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COMPANY LAW REVIEW ACT 1998 NO. 61, 1998 - SCHEDULE 5--Amendments

in relation to nominal value and share capital reductions

Corporations Law

1 Paragraph 117(2)(k)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

2 Subsection 120(2)

Omit "The shares have the nominal value specified for them in the application.".

3 Table in section 141

Omit item 41.

4 Subsection 162(4)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(4) A special resolution to change an unlimited company that has share capital to a company limited by shares may also provide that a specified portion of its uncalled share capital may only be called up if the company becomes an externally-administered body corporate.

5 Paragraphs 163(3)(a), (b) and (c)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

6 After subsection 169(4)


(5) The register does not have to show the amount unpaid on the shares (see paragraph (1)(f)) if:

7 Section 254AA

Repeal the section.

8 At the end of subsection 254A(1)


9 At the end of subsection 254B(1)


10 Sections 254CA, 254CB and 254CC

Repeal the sections, substitute:

SECT 254C No par value shares Shares of a company have no par value.

11 Section 254H

Repeal the section, substitute:

SECT 254H Resolution to convert shares into larger or smaller number (1) A company may convert all or any of its shares into a larger or smaller number of shares by resolution passed at a general meeting.

(2) The conversion takes effect on:

(3) Any amount unpaid on shares being converted is to be divided equally among the replacement shares.

(4) The company must lodge a copy of the resolution with the ASC within 1 month after it is passed.

12 Section 254K

Repeal the section, substitute:

SECT 254K Other requirements about redemption A company may only redeem redeemable preference shares:

13 Section 254S

Repeal the section, substitute:

SECT 254S Capitalisation of profits A company may capitalise profits. The capitalisation need not be accompanied by the issue of shares.

14 Section 254T

Repeal the section, substitute:

SECT 254T Dividends to be paid out of profits A dividend may only be paid out of profits of the company.

15 Paragraphs 254X(1)(c) and (d)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

16 Paragraph 254Y(a)

Omit ", and nominal value,".

17 After the heading to Part 2J.1 and before Division 1 of that Part


SECT 256A Purpose This Part states the rules to be followed by a company for reductions in share capital and for share buy-backs. The rules are designed to protect the interests of shareholders and creditors by:

18 Sections 256A to 256F (inclusive)

Repeal the sections, substitute:

SECT 256B Company may make reduction not otherwise authorised (1) A company may reduce its share capital in a way that is not otherwise authorised by law if the reduction:

A cancellation of a share for no consideration is a reduction of share capital, but paragraph (b) does not apply to this kind of reduction.

(2) The reduction is either an equal reduction or a selective reduction. The reduction is an equal reduction if:

Otherwise, the reduction is a selective reduction .

(3) In applying subsection (2), ignore differences in the terms of the reduction that are:

SECT 256C Shareholder approval Ordinary resolution required for equal reduction

(1) If the reduction is an equal reduction, it must be approved by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the company.

Special shareholder approval for selective reduction

(2) If the reduction is a selective reduction, it must be approved by either:

If the reduction involves the cancellation of shares, the reduction must also be approved by a special resolution passed at a meeting of the shareholders whose shares are to be cancelled.

(3) The company must lodge with the ASC a copy of any resolution under subsection (2) within 14 days after it is passed. The company must not make the reduction until 14 days after lodgment.

Information to accompany the notice of meeting

(4) The company must include with the notice of the meeting a statement setting out all information known to the company that is material to the decision on how to vote on the resolution. However, the company does not have to disclose information if it would be unreasonable to require the company to do so because the company had previously disclosed the information to its shareholders.

Documents to be lodged with the ASC

(5) Before the notice of the meeting is sent to shareholders, the company must lodge with the ASC a copy of:

SECT 256D Consequences of failing to comply with section 256B (1) The company must not make the reduction unless it complies with subsection 256B(1).

(2) If the company contravenes subsection (1):

(3) Any person who is involved in a company's contravention of subsection (1) contravenes this subsection.

SECT 256E Signposts to other relevant provisions The following table lists other provisions of this Law that are relevant to reductions in share capital.

Other provisions relevant to reductions in share capital


section 588G

section 1317HA

liability of directors on insolvency

Under the combined operation of these sections the directors may have to compensate the company if the company is, or becomes, insolvent when the company reduces its share capital.


section 1324

injunctions to restrain contravention

Under this section the Court may grant an injunction against conduct that constitutes or would constitute a contravention of this Law.


section 733

ASC intervention (application to the Panel)

Under this section the ASC may apply to the Corporations and Securities Panel for a declaration if it appears to the ASC that unacceptable circumstances have, or may have, occurred in relation to a reduction in share capital. If the Panel makes a declaration it may exercise a range of powers under section 734.




continuous disclosure provisions

Under these sections a disclosing entity is required to disclose information about its securities that is material and not generally available.


Chapter 2E

benefits to related parties to be disclosed

Under this Chapter a financial benefit to a director or other related party that could adversely affect the interests of members of a public company, or diminish or endanger its resources, must be approved at a general meeting before it can be given.


section 125

provisions in constitution

This section deals with the way in which a company's constitution may restrict the exercise of the company's powers and the consequences of a failure to observe these restrictions.


sections 246B-246G

variation of class rights

These sections deal with the variation of rights attached to a class of shares. This variation may be governed by the provisions of the company's constitution.

19 Section 257AA

Repeal the section.

20 Section 257A

Omit "(other than redeemable preference shares)".

21 Items 6 and 7 in table in section 257J

Omit "256F", substitute "256D".

22 Sections 258E and 258F

Repeal the sections, substitute:

SECT 258E Other share cancellations Any reduction in share capital involved in:

is authorised by this section.

SECT 258F Reductions because of lost capital A company may reduce its share capital by cancelling any paid-up share capital that is lost or is not represented by available assets. This power does not apply if the company also cancels shares.

23 Item 6 in the table in section 348

Repeal the item, substitute:


issued shares

The classes into which the shares are divided and for each class of share issued:

* the number of shares in the class

* the total amount paid up for the class

* the total amount unpaid for the class.

24 Paragraph 601BC(8)(c)

Repeal the paragraph.

25 After section 601BP


SECT 601BQ References in pre-registration contracts and other documents to par value in existing contracts and documents (1) This section applies in relation to a company registered under this Part for the purpose of interpreting and applying after registration:

(2) A reference to the par value of a share is taken to be a reference to the par value of the share immediately before the registration, or the par value that the share would have had if it had been issued then.

(3) A reference to a right to a return of capital on a share is taken to be a reference to a right to a return of capital of a value equal to the amount paid before the registration in respect of the share's par value, or the par value that the share would have had if it had been issued then.

(4) A reference to the aggregate par value of the company's issued share capital is taken to be a reference to that aggregate as it existed immediately before the registration.

26 Subsection 1087(1)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(1) A certificate issued after the commencement of Schedule 5 to the Company Law Review Act 1998 specifying shares held by a member of a company must state:

27 Section 1317DA

Omit "Subsection 256F(3)", substitute "Subsection 256D(3)".

28 After paragraph 1324(1A)(b)


29 Before subparagraph 1324(1A)(b)(i)


30 Paragraph 1324(1B)(a)

After "contravention of", insert "paragraph 256B(1)(a) or (b),".

31 After Division 10 of Part 11.2


Division 11--Changes resulting from Schedule 5 to the Company Law Review Act SECT 1998 SECT 1443 Meaning of commencement, new Law and old Law In this Division:

commencement means the commencement of Schedule 5 to the Company Law Review Act 1998 .

new Law means this Law as in force after commencement.

old Law means this Law as in force immediately before commencement.

SECT 1444 Share capital--application of new no par value rule to shares issued before commencement Section 254C of the new Law applies to shares issued before commencement as well as shares issued after commencement.

SECT 1445 Share capital--references to amount paid on shares issued before commencement For the purposes of the operation of this Law after commencement in relation to a share issued before commencement:

SECT 1446 Share capital--transfer of money in share premium account and capital redemption reserve into the share capital account Immediately after commencement, any amount standing to the credit of the company's share premium account and capital redemption reserve becomes part of the company's share capital.

SECT 1447 Share capital--use of amount standing to credit of share premium account A company may use the amount standing to the credit of its share premium account immediately before commencement to:

SECT 1448 Share capital--calls on partly-paid shares The liability of a shareholder for calls in respect of money unpaid on shares issued before commencement (whether on account of the par value of the shares or by way of premium) is not affected by the share ceasing to have a par value.

SECT 1449 Share capital--references in pre-commencement contracts and other documents to par value (1) This section applies for the purpose of interpreting and applying after commencement:

(2) A reference to the par value of a share is taken to be a reference to:

A reference to share premium is taken to be a reference to any residual share capital in relation to the share.

(3) A reference to a right to a return of capital on a share is taken to be a reference to a right to a return of capital of a value equal to the amount paid in respect of the share's par value.

(4) A reference to the aggregate par value of the company's issued share capital is taken to be a reference to that aggregate as it existed immediately before commencement and:

SECT 1450 Share capital--previous Law continues to apply to capital reductions initiated before commencement If a company has called a meeting before commencement for the purpose of section 256A of the old Law to consider a special resolution for a reduction of its share capital, the old Law continues to apply to the reduction of capital.

32 Schedule 3

Repeal the item relating to subsection 256C(7).

Insurance Act 1973

33 Paragraph 22(2)(j)

Repeal, substitute:

Life Insurance Act 1995

34 Subsection 23(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(2) The reference in subsection (1) to the adjusted paid-up share capital of a life company is a reference to the amount of the company's paid-up share capital represented by ordinary shares and irredeemable preference shares.

35 After section 233


SECT 233A Transfer by life insurance company to statutory fund This section authorises any share capital reduction that occurs because a life company appropriates or transfers an amount to a statutory fund established and maintained under this Act.

36 Schedule (definition of share premium account )

Repeal the definition.

Pooled Development Funds Act 1992

37 Subsection 4(1) (paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of the definition of shareholders' funds )

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

38 Paragraph 11(2)(c)

Repeal, substitute:

[ Minister's second reading speech made in--

House of Representatives on 3 December 1997

Senate on 5 March 1998 ]


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