1 Division 3 of Part II
Repeal the Division, substitute:
Division 3 -- Polls and recommendations about amount of dairy service levy
9 Polls and recommendations about amount of dairy service levy
(1) The industry services body must conduct a poll (the levy poll ) about the amount of the dairy service levy if a request for the levy poll is made in accordance with the legislative instrument made under this section.
(2) The industry services body must conduct the levy poll in accordance with the legislative instrument made under this section.
(3) If the industry services body conducts a levy poll, the body must make recommendations to the Minister about the amount of the dairy service levy within the period specified in the legislative instrument made under this section. The recommendations must be made in accordance with the results of the levy poll.
(4) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, make provision for, or in relation to, the following:
(a) the making of a request for a levy poll;
(b) the conduct of a levy poll;
(c) the making of recommendations to the Minister about the amount of the dairy service levy.
(5) Without limiting paragraph (4)(a), the legislative instrument may make provision for, or in relation to, the following:
(a) the persons or bodies who may request a levy poll;
(b) the circumstances in which a request for a levy poll may or must be made;
(c) the form of a request for a levy poll.
(6) Without limiting paragraph (4)(b), the legislative instrument must include provisions allocating votes to each dairy service levy payer.