Commonwealth Numbered Acts

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   1.      Short title.  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Interpretation  
   4.      Declaration of active service for disciplinary purposes  
   5.      Commanding officers for disciplinary purposes  
   6.      Further provision with respect to certain members of Defence Force  
   7.      Prisoners of war  
   8.      Extension to external Territories  
   9.      Extra-territorial operation of Act  
   10.     Common law to apply in relation to service offences  
   11.     Recklessness and negligence in relation to a member of the Defence Force  
   12.     Onus of proof and standard of proof  
   13.     Diminished responsibility  
   14.     Act or omission in execution of law, &c.  
   15.     Aiding enemy  
   16.     Communication with enemy  
   17.     Leaving post, &c.  
   18.     Endangering morale  
   19.     Behaviour after capture by enemy  
   20.     Mutiny  
   21.     Failure to suppress mutiny  
   22.     Desertion  
   23.     Absence from duty  
   24.     Absence without leave  
   25.     Assault on superior officer  
   26.     Insubordinate behaviour with respect to superior officer  
   27.     Disobedience of command  
   28.     Failure to comply with direction of person in command  
   29.     Failure to comply with general order  
   30.     Assault on a guard  
   31.     Obstruction of service policeman  
   32.     Person on guard or on watch  
   33.     Assault, insulting or provocative words, &c.  
   34.     Assault on inferior  
   35.     Negligent performance of duty  
   36.     Dangerous behaviour  
   37.     Drunkenness on duty, &c.  
   38.     Malingering  
   39.     Loss of, or hazard to, service ship  
   40.     Use of vehicles, &c.  
   41.     Low flying  
   42.     Inaccurate certification in relation to ships, &c.  
   43.     Destruction of, or damage to, service property  
   44.     Loss of service property  
   45.     Unlawful possession of service property  
   46.     Possession of property suspected of having been unlawfully obtained  
   47.     Stealing and receiving  
   48.     Looting  
   49.     Resisting arrest  
   50.     Delay or denial of justice  
   51.     Escape from custody  
   52.     False evidence  
   53.     Contempt, &c., of service tribunal  
   54.     Unlawful release, &c., of person in custody  
   55.     Falsification of service documents  
   56.     False statement in relation to application for benefit  
   57.     False statement in relation to appointment or enlistment  
   58.     Unauthorized disclosure of information  
   59.     Dealing in, or possessing, narcotic goods  
   60.     Prejudicial behaviour  
   61.     Other offences  
   62.     Commanding or ordering commission of service offence  
   63.     Consent for proceedings for certain offences  
   64.     Punishment for ancillary offences  
   65.     Maximum punishment for old system offence  
   66.     Punishment or order to be in respect of a particular conviction  
   67.     Authorized punishments  
   68.     Scale of punishments  
   69.     Punishment not to be more severe than maximum punishment  
   70.     Sentencing principles  
   71.     Restrictions on power to impose punishments  
   72.     Application of Commonwealth Prisoners Act  
   73.     Imposition of fines  
   74.     Concurrent or cumulative punishments  
   75.     Conviction without punishment  
   76.     Breach of undertaking to be of good behaviour  
   77.     Taking other offences into consideration  
   78.     Suspension of detention  
   79.     Suspension of fines  
   80.     Revocation of suspension of punishment  
   81.     Remission of suspended punishment  
   82.     Remission of punishment of detention on imprisonment  
   83.     Restitution orders  
   84.     Reparation orders  
   85.     Payment of fines  
   86.     Interpretation  
   87.     Summons and order in the nature of summons  
   88.     Arrest, summons, &c., where accused person not present at hearing before service tribunal  
   89.     Arrest without warrant  
   90.     Arrest under warrant  
   91.     Power to enter to make arrest  
   92.     Use of force in making arrest  
   93.     Persons to be informed of grounds of arrest  
   94.     Civil detention of arrested person  
   95.     Avoidance of delay after arrest  
   96.     Time limitation on charges  
   97.     Release from custody  
   98.     Suspension from duty on suspicion of offence, &c.  
   99.     Suspension from duty after conviction  
   100.    Effect of custody or suspension from duty  
   101.    Application of Criminal Investigation Act 1982  
   102.    Appointment of convening authorities  
   103.    Courses open to convening authority  
   104.    Interpretation  
   105.    Appointment of certain summary authorities  
   106.    Jurisdiction of superior summary authority  
   107.    Jurisdiction of commanding officer  
   108.    Jurisdiction of subordinate summary authority  
   109.    Dealing with a charge by superior summary authority  
   110.    Dealing with a charge by commanding officer  
   111.    Dealing with a charge by subordinate summary authority  
   112.    Discontinuance  
   113.    Powers of officer in command of detachment  
   114.    Types of court martial  
   115.    Jurisdiction of court martial  
   116.    Eligibility to be member of court martial  
   117.    Eligibility to be judge advocate  
   118.    Biased members or judge advocate not to be appointed  
   119.    Convening order  
   120.    Convening order to be notified to accused person  
   121.    Objection on ground of ineligibility, &c.  
   122.    Notification of belief of bias  
   123.    Substitution of members, &c.  
   124.    Replacement of members, &c.  
   125.    Dissolution of court martial  
   126.    Inability to attend after plea  
   127.    Appointment of Defence Force magistrates  
   128.    Oath or affirmation of Defence Force magistrate  
   129.    Jurisdiction and powers of Defence Force magistrate  
   130.    Trial by summary authority  
   131.    Election of trial or punishment  
   132.    Trial by court martial  
   133.    Determination of questions by court martial  
   134.    Powers of judge advocate  
   135.    Trial by Defence Force magistrate  
   136.    Representatives of parties before court martial or Defence Force magistrate  
   137.    Representation of accused person  
   138.    Procedural powers  
   139.    Accused person to be present at hearing  
   140.    Public hearings  
   141.    Applications and objections  
   142.    Alternative offences  
   143.    Condonation no bar to proceedings  
   144.    Previous acquittal or conviction  
   145.    Unsoundness of mind  
   146.    Rules of evidence  
   147.    Judicial notice of service matters  
   148.    Record of proceedings to be kept  
   149.    Rules of procedure  
   150.    Appointment of reviewing authorities  
   151.    Preliminary automatic review by commanding officer  
   152.    Automatic review by reviewing authority  
   153.    Review on petition to reviewing authority  
   154.    Report to be obtained before commencement of review  
   155.    Further review by chief of staff  
   156.    Effect on reviews of appeals to Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal  
   157.    Interpretation  
   158.    Quashing of conviction, &c.  
   159.    Person deemed to have been acquitted  
   160.    New trial  
   161.    Substitution of conviction of alternative offence  
   162.    Review of action under Part IV  
   163.    Interpretation  
   164.    Quashing of prescribed acquittal, &c.  
   165.    Person deemed to have been acquitted  
   166.    New trial  
   167.    Interpretation  
   168.    Approved punishment or order to take effect as determined  
   169.    Punishments or orders not approved to be quashed or revoked  
   170.    Warrants of commitment  
   171.    Commencement of punishments and orders  
   172.    Punishments and orders subject to approval  
   173.    Suspension of operation of restitution orders and reparation orders  
   174.    Recovery of fines, &c.  
   175.    Evidence of fine, &c.  
   176.    Stay of execution of punishment  
   177.    Unlawful absence  
   178.    Regulations relating to detention centres  
   179.    Judge Advocate General and Deputy Judge Advocates General  
   180.    Qualifications for appointment  
   181.    Appointment of Judge as Judge Advocate General or Deputy Judge Advocate General not to affect tenure, &c.  
   182.    Arrangement for appointment of the holder of a judicial office of a State or of the Northern Territory  
   183.    Terms and conditions of appointment, &c.  
   184.    Oath or affirmation of Judge Advocate General and Deputy Judge Advocate General  
   185.    Remuneration, &c.  
   186.    Termination of appointment  
   187.    Resignation  
   188.    Acting Judge Advocate General or Deputy Judge Advocate General  
   189.    Royal prerogative of mercy  
   190.    Jurisdiction of civil courts in relation to offences  
   191.    Evidentiary certificate  
   192.    Evidence of warrant of commitment  
   193.    Protection of members of courts martial, &c.  
   194.    Persons found to be of unsound mind  
   195.    Supply of record of proceedings  
   196.    Judge advocates' panel  
   197.    Regulations  
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2
           SCHEDULE 3
           SCHEDULE 4
           SCHEDULE 5
           SCHEDULE 6

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