A company can deal with contracts without using a common seal.

A company may execute a document by having it signed by:

If the document is to have effect as a deed, it should be expressed to be a deed.

[sections 126-127, 240]

A company is not required to have a common seal. If it does, the seal must show the company's name and its ACN. The seal is equivalent to the company's signature and may be used on important company documents such as mortgages.

[sections 123, 127(2)]

SECT 8 Funding the company's operations The shareholders may fund the company's operations by lending money to the company or by taking up other shares in the company. Except if it is raising funds from its own employees or shareholders, a proprietary company must not engage in any fundraising activity that would require the company to lodge a prospectus with the ASC (for example, advertising in a newspaper inviting people to invest in the company).

The company may also borrow money from banks and other financial organisations.

Anyone who has lent money, or provided credit, to the company may ask for a mortgage or charge over the company's assets to secure the performance by the company of its obligations.

[sections 113, 124]

SECT 9 Returns to shareholders Shareholders can take money out of the company in a number of ways, but only if the company complies with its constitution (if any), the Corporations Law and all other relevant laws. If a company pays out money in a way that results in the company being unable to pay its debts as they fall due, its directors may be liable:

[sections 588G, 1317FA, 1317HA, 1317HB, 1317HD]

9.1 Dividends

Dividends are payments to shareholders out of the company's after tax profits. It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that the directors decide whether the company should pay a dividend.

[sections 254T, 254U]

9.2 Buy-back of shares

A company can buy back shares from shareholders.

[sections 257A-257J]

9.4 Distribution of surplus assets on winding up

If a company is wound up and there are any assets left over after all the company's debts have been paid, the surplus is distributed to shareholders in accordance with the rights attaching to their shares.

SECT 10 Annual financial reports and audit 10.1 The small/large distinction

The accounting requirements imposed on a proprietary company under the Corporations Law depend on whether the company is classified as small or large. A company's classification can change from 1 financial year to another as its circumstances change.

A company is classified as small for a financial year if it satisfies at least 2 of the following tests:

A company that does not satisfy at least 2 of these tests is classified as large.

[section 45A]

As the great majority of proprietary companies are small under these tests, the discussion below deals mainly with the accounting requirements for small proprietary companies.

[sections 286-301]

10.2 Financial records

Under the Corporations Law, all proprietary companies must keep sufficient financial records to record and explain their transactions and financial position and to allow true and fair financial statements to be prepared and audited. Financial record here means some kind of systematic record of the company's financial transactions--not merely a collection of receipts, invoices, bank statements and cheque butts. Financial records may be kept on computer.

[sections 286-289]

10.3 Preparing annual financial reports and directors' reports

The Corporations Law requires a small proprietary company to prepare an annual financial report (an annual profit and loss statement, a balance sheet and a statement of cash flows) and a directors' report (about the company's operations, dividends paid or recommended, options issued etc.) if:

Unless the shareholders' direction specifies otherwise, the company must prepare the annual financial report in accordance with the applicable accounting standards.

Although the Corporations Law itself may not require a small proprietary company to prepare a financial report except in the circumstances mentioned, the company may need to prepare the annual financial reports for the purposes of other laws (for example, income tax laws). Moreover, good business practice may also make it advisable for the company to prepare the financial reports so that it can monitor and better manage its financial position.

Large proprietary companies must prepare annual financial reports and a directors' report, have the financial report audited and send both reports to shareholders. They must also lodge the annual financial reports with the ASC unless exempted.

[sections 286-301, 319-320]

SECT 11 Disagreements within the company 11.1 Special problems faced by minority shareholders

There are remedies available to a shareholder of a company if:

A Court may, for example, order the winding up of a company or the appointment of a receiver.

[sections 246AA, 461]

11.2 Buy-back of shares

A company may buy back the shares of a shareholder who wants to sever their relationship with the company.

[sections 257A-257J]

11.3 Selling shares

A shareholder in a company who wants to sever their relationship with the company may decide to sell their shares. However, the shareholder may not be able to sell their shares readily--particularly if they want to sell their shares to someone who is not an existing shareholder. Some of the difficulties they may face in that case are:

[sections 995, 1018, 1091D-1091E]

SECT 12 Companies in financial trouble 12.1 Voluntary administration

If a company experiences financial problems, the directors may appoint an administrator to take over the operations of the company to see if the company's creditors and the company can work out a solution to the company's problems.

If the company's creditors and the company cannot agree, the company may be wound up (see 12.3).

[Part 5.3A]

12.2 Receivers

A receiver, or receiver and manager, may be appointed by order of a Court or under an agreement with a secured creditor to take over some or all of the assets of a company. Generally this would occur if the company is in financial difficulty. A receiver may be appointed, for example, because an amount owed to a secured creditor is overdue.

[Part 5.2]

12.3 Winding up and distribution

A company may be wound up by order of a Court, or voluntarily if the shareholders of the company pass a special resolution to do so.

A liquidator is appointed:

[Part 5.2, section 495]

12.4 Liquidators

A liquidator is appointed to administer the winding up of a company. The liquidator's main functions are:

[Parts 5.4B, 5.5]

12.5 Order of payment of debts

Generally, creditors who hold security over company assets are paid first.

[Division 6 of Part 5.6]

12.6 Cancellation of registration

If a company has ceased trading or has been wound up, it remains on the register until the ASC cancels the company's registration. Once a company is deregistered, it ceases to exist.

[sections 601AA-601AB, 601AH]

Chapter 2A--Registering a company Part 2A.1--What companies can be registered

SECT 112 Types of companies Types of companies

(1) The following types of companies can be registered under this Law:

Proprietary companies

Limited by shares

Unlimited with share capital

Public companies

Limited by shares

Limited by guarantee

Unlimited with share capital

No liability company

No liability companies

(2) A company may be registered as a no liability company only if:

No liability company provisions






148 , 156, 162


terms of issue of shares



liability on partly-paid shares






winding up

477-478, 483, 514


registering a body as a company





(3) A no liability company must not engage in activities that are outside its mining purposes objects.

(4) The directors of a no liability company must not:


(5) An act or transaction is not invalid merely because of a contravention of subsection (3) or (4).

SECT 113 Proprietary companies (1) A company must have no more than 50 non-employee shareholders if it is to:

(2) In applying subsection (1):

(3) A proprietary company must not engage in any activity that would require the lodgment with the ASC of a prospectus under Part 7.12, except for an offer of its shares to:

(4) An act or transaction is not invalid merely because of a contravention of subsection (3).

SECT 114 Minimum of 1 member A company needs to have at least 1 member.

SECT 115 Restrictions on size of partnerships and associations A person must not participate in the formation of a partnership or association which has as an object gain for itself or for any of its members and which either:

unless the partnership or association is incorporated or formed under an Australian law.

SECT 116 Trade unions cannot be registered A trade union cannot be registered under this Law.

Part 2A.2--How a company is registered

SECT 117 Applying for registration Lodging application

(1) To register a company, a person must lodge an application with the ASC.

Contents of the application

(2) The application must state the following:

(3) If the company is to be a public company and is to have a constitution on registration, a copy of the constitution must be lodged with the application.

(4) The application must be in the prescribed form.

(5) An applicant must have the consents and agreements referred to in subsection (2) when the application is lodged. After the company is registered, the applicant must give the consents and agreements to the company. The company must keep the consents and agreements.

SECT 118 ASC gives company ACN, registers company and issues certificate Registration

(1) If an application is lodged under section 117, the ASC may:

ASC must keep record of registration

(2) The ASC must keep a record of the registration. Subsections 1274(2) and (5) apply to the record as if it were a document lodged with the ASC.

SECT 119 Company comes into existence on registration A company comes into existence as a body corporate at the beginning of the day on which it is registered. The company's name is the name specified in the certificate of registration.

SECT 120 Members, directors and company secretary of a company (1) A person becomes a member, director or company secretary of a company on registration if the person is specified in the application with their consent as a proposed member, director or company secretary of the company.

(2) The shares to be taken up by the members as specified in the application are taken to be issued to the members on registration of the company. The shares have the nominal value specified for them in the application.

SECT 121 Registered office The address specified in the application for registration for the company's proposed registered office becomes the address of the company's registered office on registration.

SECT 122 Expenses incurred in promoting and setting up company The expenses incurred before registration in promoting and setting up a company may be paid out of the company's assets.

SECT 123 Company may have common seal (1) A company may have a common seal. If a company does have a common seal, the company must set out on it:

(2) A company may have a duplicate common seal. The duplicate must be a copy of the common seal with the words "duplicate seal", "share seal" or "certificate seal" added.

(3) A person must not use, or authorise the use of, a seal that purports to be the common seal of a company or a duplicate if the seal does not comply with the requirements set out in subsection (1) or (2).

Chapter 2B--Basic features of a company Part 2B.1--Company powers and how they are exercised

SECT 124 Legal capacity and powers of a company (1) A company has the legal capacity and powers of an individual both in and outside this jurisdiction. A company also has all the powers of a body corporate, including the power to:

A company limited by guarantee does not have the power to issue shares.

(2) A company's legal capacity to do something is not affected by the fact that the company's interests are not, or would not be, served by doing it.

SECT 125 Constitution may limit powers and set out objects (1) If a company has a constitution, it may contain an express restriction on, or a prohibition of, the company's exercise of any of its powers. The exercise of a power by the company is not invalid merely because it is contrary to an express restriction or prohibition in the company's constitution.

(2) If a company has a constitution, it may set out the company's objects. An act of the company is not invalid merely because it is contrary to or beyond any objects in the company's constitution.

SECT 126 Agent exercising a company's power to make contracts (1) A company's power to make, vary, ratify or discharge a contract may be exercised by an individual acting with the company's express or implied authority and on behalf of the company. The power may be exercised without using a common seal.

(2) This section does not affect the operation of a law that requires a particular procedure to be complied with in relation to the contract.

SECT 127 Execution of documents (including deeds) by the company itself (1) A company may execute a document without using a common seal if the document is signed by:

(2) A company with a common seal may execute a document if the seal is fixed to the document and the fixing of the seal is witnessed by:

(3) A company may execute a document as a deed if the document is expressed to be executed as a deed and is executed in accordance with subsection (1) or (2).

(4) This section does not limit the ways in which a company may execute a document (including a deed).

Part 2B.2--Assumptions people dealing with companies are entitled to make

SECT 128 Entitlement to make assumptions (1) A person is entitled to make the assumptions in section 129 in relation to dealings with a company. The company is not entitled to assert in proceedings in relation to the dealings that any of the assumptions are incorrect.

(2) A person is entitled to make the assumptions in section 129 in relation to dealings with another person who has, or purports to have, directly or indirectly acquired title to property from a company. The company and the other person are not entitled to assert in proceedings in relation to the dealings that any of the assumptions are incorrect.

(3) The assumptions may be made even if an officer or agent of the company acts fraudulently, or forges a document, in connection with the dealings.

(4) A person is not entitled to make an assumption in section 129 if at the time of the dealings they knew or suspected that the assumption was incorrect.

SECT 129 Assumptions that can be made under section 128 Constitution and replaceable rules complied with

(1) A person may assume that the company's constitution (if any), and any provisions of this Law that apply to the company as replaceable rules, have been complied with.

Director or company secretary

(2) A person may assume that anyone who appears, from information provided by the company that is available to the public from the ASC, to be a director or a company secretary of the company:

Officer or agent

(3) A person may assume that anyone who is held out by the company to be an officer or agent of the company:

Proper performance of duties

(4) A person may assume that the officers and agents of the company properly perform their duties to the company.

Document duly executed without seal

(5) A person may assume that a document has been duly executed by the company if the document appears to have been signed in accordance with subsection 127(1). For the purposes of making the assumption, a person may also assume that anyone who signs the document and states next to their signature that they are the sole director and sole company secretary of the company occupies both offices.

Document duly executed with seal

(6) A person may assume that a document has been duly executed by the company if:

For the purposes of making the assumption, a person may also assume that anyone who witnesses the fixing of the common seal and states next to their signature that they are the sole director and sole company secretary of the company occupies both offices.

Officer or agent with authority to warrant that document is genuine or true copy

(7) A person may assume that an officer or agent of the company who has authority to issue a document or a certified copy of a document on its behalf also has authority to warrant that the document is genuine or is a true copy.

(8) Without limiting the generality of this section, the assumptions that may be made under this section apply for the purposes of this section.

SECT 130 Information available to the public from the ASC does not constitute constructive notice (1) A person is not taken to have information about a company merely because the information is available to the public from the ASC.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a document that has been lodged with the ASC to the extent that the document relates to a charge that is registrable under this Law.

Part 2B.3--Contracts before registration

SECT 131 Contracts before registration (1) If a person enters into, or purports to enter into, a contract on behalf of, or for the benefit of, a company before it is registered, the company becomes bound by the contract and entitled to its benefit if the company, or a company that is reasonably identifiable with it, is registered and ratifies the contract:

(2) The person is liable to pay damages to each other party to the pre-registration contract if the company is not registered, or the company is registered but does not ratify the contract or enter into a substitute for it:

The amount that the person is liable to pay to a party is the amount the company would be liable to pay to the party if the company had ratified the contract and then did not perform it at all.

(3) If proceedings are brought to recover damages under subsection (2) because the company is registered but does not ratify the pre-registration contract or enter into a substitute for it, the court may do anything that it considers appropriate in the circumstances, including ordering the company to do 1 or more of the following:

(4) If the company ratifies the pre-registration contract but fails to perform all or part of it, the court may order the person to pay all or part of the damages that the company is ordered to pay.

SECT 132 Person may be released from liability but is not entitled to indemnity (1) A party to the pre-registration contract may release the person from all or part of their liability under section 131 to the party by signing a release.

(2) Despite any rule of law or equity, the person does not have any right of indemnity against the company in respect of the person's liability under this Part. This is so even if the person was acting, or purporting to act, as trustee for the company.

SECT 133 This Part replaces other rights and liabilities This Part replaces any rights or liabilities anyone would otherwise have on the pre-registration contract.

Part 2B.4--Replaceable rules and constitution

SECT 134 Internal management of companies A company's internal management may be governed by provisions of this Law that apply to the company as replaceable rules, by a constitution or by a combination of both.

SECT 135 Replaceable rules Companies to which replaceable rules apply

(1) A section or subsection (except subsection 129(1), this section and sections 140 and 141) whose heading contains the words:

The section or subsection does not apply to a proprietary company while the same person is both its sole director and sole shareholder.

Company's constitution can displace or modify replaceable rules

(2) A provision of a section or subsection that applies to a company as a replaceable rule can be displaced or modified by the company's constitution.

Failure to comply with replaceable rules

(3) A failure to comply with the replaceable rules as they apply to a company is not of itself a contravention of this Law (so the provisions about criminal liability, civil liability and injunctions do not apply).

SECT 136 Constitution of a company (1) A company adopts a constitution:

(2) The company may modify or repeal its constitution, or a provision of its constitution, by special resolution.

(3) The company's constitution may provide that the special resolution does not have any effect unless a further requirement specified in the constitution relating to that modification or repeal has been complied with.

(4) Unless the constitution provides otherwise, the company may modify or repeal a further requirement described in subsection (3) only if the further requirement is itself complied with.

(5) A public company must lodge with the ASC a copy of a special resolution adopting, modifying or repealing its constitution within 14 days after it is passed. The company must also lodge with the ASC within that period:

This also applies to a proprietary company that has applied under Part 2B.7 to change to a public company, while its application has not yet been determined.

SECT 137 Date of effect of adoption, modification or repeal of constitution (1) A special resolution adopting, modifying or repealing a company's constitution takes effect:

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the date of effect of a special resolution passed in connection with a change of name, change of type or a variation or cancellation of class rights.

SECT 138 ASC may direct company to lodge consolidated constitution The ASC may direct a company to lodge a consolidated copy of its constitution with the ASC.

SECT 139 Company must send copy of constitution to member A company must send a copy of its constitution to a member of the company within 7 days if the member:

SECT 140 Effect of constitution and replaceable rules (1) A company's constitution (if any) and any replaceable rules that apply to the company have effect as a contract:

under which each person agrees to observe and perform the constitution and rules so far as they apply to that person.

(2) Unless a member of a company agrees in writing to be bound, they are not bound by a modification of the constitution made after the date on which they became a member so far as the modification:

SECT 141 Table of replaceable rules The following table sets out the provisions of this Law that apply as replaceable rules.

Provisions that apply as replaceable rules



Company may appoint a director



Alternate directors



Powers of directors



Executing negotiable instruments



Managing director



Delegation to committees



Proprietary company may remove director



Director may resign by giving written notice to company



Director interested in contract with proprietary company



Remuneration of directors



Directors' meetings

Circulating resolutions



Calling directors' meetings



Chairing directors' meetings



Quorum at directors' meetings



Passing of directors' resolutions



Meetings of members

Calling of meetings of members by a director



Notice to joint members



When notice by post or fax is given



Notice of adjourned meetings






Chairing meetings of members



Business at adjourned meetings



Who can appoint a proxy

[replaceable rule for proprietary companies only]



Proxy vote valid even if member dies, revokes appointment etc.



How many votes a member has



Jointly held shares



Objection to right to vote



How voting is carried out



When and how polls must be taken



Company secretary

Terms of office determined by directors



Inspection of books

Company or directors may allow member to inspect books




Pre-emption for existing shareholders on issue of shares in proprietary company



Other provisions about paying dividends



Dividend rights for shares in proprietary companies



Transfer of shares

Transmission of shares on death



Transmission of shares on bankruptcy



Transmission of shares on mental incapacity



Registration of transfers



Additional general discretion for directors of proprietary companies to refuse to register transfers



Share capital

Capitalisation of profits


Part 2B.5--Registered office and places of business

SECT 142 Registered office (1) A company must have a registered office in Australia. Communications and notices to the company may be addressed to its registered office.

(2) A company must lodge notice of a change of address of its registered office with the ASC not later than 14 days after the date on which the change occurs. The notice must be in the prescribed form.

(3) A notice of change of address takes effect from the later of:

SECT 143 ASC may change address of registered office to a director's address (1) A company that does not occupy the premises at the address of its registered office must be able to show to the ASC the occupier's written consent to the company's use of those premises as its registered office.

(2) If the ASC becomes aware that the occupier of those premises:

the ASC may give written notice to a director of the company who resides in Australia that the ASC intends to change the address of the company's registered office to the director's address.

(3) If the ASC is not notified of the address of the company's proposed new registered office under subsection 142(2) within 14 days after the notice under subsection (2) is sent, the ASC may change the address of the company's registered office to the director's address.

SECT 144 Company's name must be displayed at registered office etc. (1) A company must display its name prominently at every place at which the company carries on business and that is open to the public.

(2) A public company must also display its name and the words "Registered Office" prominently at its registered office.

SECT 145 Opening hours of registered office of public company (1) The registered office of a public company must be open to the public:

(2) If the company chooses its own opening hours, the hours must be specified:

(3) The company must lodge notice of a change in the opening hours of its registered office with the ASC before the day on which a change occurs. The notice must be in the prescribed form.

SECT 146 Change of address of principal place of business A company must lodge with the ASC notice of a change of the address of its principal place of business not later than 14 days after the date on which the change occurs. The notice must be in the prescribed form.

Part 2B.6--Names Division 1--Selecting and using a name SECT 147 When a name is available Name is available unless identical or unacceptable

(1) A name is available to a company unless the name is:

Minister may consent to a name being available to a company

(2) The Minister may consent in writing to a name being available to a company even if the name is:

(3) The Minister's consent may be given subject to conditions.

SECT 148 A company's name Company may use available name or ACN

(1) A company may have as its name:

The name must also include the words required by subsection (2) or (3).

Limited companies

(2) A limited public company must have the word "Limited" at the end of its name unless section 150 or 151 applies. A limited proprietary company must have the words "Proprietary Limited" at the end of its name.

Unlimited proprietary companies

(3) An unlimited proprietary company must have the word "Proprietary" at the end of its name.

No liability companies

(4) A no liability company must have the words "No Liability" at the end of its name.

Public companies with "Proprietary" included in their name

(5) A public company must not include the word "Proprietary" (or an abbreviation of it) in its name unless:

SECT 149 Acceptable abbreviations (1) The abbreviations set out in the following table may be used:

Acceptable abbreviations

[operative table]





Co or Coy








No Liability












Australian Company Number


(2) If a company's name includes any of these abbreviations, the word corresponding to the abbreviation may be used instead.

SECT 150 Exception to requirement for using "Limited" in name (1) The ASC may register a company limited by guarantee without "Limited" in its name, or alter the registration of a company of that type by omitting "Limited" from its name, if its constitution:

(2) The company must notify the ASC as soon as practicable if any of those requirements or prohibitions in its constitution are not complied with or if its constitution is modified to remove any of those requirements or prohibitions.

SECT 151 Exception to requirement for using "Limited" in name--pre-existing licences (1) A licence in force immediately before the commencement of this section that allowed a company to omit "Limited" from its name continues in force subject to subsection (3).

(2) The company must notify the ASC as soon as practicable if it:

(3) The ASC may revoke the company's licence if the company does anything set out in paragraphs (2)(a) to (e).

SECT 152 Reserving a name (1) A person may lodge an application in the prescribed form with the ASC to reserve a name for a company. If the name is available, the ASC must reserve it.

(2) The reservation lasts for 2 months from the date when the application was lodged. An applicant may ask the ASC in writing for an extension of the reservation during a period that the name is reserved, and the ASC may extend the reservation for 2 months.

(3) The ASC must cancel a reservation if the applicant asks the ASC in writing to do so.

SECT 153 Using a name and ACN on documents (1) A company must set out its name on all its public documents and negotiable instruments.

(2) Subject to sections 154 and 155, if the company's ACN is not used in its name, the company must also set out with its name, or with 1 of the references to its name, the expression "Australian Company Number" followed by its ACN. If the company's name appears on 2 or more pages of the document or instrument, this must be done on the first of those pages.

SECT 154 Exception to requirement to have ACN on receipts A company does not have to set out the expression "Australian Company Number" followed by its ACN on a receipt (for example, a cash register receipt) that sets out information recorded in the machine that produced the receipt.

SECT 155 Regulations may exempt from requirement to set out information on documents The regulations may exempt a specified company, or a class of companies, from the requirement in subsection 153(2) to set out information on its public documents and negotiable instruments. The exemption may relate to specified documents or instruments, or a class of documents or instruments.

SECT 156 Carrying on business using "Limited", "No Liability" or "Proprietary" in name A person must not carry on business under a name or title that:

unless allowed or required to do so under an Australian law.

Division 2--Changing a company's name SECT 157 Company changing its name (1) If a company wants to change its name, it must:

(2) The company must lodge a copy of the special resolution with the ASC within 14 days after it is passed.

(3) If the proposed name is available, the ASC must change the company's name by altering the details of the company's registration to reflect the change. The change of name takes effect when the ASC alters the details of the company's registration.

SECT 158 ASC's power to direct company to change its name (1) The ASC may direct a company in writing to change its name within 2 months if:

(2) The company must comply with the direction within 2 months after being given it by doing everything necessary to change its name under section 157.

(3) If the company does not comply with subsection (2), the ASC may change the company's name to its ACN and any other words that section 148 requires, by altering the details of the company's registration to reflect the change.

(4) A change of name under subsection (3) takes effect when the ASC alters the details of the company's registration.

SECT 159 ASC's power to include "Limited" in company's name (1) The ASC may change a company's name so that it includes the word "Limited" by altering the details of the company's registration to reflect the change if:

(2) The change of name takes effect when the ASC alters the details of the company's registration.

SECT 160 ASC must issue new certificate if company's name changes If the ASC changes a company's name, it must give the company a new certificate of registration. The company's new name is the name specified in the certificate of registration issued under this section.

SECT 161 Effect of name change (1) A change of company name does not:

(2) Any legal proceedings that could have been continued or begun by or against the company in its former name may be continued or begun by or against it in its new name.

Part 2B.7 Changing company type

SECT 162 Changing company type (1) A company may change to a company of a different type as set out in the following table by:

Allowed conversions

[operative table]

This type of company may change. . .

. . . to this type of company


proprietary company limited by shares

unlimited proprietary company

unlimited public company

public company limited by shares


unlimited proprietary company

proprietary company limited by shares (but only if, within the last 3 years, it was not a limited company that became an unlimited company)

public company limited by shares (but only if, within the last 3 years, it was not a limited company that became an unlimited company)

unlimited public company


public company limited by shares

unlimited public company

unlimited proprietary company

proprietary company limited by shares

no liability company (see subsection (2))


company limited by guarantee

public company limited by shares

unlimited public company

proprietary company limited by shares

unlimited proprietary company


unlimited public company

public company limited by shares (but only if, within the last 3 years, it was not a limited company that became an unlimited company)

proprietary company limited by shares (but only if, within the last 3 years, it was not a limited company that became an unlimited company)

unlimited proprietary company


public no liability company

public company limited by shares (but only if all the issued shares are fully paid up)

proprietary company limited by shares (but only if all the issued shares are fully paid up)

(2) A public company limited by shares may only convert to a no liability company if:

(3) The company must lodge a copy of the special resolution with the ASC within 14 days after it is passed.

Unlimited company changing to limited company--resolution may deal with uncalled share capital and nominal value

(4) A special resolution to change an unlimited company that has share capital to a company limited by shares may also do either or both of the following:

Any increase in nominal value may only be called up if the company is wound up.

SECT 163 Applying for change of type Lodging application

(1) To change its type, a company must lodge an application with the ASC.

Contents of the application

(2) The application must be accompanied by the following:

Company limited by guarantee to company limited by shares

(3) If shares will be issued to persons under paragraph 166(2)(c) on the change of type from a company limited by guarantee to a company limited by shares, the application must state:

The shares may be issued to existing members only, to new members only or to existing and new members.

(4) The application must be in the prescribed form.

(5) The company must have the consents referred to in paragraph (3)(e) (if any) when the application is lodged. The company must keep the consents.

SECT 164 ASC changes type of company (1) The ASC must give notice under subsection (3) that it intends to alter the details of the company's registration if:

(2) To make a decision under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii), the ASC may direct the company in writing to:

(3) The notice that the ASC intends to alter the details of the company's registration must be:

The notice must also state that the ASC will alter the details of the company's registration 1 month after the notice has been published in the Gazette unless an order by a court or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal prevents it from doing so.

(4) Subject to an order made by a court or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal within that month, after that month has passed the ASC must alter the details of the company's registration to reflect the company's new type.

(5) A change of type under this section takes effect when the ASC alters the details of the company's registration. Despite subsection 246D(3) and section 246E, a special resolution passed in connection with the change of type also takes effect when the ASC alters the details of the company's registration.

(6) The ASC must give the company a new certificate of registration after it alters the details of the company's registration. The company's name is the name specified in the certificate of registration issued under this section.

(7) If the ASC alters the details of a company's registration under subsection (4), a court is not to make an order reversing the alteration of the details of the company's registration.

SECT 165 ASC may direct a proprietary company to change to a public company in certain circumstances (1) The ASC may direct a proprietary company in writing to change to a public company within 2 months if it is satisfied that the company has contravened section 113 (requirements for proprietary companies).

(2) The company must comply with the direction within 2 months after being given it by doing everything necessary to change to a public company under section 164.

(3) If a proprietary company does not comply with subsection (2), the ASC may change the company from a proprietary to a public company by altering the details of the company's registration to reflect the company's new type.

(4) A change of type under this section takes effect when the ASC alters the details of the company's registration.

(5) The ASC must give the company a new certificate of registration after it alters the details of the company's registration under subsection (3). The company's name is the name specified in the certificate of registration issued under this section.

SECT 166 Effect of change of type (1) A change of type does not:

(2) On the change of type of a company from a company limited by guarantee to a company limited by shares:

SECT 167 Issue of shares by company or holding company--company limited by guarantee changing to company limited by shares (1) If:

the person becomes a member of the company issuing the shares if:

(2) If shares are issued according to this section, a court is not to make an order reversing the issue of the shares.

2 Part 3.1

Repeal the Part.

3 Part 3.3

Repeal the Part.

4 Before Part 3.5


Chapter 2F--Members' rights and remedies

SECT 246A Membership of a company A person is a member of a company if they:

Part 2F.1--Oppression

Part 2F.2--Class rights

SECT 246B Varying and cancelling class rights If constitution sets out procedure

(1) If a company has a constitution that sets out the procedure for varying or cancelling:

those rights may be varied or cancelled only in accordance with the procedure. The procedure may be changed only if the procedure itself is complied with.

If constitution does not set out procedure

(2) If a company does not have a constitution, or has a constitution that does not set out the procedure for varying or cancelling:

those rights may be varied or cancelled only by special resolution of the company and:

(3) The company must give written notice of the variation or cancellation to the members of the class within 7 days after the variation or cancellation is made.

SECT 246C Certain actions taken to vary rights etc. Company with share capital

(1) If the shares in a class of shares in a company are divided into further classes, and after the division the rights attached to all of those shares are not the same:

(2) If the rights attached to some of the shares in a class of shares in a company are varied:

Company without share capital

(3) If the members in a class of members in a company without share capital are divided into further classes of members, and after the division the rights of all of those members are not the same:

(4) If the rights of some of the members in a class of members in a company without a share capital are varied:

Company with 1 class of shares issuing new class of shares

(5) If a company with 1 class of shares issues new shares, the issue is taken to vary the rights attached to shares already issued if:

(6) If a company issues new preference shares that rank equally with existing preference shares, the issue is taken to vary the rights attached to the existing preference shares unless the issue is authorised by:

SECT 246D Variation, cancellation or modification without unanimous support of class (1) If members in a class do not all agree (whether by resolution or written consent) to:

members with at least 10% of the votes in the class may apply to the Court to have the variation, cancellation or modification set aside.

(2) An application may only be made within 1 month after the variation, cancellation or modification is made.

(3) The variation, cancellation or modification takes effect:

(4) The members of the class who want to have the variation, cancellation or modification set aside may appoint 1 or more of themselves to make the application on their behalf. The appointment must be in writing.

(5) The Court may set aside the variation, cancellation or modification if it is satisfied that it would unfairly prejudice the applicants. However, the Court must confirm the variation, cancellation or modification if the Court is not satisfied of unfair prejudice.

(6) Within 14 days after the Court makes an order, the company must lodge a copy of it with the ASC.

SECT 246E Variation, cancellation or modification with unanimous support of class If the members in a class all agree (whether by resolution or written consent) to the variation, cancellation or modification, it takes effect:

SECT 246F Company must lodge documents and resolutions with the ASC (1) A company must lodge with the ASC a notice in the prescribed form setting out particulars of any of the following:

(2) The notice must be lodged within 14 days after the division or conversion.

(3) A public company must lodge with the ASC a copy of each document (including an agreement or consent) or resolution that:

This also applies to a proprietary company that has applied under Part 2B.7 to change to a public company, while its application has not yet been determined .

(4) The document must be lodged within 14 days after it is made. The resolution must be lodged within 14 days after it is passed.

SECT 246G Member's copies of documents and resolutions (1) A member of a company may ask the company in writing for a copy of a document or resolution referred to in section 246F. The company must send the copy to the member.

(2) If the company requires the member to pay for the copy, the company must send it:

(3) The amount of any payment the company requires cannot exceed the prescribed amount.

(4) If the company does not require payment for the copy, the company must send it:

Part 2F.3--Inspection of books

SECT 247A Order for inspection of books of company or registered managed investment scheme (1) On application by a member of a company or registered managed investment scheme, the Court may make an order:

The Court may only make the order if it is satisfied that the applicant is acting in good faith and that the inspection is to be made for a proper purpose.

(2) A person authorised to inspect books may make copies of the books unless the Court orders otherwise.

SECT 247B Ancillary orders If the Court makes an order under section 247A, the Court may make any other orders it considers appropriate, including either or both of the following:

SECT 247C Disclosure of information acquired in inspection A person who inspects books on behalf of an applicant under section 247A must not disclose information obtained during the inspection unless the disclosure is to:

SECT 247D Company or directors may allow member to inspect books (replaceable rule see section 135) The directors of a company, or the company by a resolution passed at a general meeting, may authorise a member to inspect books of the company.

Chapter 2G--Meetings Part 2G.1--Directors' meetings Division 1--Resolutions and declarations without meetings SECT 248A Circulating resolutions of companies with more than 1 director (replaceable rule see section 135) Resolutions

(1) The directors of a company may pass a resolution without a directors' meeting being held if all the directors entitled to vote on the resolution sign a document containing a statement that they are in favour of the resolution set out in the document.


(2) Separate copies of a document may be used for signing by directors if the wording of the resolution and statement is identical in each copy.

When the resolution is passed

(3) The resolution is passed when the last director signs.

SECT 248B Resolutions and declarations of 1 director proprietary companies Resolutions

(1) The director of a proprietary company that has only 1 director may pass a resolution by recording it and signing the record.


(2) The director of a proprietary company that has only 1 director may make a declaration by recording it and signing the record. Recording and signing the declaration satisfies any requirement in this Law that the declaration be made at a directors' meeting.

Division 2--Directors' meetings SECT 248C Calling directors' meetings (replaceable rule see section SECT 135) A directors' meeting may be called by a director giving reasonable notice individually to every other director.

SECT 248D Use of technology A directors' meeting may be called or held using any technology consented to by all the directors. The consent may be a standing one. A director may only withdraw their consent within a reasonable period before the meeting.

SECT 248E Chairing directors' meetings (replaceable rule see section SECT 135) (1) The directors may elect a director to chair their meetings. The directors may determine the period for which the director is to be the chair.

(2) The directors must elect a director present to chair a meeting, or part of it, if:

SECT 248F Quorum at directors' meetings (replaceable rule see section SECT 135) Unless the directors determine otherwise, the quorum for a directors' meeting is 2 directors and the quorum must be present at all times during the meeting.

SECT 248G Passing of directors' resolutions (replaceable rule see section SECT 135) (1) A resolution of the directors must be passed by a majority of the votes cast by directors entitled to vote on the resolution.

(2) The chair has a casting vote if necessary in addition to any vote they have in their capacity as a director.

Part 2G.2--Meetings of members of companies Division 1--Resolutions without meetings SECT 249A Circulating resolutions of proprietary companies with more than 1 member (1) This section applies to resolutions of the members of proprietary companies that this Law or, if a company has a constitution, the company's constitution requires or permits to be passed at a general meeting. It does not apply to a resolution under section 329 to remove an auditor.

(2) A company may pass a resolution without a general meeting being held if all the members entitled to vote on the resolution sign a document containing a statement that they are in favour of the resolution set out in the document. If a share is held jointly, each of the joint members must sign.

(3) Separate copies of a document may be used for signing by members if the wording of the resolution and statement is identical in each copy.

(4) The resolution is passed when the last member signs.

(5) A company that passes a resolution under this section without holding a meeting satisfies any requirement in this Law:

(6) The passage of the resolution satisfies any requirement in this Law, or a company's constitution (if any), that the resolution be passed at a general meeting.

(7) This section does not affect any rule of law relating to the assent of members not given at a general meeting.

SECT 249B Resolutions of 1 member companies (1) A company that has only 1 member may pass a resolution by the member recording it and signing the record.

(2) If this Law requires information or a document relating to the resolution to be lodged with the ASC, that requirement is satisfied by lodging the information or document with the resolution that is passed.

Division 2--Who may call meetings of members SECT 249C Calling of meetings of members by a director (replaceable rule--see section 135) A director may call a meeting of the company's members.

SECT 249CA Calling of meetings of members of a listed company by a director (1) A director may call a meeting of the company's members.

(2) This section applies only to a company that is:

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company's constitution.

SECT 249D Calling of general meeting by directors when requested by members (1) The directors of a company must call and arrange to hold a general meeting on the request of:

(2) The request must:

(3) Separate copies of a document setting out the request may be used for signing by members if the wording of the request is identical in each copy.

(4) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as at the midnight before the request is given to the company.

(5) The directors must call the meeting within 21 days after the request is given to the company. The meeting is to be held not later than 2 months after the request is given to the company.

SECT 249E Failure of directors to call general meeting (1) Members with more than 50% of the votes of all of the members who make a request under section 249D may call and arrange to hold a general meeting if the directors do not do so within 21 days after the request is given to the company.

(2) The meeting must be called in the same way--so far as is possible--in which general meetings of the company may be called. The meeting must be held not later than 3 months after the request is given to the company.

(3) To call the meeting the members requesting the meeting may ask the company under section 173 for a copy of the register of members. Despite paragraph 173(3)(b), the company must give the members the copy of the register without charge.

(4) The company must pay the reasonable expenses the members incurred because the directors failed to call and arrange to hold the meeting.

(5) The company may recover the amount of the expenses from the directors. However, a director is not liable for the amount if they prove that they took all reasonable steps to cause the directors to comply with section 249D. The directors who are liable are jointly and individually liable for the amount. If a director who is liable for the amount does not reimburse the company, the company must deduct the amount from any sum payable as fees to, or remuneration of, the director.

SECT 249F Calling of general meetings by members (1) Members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast at a general meeting of the company may call, and arrange to hold, a general meeting. The members calling the meeting must pay the expenses of calling and holding the meeting.

(2) The meeting must be called in the same way--so far as is possible--in which general meetings of the company may be called.

(3) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as at the midnight before the meeting is called.

SECT 249G Calling of meetings of members by the Court (1) The Court may order a meeting of the company's members to be called if it is impracticable to call the meeting in any other way.

(2) The Court may make the order on application by:

Division 3--How to call meetings of members SECT 249H Amount of notice of meetings General rule

(1) Subject to subsection (2), at least 21 days notice must be given of a meeting of a company's members. However, if a company has a constitution, it may specify a longer minimum period of notice.

Calling meetings on shorter notice

(2) A company may call on shorter notice:

A company cannot call an AGM or other general meeting on shorter notice if it is a meeting of the kind referred to in subsection (3) or (4).

Shorter notice not allowed--removing or appointing director

(3) At least 21 days notice must be given of a meeting of the members of a public company at which a resolution will be moved to:

Shorter notice not allowed--removing auditor

(4) At least 21 days notice must be given of a meeting of a company at which a resolution will be moved to remove an auditor under section 329.

SECT 249HA Amount of notice of meetings of listed company (1) Despite section 249H, at least 28 days notice must be given of a meeting of a company's members.

(2) This section applies only to a company that is:

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company's constitution.

SECT 249J Notice of meetings of members to members and directors Notice to members and directors individually

(1) Written notice of a meeting of a company's members must be given individually to each member entitled to vote at the meeting and to each director. If a share is held jointly, notice need only be given to 1 of the members.

Notice to joint members (replaceable rule--see section 135)

(2) Notice to joint members must be given to the joint member named first in the register of members.

How notice is given

(3) A company may give the notice of meeting to a member:

When notice by post or fax is given (replaceable rule--see section 135)

(4) A notice of meeting sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it is posted. A notice of meeting sent by fax, or other electronic means, is taken to be given on the business day after it is sent.

SECT 249K Auditor entitled to notice and other communications A company must give its auditor:

SECT 249L Contents of notice of meetings of members A notice of a meeting of a company's members must:

SECT 249M Notice of adjourned meetings (replaceable rule--see section SECT 135) When a meeting is adjourned, new notice of the resumed meeting must be given if the meeting is adjourned for 1 month or more.

Division 4--Members' rights to put resolutions etc. at general meetings SECT 249N Members' resolutions (1) The following members may give a company notice of a resolution that they propose to move at a general meeting:

(2) The notice must:

(3) Separate copies of a document setting out the notice may be used for signing by members if the wording of the notice is identical in each copy.

(4) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as at the midnight before the members give the notice.

SECT 249O Company giving notice of members' resolutions (1) If a company has been given notice of a resolution under section 249N, the resolution is to be considered at the next general meeting that occurs more than 2 months after the notice is given.

(2) The company must give all its members notice of the resolution at the same time, or as soon as practicable afterwards, and in the same way, as it gives notice of a meeting.

(3) The company is responsible for the cost of giving members notice of the resolution if the company receives the notice in time to send it out to members with the notice of meeting.

(4) The members requesting the meeting are jointly and individually liable for the expenses reasonably incurred by the company in giving members notice of the resolution if the company does not receive the members' notice in time to send it out with the notice of meeting. At a general meeting, the company may resolve to meet the expenses itself.

(5) The company need not give notice of the resolution:

SECT 249P Members' statements to be distributed (1) Members may request a company to give to all its members a statement provided by the members making the request about:

(2) The request must be made by:

(3) The request must be:

(4) Separate copies of a document setting out the request may be used for signing by members if the wording of the request is identical in each copy.

(5) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as at the midnight before the request is given to the company.

(6) After receiving the request, the company must distribute to all its members a copy of the statement at the same time, or as soon as practicable afterwards, and in the same way, as it gives notice of a general meeting.

(7) The company is responsible for the cost of making the distribution if the company receives the statement in time to send it out to members with the notice of meeting.

(8) The members making the request are jointly and individually liable for the expenses reasonably incurred by the company in making the distribution if the company does not receive the statement in time to send it out with the notice of meeting. At a general meeting, the company may resolve to meet the expenses itself.

(9) The company need not comply with the request:

Division 5--Holding meetings of members SECT 249Q Purpose A meeting of a company's members must be held for a proper purpose.

SECT 249R Time and place for meetings of members A meeting of a company's members must be held at a reasonable time and place.

SECT 249S Technology A company may hold a meeting of its members at 2 or more venues using any technology that gives the members as a whole a reasonable opportunity to participate.

SECT 249T Quorum (replaceable rule--see section 135) (1) The quorum for a meeting of a company's members is 2 members and the quorum must be present at all times during the meeting.

(2) In determining whether a quorum is present, count individuals attending as proxies or body corporate representatives. However, if a member has appointed more than 1 proxy or representative, count only 1 of them. If an individual is attending both as a member and as a proxy or body corporate representative, count them only once.

(3) A meeting of the company's members that does not have a quorum present within 30 minutes after the time for the meeting set out in the notice of meeting is adjourned to the date, time and place the directors specify. If the directors do not specify 1 or more of those things, the meeting is adjourned to:

(4) If no quorum is present at the resumed meeting within
30 minutes after the time for the meeting, the meeting is dissolved.

SECT 249U Chairing meetings of members (replaceable rule--see section SECT 135) (1) The directors may elect an individual to chair meetings of the company's members.

(2) The directors at a meeting of the company's members must elect an individual present to chair the meeting (or part of it) if an individual has not already been elected by the directors to chair it or, having been elected, is not available to chair it, or declines to act, for the meeting (or part of the meeting).

(3) The members at a meeting of the company's members must elect a member present to chair the meeting (or part of it) if:

(4) The chair must adjourn a meeting of the company's members if the members present with a majority of votes at the meeting agree or direct that the chair must do so.

SECT 249V Auditor's right to be heard at general meetings (1) A company's auditor is entitled to attend any general meeting of the company.

(2) The auditor is entitled to be heard at the meeting on any part of the business of the meeting that concerns the auditor in their capacity as auditor.

(3) The auditor is entitled to be heard even if:

(4) The auditor may authorise a person in writing as their representative for the purpose of attending and speaking at any general meeting.

SECT 249W Adjourned meetings When resolution passed

(1) A resolution passed at a meeting resumed after an adjournment is passed on the day it was passed.

Business at adjourned meetings (replaceable rule--see section 135)

(2) Only unfinished business is to be transacted at a meeting resumed after an adjournment

Division 6--Proxies and body corporate representatives SECT 249X Who can appoint a proxy (replaceable rule for proprietary companies and mandatory rule for public companies--see section 135) (1) A member of a company who is entitled to attend and cast a vote at a meeting of the company's members may appoint a person as the member's proxy to attend and vote for the member at the meeting.

(2) The appointment may specify the proportion or number of votes that the proxy may exercise.

(3) Each member may appoint a proxy. If the member is entitled to cast 2 or more votes at the meeting, they may appoint 2 proxies. If the member appoints 2 proxies and the appointment does not specify the proportion or number of the member's votes each proxy may exercise, each proxy may exercise half of the votes.

(4) Disregard any fractions of votes resulting from the application of subsection (2) or (3).

SECT 249Y Rights of proxies Rights of proxies

(1) A proxy appointed to attend and vote for a member has the same rights as the member:

Proxy's right to vote

(2) If a company has a constitution, the constitution may provide that a proxy is not entitled to vote on a show of hands.

Effect of member's presence on proxy's authority

(3) A company's constitution (if any) may provide for the effect that a member's presence at a meeting has on the authority of a proxy appointed to attend and vote for the member. However, if the constitution does not deal with this, a proxy's authority to speak and vote for a member at a meeting is suspended while the member is present at the meeting.

SECT 249Z Company sending appointment forms or lists of proxies must send to all members If a company sends a member a proxy appointment form for a meeting or a list of persons willing to act as proxies at a meeting:

SECT 250A Appointing a proxy (1) An appointment of a proxy is valid if it is signed by the member of the company making the appointment and contains the following information:

An appointment may be a standing one.

(2) If a company has a constitution, the constitution may provide that an appointment is valid even if it contains only some of the information required by subsection (1).

(3) An undated appointment is taken to have been dated on the day it is given to the company.

(4) An appointment may specify the way the proxy is to vote on a particular resolution. If it does:

If a proxy is also a member, this subsection does not affect the way that the person can cast any votes they hold as a member.

(5) A person who contravenes subsection (4) is guilty of an offence, but only if their appointment as a proxy resulted from the company sending to members:

(6) An appointment does not have to be witnessed.

(7) A later appointment revokes an earlier one if both appointments could not be validly exercised at the meeting.

SECT 250B Proxy documents Documents to be received by company before meeting

(1) For an appointment of a proxy for a meeting of a company's members to be effective, the following documents must be received by the company at least 48 hours before the meeting:

Documents received following adjournment of meeting

(2) If a meeting of a company's members has been adjourned, an appointment and any authority received by the company at least 48 hours before the resumption of the meeting are effective for the resumed part of the meeting.

Receipt of documents

(3) A company receives an appointment authority when it is received at any of the following:

Constitution or notice of meeting may provide for different notification period

(5) The company's constitution (if any) or the notice of meeting may reduce the period of 48 hours referred to in subsection (1) or (2).

SECT 250BA Proxy documents--listed companies (1) In a notice of meeting for a meeting of the members of a company, the company:

for the purposes of receipt of proxy appointments.

(2) This section applies only to a company that is:

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company's constitution.

SECT 250C Validity of proxy vote Proxy vote valid even if proxy cannot vote as member

(1) A proxy who is not entitled to vote on a resolution as a member may vote as a proxy for another member who can vote if their appointment specifies the way they are to vote on the resolution and they vote that way.

Proxy vote valid even if member dies, revokes appointment etc. (replaceable rule--see section 135)

(2) Unless the company has received written notice of the matter before the start or resumption of the meeting at which a proxy votes, a vote cast by the proxy will be valid even if, before the proxy votes:

SECT 250D Body corporate representative (1) A body corporate may appoint an individual as a representative to exercise all or any of the powers the body corporate may exercise:

The appointment may be a standing one.

(2) The appointment may set out restrictions on the representative's powers. If the appointment is to be by reference to a position held, the appointment must identify the position.

(3) A body corporate may appoint more than 1 representative but only 1 representative may exercise the body's powers at any one time.

(4) Unless otherwise specified in the appointment, the representative may exercise, on the body corporate's behalf, all of the powers that the body could exercise at a meeting or in voting on a resolution.

Division 7--Voting at meetings of members SECT 250E How many votes a member has (replaceable rule--see section SECT 135) Company with share capital

(1) Subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any class of shares, at a meeting of members of a company with a share capital:

Company without share capital

(2) Each member of a company that does not have a share capital has 1 vote, both on a show of hands and a poll.

Chair's casting vote

(3) The chair has a casting vote, and also, if they are a member, any vote they have in their capacity as a member.

SECT 250F Jointly held shares (replaceable rule--see section 135) If a share is held jointly and more than 1 member votes in respect of that share, only the vote of the member whose name appears first in the register of members counts.

SECT 250G Objections to right to vote (replaceable rule--see section SECT 135) A challenge to a right to vote at a meeting of a company's members:

SECT 250H Votes need not all be cast in the same way On a poll a person voting who is entitled to 2 or more votes:

SECT 250J How voting is carried out (replaceable rule--see section SECT 135) (1) A resolution put to the vote at a meeting of a company's members must be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded.

(1A) Before a vote is taken the chair must inform the meeting whether any proxy votes have been received and how the proxy votes are to be cast.

(2) On a show of hands, a declaration by the chair is conclusive evidence of the result, provided that the declaration reflects the show of hands and the votes of the proxies received. Neither the chair nor the minutes need to state the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour or against.

SECT 250K Matters on which a poll may be demanded (1) A poll may be demanded on any resolution.

(2) If a company has a constitution, the constitution may provide that a poll cannot be demanded on any resolution concerning:

(3) A demand for a poll may be withdrawn.

SECT 250L When a poll is effectively demanded (1) At a meeting of a company's members, a poll may be demanded by:

(2) If a company has a constitution, the constitution may provide that fewer members or members with a lesser percentage of votes may demand a poll.

(3) The poll may be demanded:

(4) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as at the midnight before the poll is demanded.

SECT 250M When and how polls must be taken (replaceable rule--see section SECT 135) (1) A poll demanded on a matter other than the election of a chair or the question of an adjournment must be taken when and in the manner the chair directs.

(2) A poll on the election of a chair or on the question of an adjournment must be taken immediately.

Division 8--AGMs of public companies SECT 250N Public company must hold AGM (1) A public company must hold an annual general meeting ( AGM ) within 18 months after its registration.

(2) A public company must hold an AGM at least once in each calendar year and within 5 months after the end of its financial year.

(3) An AGM is to be held in addition to any other meetings held by a public company in the year.

(4) A public company that has only 1 member is not required to hold an AGM under this section.

SECT 250P Extension of time for holding AGM (1) A public company may lodge an application with the ASC to extend the period within which section 250N requires the company to hold an AGM.

(2) If the company applies before the end of the period within which the company would otherwise be required to hold an AGM, the ASC may extend the period in writing. The ASC must specify the period of the extension.

(3) A company granted an extension under subsection (2) must hold its AGM within the extended period.

(4) The ASC may impose conditions on the extension and the company must comply with those conditions.

SECT 250R Business of AGM The business of an AGM may include any of the following, even if not referred to in the notice of meeting:

SECT 250S Questions and comments by members on company management at AGM The chair of an AGM must allow a reasonable opportunity for the members as a whole at the meeting to ask questions about or make comments on the management of the company.

SECT 250T Questions by members of auditors at AGM If the company's auditor or their representative is at the meeting, the chair of an AGM must allow a reasonable opportunity for the members as a whole at the meeting to ask the auditor or their representative questions relevant to the conduct of the audit and the preparation and content of the auditor's report.

Part 2G.3--Minutes and members' access to minutes

SECT 251A Minutes (1) A company must keep minute books in which it records within 1 month:

(2) The company must ensure that minutes of a meeting are signed within a reasonable time after the meeting by 1 of the following:

(3) The company must ensure that minutes of the passing of a resolution without a meeting are signed by a director within a reasonable time after the resolution is passed.

(4) The director of a proprietary company with only 1 director must sign the minutes of the making of a declaration by the director within a reasonable time after the declaration is made.

(5) A company must keep its minute books at:

(6) A minute that is so recorded and signed is evidence of the proceeding, resolution or declaration to which it relates, unless the contrary is proved.

SECT 251AA Disclosure of proxy votes--listed companies (1) A company must record in the minutes of a meeting, in respect of each resolution in the notice of meeting, the total number of proxy votes exercisable by all proxies validly appointed and:

(2) A company that must notify the Exchange of a resolution passed by members at a meeting of the company must, at the same time, give the Exchange the information specified in subsection (1).

(3) This section applies only to a company that is:

(4) This section applies despite anything in the company's constitution.

SECT 251B Members' access to minutes (1) A company must ensure that the minute books for the meetings of its members and for resolutions of members passed without meetings are open for inspection by members free of charge.

(2) A member of a company may ask the company in writing for a copy of:

(3) If the company does not require the member to pay for the copy, the company must send it:

(4) If the company requires payment for the copy, the company must send it:

The amount of any payment the company requires cannot exceed the prescribed amount.

Part 2G.4--Meetings of members of registered managed investment schemes Division 1--Who may call meetings of members SECT 252A Calling of meetings of members by responsible entity The responsible entity of a registered scheme may call a meeting of the scheme's members.

SECT 252B Calling of meetings of members by responsible entity when requested by members (1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must call and arrange to hold a meeting of the scheme's members to consider and vote on a proposed special or extraordinary resolution on the request of:

(2) The request must:

(3) The request may be accompanied by a statement about the proposed resolution provided by the members making the request.

(4) Separate copies of a document setting out the request and statement (if any) may be used for signing by members if the wording of the request and statement (if any) is identical in each copy.

(5) The percentage of the votes that members have is to be worked out as at the midnight before the request is given to the responsible entity.

(6) The responsible entity must call the meeting within 21 days after the request is given to it. The meeting is to be held not later than 2 months after the request is given to the responsible entity.

(7) The responsible entity must give to each of the members a copy of the proposed resolution and statement (if any) at the same time, or as soon as practicable afterwards, as it gives notice of the meeting. The responsible entity must distribute the copies in the same way in which it gives notice of the meeting.

(8) The responsible entity does not have to distribute a copy of the resolution or statement if either is more than 1,000 words long or defamatory.

(9) The responsible entity is responsible for the expenses of calling and holding the meeting and making the distribution. The responsible entity may meet those expenses from the scheme's assets.

SECT 252C Failure of responsible entity to call meeting of the scheme's members (1) Members with more than 50% of the votes carried by interests held by the members who make a request under section 252B may call and arrange to hold a meeting of the scheme's members and distribute the statement (if any) if the responsible entity does not do so within 21 days after the request is given to the responsible entity.

(2) The meeting must be called and the statement is to be distributed in the same way--so far as is possible--in which meetings of the scheme's members may be called by the responsible entity and information is distributed to members by the responsible entity. The meeting must be held not later than 3 months after the request is given to the responsible entity.

(3) To call the meeting the members requesting the meeting may ask the responsible entity under section 173 for a copy of the register of members. Despite paragraph 173(3)(b), the responsible entity must give the members requesting the meeting the copy of the register without charge.

(4) The responsible entity must pay the reasonable expenses the members incurred because the responsible entity failed to call and arrange to hold the meeting and to make the distribution (if any). The responsible entity must not pay those expenses from the scheme's assets.

SECT 252D Calling of meetings of members by members (1) Members of a registered scheme who hold interests carrying at least 5% of the votes that may be cast at a meeting of the scheme's members may call and arrange to hold a meeting of the scheme's members to consider and vote on a proposed special resolution or a proposed extraordinary resolution. The members calling the meeting must pay the expenses of calling and holding the meeting.

(2) The meeting must be called in the same way--so far as is possible--in which meetings of the scheme's members may be called by the responsible entity.

(3) The percentage of the votes carried by interests that members hold is to be worked out as at the midnight before the meeting is called.

SECT 252E Calling of meetings of members by the Court (1) The Court may order a meeting of a registered scheme's members to be called to consider and vote on a proposed special or extraordinary resolution if it is impracticable to call the meeting in any other way.

(2) The Court may make the order on application by:

Division 2--How to call meetings of members SECT 252F Amount of notice of meetings At least 21 days notice must be given of a meeting of the members of a registered scheme. However, the scheme's constitution may specify a longer minimum period of notice.

SECT 252G Notice of meetings of members to members, directors and auditors Notice to members, directors and auditors individually

(1) Written notice of a meeting of a registered scheme's members must be given to:

If an interest is held jointly, notice need only be given to 1 of the members.

Notice to joint members

(2) Unless the scheme's constitution provides otherwise, notice to joint members must be given to the joint member named first in the register of members.

How notice is given

(3) Unless the scheme's constitution provides otherwise, the responsible entity may give notice of the meeting to a member:

When notice by post or fax is given

(4) Unless the scheme's constitution provides otherwise, a notice of meeting sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it is posted. A notice of meeting sent by fax, or other electronic means, is taken to be given on the business day after it is sent.

SECT 252H Auditors entitled to other communications The responsible entity of a registered scheme must give the auditor of the scheme and the auditor of the scheme compliance plan any other communications relating to the meeting that a member of the scheme is entitled to receive.

SECT 252J Contents of notice of meetings of members A notice of a meeting of a registered scheme's members must:

SECT 252K Notice of adjourned meetings When a meeting is adjourned, new notice of the adjourned meeting must be given if the meeting is adjourned for 1 month or more.

Division 3--Members' rights to put resolutions etc. at meetings of members SECT 252L Members' resolutions (1) The following members of a registered scheme may give the responsible entity notice of a special or extraordinary resolution that they propose to move at a meeting of the scheme's members:

(2) The notice must:

(3) Separate copies of a document setting out the notice may be used for signing by members if the wording of the notice is identical in each copy.

(4) The percentage of the votes that members have is to be worked out as at the midnight before the members give the notice.

SECT 252M Responsible entity giving notice of members' resolutions (1) If a responsible entity has been given notice of a special or extraordinary resolution under section 252L, the resolution is to be considered at the next meeting of the scheme's members that occurs more than 2 months after the notice is given.

(2) The responsible entity must give all the members of the scheme notice of the resolution at the same time, or as soon as practicable afterwards, and in the same way, as it gives notice of a meeting.

(3) The responsible entity is responsible for the cost of giving members notice of the resolution if the responsible entity receives the notice in time to send it out to members with the notice of meeting.

(4) The members requesting the meeting are jointly and individually liable for the expenses reasonably incurred by the responsible entity in giving members notice of the resolution if the responsible entity does not receive the members' notice in time to send it out with the notice of meeting. A resolution may be passed at a meeting of the scheme's members that the responsible entity is to meet the expenses out of the scheme's assets.

(5) The responsible entity need not give notice of the resolution:

SECT 252N Members' statements to be distributed (1) Members may request a responsible entity to give to all its members a statement provided by the members making the request about:

(2) The request must be made by:

(3) The request must be:

(4) Separate copies of a document setting out the request may be used for signing by members if the wording of the request is identical in each copy.

(5) The percentage of the votes that members have is to be worked out as at the midnight before the request is given to the responsible entity.

(6) After receiving the request, the responsible entity must distribute to all the members of the scheme a copy of the statement at the same time, or as soon as practicable afterwards, and in the same way, as it gives notice of a meeting.

(7) The responsible entity is responsible for the cost of making the distribution if the responsible entity receives the statement in time to send it out to members with the notice of meeting.

(8) The members making the request are jointly and individually liable for the expenses reasonably incurred by the responsible entity in making the distribution if the responsible entity does not receive the statement in time to send it out with the notice of meeting. A resolution may be passed at a meeting of the scheme's members that the responsible entity is to meet the expenses out of the scheme's assets.

(9) The responsible entity need not comply with the request:

Division 4--Holding meetings of members SECT 252P Time and place for meetings of members A meeting of a registered scheme's members must be held at a reasonable time and place.

SECT 252Q Technology A responsible entity of a registered scheme may hold a meeting of the scheme's members at 2 or more venues using any technology that gives the members as a whole a reasonable opportunity to participate.

SECT 252R Quorum (1) This section applies to a registered scheme subject to the provisions of the scheme's constitution.

(2) The quorum for a meeting of a registered scheme's members is 2 members and the quorum must be present at all times during the meeting.

(3) In determining whether a quorum is present, count individuals attending as proxies or body corporate representatives. However, if a member has appointed more than 1 proxy or representative, count only 1 of them. If an individual is attending both as a member and as a proxy or body corporate representative, count them only once.

(4) A meeting of the scheme's members that does not have a quorum present within 30 minutes after the time for the start of the meeting set out in the notice of meeting is adjourned to the date, time and place the responsible entity specifies. If the responsible entity does not specify 1 or more of those things, the meeting is adjourned to:

(5) If no quorum is present at the resumed meeting within 30 minutes after the time for the start of the meeting, the meeting is dissolved.

SECT 252S Chairing meetings of members (1) The responsible entity may, in writing, appoint an individual to chair a meeting called under section 252A or 252B.

(2) The members present at a meeting called under section 252A or 252B must elect a member present to chair the meeting (or part of it) if:

(3) The members present at a meeting called under section 252C, 252D or 252E must elect a member present to chair the meeting. This is not so if the meeting is called under section 252E and the Court has directed otherwise under section 1319.

SECT 252T Auditors' right to be heard at meetings of members (1) The auditor of a registered scheme and the auditor of the scheme compliance plan are entitled to attend any meeting of the scheme's members.

(2) An auditor is entitled to be heard at the meeting on any part of the business of the meeting that concerns the auditor in their capacity as auditor.

(3) An auditor may authorise a person in writing as their representative for the purpose of attending and speaking at any meeting of the scheme's members.

SECT 252U Adjourned meetings (1) A resolution passed at a meeting resumed after an adjournment is passed on the day it was passed.

(2) Only unfinished business is to be transacted at a meeting resumed after an adjournment.

Division 5--Proxies and body corporate representatives SECT 252V Who can appoint a proxy (1) A member of a registered scheme who is entitled to attend and cast a vote at a meeting of the scheme's members may appoint a person as the member's proxy to attend and vote for the member at the meeting.

(2) The appointment may specify the proportion or number of votes that the proxy may exercise.

(3) A member may appoint 1 or 2 proxies. If the member appoints 2 proxies and the appointment does not specify the proportion or number of the member's votes each proxy may exercise, each proxy may exercise half of the votes.

(4) Disregard any fractions of votes resulting from the application of subsection (2) or (3).

SECT 252W Rights of proxies Rights of proxies

(1) A proxy appointed to attend and vote for a member has the same rights as the member:

Proxy's right to vote

(2) A registered scheme's constitution (if any) may provide that a proxy is not entitled to vote on a show of hands.

Effect of member's presence on proxy's authority

(3) A registered scheme's constitution (if any) may provide for the effect that a member's presence at a meeting has on the authority of a proxy appointed to attend and vote for the member. However, if the constitution does not make such provision, a proxy's authority to speak and vote for a member at a meeting is suspended while the member is present at the meeting.

SECT 252X Responsible entity sending appointment forms or lists of proxies must send to all members If the responsible entity of a registered scheme sends a member a proxy appointment form for a meeting or a list of persons willing to act as proxies at a meeting:

SECT 252Y Appointing a proxy (1) An appointment of a proxy is valid if it is signed by the member of the registered scheme making the appointment and contains the following information:

An appointment may be a standing one

(2) A registered scheme's constitution may provide that an appointment is valid even if it contains only some of the information required by subsection (1).

(3) An undated appointment is taken to have been dated on the day it is given to the responsible entity.

(4) An appointment may specify the way the proxy is to vote on a particular resolution. If it does:

If a proxy is also a member, this subsection does not affect the way that the person can cast any votes they hold as a member.

(5) A person who contravenes subsection (4) is guilty of an offence, but only if their appointment as a proxy resulted from the responsible entity sending to members:

(6) An appointment does not have to be witnessed.

(7) A later appointment revokes an earlier one if both appointments could not be validly exercised at the meeting.

SECT 252Z Proxy documents Section applies subject to scheme's constitution

(1) Subsections (2), (3) and (4) apply to a registered scheme subject to the provisions of the scheme's constitution.

Documents to be received by responsible entity before meeting

(2) For an appointment of a proxy for a meeting of the scheme's members to be effective, the following documents must be received by the responsible entity at least 48 hours before the meeting:

Documents received following adjournment of meeting

(3) If a meeting of the scheme's members has been adjourned, an appointment and any authority received by the responsible entity at least 48 hours before the resumption of the meeting are effective for the resumed part of the meeting.

Receipt of documents

(3) A responsible entity receives an appointment authority when it is received at any of the following:

Ineffective appointments of fax or electronic notification

(4) An appointment of a proxy is ineffective if:

Constitution or notice of meeting may provide for different notification period

(5) The scheme's constitution or the notice of meeting may reduce the period of 48 hours referred to in subsection (2) or (3).

SECT 253A Validity of proxy vote Proxy vote valid even if member dies, revokes appointment etc.

(1) Unless the responsible entity has received written notice of the matter before the start or resumption of the meeting at which a proxy votes, a vote cast by the proxy will be valid even if, before the proxy votes:

This subsection applies to a registered scheme subject to the provisions of the scheme's constitution.

Proxy vote valid even if proxy cannot vote as member

(2) A proxy who is not entitled to vote on a resolution as a member may vote as a proxy for another member who can vote if their appointment specifies the way they are to vote on the resolution and they vote that way.

SECT 253B Body corporate representative (1) A body corporate may appoint an individual as a representative to exercise all or any of its powers at a meeting of a registered scheme's members. The appointment may be a standing one.

(2) The appointment must set out what the representative is appointed to do and may set out restrictions on the representative's powers. If the appointment is to be by reference to a position held, the appointment must identify the position.

(3) A body corporate may appoint more than 1 representative but only 1 representative may exercise the body's powers at any one time.

(4) Unless otherwise specified in the appointment, the representative may exercise, on the body corporate's behalf, all of the powers that the body could exercise at a meeting or in voting on a resolution.

Division 6--Voting at meetings of members SECT 253C How many votes a member has (1) On a show of hands, each member of a registered scheme has 1 vote.

(2) On a poll, each member of the scheme has 1 vote for each dollar of the value of the total interests they have in the scheme.

SECT 253D Jointly held interests If an interest in a registered scheme is held jointly and more than 1 member votes in respect of that interest, only the vote of the member whose name appears first in the register of members counts.

SECT 253E Responsible entity and associates cannot vote if interested in resolution The responsible entity of a registered scheme and its associates are not entitled to vote their interest on a resolution at a meeting of the scheme's members if they have an interest in the resolution or matter other than as a member.

SECT 253F How to work out the value of an interest The value of an interest in a registered scheme is:

SECT 253G Objections to a right to vote A challenge to a right to vote at a meeting of members of a registered scheme:

SECT 253H Votes need not all be cast in the same way On a poll a person voting who is entitled to 2 or more votes:

SECT 253J How voting is carried out (1) A special or extraordinary resolution put to the vote at a meeting of a registered scheme's members must be decided on a poll.

(2) Any other resolution put to the vote at a meeting of the scheme's members must be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded. The resolution is passed on a poll if it has been passed by at least 50% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the resolution.

(3) On a show of hands, a declaration by the chair is conclusive evidence of the result. Neither the chair nor the minutes need to state the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour or against.

SECT 253K Matters on which a poll may be demanded (1) A poll may be demanded on any resolution.

(2) A registered scheme's constitution may provide that a poll cannot be demanded on any resolution concerning:

(3) A demand for a poll may be withdrawn.

SECT 253L When a poll is effectively demanded (1) At a meeting of a registered scheme's members, a poll may be demanded by:

(2) A registered scheme's constitution may provide that fewer members or members with a lesser percentage of votes may demand a poll.

(3) The poll may be demanded:

(4) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as at close of business on the day before the poll is demanded.

Division 7--Minutes and members' access to minutes SECT 253M Minutes (1) A responsible entity of a registered scheme must keep minute books in which it records within 1 month:

(2) The responsible entity must ensure that minutes of a meeting are signed within a reasonable time after the meeting by the chair of the meeting or the chair of the next meeting.

(3) The responsible entity must keep the minute books at:

(4) A minute that is so recorded and signed is evidence of the proceeding or resolution to which it relates, unless the contrary is proved.

SECT 253N Members' access to minutes (1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must ensure that the minute books for the meetings of the scheme's members are open for inspection by members free of charge.

(2) A member of a registered scheme may ask the responsible entity in writing for a copy of any minutes of a meeting of the scheme's members or an extract of the minutes.

(3) If the responsible entity does not require the member to pay for the copy, the responsible entity must send it:

(4) If the responsible entity requires payment for the copy, the responsible entity must send it:

The amount of any payment the responsible entity requires cannot exceed the prescribed amount.

Chapter 2H--Shares

SECT 254AA Shares to have nominal value Shares of a company with share capital have a nominal value.

Part 2H.1--Issuing and converting shares

SECT 254A Power to issue bonus, partly-paid, preference and redeemable preference shares (1) A company's power under section 124 to issue shares includes the power to issue:

(2) A company can issue preference shares only if the rights attached to the preference shares with respect to the following matters are set out in the company's constitution (if any) or have been otherwise approved by special resolution of the company:

(3) Redeemable preference shares are preference shares that are issued on the terms that they are liable to be redeemed. They may be redeemable:

SECT 254B Terms of issue (1) A company may determine:

No liability companies--special terms of issue

(2) A share in a no liability company is issued on the following terms:

Companies incorporated as no liability companies--special terms of issue

(3) If a company:

shares issued for cash rank (to the extent of the capital contributed by subscribing shareholders) in the winding up in priority to shares issued to vendors or promoters, or both, for consideration other than cash.

(4) The holders of shares issued to vendors or promoters are not entitled to preference on the winding up of a company that:

This is so despite anything in the company's constitution or the terms on which the shares are on issue.

SECT 254CA Nominal value of shares issued after registration On the issue of shares by a company after registration, the shares may only have:

SECT 254CB Share premium Issue of shares at a premium

(1) A company may issue a share at a premium.

Share premium account

(2) When the company receives a premium for the issue of a share, an amount equal to the amount or value of the premium is transferred to the company's share premium account.

Payments out of the share premium account

(3) The share premium account may be applied:

SECT 254CC Issue of shares at a discount (1) A no liability company may issue shares at a discount.

(2) A company other than a no liability company may only issue shares at a discount if:

(3) The Court may confirm the issue if it considers it appropriate to do so having regard to all the circumstances of the case and may confirm the issue on the terms and conditions it considers appropriate.

(4) An offer made for the purposes of paragraph (2)(e) must be made in a notice that specifies:

(5) If an offer for shares made in accordance with subsection (4) is not accepted within the period specified in the notice, the shares may be issued on terms not more favourable than those offered to the shareholders.

SECT 254D Pre-emption for existing shareholders on issue of shares in proprietary company (replaceable rule--see section 135) (1) Before issuing shares of a particular class, the directors of a proprietary company must offer them to the existing holders of shares of that class. As far as practicable, the number of shares offered to each shareholder must be in proportion to the number of shares of that class that they already hold.

(2) To make the offer, the directors must give the shareholders a statement setting out the terms of the offer, including:

(3) The directors may issue any shares not taken up under the offer under subsection (1) as they see fit.

(4) The company may by resolution passed at a general meeting authorise the directors to make a particular issue of shares without complying with subsection (1).

SECT 254E Court validation of issue (1) On application by a company, a shareholder, a creditor or any other person whose interests have been or may be affected, the Court may make an order validating, or confirming the terms of, a purported issue of shares if:

(2) On lodgment of a copy of the order with the ASC, the order has effect from the time of the purported issue.

SECT 254F Bearer shares and stock must not be issued A company does not have the power to:

SECT 254G Conversion of shares (1) A company may:

(2) A company can convert ordinary shares into preference shares only if the holders' rights with respect to the following matters are set out in the company's constitution (if any) or have been otherwise approved by special resolution of the company:

(3) A share that is not a redeemable preference share when issued cannot afterwards be converted into a redeemable preference share.

SECT 254H Resolution to convert shares into larger or smaller number (1) By resolution passed in general meeting, a company may:

A subdivision must not alter the proportion between the amount paid and the amount (if any) unpaid on the shares concerned.

(2) The conversion takes effect on:

(3) If the nominal value of the shares converted is specified in the company's constitution, the resolution under subsection (1) may also amend the company's constitution to specify a new nominal value for the shares.

(4) The company must lodge a copy of the resolution with the ASC within 1 month after it is passed.

Part 2H.2--Redemption of redeemable preference shares

SECT 254J Redemption must be in accordance with terms of issue (1) A company may redeem redeemable preference shares only on the terms on which they are on issue. On redemption, the shares are cancelled.

(2) This section does not affect the terms on which redeemable preference shares may be cancelled under a reduction of capital or a share buy-back under Part 2J.1.

SECT 254K Other requirements about redemption (1) A company may only redeem redeemable preference shares if the shares are fully paid-up and may only redeem them:

(2) If the shares are not redeemed out of the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares, the company must transfer an amount equal to the nominal value of the shares out of profits and into its capital redemption reserve.

(3) The premium (if any) payable on redemption must be paid out of profits or out of the share premium account.

(4) The capital redemption reserve may be applied in paying up shares to be issued to members of the company as fully-paid bonus shares.

SECT 254L Consequences of contravening section 254J or 254K (1) If a company redeems shares in contravention of section 254J or 254K:

(2) Any person who is involved in a company's contravention of section 254J or 254K contravenes this subsection.

Part 2H.3--Partly-paid shares

SECT 254M Liability on partly-paid shares General rule about shareholder's liability for calls

(1) If shares in a company are partly-paid, the shareholder is liable to pay calls on the shares in accordance with the terms on which the shares are on issue. This subsection does not apply to a no liability company

No liability companies

(2) The acceptance by a person of a share in a no liability company, whether by issue or transfer, does not constitute a contract by the person to pay:

SECT 254N Calls may be limited to when company is externally-administered (1) A limited company may provide by special resolution that the whole or a part of its unpaid share capital may be called up only if the company becomes an externally-administered body corporate.

(2) The company must lodge with the ASC a copy of the special resolution within 14 days after it is passed.

SECT 254P No liability companies--calls on shares Making calls

(1) A call on a share in a no liability company is not effective unless it is made payable at least 14 days after the call is made.

Notice of call

(2) At least 7 days before a call on shares in a no liability company becomes payable, the company must give the holders of the shares notice of:

The notice must be sent by post. If the notice is not given, the call is not payable.

(3) A call does not have any effect on a forfeited share that is held by or in trust for the company under subsection 254Q(6). However, when the share is re-issued or sold by the company, the share may be credited as paid up to the amount determined by the company in accordance with its constitution or by resolution.

SECT 254Q No liability companies--forfeiture and sale of shares for failure to meet call Forfeiture and sale of shares

(1) A share in a no liability company is immediately forfeited if:

(2) The forfeited share must then be offered for sale by public auction within 6 weeks after the call became payable.

Advertisement of sale

(3) At least 14 days, and not more than 21 days, before the day of the sale, the sale must be advertised in a daily newspaper circulating generally throughout Australia. The specific number of shares to be offered need not be specified in the advertisement and it is sufficient to give notice of the sale by advertising to the effect that all shares on which a call remains unpaid will be sold.

Postponement of sale

(4) An intended sale of forfeited shares that has been duly advertised may be postponed for not more than 21 days from the advertised date of sale. The date to which the sale is postponed must be advertised in a daily newspaper circulating generally in Australia.

(5) There may be more than 1 postponement but the sale cannot be postponed to a date more than 90 days from the first date fixed for the intended sale.

Shares may be offered as credited to a particular amount

(6) The share may be sold credited as paid up to the sum of:

if the company in accordance with its constitution or by ordinary resolution so determines.

Reserve price

(7) The directors may fix a reserve price for the share that does not exceed the sum of:

Withdrawal from sale

(8) The share may be withdrawn from sale if no bid at least equal to the reserve price is made at the sale.

Disposal of shares withdrawn from sale

(9) If:

the share must be held by the directors in trust for the company. It must be then disposed of in the manner determined by the company in accordance with its constitution or by resolution. Unless otherwise specifically provided by resolution, the share must first be offered to shareholders for a period of 14 days before being disposed of in any other manner.

Suspension of voting rights attached to share held in trust

(10) At any meeting of the company, no person is entitled to any vote in respect of the shares held by the directors in trust under subsection (9).

Application of proceeds of sale

(11) The proceeds of the sale under subsection (2) or the disposal under subsection (9) must be applied to pay:

The balance (if any) must be paid to the member whose share has been sold. If there is a share certificate that relates to the share, the balance does not have to be paid until the member delivers the certificate to the company.

Validity of sale

(12) If a sale is not held in time because of error or inadvertence, a late sale is not invalid if it is held as soon as practicable after the discovery of the error or inadvertence.

Failure to comply an offence

(13) If there is failure to comply with subsection (2) or (3), the company and any officer of the company who is involved in the contravention are each guilty of an offence.

SECT 254R No liability companies--redemption of forfeited shares (1) Despite section 254Q, if a person's share has been forfeited, the person may redeem the share, at any time up to or on the last business day before the proposed sale, by paying the company:

On payment, the person is entitled to the share as if the forfeiture had not occurred.

(2) On the last business day before the proposed sale, the registered office of the company must be open during the hours for which it is by this Law required to be open and accessible to the public.

Part 2H.4--Capitalisation of profits

SECT 254S Capitalisation of profits (replaceable rule--see section SECT 135) A company may capitalise profits to:

The amount capitalised must be applied for the benefit of members in the proportions in which the members would have been entitled to dividends if the amount capitalised had been distributed as a dividend.

Part 2H.5--Dividends

SECT 254T Dividends to be paid out of profits A dividend may only be paid:

SECT 254U Other provisions about paying dividends (replaceable rule--see section 135) (1) The directors may determine that a dividend is payable and fix:

The methods of payment may include the payment of cash, the issue of shares, the grant of options and the transfer of assets.

(2) Interest is not payable on a dividend.

SECT 254V When does the company incur a debt? (1) A company does not incur a debt merely by fixing the amount or time for payment of a dividend. The debt arises only when the time fixed for payment arrives and the decision to pay the dividend may be revoked at any time before then.

(2) However, if the company has a constitution and it provides for the declaration of dividends, the company incurs a debt when the dividend is declared.

SECT 254W Dividend rights Shares in public companies

(1) Each share in a class of shares in a public company has the same dividend rights unless:

Shares in proprietary companies (replaceable rule--see section 135)

(2) Subject to the terms on which shares in a proprietary company are on issue, the directors may pay dividends as they see fit.

No liability companies

(3) A person is not entitled to a dividend on a share in a no liability company if a call:

(4) Dividends are payable to the shareholders in a no liability company in proportion to the number of shares held by them, irrespective of the amount paid up, or credited as paid up, on the shares. This subsection has effect subject to any provisions in the company's constitution relating to shares that are not ordinary shares.

Part 2H.6--Notice requirements

SECT 254X Notice to ASC of share issue (1) Within 1 month after issuing shares, a company must lodge with the ASC a notice in the prescribed form that sets out:

(2) If the shares were issued for non-cash consideration under a contract, the company must also lodge with the ASC a certificate stating that all stamp duty payable on the contract under any applicable law relating to stamp duty has been paid. This certificate must be lodged with the subsection (1) notice or at a later time permitted by the regulations or by the ASC.

(3) The company does not have to lodge a subsection (1) notice about the issue of shares to a person on the registration of the company or on the company changing its type from a company limited by guarantee to a company limited by shares.

SECT 254Y Notice to ASC of share cancellation Within 1 month after shares are cancelled, the company must lodge with the ASC a notice in the prescribed form that sets out:

Chapter 2J--Transactions affecting share capital Part 2J.1--Share capital reductions and sharebuy-backs Division 1--Reductions in share capital not otherwise authorised by law SECT 256A Reductions in share capital Requirement for special resolution and Court confirmation

(1) A company must not reduce its share capital unless:

_ extinguishing or reducing a person's liability on shares in respect of share capital not paid up

_ cancelling paid-up share capital that is lost or is not represented by available assets

_ paying off any paid-up share capital that is in excess of the company's needs.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), paying an amount out of the company's share premium account or capital redemption reserve is to be treated as a reduction in the company's paid up share capital.

SECT 256B Court order confirming the reduction (1) The Court may confirm a reduction in share capital on the terms and conditions that it considers appropriate.

(2) If the reduction involves:

the Court may only confirm the reduction if:

(3) The Court may direct that a reduction that would not otherwise have to satisfy the creditor protection test in section 256C must satisfy that test.

(4) The order confirming the reduction must specify:

SECT 256C The creditor protection test Identifying the company's creditors

(1) If a reduction in share capital has to satisfy the creditor protection test:

(2) To settle the list of creditors and ascertain the nature and amount of their debts, the Court:

(3) A person is a creditor of the company for the purposes of this section if they:

A creditor is entitled to become a party to the proceedings for the Court's confirmation of the reduction.

Satisfying the creditor protection test

(4) A reduction in share capital satisfies the creditor protection test if each creditor on the list settled by the Court:

(5) A creditor's debt or claim is provided for under this subsection if the company appropriates an amount to cover the debt or claim in the manner approved by the Court. The amount appropriated must be:

In fixing an amount under paragraph (b), the Court must make the inquiries and adjudicate on the matter as if the company were being wound up by the Court.

(6) Having regard to any special circumstances of any case, the Court may direct that particular requirements of this section do not apply in respect of creditors included in a class of creditors.

Company officers not to conceal or misrepresent debts or claims

(7) An officer of a company must not:

SECT 256D Putting the capital reduction into effect Lodgment of resolution and court order with the ASC

(1) The company must lodge with the ASC copies of:

Implementation of capital reduction

(2) A company must not act upon a resolution to reduce its share capital before the date on which the documents are lodged with the ASC under subsection (1). However, the resolution may specify as the date from which the reduction of capital is to have effect a date that is earlier than the lodgment date but not earlier than the date of the resolution.

SECT 256E Effect of reduction of share capital on members and former members Effect of reduction on liability of members and former members for calls and contributions

(1) The liability of a member or former member of a company for a call or contribution in respect of a share in the company is not to exceed the difference (if any) between:

Liability of members and former members to unsatisfied creditors

(2) A person who is a member of the company on the date on which the copy of the confirming order is lodged with the ASC under subsection 256D(1) is liable to contribute towards the payment of a creditor's debt or claim if:

The amount the person is liable to contribute is not to exceed the amount that they would have been liable to contribute if the company had commenced to be wound up on the day before that date.

Liability as contributory on winding up

(3) If:

the Court may:

Nothing in this subsection affects the rights of the contributories among themselves.

SECT 256F Consequences of failing to comply with section 256A (1) A company must not make a reduction in share capital unless it complies with subsection 256A(1).

(2) If the company contravenes subsection (1):

(3) Any person who is involved in a company's contravention of subsection (1) contravenes this subsection.

Division 2--Share buy-backs SECT 257AA Purpose The rules to be followed by a company for share buy-backs are designed to protect the interests of shareholders and creditors by:

SECT 257A The company's power to buy back its own shares A company may buy back its own shares (other than redeemable preference shares) if:

SECT 257B Buy-back procedure--general (1) The following table specifies the steps required for, and the sections that apply to, the different types of buy-back.


[and sections applied]

minimum holding

employee share scheme


equal access scheme

selective buy-back

within 10/12 limit

over 10/12 limit

within 10/12 limit

over 10/12 limit

within 10/12 limit

over 10/12 limit

ordinary resolution









special/unanimous resolution [ 257D]









lodge offer documents with ASC [257E]









14 days notice [257F]









disclose relevant information when offer made [257G]









cancel shares [257H]









notify cancellation to ASC [254Y]









Equal access scheme

(2) An equal access scheme is a scheme that satisfies all the following conditions:

(3) In applying subsection (2), ignore:

10/12 limit

(4) The 10/12 limit for a company proposing to make a buy-back is 10% of the smallest number, at any time during the last
12 months, of votes attaching to voting shares of the company.

Exceeding the 10/12 limit

(5) A proposed buy-back would exceed the 10/12 limit if the number of votes attaching to:

would exceed the 10/12 limit.

On-market buy-backs

(6) A buy-back is an on-market buy-back if it results from an offer made by a listed corporation at an official meeting of a securities exchange in Australia in the ordinary course of trading on a stock market of that exchange.

(7) A buy-back by a company (whether listed or not) is also an on-market buy-back if it results from an offer made in the ordinary course of trading on a stock market of a body corporate that:

A buy-back by a listed company is an on-market buy-back under this subsection only if an offer to buy-back those shares is also made on a stock market of a securities exchange in Australia at the same time.

(8) A declaration under paragraph (7)(b) may be subject to conditions. Notice of the making of the declaration must be published in the Gazette .

SECT 257C Buy-back procedure--shareholder approval if the 10/12 limit exceeded Ordinary resolution required

(1) If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the terms of the buy-back agreement must be approved before it is entered into by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the company, or the agreement must be conditional on such an approval.

Information to accompany the notice of meeting

(2) The company must include with the notice of the meeting a statement setting out all information known to the company that is material to the decision how to vote on the resolution. However, the company does not have to disclose information if it would be unreasonable to require the company to do so because the company had previously disclosed the information to its shareholders.

Documents to be lodged with the ASC

(3) Before the notice of the meeting is sent to shareholders, the company must lodge with the ASC a copy of:

SECT 257D Buy-back procedure--special shareholder approval for selective buy-back Selective buy-back requires special or unanimous resolution

(1) If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the terms of the buy-back agreement must be approved before it is entered into by either:

or the agreement must be conditional on such an approval.

Information to accompany the notice of meeting

(2) The company must include with the notice of the meeting a statement setting out all information known to the company that is material to the decision how to vote on the resolution. However, the company does not have to disclose information if it would be unreasonable to require the company to do so because the company had previously disclosed the information to its shareholders.

Documents to be lodged with the ASC

(3) Before the notice of the meeting is sent to shareholders, the company must lodge with the ASC a copy of:

(4) The ASC may exempt a company from the operation of this section. The exemption:

SECT 257E Buy-back procedure--lodgment of offer documents with the ASC If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the company must lodge with the ASC, before the buy-back agreement is entered into, a copy of:

SECT 257F Notice of intended buy-back (1) If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the company must satisfy the lodgment requirement in subsection (2) at least 14 days before:

(2) The company satisfies the lodgment requirement when it lodges with the ASC:

_ under a particular scheme; or

_ as part of particular on-market buy-back activity.

SECT 257G Buy-back procedure--disclosure of relevant information when offer made If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the company must include with the offer to buy back shares a statement setting out all information known to the company that is material to the decision whether to accept the offer.

SECT 257H Acceptance of offer and transfer of shares to the company Effect of acceptance of the buy-back offer on share rights

(1) Once a company has entered into an agreement to buy back shares, all rights attaching to the shares are suspended. The suspension is lifted if the agreement is terminated.

Shares transferred to the company and cancelled

(2) A company must not deal in shares it buys back. An agreement entered into in contravention of this subsection is void.

(3) Immediately after the registration of the transfer to the company of the shares bought back, the shares are cancelled.

SECT 257J Signposts to other relevant provisions The following table sets out other provisions of this Law that are relevant to buy-backs.

Other provisions relevant to buy-backs




section 588G section 1317HA

liability of directors on insolvency

The directors may have to compensate the company if the company is, or becomes, insolvent when the company enters into the buy-back agreement.


section 1324

injunctions to restrain contravention

The Court may grant an injunction against conduct that constitutes, or would constitute, a contravention of this Law.


section 733

ASC intervention (application to the Panel)

The ASC may apply to the Corporations and Securities Panel for a declaration if it appears to the ASC that unacceptable circumstances have, or may have, occurred in relation to a share buy-back. If the Panel makes a declaration it may exercise a range of powers under section 734.


section 42A section 632A

application of takeover provisions

These sections deal with the application of Chapter 6 to buy-backs.


section 259A

consequences of failure to follow procedures--the company and the officers

If a company fails to follow the procedure in this Division, the company contravenes this section and the officers who are involved in the contravention are liable to a civil penalty under Part 9.4B and may commit an offence.


section 256F

consequences of failure to follow procedures if reduction in share capital involved--the company and the officers

If the buy-back involves a reduction in share capital and the company fails to follow the procedures in this Division, the company contravenes this section and the officers who are involved in the contravention are liable to a civil penalty under Part 9.4B and may commit an offence.


section 256F

consequences of failure to follow procedures if reduction in share capital involved--the transaction

This section provides that a failure to follow the procedures for share capital reductions does not affect the validity of the buy-back transaction itself.


sections 1001A-1001D

continuous disclosure provisions

A disclosing entity is required to disclose information about its securities that is material and not generally available.


Chapter 2E

benefits to related parties to be disclosed

Under this Chapter, a financial benefit to a director or other related party may need to be approved at a general meeting before it is given.


section 125

provisions in constitution

This section deals with the way in which a company's constitution may restrict the exercise of the company's powers and the consequences of a failure to observe these restrictions.


sections 246B-246G

variation of class rights

These sections deal with the variation of rights attached to a class of shares. This variation may be governed by the provisions of a company's constitution.

Division 3--Other share capital reductions SECT 258A Unlimited companies An unlimited company may reduce its share capital in any way.

SECT 258B Right to occupy or use real property (1) If a company has a constitution, under it the company may grant to a shareholder, as a shareholder, a right to occupy or use real property that the company owns or holds under lease, whether the right is a lease or licence or a contractual right.

(2) A company may transfer to a person an interest in land in exchange for, or in satisfaction of, a right to occupy or use the land of the kind referred to in subsection (1).

SECT 258C Brokerage or commission A company may pay brokerage or commission to a person in respect of that person or another person agreeing to take up shares in the company.

SECT 258D Cancellation of forfeited shares A company may, by resolution passed at a general meeting, cancel shares that have been forfeited under the terms on which the shares are on issue.

SECT 258E Other authorised reductions (1) This subsection authorises any reduction in share capital involved in:

(2) This subsection authorises any payment out of, or transfer from, a company's share premium account under:

(3) This subsection authorises any payment out of, or transfer from, a company's capital redemption reserve under subsection 254K(4) (paying up shares to be issued to members as fully-paid bonus shares).

SECT 258F Reductions because of lost capital A company may reduce its share capital by cancelling any paid-up share capital that is lost or is not represented by available assets. This power does not apply if the company also cancels shares.

Part 2J.2--Self-acquisition and control of shares

SECT 259A Directly acquiring own shares A company must not acquire shares (or units of shares) in itself except:

SECT 259B Taking security over own shares or shares in holding company (1) A company must not take security over shares (or units of shares) in itself or in a company that controls it, except as permitted by subsection (2) or (3).

(2) A company may take security over shares in itself under an employee share scheme that has been approved by:

Special exemptions for financial institutions

(3) A company's taking security over shares (or units of shares) in itself or in a company that controls it is exempted from subsection (1) if:

(4) If a company acquires shares (or units of shares) in itself because it exercises rights under a security permitted by subsection (2) or (3), then, within the following 12 months, the company must cease to hold those shares (or units of shares). The ASC may extend this period of 12 months if the company applies for the extension before the end of the period.

(5) Any voting rights attached to the shares (or units of shares) cannot be exercised while the company continues to hold them.

(6) If, at the end of the 12 months (or extended period), the company still holds any of the shares (or units of shares), the company commits an offence for each day while that situation continues.

SECT 259C Issuing or transferring shares to controlled entity (1) The issue or transfer of shares (or units of shares) of a company to an entity it controls is void unless:

(2) The ASC may exempt a company from the operation of this section. The exemption:

(3) If paragraph (1)(c) or (d) applies to an issue or transfer of shares (or units of shares), section 259D applies.

SECT 259D Company controlling entity that holds shares in it (1) If any of the following occur:

then, within 12 months after it occurs either:

The ASC may extend this period of 12 months if the company applies for the extension before the end of the period.

(2) If this section applies to shares (or units of shares), it also applies to bonus shares issued in respect of those shares (or units of shares). Within the same period that applies to the shares themselves under subsection (1), either:

(3) Any voting rights attached to the shares (or units of shares) cannot be exercised while the company continues to control the entity.

(4) If, at the end of the 12 months (or extended period), the company still controls the entity and the entity still holds the shares (or units of shares), the company commits an offence for each day while that situation continues.

(5) This section does not apply to shares (or units of shares) if:

(6) A contravention of this section does not affect the validity of any transaction.

SECT 259E When a company controls an entity (1) For the purposes of this Part, a company controls an entity if the company has the capacity to determine the outcome of decisions about the entity's financial and operating policies.

(2) In determining whether a company has this capacity:

(3) Merely because the company and an unrelated entity jointly have the capacity to determine the outcome of decisions about another entity's financial and operating policies, the company does not control the other entity.

(4) A company is not to be taken to control an entity merely because of a capacity that it is under a legal obligation to exercise for the benefit of someone other than its shareholders.

SECT 259F Consequences of failing to comply with section 259A or 259B (1) If a company contravenes section 259A or subsection 259B(1):

(2) Any person who is involved in a company's contravention of section 259A or subsection 259B(1) contravenes this subsection.

Part 2J.3--Financial assistance

SECT 260A Financial assistance by a company for acquiring shares in the company or a holding company (1) A company may financially assist a person to acquire shares (or units of shares) in the company or a holding company of the company only if:

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), financial assistance may:

(3) Subsection (1) extends to the acquisition of shares (or units of shares) by:

SECT 260B Shareholder approval Approval by company's own shareholders

(1) Shareholder approval for financial assistance by a company must be given by:

Approval by shareholders of listed holding corporation

(2) If the company will be a subsidiary of a listed domestic corporation immediately after the acquisition referred to in section 260A occurs, the financial assistance must also be approved by a special resolution passed at a general meeting of that corporation.

Approval by shareholders in ultimate Australian holding company

(3) If, immediately after the acquisition, the company will have a holding company that:

the financial assistance must also be approved by a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the body corporate that will be the holding company.

Information to accompany the notice of meeting

(4) A company or other body that calls a meeting for the purpose of subsection (1), (2) or (3) must include with the notice of the meeting a statement setting out all the information known to the company or body that is material to the decision on how to vote on the resolution. However, the company or body does not have to disclose information if it would be unreasonable to require the company or body to do so because the company or body had previously disclosed the information to its members.

Documents to be lodged with the ASC before notice of meeting is sent out

(5) Before the notice of a meeting for the purpose of subsection (1), (2) or (3) is sent to members of a company or other body, the company or body must lodge with the ASC a copy of:

(6) The company must lodge with the ASC, at least 14 days before giving the financial assistance, a notice in the prescribed form stating that the assistance has been approved under this section.

Lodgment of special resolutions

(7) A special resolution passed for the purpose of subsection (1), (2) or (3) must be lodged with the ASC by the company, listed domestic corporation or holding company within 14 days after it is passed.

SECT 260C Exempted financial assistance General exemptions based on ordinary course of commercial dealing

(1) Financial assistance is exempted from section 260A if it is given in the ordinary course of commercial dealing and consists of:

Special exemptions for financial institutions

(2) Financial assistance is exempted from section 260A if:

Special exemptions for subsidiaries of borrowing corporations

(3) Financial assistance is exempted from section 260A if:

Special exemption for approved employee share schemes

(4) Financial assistance is exempted from section 260A if it is given under an employee share scheme that has been approved by:

Other exemptions

(5) The following types of financial assistance are exempted from section 260A:

SECT 260D Consequences of failing to comply with section 260A (1) If a company provides financial assistance in contravention of section 260A:

(2) Any person who is involved in a company's contravention of section 260A contravenes this subsection.

Part 2J.4--Interaction with general directors' duties

SECT 260E General duties still apply A director is not relieved from any of their duties under this Law (including section 232), or their fiduciary duties, in connection with a transaction merely because the transaction is authorised by a provision of this Chapter or is approved by a resolution of members under a provision of this Chapter.

5 Part 3.6

Repeal the Part, substitute:

Chapter 2M--Financial reports and audit Part 2M.1--Overview

SECT 285 Overview of obligations under this Chapter Obligations under this Chapter

(1) Under this Chapter, all companies, registered schemes and disclosing entities must keep financial records (see sections
286-291)--and some must prepare financial reports (see sections 292-323D). All those that have to prepare financial reports have to prepare them annually; disclosing entities have to prepare half-year financial reports as well. The following table sets out what is involved in annual financial reporting:

Annual financial reporting





prepare financial report

s. 295

The financial report includes:

* financial statements

* disclosures and notes

* directors' declaration.


prepare directors' report

s. 298

The report has both a general component (s. 299) and a specific component (s. 300).


have the financial report audited and obtain auditor's report

s. 301, 307, 308

A small proprietary company preparing a financial report in response to a shareholder direction under s. 293 only has to have an audit if the direction asks for it.

Under s. 312, officers must assist the auditor in the conduct of the audit.

The ASC may use its exemption powers under s. 340 and 341 to relieve large proprietary companies from the audit requirements in appropriate cases (s. 342(2) and (3)).


send the financial report, directors' report and auditor's report to members

s. 314

A concise financial report may be sent to members instead of the full financial statements (s. 314(1)-(2)).

For deadline see s. 315(1)-(4).


lodge the financial report, directors' report and auditor's report with the ASC

s. 319

For deadline see s. 319(3).

Companies that have the benefit of the grandfathering in s. 319(4) do not have to lodge.


[public companies only] lay financial report, directors' report and auditor's report before AGM

s. 317

For the AGM deadline see s. 250N.

Application to disclosing entities

(2) This Chapter covers all disclosing entities incorporated or formed in this jurisdiction (whether or not they are companies or registered schemes).

Application to registered schemes

(3) For the purposes of applying this Chapter to a registered scheme:

Part 2M.2--Financial records

SECT 286 Obligation to keep financial records (1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must keep written financial records that:

The obligation to keep financial records of transactions extends to transactions undertaken as trustee.

Period for which records must be retained

(2) The financial records must be retained for 7 years after the transactions covered by the records are completed.

SECT 287 Language requirements (1) The financial records may be kept in any language.

(2) An English translation of financial records not kept in English must be made available within a reasonable time to a person who:

SECT 288 Physical format If financial records are kept in electronic form, they must be convertible into hard copy. Hard copy must be made available within a reasonable time to a person who is entitled to inspect the records.

SECT 289 Place where records are kept (1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity may decide where to keep the financial records.

Records kept outside Australia

(2) If financial records about particular matters are kept outside Australia, sufficient written information about those matters must be kept in Australia to enable true and fair financial statements to be prepared. The company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must give the ASC written notice in the prescribed form of the place where the information is kept.

(3) The ASC may direct a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity to produce specified financial records that are kept outside Australia.

(4) The direction must:

SECT 290 Director access Personal access

(1) A director of a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity has a right of access to the financial records at all reasonable times.

Court order for inspection on director's behalf

(2) On application by a director, the Court may authorise a person to inspect the financial records on the director's behalf.

(3) A person authorised to inspect records may make copies of the records unless the Court orders otherwise.

(4) The Court may make any other orders it consider appropriate, including either or both of the following:

SECT 291 Signposts to other relevant provisions The following table sets out other provisions that are relevant to access to financial records.

Other provisions relevant to access to financial records


section 247A


A member may apply to the Court for an order to inspect the records.


section 310


The auditor has a right of access to the records.


section 431


A controller of a corporation's property (for example, a receiver or receiver and manager) has a right of access to the records.


sections 28 to 39 of the Australian Securities Commission Act 1989


The ASC has power to inspect the records. It also has power under subsection 289(3) of this Law to call for the production of financial records kept outside Australia.

Part 2M.3--Financial reporting Division 1--Annual financial reports and directors' reports SECT 292 Who has to prepare annual financial reports and directors' reports (1) A financial report and a directors' report must be prepared for each financial year by:

(2) A small proprietary company has to prepare the financial report and directors' report only if:

The rest of this Part does not apply to any other small proprietary company.

SECT 293 Small proprietary company--shareholder direction (1) Shareholders with at least 5% of the votes in a small proprietary company may give the company a direction to:

(2) The direction must be:

(3) The direction may specify all or any of the following:

SECT 294 Small proprietary company--ASC direction (1) The ASC may give a small proprietary company a direction to comply with requirements of this Division and Divisions 3, 4, 5 and 6 for a financial year.

(2) The direction may be general or may specify the particular requirements that the company is to comply with.

(3) The direction must specify the date by which the documents have to be prepared, sent or lodged. The date must be a reasonable one in view of the nature of the direction.

(4) The direction must:

SECT 295 Contents of annual financial report Basic contents

(1) The financial report for a financial year consists of:

Financial statements

(2) The financial statements for the year are:

Notes to financial statements

(3) The notes to the financial statements are:

Directors' declaration

(4) The directors' declaration is a declaration by the directors:

(5) The declaration must:

SECT 296 Compliance with accounting standards and regulations (1) The financial report for a financial year must comply with the accounting standards. However, a small proprietary company's report does not have to comply with particular accounting standards if:

(2) The financial report must comply with any further requirements in the regulations.

SECT 297 True and fair view The financial statements and notes for a financial year must give a true and fair view of:

This section does not affect the obligation under section 296 for a financial report to comply with accounting standards.

SECT 298 Annual directors' report (1) The company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must prepare a directors' report for each financial year. The report must include:

(2) The report must:

(3) A small proprietary company does not have to comply with subsection (1) for a financial year if:

SECT 299 Annual directors' report--general information General information about operations and activities

(1) The directors' report for a financial year must:

(2) The entity reported on is:

Prejudicial information need not be disclosed

(3) The report may omit material that would otherwise be included under paragraph (1)(e) if it is likely to result in unreasonable prejudice to:

If material is omitted, the report must say so.

SECT 300 Annual directors' report--specific information (1) The directors' report for a financial year must include details of:

Public companies, listed companies and registered schemes must include additional information under subsections (10), (11), (12) and (13).

(2) Details do not have to be included in the directors' report under this section if they are included in the company's financial report for the financial year.

(3) Paragraphs (1)(d), (e) and (f) cover:

(4) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(d), remuneration includes anything that would be remuneration for the purposes of subsections 243K(4), (5), (6), (7) and (7B).

Options details

(5) The details of an option granted are:

(6) The details of unissued shares or interests under option are:

Shares or interests issued as a result of exercise of option

(7) The details of shares or interests issued as a result of the exercise of an option are:

Indemnities and insurance premiums for officers or auditors

(8) The report for a company must include details of:

For the purposes of this subsection, officer has the same meaning as in section 241.

(9) The details required under subsection (8) are:

The report need not give details of the nature of the liability covered by, or the amount of the premium payable under, a contract of insurance to the extent that disclosure of those details is prohibited by the insurance contract.

Special rules for public companies

(10) The report for a public company that is not a wholly-owned subsidiary of another company or of a recognised company must also include details of:

Special rules for listed companies

(11) The report for a listed company must also include the following details for each director:

Special rules for listed registered schemes

(12) The report for a registered scheme whose interests are quoted on a stock market of a securities exchange must also include the following details for each director of the company that is the responsible entity for the scheme:

Special rules for registered schemes

(13) The report for a registered scheme must also include details of:

SECT 300A Annual directors' report--specific information to be provided by listed companies (1) The directors' report for a financial year for a company must also include:

(2) This section applies only to a company that is:

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company's constitution.

SECT 301 Audit of annual financial report (1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must have the financial report for a financial year audited in accordance with Division 3 and obtain an auditor's report.

(2) A small proprietary company's financial report for a financial year does not have to be audited if:

Division 2--Half-year financial report and directors' report SECT 302 Disclosing entity must prepare half-year financial report and directors' report A disclosing entity must:

unless the entity is not a disclosing entity when lodgment is due.

SECT 303 Contents of half-year financial report Basic contents

(1) The financial report for a half-year consists of:

Financial statements

(2) The financial statements for the half-year are:

Notes to financial statements

(3) The notes to the financial statements are:

Directors' declaration

(4) The directors' declaration is a declaration by the directors:

(5) The declaration must:

SECT 304 Compliance with accounting standards and regulations The financial report for a half-year must comply with the accounting standards and any further requirements in the regulations.

SECT 305 True and fair view The financial statements and notes for a half-year must give a true and fair view of:

This section does not affect the obligation under section 304 for financial reports to comply with accounting standards.

SECT 306 Half-year directors' report The directors of the disclosing entity must prepare a directors' report for each half-year that consists of:

If consolidated financial statements are required, the review under paragraph (a) must cover the consolidated entity.

Division 3--Audit and auditor's report SECT 307 Audit An auditor who conducts an audit of the financial report for a financial year or half-year must form an opinion about:

SECT 308 Auditor's report on annual financial report (1) An auditor who audits the financial report for a financial year must report to members on whether the auditor is of the opinion that the financial report is in accordance with this Law, including:

If not of that opinion, the auditor's report must say why.

(2) If the auditor is of the opinion that the financial report does not comply with an accounting standard, the auditor's report must, to the extent it is practicable to do so, quantify the effect that non-compliance has on the financial report. If it is not practicable to quantify the effect fully, the report must say why.

(3) The auditor's report must describe:

(4) The report must specify the date on which it is made.

SECT 309 Auditor's report on half-year financial report Audit of financial report

(1) An auditor who audits the financial report for a half-year must report to members on whether the auditor is of the opinion that the financial report is in accordance with this Law, including:

If not of that opinion, the auditor's report must say why.

(2) If the auditor is of the opinion that the financial report does not comply with an accounting standard, the auditor's report must, to the extent that it is practicable to do so, quantify the effect that non-compliance has on the financial report. If it is not practicable to quantify the effect fully, the report must say why.

(3) The auditor's report must describe:

Review of financial report

(4) An auditor who reviews the financial report for a half-year must report to members on whether the auditor became aware of any matter in the course of the review that makes the auditor believe that the financial report does not comply with Division 2.

(5) A report under subsection (4) must:

Report to specify day made

(6) A report under subsection (1) or (4) must specify the date on which it is made.

SECT 310 Auditor's power to obtain information The auditor:

A request under paragraph (b) must be a reasonable one.

SECT 311 Reporting to ASC The auditor conducting an audit or review must, as soon as possible, notify the ASC in writing if the auditor:

SECT 312 Assisting auditor An officer of a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must:

SECT 313 Special provisions on audit of borrowing corporations and guarantor bodies Auditor to give trustee for debenture holders copies of reports, certificates etc.

(1) A borrowing corporation's auditor must give the trustee for debenture holders:

The copies must be given within 7 days after the auditor gives the originals to the borrowing corporation or its members.

Auditor to report on matters prejudicial to debenture holders' interests

(2) The auditor of a borrowing corporation or guarantor body must give the borrowing corporation or guarantor body a written report about any matter that:

The auditor must give a copy of the report to the trustee for debenture holders. The report and the copy must be given within 7 days after the auditor becomes aware of the matter.

Division 4--Annual financial reporting to members SECT 314 Annual financial reporting to members Full or concise report to members

(1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must report to members for a financial year by either:

Concise report

(2) A concise report for a financial year consists of:

SECT 315 Deadline for reporting to members Public companies and disclosing entities that are not registered schemes

(1) A public company, or a disclosing entity that is not a registered scheme, must report to members under section 314 by the earlier of:

Small proprietary companies (shareholder direction under section 293)

(2) If a shareholder direction is given to a small proprietary company under section 293 after the end of the financial year, the company must report to members under section 314 by the later of:

Registered schemes

(3) A registered scheme must report to members under section 314 within 3 months after the end of the financial year.

Other proprietary companies

(4) A proprietary company that is not covered by subsection (1) or (2) must report to members under section 314 within 4 months after the end of the financial year.

SECT 316 Member's choices for annual financial information (1) A member may request the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity:

A request may be a standing request or for a particular financial year. The member is not entitled to a report for a financial year earlier than the one before the financial year in which the request is made.

(2) The time for complying with a request under paragraph (1)(b) is:

whichever is later.

(3) A full financial report, directors' report and auditor's report are to be sent free of charge unless the member has already received a copy of them free of charge.

SECT 317 Consideration of reports at AGM The directors of a public company that is required to hold an AGM must lay before the AGM:

for the last financial year that ended before the AGM.

SECT 318 Additional reporting by debenture issuers (1) A company or disclosing entity that was a borrowing corporation at the end of a financial year must give a copy of the annual financial report, directors' report and auditor's report to the trustee for debenture holders by the deadline for the financial year set by section 315.

(2) A debenture holder may ask the company or disclosing entity that issued the debenture for copies of:

(3) The company or entity must give the debenture holder the copies as soon as practicable after the request and free of charge.

(4) A disclosing entity that was a borrowing corporation at the end of a half-year must give a copy of the half-year financial report, directors' report and auditor's report to the trustee for debenture holders within 75 days after the end of the half-year.

Division 5--Lodging reports with the ASC SECT 319 Lodgment of annual reports with the ASC (1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity that has to prepare or obtain a report for a financial year under Division 1 must lodge the report with the ASC. This obligation extends to a concise report sent to members under section 314.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a small proprietary company that prepares a report in response to a shareholder direction under section 293 or an ASC direction under section 294.

(3) The time for lodgment is:

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to a large proprietary company that is not a disclosing entity if:

(5) A company that has the benefit of subsection (4) must lodge with the ASC notice of any of the following events:

The notice must be lodged within 14 days after the resignation, retirement or appointment.

(6) For the purposes of paragraph (4)(d), the deadline for reporting to members is:

SECT 320 Lodgment of half-year reports with the ASC A disclosing entity that has to prepare or obtain a report for a half-year under Division 2 must lodge the report with the ASC within 75 days after the end of the half-year.

SECT 321 ASC power to require lodgment (1) The ASC may give a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity a direction to lodge with the ASC a copy of reports prepared or obtained by it under Division 1 or 2.

(2) The direction must:

The date specified under paragraph (d) must be at least 14 days after the date on which the direction is given.

SECT 322 Relodgment if financial statements or directors' reports amended after lodgment (1) If a financial report or directors' report is amended after it is lodged with the ASC, the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must:

(2) If the amendment is a material one, the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must also notify members as soon as practicable of:

Division 6--Special provisions about consolidated financial statements SECT 323 Directors and officers of controlled entity to give information If a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity has to prepare consolidated financial statements, a director or officer of a controlled entity must give the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity all information requested that is necessary to prepare the consolidated financial statements and the notes to those statements.

SECT 323A Auditor's power to obtain information from controlled entity (1) An auditor who audits or reviews a financial report that includes consolidated financial statements:

A request under paragraph (b) must be a reasonable one.

(2) The information, explanations or other assistance required under paragraph (1)(b) is to be given at the expense of the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity whose financial report is being audited or reviewed.

SECT 323B Controlled entity to assist auditor If a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity has to prepare a financial report that includes consolidated financial statements, an officer or auditor of a controlled entity must:

SECT 323C Application of Division to entity that has ceased to be controlled Sections 323, 323A and 323B apply to the preparation or audit of a financial report that covers a controlled entity even if the entity is no longer controlled by the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity whose financial report is being prepared or audited.

Division 7--Financial years and half-years SECT 323D Financial years and half-years First financial year

(1) The first financial year for a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity starts on the day on which it is registered or incorporated. It lasts for 12 months or the period (not longer than 18 months) determined by the directors.

Financial years after first year

(2) Subject to subsection (4), subsequent financial years must:

The directors may determine that the financial year is to be shorter or longer (but not by more than 7 days).

Synchronisation of financial years where consolidated financial statements are required

(3) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity that has to prepare consolidated financial statements must do whatever is necessary to ensure that the financial years of the consolidated entities are synchronised with its own financial years. It must achieve this synchronisation by the end of 12 months after the situation that calls for consolidation arises.

(4) To facilitate this synchronisation, the financial year for a controlled entity may be extended or shortened. The extended financial year cannot be longer than 18 months.


(5) A half-year for a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity is the first 6 months of a financial year. The directors may determine that the half-year is to be shorter or longer (but not by more than 7 days).

Division 8--Disclosure by listed companies of information filed overseas SECT 323DA Listed companies to disclose information filed overseas (1) A company that discloses information to, or as required by:

must disclose that information in English to the Exchange on the next business day after doing so.

(2) This section applies only to a company that is:

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company's constitution.

6 Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 3.7 and Part 3.8

Repeal the Divisions and Part, substitute:

Part 2M.5--Accounting standards

SECT 334 Accounting standards AASB's power to make accounting standards

(1) The AASB may make accounting standards for the purposes of this Law. The standards must be in writing and must not be inconsistent with this law or the Regulations.

(2) Section 46A of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 of the Commonwealth applies to a standard made under subsection (1) as if it were a disallowable instrument for the purposes of that section.

Application of standards

(3) Accounting standards may:

(4) An accounting standard applies to:

(5) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity may elect to apply the accounting standard to an earlier period unless the standard says otherwise. The election must be made in writing by the directors.

SECT 335 Equity accounting This Chapter (and, in particular, the provisions on consolidation of financial statements) does not prevent accounting standards from incorporating equity accounting principles.

SECT 336 Comparative amounts The accounting standards for the preparation of financial reports for a period may require the inclusion in those reports of comparative amounts for earlier periods.

SECT 337 Interpretation of accounting standards In interpreting an accounting standard, unless the contrary intention appears:

SECT 338 Severing invalid provisions If an accounting standard would otherwise have been interpreted as being inconsistent with this Law, the standard is nevertheless to be valid to the extent to which it is not inconsistent with this Law.

SECT 339 Evidence of text of accounting standard (1) This section applies to a document that purports to be published by or on behalf of the AASB or ASC and to set out the text of:

It also applies to a copy of a document of that kind.

(2) In the absence of evidence to the contrary, a document to which this section applies is proof in proceedings under the Corporations Law of this jurisdiction that:

Part 2M.6--Exemptions and modifications

SECT 340 ASC's power to make specific exemption orders (1) On an application made in accordance with subsection (3) in relation to a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity, the ASC may make an order in writing relieving any of the following from all or specified requirements of Parts 2M.2 and 2M.3:

(2) The order may:

(3) The application must be:

(4) The ASC must give the applicant written notice of the making, revocation or suspension of the order.

SECT 341 ASC's power to make class orders (1) The ASC may make an order in writing in respect of a specified class of companies, registered schemes or disclosing entities, relieving any of the following from all or specified requirements of Parts 2M.2 and 2M.3:

(2) The order may:

(3) Notice of the making, revocation or suspension of the order must be published in the Gazette .

SECT 342 Criteria for specific exemption orders and class orders (1) To make an order under section 340 or 341, the ASC must be satisfied that complying with the relevant requirements of Parts 2M.2 and 2M.3 would:

(2) In deciding for the purposes of subsection (1) whether the audit requirements for a proprietary company, or a class of proprietary companies, would impose an unreasonable burden on the company or companies, the ASC is to have regard to:

(3) In assessing expected benefits under subsection (2), the ASC is to take account of:

SECT 343 Modification by regulations The regulations may modify the operation of this Chapter in relation to:

Part 2M.7--Sanctions for contraventions of Chapter

SECT 344 Contravention of Part 2M.2 or 2M.3 (1) A director of a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity contravenes this section if they fail to take all reasonable steps to comply with, or to secure compliance with, Part 2M.2 or 2M.3.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to section 310, 312, 323A or 323B.

(3) This section does not affect the application of the provisions of Part 2M.2 or 2M.3 to a director as an officer.

Chapter 2N--Annual returns and lodgments with the ASC Part 2N.1--Annual returns

SECT 345 Deadline for lodging annual return Companies

(1) A company must lodge an annual return with the ASC by
31 January each year, unless the ASC and the company agree to a different lodgment date (see subsection (3)).

Responsible entities of registered schemes

(2) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must lodge an annual return for the scheme with the ASC. The return for a scheme must be lodged within 3 months after the end of the scheme's financial year unless the ASC and the responsible entity agree to a different lodgment date (see subsection (3)).

Agreed lodgment date

(3) The ASC and the company or the ASC and the responsible entity may agree to a different lodgment date. The agreement must be in writing and may cover 1 or more years. The annual return must be lodged by the agreed date.

Company's obligation to lodge some notices ceases on lodgment of annual return

(4) A company's obligation to lodge a notice under section 142, 146, 242 or 254X, ceases when:

This subsection does not affect the company's liability for late lodgment fees incurred before the annual return is lodged or continuing offences committed before that time.

SECT 346 Solvency resolution--companies (1) Within 1 month before the annual return is lodged, the directors of a company must resolve whether, in their opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a company that has lodged a financial report of the company with the ASC under
Chapter 2M within 12 months before the annual return is lodged.

SECT 347 Lodging annual return with ASC An annual return may be lodged with the ASC:

SECT 348 Contents of annual return--companies A company's annual return must contain the information set out in the following table, current as at the date when the annual return is signed or authenticated. It must also contain any other information required by the regulations.

Contents of annual return--companies

[operative table]






address of registered office


address of principal place of business


each director and company secretary

* name and address

* date and place of birth.

The address must be the person's usual residential address. However, if the person is entitled to have an alternative address under subsection 242AA(2), the annual return may contain that address.


issued shares

The classes into which the shares are divided and for each class of share issued:

* the number and nominal value of shares in the class

* the amount (if any) paid, taken to be paid or due and payable on each share in the class.


options granted

The number of unissued shares in each class that are subject to options.


all members (if company has 20 or fewer members)


the top 20 members in each class (if company has more than 20 members)

The requirement to list the top 20 members does not apply to a company limited only by guarantee.

* the names and addresses of the members

If the company has a share capital:

* the total number of shares in each class held by each of them

* whether or not the shares are fully paid

* unless the company is a listed corporation--whether or not the shares are beneficially owned.

If 2 or more members in the top 20 members in a class of shares each hold the same number of shares, the company must include the details set out above for each of them.


company solvency

Not necessary if company lodged a financial report with ASC within last 12 months.

Statement whether the directors have resolved within the last month under section 346 that, in their opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.


ultimate holding company

* name


* its ACN or ARBN if registered in Australia


* the place at which it was incorporated or formed if not registered in Australia.

SECT 349 Contents of annual return--registered schemes An annual return for a registered scheme must contain the information set out in the following table, current as at the date when the annual return is signed or authenticated. It must also contain any other information required by the regulations.

Contents of annual return--registered schemes

[operative table]


registration number of scheme


name of scheme


name and ACN of the responsible entity


issued interests in a managed investment scheme

Only if the scheme is a unit trust.

The classes into which the interests are divided and for each class of interest issued:

* the number of interests in the class

* the total amount paid up for the class

* the total amount unpaid for the class.


issued interests in a managed investment scheme

Only if 4 does not apply.

* a description of the nature of the interests (for example, interest in a limited partnership, right to participate in a timesharing scheme)

* the number of those interests

* the total amount paid for those interests

* the total amount unpaid for those interests.


options granted

* the number of unissued managed investment interests that are subject to options

* for each of the classes of interests that is subject to options--the average exercise price.


all interest holders (if scheme has 20 or fewer interest holders)


the top 20 interest holders in each class (if scheme has more than 20 interest holders)

* the names and addresses of the interest holders

* the total number of interests in each class held by each of them

* whether or not the interests are fully paid.

If 2 or more interest holders in the top 20 interest holders in a class each hold the same number of interests, the responsible entity must include the details set out above for each of them.

Part 2N.2--Lodgments with ASC

SECT 350 Forms for documents to be lodged with ASC A document that this Law requires to be lodged with the ASC in a prescribed form must be:

SECT 351 Signing documents lodged with ASC (1) A document lodged with the ASC in writing by, or on behalf of, a corporation or a registered scheme must be signed by a director or secretary of the corporation or of the responsible entity of the registered scheme. If the corporation is a foreign company, it may be signed by:

(2) An individual who lodges a document with the ASC in writing must sign it.

(3) The person's name must be printed next to the signature.

SECT 352 Documents lodged with ASIC electronically (1) A document may be lodged with ASIC electronically only if:

The document is taken to be lodged with ASIC if it is lodged in accordance with the agreement or approval (including any requirements of the agreement or approval as to authentication).

(2) Any agreement or approval must provide for a signed copy of the document to be held by the person lodging the document and for the person to make the signed copy of the document available to the ASIC if required.

7 Division 4 of Part 4.1

Repeal the Division.

8 Parts 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5

Repeal the Parts.

9 After Chapter 5


Chapter 5A--Deregistration of companies

SECT 601AA Deregistration--voluntary Who may apply for deregistration

(1) An application to deregister a company may be lodged with the ASC by:

If the company lodges the application, it must nominate a person to be given notice of the deregistration.

Circumstances in which application can be made

(2) A person may apply only if:

ASC may ask for information about officers

(3) The applicant must give the ASC any information that the ASC requests about the current and former officers of the company.

Deregistration procedure

(4) If the ASC is not aware of any failure to comply with subsections (1) to (3), it must give notice of the proposed deregistration:

When 2 months have passed since the Gazette notice, the ASC may deregister the company.

(5) The ASC must give notice of the deregistration to:

SECT 601AB Deregistration--ASC initiated Circumstances in which the ASC may deregister

(1) The ASC may decide to deregister a company if:

(2) The ASC may also decide to deregister a company if the company is being wound up and the ASC has reason to believe that:

Deregistration procedure

(3) If the ASC decides to deregister a company under this section, it must give notice of the proposed deregistration:

When 2 months have passed since the Gazette notice, the ASC may deregister the company.

(4) The ASC does not have to give a person notice under subsection (3) if the ASC does not have the necessary information about the person's identity or address.

(5) The ASC must give notice of the deregistration to everyone who was notified of the proposed deregistration under paragraph (3)(b) or (c).

SECT 601AC Deregistration--following amalgamation or winding up (1) The ASC must deregister a company if the Court orders the deregistration of the company under:

(2) The ASC must deregister a company if:

SECT 601AD Effect of deregistration Company ceases to exist

(1) A company ceases to exist on deregistration.

Company's property vests in ASC

(2) On deregistration, all the company's property vests in the ASC. If company property is vested in a liquidator immediately before deregistration, that property vests in the ASC. This subsection extends to property situated outside this jurisdiction.

(3) Under subsection (2), the ASC takes only the same property rights that the company itself held. If the company held particular property subject to a security or other interest or claim, the ASC takes the property subject to that interest or claim.

(4) The ASC has all the powers of an owner over property vested in it under subsection (2).

Company books to be kept by former directors

(5) The directors of the company immediately before deregistration must keep the company's books for 3 years after the deregistration. This does not apply to books that a liquidator has to keep under subsection 542(2).

SECT 601AE What the ASC does with the property (1) If property vested in the ASC under subsection 601AD(2) was held by the company on trust, the ASC may:

(2) If the company did not hold the property on trust, the ASC may:

The ASC must deal with the rest (if any) under Part 9.7.

Obligations attaching to property

(3) The property remains subject to all liabilities imposed on the property under a law and does not have the benefit of any exemption that the property might otherwise have because it is vested in the ASC. These liabilities include a liability that:

(4) The ASC's obligation under subsection (3) is limited to satisfying the liabilities out of the company's property to the extent that the property is properly available to satisfy those liabilities.


(5) The ASC must keep:

SECT 601AF ASC's power to fulfil outstanding obligations of deregistered company The ASC may do an act on behalf of the company or its liquidator if the ASC is satisfied that the company or liquidator would be bound to do the act if the company still existed.

SECT 601AG Claims against insurers of deregistered company A person may recover from the insurer of a company that is deregistered an amount that was payable to the company under the insurance contract if:

SECT 601AH Reinstatement Reinstatement by ASC

(1) The ASC may reinstate the registration of a company if the ASC is satisfied that the company should not have been deregistered.

Reinstatement by Court

(2) The Court may make an order that the ASC reinstate the registration of a company if:

(3) If the Court makes an order under subsection (2), it may:

ASC to give notice of reinstatement

(4) The ASC must give notice of a reinstatement in the Gazette . If the ASC exercises its power under subsection (1) in response to an application by a person, the ASC must also give notice of the reinstatement to the applicant.

Effect of reinstatement

(5) If a company is reinstated, the company is taken to have continued in existence as if it had not been deregistered. A person who was a director of the company immediately before deregistration becomes a director again as from the time when the ASC or the Court reinstates the company. Any property of the company that is still vested in the ASC revests in the company. If the company held particular property subject to a security or other interest or claim, the company takes the property subject to that interest or claim.

Chapter 5B--Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Part 5B.1--Registering a body corporate as a company Division 1--Registration SECT 601BA Bodies corporate may be registered as certain types of companies (1) A body corporate that is not a company, recognised company or corporation sole may be registered under this Law as a company of one of the following types:

(2) A body corporate may be registered as a no liability company only if:

SECT 601BB Bodies registered as proprietary companies (1) The body must have no more than 50 non-employee shareholders if it is to be registered as a proprietary company under this Part.

(2) In applying subsection (1):

SECT 601BC Applying for registration under this Part (1) To register the body as a company under this Part, a person must lodge an application with the ASC.

(2) The application must state the following:

(3) If the body is proposed to be registered as a public company, the application must be accompanied by a copy of each document (including an agreement or consent) or resolution that is necessary to ascertain the rights attached to issued or unissued shares of the body.

(4) The application must be in the prescribed form.

(5) An applicant must have the consents and agreements referred to in subsection (2) when the application is lodged. After the body is registered as a company, the applicant must give the consents and agreements to the company. The company must keep the consents and agreements.

(6) The following documents must be lodged with the application:

A document need not be lodged if the ASC already has the document and agrees not to require its lodgment.

(7) The application must be accompanied by evidence that:

(8) The application must be accompanied by evidence that under the law of the body's place of origin:

(9) The evidence lodged in accordance with subsections (7) and (8) must be satisfactory proof to the ASC of the matters referred to in those subsections.

SECT 601BD ASC gives body ACN, registers as company and issues certificate Registration

(1) If an application is lodged under section 601BC, the ASC may:

ASC must keep record of registration

(2) The ASC must keep a record of the registration. Subsections 1274(2) and (5) apply to the record as if it were a document lodged with the ASC.

SECT 601BE Registered office The address specified in the application as the body's proposed registered office becomes the address of its registered office as a company on registration.

SECT 601BF Name A company registered under this Part has a name on registration that is:

The name must also include the words required by subsection 148(2) or 148(3).

SECT 601BG Constitution (1) The constitution on registration (if any) of a company registered under this Part is the constitution lodged with the application.

(2) If any text in a constitution lodged with the application is not in English, the English translation of that text lodged with the application for registration is taken to be the relevant text in the constitution on registration.

SECT 601BH Modifications of constitution (1) A company registered under this Part must modify its constitution within 3 months after registration to give effect to this Part.

(2) If the constitution specifies amounts of money expressed in foreign currency, the company must:

The modification must be made within 3 months after registration.

(3) An amendment of a company's constitution under this section does not affect the number and class of shares held by each member.

SECT 601BJ ASC may direct company to apply for Court approval for modifications of constitution (1) The ASC may give the company a written direction to apply to the Court within a specified period for an order approving the modified constitution.

(2) The Court may make an order:

(3) The company must lodge a copy of the order with the ASC within 14 days after the order is made.

SECT 601BK Establishing registers and minute books (1) A company registered under this Part must, within 14 days after registration:

(2) During the 14 days the company need not comply with a person's request to inspect or obtain a copy of:

However, the period within which the company must comply with the request begins at the end of the 14 days.

SECT 601BL Registration of registered bodies (1) If a registered body becomes registered as a company under this Part or a corresponding law, it ceases to be a registered body. The ASC must remove the body's name from the appropriate register kept for the purposes of Division 1 or 2 of Part 5B.2.

(2) The ASC may keep any of the documents relating to the company that were lodged because the company used to be a registered body.

Division 2--Operation of the Corporations Law SECT 601BM Effect of registration under this Part (1) Registration under this Part does not:

(2) This Part and sections 263, 266 and 276 set out special provisions for companies registered under this Part.

SECT 601BN Liability of members on winding up A person who stopped being a member of the body before it was registered as a company under this Part is to be treated as a past member of the company in applying Division 2 of Part 5.6 to a winding up of the company. However, the person's liability to contribute to the company's property is further limited by this section to an amount sufficient for the following:

SECT 601BP Bearer shares (1) A bearer of a bearer share in a company registered under this Part may surrender the share to the company. The company must:

(2) The company is liable to compensate anyone who suffers a loss because the company includes the bearer's name in the company's register of members despite the fact that:

(3) Subject to this section, the constitution of a company registered under this Part may provide that the bearer of a bearer share in the company is taken to be a member of the company for all purposes or for specified purposes.

SECT 601BR First AGM Despite subsection 250N(1), a public company registered under this Part must hold its first AGM after registration in the calendar year of its registration.

SECT 601BS Modification by regulations The regulations may modify the operation of this Part in relation to a company registered under this Part.

Part 5B.3--Names of registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies

SECT 601DA Reserving a name (1) A person may lodge an application in the prescribed form with the ASC to reserve a name for a registrable Australian body or a foreign company. If the name is available, the ASC must reserve it.

(2) The reservation lasts for 2 months from the date when the application was lodged. An applicant may ask the ASC in writing for an extension of the reservation during a period that the name is reserved, and the ASC may extend the reservation for 2 months.

(3) The ASC must cancel a reservation if the applicant asks the ASC in writing to do so.

SECT 601DB Acceptable abbreviations (1) The abbreviations set out in the following table may be used:

Acceptable abbreviations

[operative table]





Co or Coy

















Australian Registered Body Number





(2) If a registrable Australian body's or foreign company's name includes any of these abbreviations, the word corresponding to the abbreviation may be used instead.

SECT 601DC When a name is available Name is available unless identical or unacceptable

(1) A name is available to a registrable Australian body or a foreign company unless the name is:

Minister may consent to a name being available

(2) The Minister may consent in writing to a name being available to a registrable Australian body or foreign company even if the name is:

(3) The Minister's consent may be given subject to conditions.

SECT 601DD Registered Australian bodies and registered foreign companies can carry on business with some names only A registered Australian body or registered foreign company must not carry on business under a name in this jurisdiction unless:

SECT 601DE Using a name and ARBN Requirements for bodies that are not Australian banks

(1) Subject to sections 601DF and 601DG, a registered Australian body or registered foreign company must set out the following on all its public documents and negotiable instruments published or signed in this jurisdiction:

Paragraphs (c) and (d) do not apply to an Australian bank.

Where information to be set out

(2) Subject to sections 601DF and 601DG, the information required by paragraph (1)(b) must be set out with the company's or body's name, or 1 of the references to its name in the document or instrument. If the name appears on 2 or more pages of the document or instrument, this must be done on the first of those pages.

SECT 601DF Exception to requirement to have ARBN on receipts A registered Australian body or a registered foreign company does not have to set out the expression "Australian Registered Body Number" followed by its ARBN on a receipt (for example, a cash register receipt) that sets out information recorded in the machine that produced the receipt.

SECT 601DG Regulations may exempt from requirement to set out information on documents The regulations may exempt a specified registered Australian body or registered foreign company, or a class of those bodies or companies, from the requirement in paragraphs 601DE(1)(b), (c) and (d) to set out information on its public documents and negotiable instruments. The exemption may relate to specified documents or instruments, or a class of documents or instruments.

SECT 601DH Notice of name change must be given to the ASC (1) A registered Australian body or a registered foreign company must give the ASC written notice of a change to its name within 14 days after the date the change occurred.

(2) If the proposed name is available, the ASC must alter the details of the body's or foreign company's registration to reflect the change. For the purposes of this Law (other than subsection (1)), the change of name takes effect when the ASC alters the details of the body's or foreign company's registration.

SECT 601DJ ASC's power to direct a registered name be changed (1) The ASC may direct a registered Australian body or registered foreign company in writing to change the name under which the body or company is registered within 2 months if:

(2) The body or company must comply with the direction within 2 months after being given it by doing everything necessary to change its name for the purposes of this Law under section 601DH.

(3) If the body or company does not comply with subsection (2), the ASC may change the body's or company's name to a name that includes its ARBN by altering the details of the body's or company's registration to reflect the change.

(4) For the purposes of this Law, a change of name under subsection (3) takes effect when the ASC alters the details of the body's or foreign company's registration.

10 After Part 9.10


Chapter 10--National scheme provisions

SECT 1362A Recognition of companies from other jurisdictions (1) A company registered under the Corporations Law of another jurisdiction has in this jurisdiction the same legal personality, capacity, attributes, power and type as if it were a company registered under the Corporations Law of this jurisdiction. Its powers include the power to hold land in this jurisdiction.

(2) Subsection (1) does not impose on the company an obligation that it would not have if that subsection had not been enacted.

SECT 1362B Transfer of registration (1) A company registered under the Corporations Law of another jurisdiction may transfer its registration to become registered as a company under the Corporations Law of this jurisdiction if:

(2) Registration under subsection (1) does not:

(3) If a company becomes registered under section 1362B of the Corporations Law of another jurisdiction, it ceases to be registered as a company under the Corporations Law of this jurisdiction.

SECT 1362BA Compensation for compulsory acquisition (1) If:

the person who acquires the property is liable to pay compensation of a reasonable amount to the person from whom the property is acquired in respect of the acquisition.

(2) If the 2 people do not agree on the amount of the compensation, the person to whom compensation is payable may institute proceedings in the Court for the recovery of such reasonable amount as the court determines from the other person.

(3) Any damages or compensation recovered or other remedy given in a proceeding that is commenced otherwise than under this section is to be taken into account in assessing compensation payable in a proceeding that is commenced under this section and that arises out of the same event or transaction.

(4) In this section:

acquisition of property has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

just terms has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution

Chapter 11--Application and transitional provisions Part 11.1--Introduction of the Corporations Law

SECT 1362CA Existing company This Part applies to a body corporate that was incorporated, immediately before Division 2 of Part 2.2 commenced
(1 January 1991), under a previous law of this jurisdiction that corresponded to Chapter 2 (as in force immediately after that Division commenced).

SECT 1362CB Existing company taken to be registered under the Corporations Law (1) The body corporate was taken to have been registered as a company under Division 2 of Part 2.2 as from the commencement of that Division.

(2) The company was taken to have been registered as the type of company that most nearly corresponded to the company's type under the corresponding previous law.

(3) The company was taken to have been registered as:

(4) A certificate issued under the corresponding previous law of any jurisdiction by the authority responsible for administering that law stating that the company was registered as a company under that law or another corresponding previous law is conclusive evidence that:

SECT 1362CC Constitution of existing company (1) The provisions that formed part of the body corporate's memorandum immediately before the commencement of Division 2 of Part 2.2 were taken to become on the commencement of that Division:

This had effect with any modifications that the circumstances required.

(2) The provisions that formed part of the body corporate's articles immediately before the commencement of Division 2 of Part 2.2 were taken to become on the commencement of that Division:

and to bind the company and its members accordingly. This had effect with any modifications that the circumstances required.

SECT 1362CD Application of Law to existing companies (1) Subject to this Law, a provision of this Law that applies to the body corporate as a company applies to the body corporate in relation to:


(2) A provision applies as mentioned in subsection (1):

SECT 1362CE Acts preparatory to external administration of existing company (1) This section applies if an act or thing had been validly done before the commencement of Division 2 of Part 2.2 by or in relation to the body corporate under, or for the purposes of, a previous law corresponding to a provision of Chapter 5 (other than Part 5.2).

(2) On and after the commencement of that Division, this Law (other than this Division) applies to the body corporate as if:

This has effect with any modifications that the circumstances require.

(3) Nothing in this section makes a person guilty of a contravention of this Law in respect of an act or thing done, or an omission made, before the commencement of Division 2 of Part 2.2.

SECT 1362CF Appointments of receivers Nothing in section 418 prevents a person from acting as a receiver of property of the body corporate under an appointment validly made before commencement.

SECT 1362CG Application of Division 2 of Part 5.6 Division 2 of Part 5.6 applies to the body corporate as if:

SECT 1362CH Reinstatement of companies deregistered before commencement The ASC's powers under section 601AH extend to the reinstatement of the registration of a body corporate that:

Section 601AH applies to the reinstatement with any modifications that the circumstances require.

SECT 1362CJ Registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies (1) This section applies to each registrable body that was, immediately before commencement, registered under a previous law of this jurisdiction relating to foreign companies within the meaning of that law.

(2) If the body was a registrable Australian body, the ASC was taken to have registered it under Division 1 of Part 4.1 at commencement.

(3) If the body was a foreign company, the ASC was taken to have registered it under Division 2 of Part 4.1 at the commencement.

(4) At commencement, the body's registered office for the purposes of section 359 was taken to be the place that, immediately before commencement, was taken by a previous law of this jurisdiction corresponding to subsection 601CX(2) to be the situation of the body's registered office for the purposes of a previous law of this jurisdiction corresponding to subsection 601CX(1).

(5) Subsections 601CT(1) and (4) and 601CX(1) and (2) apply in relation to the body as if a reference in them to a provision of this Law included a reference to a previous law of this jurisdiction corresponding to that provision of this Law.

(6) If the body is a registrable body under a law corresponding to Division 1 or 2 of Part 5B.2 but is not registered under that Division:

11 After Division 9 of Part 9.11


Division 10--Changes resulting from the Company Law Review Act 1998 SECT 1412 Meaning of commencement, new Law and old Law In this Division:

commencement means the commencement of section 3 of the Company Law Review Act 1998 .

new Law means this Law as in force after commencement.

old Law means this Law as in force immediately before commencement.

SECT 1413 Registration--existing companies continue to be registered A company that was registered or taken to be registered before commencement under Part 2.2 of the old Law continues to be registered as a company of whichever of the following types corresponds to its previous class and type:

SECT 1414 Registration--application orders under subsection 112(3) of the old Law An application order in force immediately before commencement under subsection 112(3) of the old Law continues to have effect after commencement as if it were an application order under section 115 of the new Law.

SECT 1415 Basic features of a company--memorandum and articles are taken to be constitution The memorandum and articles of a company immediately before commencement are taken together to make up the company's constitution after commencement.

SECT 1416 Basic features of a company--companies limited both by shares and by guarantee (1) This Law applies to a company limited by shares and by guarantee as if the following provisions of the old Law had not been repealed or amended:

(2) This Law applies to the company as if the definition of limited company in section 9 were amended by adding at the end "or a company limited by shares and by guarantee".

(3) The company may change to one of the following types of companies under Part 2B.7 of the new Law:

(4) Part 2B.7 of the new Law applies to the change with any modifications that are necessary.

SECT 1417 Basic features of a company--acts before external administration of existing company (1) This section applies to an act or thing done by or in relation to a company that section 132 of the old Law applied to.

(2) The new Law applies in relation to the company as if:

The new Law has effect with any modifications that are necessary.

(3) Nothing in this section makes a person guilty of a contravention of this Law in respect of anything done or not done before 1 January 1991.

SECT 1418 Basic features of a company--registered office The registered office of a company immediately before commencement continues to be the company's registered office after commencement.

SECT 1419 Basic features of a company--opening hours of registered office of public company A notice lodged under subsection 218(2) or (4) of the old Law has effect after commencement as if it were lodged under subsection 145(3) of the new Law.

SECT 1420 Basic features of a company--name, reservation of name and ACN continues (1) The name of a company or body immediately before commencement continues to be the company's or body's name after commencement.

(2) A name that was reserved in respect of a company or body immediately before commencement is taken after commencement to be reserved under section 152 or 601DA of the new Law, as applicable.

(3) The registration number of a company registered before commencement is taken to be the company's ACN after commencement.

SECT 1421 Members' rights and remedies--applications for inspection orders under repealed provisions An application made before commencement under section 317 of the old Law, but not decided, has effect as if it were an application for an order under section 247A of the new Law.

SECT 1422 Meetings--AGM before commencement An AGM held before commencement can be taken into account for the purpose of deciding whether the requirements of section 250N of the new Law have been satisfied for a public company holding an AGM.

SECT 1423 Meetings--first AGM for companies incorporated before commencement (1) A company that was incorporated less than 18 months before commencement and that did not hold its first AGM by commencement must hold it within 18 months after its incorporation.

(2) A company that was incorporated 18 months or more before commencement and that did not hold its first AGM by commencement must hold it within 7 days after commencement.

SECT 1424 Meetings--general transitional arrangements The following table sets out how things that have been done before commencement under the old Law are to be dealt with after commencement--either under the old Law or the new Law.

Meetings--general transitional arrangements

[operative table]

Thing done before commencement

How it is to be dealt with after commencement


Requisition made for a meeting under section 246.

The requisition is treated as if it were made under section 249D of the new Law.


Notice was validly given of a meeting called under section 246 or 251.

The notice is treated as if it were made under a corresponding section of the new Law (section 249D or 249F respectively).
If the notice complied with the requirements of the old Law, the meeting can be held at the expiry of the period provided for in the old Law. The new Law will operate in respect of the holding of the meeting.


In calling a meeting under section 251, the Court stipulated requirements for holding the meeting.

The requirements stipulated by the Court are treated as if they were made under section 1319 of the new Law.


An authority was granted to a person to act as a body corporate's representative as provided for in subsection 249(3).

The authority is treated as if it were made under section 250D of the new Law.


A person had applied to the ASC for an extension of time for holding an AGM.

The application is treated as if it were made under section 250P of the new Law.


An application was made by a person under subsection 251(1) for the Court to convene a meeting.

The application is treated as if it were made under section 249G of the new Law.


Notice given under section 254 of an intention to move a resolution under section 227 or 329 or to replace a director removed under section 227 was received by the company.

Notice properly given under the old Law has effect as if it were given under subsection 227(3A) (directors) or 329(1A) (auditors). The time period for notice given under the old Law continues to run as if section 254 of the old Law had not been repealed.


A resolution, document or agreement of the kind referred to in section 256 has been passed or made.

The resolution, agreement or document must be lodged within 1 month after the passing of the resolution or the making of the agreement or document.


A request was made by a member under subsection 256(3) but not complied with before commencement.

The company must deal with the request as provided for in section 256 of the old Law.


A general meeting or a directors' meeting was held or a general meeting was deemed to be held because of subsection 255(1).

The obligations arising under section 258 of the old Law as to the entering of the minutes in the minute books within 1 month after the meeting is held and the signing of the minutes continue as if section 258 of the old Law was not repealed.


A request was made by a member for a copy of minutes under subsection 259(2).

The request is treated as if it were made under section 251B of the new Law.

SECT 1425 Nominal value The nominal value of a share immediately after commencement is the nominal value it had immediately before commencement.

SECT 1426 Share capital--calls on partly-paid shares A resolution to which subsection 188(2) applied immediately before commencement continues to have effect after commencement as if it were a special resolution under section 254N of the new Law.

SECT 1427 Share capital--provisions in constitution about amount of share capital and division into shares (1) Any provisions in a company's constitution stating the amount of the company's share capital, and dividing that share capital into shares of a fixed amount, are repealed on commencement.

(2) If, before commencement (or within 3 months after commencement), a company receives a notice stating that this subsection is to apply to the company and that satisfies subsections (3) to (5), the following provision is inserted in the company's constitution on commencement (or when the notice is received if it is received after commencement) in place of the provision repealed by subsection (1):

"The company must not issue shares if the issue would make the total number of the company's issued shares in a particular class exceed the total number of shares of that class into which the company's authorised share capital was divided immediately before the commencement of Chapter 2H of the Corporations Law.".

The provision has effect as a provision of the company's constitution and may be amended accordingly.

(3) A notice for the purpose of subsection (2) must be:

(4) The notice may consist of copies signed by different members provided each copy has identical wording.

(5) The percentage of votes members hold is to be worked out as at the close of business on the day before the notice was given to the company.

(6) If subsection (2) applies to insert the provision into a public company's constitution, within 14 days after the insertion of the provision the company must lodge a notice with the ASC in the prescribed form that states that subsection (2) applies.

SECT 1428 Share capital--conversion of stock into shares A company must convert stock in the company into shares within 5 months after the end of the first financial year to end after commencement. The conversion is to be by resolution passed in a general meeting. The company may disregard any stock that could only be converted into a fraction of a share. Until all the stock is converted, the register of members must continue to show the amount of stock, or the number of stock units, held by each member who holds stock and indicate any stock that a member does not hold beneficially.

SECT 1429 Share capital--previous Law continues to apply to capital reductions initiated before commencement If a company has called a meeting before commencement for the purpose of section 195 of the old Law to consider a special resolution for a reduction of its share capital, the old Law continues to apply to the reduction of capital.

SECT 1430 Share capital--continued operation of other repealed provisions The old Law continues to apply to:

SECT 1431 Financial reports and audit--application of Chapter 2M to periods that end after commencement, and continued application of repealed provisions to past periods (1) Chapter 2M of the new Law, and the amendments made by Part 4 of Schedule 2 to the Company Law Review Act 1998 , apply to financial years and half-years ending after commencement.

(2) In relation to financial years and half-years that end on or before commencement, the provisions of Parts 3.6, 3.7, 4.4 and 4.5 of the old Law, and the provisions amended by Part 4 of Schedule 2 to the Company Law Review Act 1998 , continue to apply as if they had not been repealed, relocated or amended.

SECT 1432 Financial reports and audit--lodgment of accounts by public companies that are not disclosing entities (1) This section applies to a public company that is not a disclosing entity at the end of the last financial year to which the old Law applies.

(2) The company must lodge a copy of the following documents with the ASC for the last financial year to which the old Law applies:

(3) The company must lodge the documents within 1 month after:

SECT 1433 Financial reports and audit--continued operation of accounting standards (1) An accounting standard that was in force immediately before commencement (including under section 288 of the old Law):

(2) This section does not apply an accounting standard to a period to which it would not otherwise apply.

SECT 1434 Financial reports and audit--continued operation of exemption orders (1) An order in force immediately before commencement under section 290, 291, 313 or 314 continues to have effect after commencement, with any necessary modifications, in relation to financial years and half-years ending after commencement as if it were an order under:

(2) An application made, but not decided, before the commencement under section 290 or 313, so far as it relates to financial years and half-years ending after commencement, has effect after commencement, with any necessary modifications, as if it were an application for an order under section 340 of the new Law.

SECT 1435 Annual returns--solvency resolution The directors of a company are not required to make a resolution under subsection 346(1) of the new Law in relation to the company's first annual return lodged under subsection 345(1) of the new Law if the company has lodged accounts with the ASC under Chapter 3 of the old Law within 12 months before the annual return is lodged.

SECT 1436 Annual returns--application of annual return provisions (1) A public company does not have to lodge an annual return under section 335 of the old Law if the date for lodgment occurs after commencement.

(2) A public company that lodges an annual return under section 335 of the old Law:

does not have to lodge the annual return that it would otherwise have had to lodge by that 31 January.

SECT 1437 Deregistration--previous Law continues to apply to deregistrations initiated before commencement If, before commencement, a person has started a procedure under Division 8 of Part 5.6 (including section 574A) to have a company deregistered, the old Law continues to apply in relation to the procedure.

SECT 1438 Deregistration--property vested in ASC under previous laws (1) If property vested in the ASC before commencement under Division 8 of Part 5.6, the ASC may deal with the property under Chapter 5A as if the property were vested in it under section 601AD.

(2) If:

the ASC may deal with the property under Chapter 5A as if it were vested in it under section 601AD.

(3) If property vested, or vests, in the ASC under section 601, the ASC may deal with the property under Chapter 5A as if the property were vested in it under section 601AD.

(4) This section has effect despite section 601.

SECT 1439 Deregistration--reinstatement of registration where application under section 571 or subsection 574(3) made before commencement An application made under section 571 or subsection 574(3) of the old Law that has not been determined by commencement has effect after commencement as if it were an application for an order for reinstatement of the registration of the company under section 601AH of the new Law.

SECT 1440 Deregistration--deregistration of companies dissolved under the State Bank (Corporatisation) Act 1994 of South Australia ASC to deregister company on notice from South Australian Minister

(1) The ASC must deregister a company if the Minister of the Crown of South Australia responsible for the administration of the State Bank (Corporatisation) Act 1994 of South Australia notifies the ASC in writing that a company has been dissolved under section 23 of that Act.

ASC to give notice of deregistration

(2) The ASC must give notice of the deregistration on the ASC database and in the Gazette.

Law applies as if deregistration were under section 601AB

(3) Subject to subsection (4), this Law (other than section 601AB) applies to the deregistration of the company as if the deregistration were under section 601AB.

(4) Subsection 601AD(2) only applies to property of the company to the extent (if any) that the property is not vested in the State Bank of South Australia under subsection 23(2) of the State Bank (Corporatisation) Act 1994 of South Australia.

SECT 1441 Accounting standards made under section 32 of the Corporations Act SECT 1989 An accounting standard that is in force under section 32 of the Corporations Act 1989 immediately before the commencement of item 7 of Schedule 4 to the Company Law Review Act 1998 continues in force after that commencement as if it were made under section 334 of this Law.

SECT 1442 References in State laws and other documents (1) A reference in any law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory, or in any document, to a provision of the old Law is to be read after commencement as a reference to the corresponding provision of the new Law except so far as the contrary intention appears in the law or document.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the following table sets out provisions of the old Law that correspond to particular provisions of the new Law:

Old Law provision

New Law provision


subsection 195(13)

section 258B


Division 3 Part 2.4

Part 2F.2


section 208

section 1096A


section 213

section 1091C


Part 2.5

Chapter 2C


Part 3.2

Chapter 2D


Part 3.2A

Chapter 2E


Part 3.4

Part 2F.1


section 260

section 246AA


Part 3.5

Chapter 2K


Part 3.6

Chapter 2M


Part 3.7

Chapter 2M


Part 4.1

Part 5B.2


Part 9.11

Part 11.2

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