Commonwealth Numbered Acts
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CHAPTER 1--Preliminary
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Objects of Act
3A. Principles of ecologically sustainable development
4. Act to bind Crown
5. Application of Act
7. Application of the Criminal Code
8. Native title rights not affected
9. Relationship with other Acts
10. Relationship with State law
CHAPTER 2--Protecting the environment
11. Simplified outline of this Chapter
Division 1--Requirements relating to matters of national environmental significance
12. Requirement for approval of activities with a significant impact
13. What is a declared World Heritage property?
14. Declaring a property to be a declared World Heritage
15. Amending or revoking a declaration of a declared World Heritage
15A. Offences relating to declared World Heritage properties
16. Requirement for approval of activities with a significant impact
17. What is a declared Ramsar wetland?
17A. Making and revoking declarations of wetlands
17B. Offences relating to declared Ramsar wetlands
18. Actions with significant impact on listed threatened species or
18A. Offences relating to threatened species etc.
19. Certain actions relating to listed threatened species and listed
20. Requirement for approval of activities with a significant impact
20A. Offences relating to listed migratory species
21. Requirement for approval of nuclear actions
22. What is a nuclear action?
22A. Offences relating to nuclear actions
23. Requirement for approval of activities involving the marine
24. What is a Commonwealth marine area?
24A. Offences relating to marine areas
25. Requirement for approval of prescribed actions
Division 2--Protection of the environment from proposals involving the Commonwealth
26. Requirement for approval of activities involving Commonwealth
27. What is Commonwealth land?
27A. Offences relating to Commonwealth land
28. Requirement for approval of activities of Commonwealth agencies
Division 3--Review of extension of operation of this Part
28A. Identifying extra matters to be protected by this Part
Division 1--Actions covered by bilateral agreements
29. Actions declared by agreement not to need approval
30. Extended operation in State and Northern Territory
31. Extended operation in non-self-governing Territories
Division 2--Actions covered by Ministerial declarations
32. Actions declared by Minister not to need approval
33. Making declaration that actions do not need approval under Part
34. What is matter protected by a provision of Part
34A. Minister may only make declaration if prescribed criteria are
34B. Declarations relating to declared World Heritage
34C. Declarations relating to declared Ramsar wetlands
34D. Declarations relating to listed threatened species and ecological
34E. Declarations relating to migratory species
35. Revoking declarations
36. Other rules about declarations
Division 4--Forestry operations in certain regions
38. Approval not needed for forestry operations permitted by regional
39. Object of this Subdivision
40. Forestry operations in regions not yet covered by regional forest
41. What is an RFA region?
42. This Division does not apply to some forestry operations
Division 5--Actions in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
43. Actions taken in accordance with permission
CHAPTER 3--Bilateral agreements
Division 1--Object of Part
44. Object of this Part
Division 2--Making bilateral agreements
45. Minister may make agreement
46. Agreement may declare actions do not need approval under Part
47. Agreement may declare classes of actions do not need
48. Other provisions of bilateral agreements
48A. Mandatory provisions
49. Express provision needed to affect Commonwealth areas or
49A. Consultation on draft agreement
50. Minister may only enter into agreement if prescribed criteria are
51. Agreements relating to declared World Heritage
52. Agreements relating to declared Ramsar wetlands
53. Agreements relating to listed threatened species and ecological
54. Agreements relating to migratory species
55. Agreements relating to nuclear actions
56. Agreements relating to prescribed actions
Division 3--Suspending and ending the effect of bilateral agreements
57. Representations about suspension or cancellation
58. Consultation before cancellation or suspension
59. Suspension or cancellation
60. Emergency suspension of effect of bilateral agreement
61. Cancellation during suspension
62. Revocation of notice of suspension or cancellation
63. Cancellation or suspension at request of other party
64. Cancellation or suspension of bilateral agreement does not affect
65. Expiry and review of bilateral agreements
65A. Expiry of bilateral agreement does not affect certain
CHAPTER 4--Environmental assessments and approvals
66. Simplified outline of this Chapter
Division 1--Referral of proposals to take action
67. What is a controlled action?
68. Referral by person proposing to take action
69. State or Territory may refer proposal to Minister
70. Minister may request referral of proposal
71. Commonwealth agency may refer proposal to Minister
72. Form and content of referrals
73. Informing person proposing to take action of referral
74. Inviting provision of information on referred proposal
Division 2--Ministerial decision whether action needs approval
75. Does the proposed action need approval?
76. Minister may request more information for making
77. Notice and reasons for decision
78. Reconsideration of decision
79. Reconsideration of decision on request by a State or
Division 1--Simplified outline of this Part
80. Simplified outline of this Part
Division 2--Application of this Part
81. Application
82. What are the relevant impacts of an action?
83. This Part does not apply if action covered by bilateral
84. This Part does not apply if action covered by
Division 3--Decision on assessment approach
85. Simplified outline of this Division
86. Designated proponent must provide preliminary information for
87. Minister must decide on approach for assessment
88. Timing of decision on assessment approach
89. Minister may request more information for making
90. Directing an inquiry after starting an assessment
91. Notice of decision on assessment approach
Division 4--Assessment on preliminary documentation
92. Application
93. Public comment on information included in referral
94. Revised documentation
95. Assessment report
Division 5--Public environment reports
96. Application
97. Minister must prepare guidelines for draft public environment
98. Designated proponent must invite comment on draft public
99. Finalising public environment report
100. Assessment report
Division 6--Environmental impact statements
101. Application
102. Minister must prepare guidelines for draft environmental impact
103. Designated proponent must invite comment on draft environmental
104. Finalising draft environmental impact statement
105. Assessment report
Division 7--Inquiries
106. Simplified outline
107. Appointing commissioners and setting terms of reference
108. Publicising inquiry
109. Procedure of inquiries
110. Inquiry to be public
111. Calling witnesses
112. Dealing with witnesses
113. Dealing with documents given to commission
114. Inspections of land, buildings and places
115. Entering premises by consent
116. Entering premises under warrant
117. Warrants by telephone or other electronic means
118. Identity cards
119. Contempt
120. Protection of commissioners and witnesses
121. Timing of report
122. Publication of report
123. Basis of appointment
124. Remuneration
125. Leave of absence
126. Resignation
127. Termination of appointment
128. Disclosure of interests
129. Other terms and conditions
Division 1--Decisions on approval and conditions
130. Timing of decision on approval
131. Inviting comments from other Ministers before decision
132. Requesting further information for approval decision
133. Grant of approval
134. Attaching conditions to approval
135. Certain approvals and conditions must not give
136. General considerations
137. Requirements for decisions about World Heritage
138. Requirements for decisions about Ramsar wetlands
139. Requirements for decisions about threatened species and
140. Requirements for decisions about migratory species
140A. No approval for certain nuclear installations
Division 2--Requirement to comply with conditions
142. Compliance with conditions on approval
142A. Offence of breaching conditions on approval
Division 3--Variation of conditions and suspension and revocation of approvals
143. Variation of conditions attached to approval
144. Suspension of approval
145. Revocation of approval
145A. Reinstating suspended or revoked approval
Division 4--Transfer of approvals
145B. Transfer with Minister's consent
Division 1--Strategic assessments generally
146. Minister may agree on strategic assessment
Division 2--Assessment of Commonwealth-managed fisheries
147. Simplified outline of this Division
148. Assessment before management plan is determined
149. Assessment before determination that no plan required
150. Assessment of all fisheries without plans must be started within
151. Assessment of all Torres Strait fisheries to be started within 5
152. Further assessment if impacts greater than previously
153. Minister must make declaration if he or she endorses plan or
154. This Division does not limit Division 1
Division 1--Rules about timing
155. This Chapter ceases to apply to lapsed proposals
156. General rules about time limits
Division 2--Actions in area offshore from a State or the Northern Territory
157. Actions treated as though they were in a State or the Northern
Division 3--Exemptions
158. Exemptions from Part 3 and this Chapter
Division 4--Application of Chapter to actions that are not controlled actions
159. Simplified outline of this Subdivision
160. Requirement to take account of Minister's advice
161. Seeking the Minister's advice
162. Assessment of the action
163. Providing advice
164. Reporting on response to advice
165. Assessment of applications for permits relating to whales,
166. This Subdivision applies if Ministers agree it should
167. Making an agreement
168. Content of an agreement
169. Application of a Division of Part 8
170. Application of Division 1 of Part 10
Division 5--Publication of information relating to assessments
170A. Publication of information relating to assessments
CHAPTER 5--Conservation of biodiversity
Division 1--Identifying and monitoring biodiversity
171. Identifying and monitoring biodiversity
172. Inventories of listed threatened species etc. on Commonwealth
173. Surveys of cetaceans, listed threatened species etc. in
174. Inventories and surveys to be updated
175. Obligations under this Act unaffected by lack of inventories or
Division 2--Bioregional plans
176. Bioregional plans
177. Obligations under this Act unaffected by lack of bioregional
Division 1--Listed threatened species and ecological communities
178. Listing of threatened species
179. Categories of threatened species
180. Native species of marine fish
181. Listing of threatened ecological communities
182. Critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable communities
183. Listing of key threatening processes
184. Minister may amend lists
185. Maintaining the lists in up-to-date condition
186. Amending list of threatened native species
187. Amending list of ecological communities
188. Amending list of key threatening processes
189. Minister must consider advice from Scientific Committee
190. Scientific Committee may provide advice about species or
191. Nomination of threatened species etc.
192. Rediscovery of threatened species that were extinct
193. Species posing a serious threat to human health
194. Minister to make lists available to the public
195. Subdivision does not apply to cetaceans
196. Recklessly killing or injuring member of listed threatened
196A. Strict liability for killing or injuring member of listed
196B. Recklessly taking etc. member of listed threatened species or
196C. Strict liability for taking etc. member of listed threatened
196D. Trading etc. member of listed threatened species or community
196E. Strict liability for trading etc. member of listed threatened
197. Certain actions are not offences
198. Operation of sections 18 and 18A not affected
199. Failing to notify taking of listed threatened species or listed
200. Application for permits
201. Minister may issue permits
202. Conditions of permits
203. Contravening conditions of a permit
204. Authorities under permits
205. Transfer of permits
206. Suspension or cancellation of permits
206A. Review of decisions about permits
207. Fees
207A. Register of critical habitat
207B. Offence of knowingly damaging critical habitat
207C. Sale or lease of Commonwealth land containing critical
208. Regulations
Division 2--Migratory species
209. Listed migratory species
210. Subdivision does not apply to members of listed threatened
211. Recklessly killing or injuring member of listed migratory
211A. Strict liability for killing or injuring member of listed
211B. Recklessly taking etc. member of listed migratory
211C. Strict liability for taking etc. member of listed migratory
211D. Trading etc. member of listed migratory species taken in
211E. Strict liability for trading etc. member of listed migratory
212. Certain actions are not offences
213. Operation of sections 20 and 20A not affected
214. Failing to notify taking etc. of listed migratory species
215. Application for permits
216. Minister may issue permits
217. Conditions of permits
218. Contravening conditions of a permit
219. Authorities under permits
220. Transfer of permits
221. Suspension or cancellation of permits
221A. Review of decisions about permits
222. Fees
223. Regulations
Division 3--Whales and other cetaceans
224. Application of Division
225. Australian Whale Sanctuary
226. Prescribed waters
227. Coastal waters
228. Minister may make declaration for coastal waters
229. Recklessly killing or injuring a cetacean
229A. Strict liability for killing or injuring a cetacean
229B. Intentionally taking etc. a cetacean
229C. Strict liability for taking etc. a cetacean
229D. Treating an illegally killed or taken cetacean
230. Possession of cetaceans
231. Certain actions are not offences
232. Action to be taken on killing etc. cetaceans
233. Possession of unlawfully imported cetaceans
234. Treating unlawfully imported cetaceans
235. Sections 233 and 234 do not apply to certain actions
236. Offences relating to foreign whaling vessels
237. Application for permits
238. Minister may issue permits
239. Conditions of permits
240. Contravening conditions of a permit
241. Authorities under permits
242. Transfer of permits
243. Suspension or cancellation of permits
243A. Review of decisions about permits
244. Fees
245. Minister may accredit plans of management
246. Vesting of whales in Commonwealth
247. Regulations
Division 4--Listed marine species
248. Listed marine species
249. Minister may amend list
250. Adding marine species to the list
251. Minister must consider advice from Scientific Committee
252. Minister to make lists available to the public
253. Subdivision does not apply to members of certain species and
254. Recklessly killing or injuring member of listed marine
254A. Strict liability for killing or injuring member of listed marine
254B. Recklessly taking etc. member of listed marine species
254C. Strict liability for taking etc. member of listed marine
254D. Trading etc. member of listed marine species taken in
254E. Strict liability for trading etc. member of listed marine
255. Certain actions are not offences
256. Failing to notify taking etc. of listed marine wildlife
257. Application for permits
258. Minister may issue permits
259. Conditions of permits
260. Contravening conditions of a permit
261. Authorities under permits
262. Transfer of permits
263. Suspension or cancellation of permits
263A. Review of decisions about permits
264. Fees
265. Minister may accredit plans of management
266. Regulations
Division 4A--Register for consultations about permits
266A. Register for consultation about permit applications
Division 5--Plans
267. Simplified outline of this Subdivision
268. Compliance with recovery plans and threat abatement
269. Implementing recovery and threat abatement plans
269A. Making or adopting a recovery plan
270. Content of recovery plans
270A. Decision whether to have a threat abatement plan
270B. Making or adopting a threat abatement plan
271. Content of threat abatement plans
272. Eradication of non-native species
273. Ensuring plans are in force
274. Scientific Committee to advise on plans
275. Consultation on plans
276. Consideration of comments
277. Adoption of State plans
278. Publication, review and variation of plans
279. Variation of plans by the Minister
280. Variation by a State or Territory of joint plans and plans
281. Commonwealth assistance
282. Scientific Committee to advise on assistance
283. Plans may cover more than one species etc.
283A. Revoking a threat abatement plan
284. Reports on preparation and implementation of plans
285. Wildlife conservation plans
286. Acting in accordance with wildlife conservation plans
287. Content of wildlife conservation plans
288. Eradication of non-native species
289. Scientific Committee to advise on scheduling of plans
290. Consultation on plans
291. Consideration of comments
292. Adoption of State plans
293. Publication, review and variation of plans
294. Variation of plans by the Minister
295. Variation by a State or Territory of joint plans and plans
296. Commonwealth assistance
297. Plans may cover more than one species etc.
298. Reports on preparation and implementation of plans
299. Wildlife conservation plans cease to have effect
300. Document may contain more than one plan
300A. State and Territory laws not affected
Division 6--Access to biological resources
301. Control of access to biological resources
Division 6A--Control of non-native species
301A. Regulations for control of non-native species
Division 7--Aid for conservation of species in foreign countries
302. Aid for conservation of species in foreign countries
Division 8--Miscellaneous
303. Regulations
303A. Exemptions from this Part
304. Object of this Part
305. Minister may enter into conservation agreements
306. Content of conservation agreements
307. Conservation agreements to be legally binding
308. Variation and termination of conservation agreements
309. Publication of conservation agreements
310. List of conservation agreements
311. Commonwealth, State and Territory laws
312. Minister must not give preference
Division 1--Managing World Heritage properties
313. Simplified outline of this Division
314. Special provisions relating to World Heritage
315. Minister must give notice of submission of property for listing
316. Making plans
317. Notice of plans
318. Compliance with plans
319. Review of plans every 5 years
320. Application
321. Co-operating to prepare and implement plans
322. Commonwealth responsibilities
323. Australian World Heritage management principles
324. Commonwealth assistance for protecting declared World Heritage
Division 2--Managing wetlands of international importance
325. Simplified outline of this Division
326. Commonwealth must seek agreement before designation
327. Minister must give notice of designation of wetland
328. Making plans
329. Notice of plans
330. Compliance with plans
331. Review of plans every 5 years
332. Application
333. Co-operating to prepare and implement plans
334. Commonwealth responsibilities
335. Australian Ramsar management principles
336. Commonwealth assistance for protecting declared Ramsar
Division 3--Managing Biosphere reserves
337. Definition of Biosphere reserve
338. Planning for management of Biosphere reserves
339. Commonwealth activities in Biosphere reserves
340. Australian Biosphere reserve management principles
341. Commonwealth assistance for protecting Biosphere
Division 4--Commonwealth reserves
342. Simplified outline of this Division
343. Simplified outline of this Subdivision
344. Declaring Commonwealth reserves
345. Extent of Commonwealth reserve
345A. Commonwealth usage rights vest in Director
346. Content of Proclamation declaring Commonwealth reserve
347. Assigning Commonwealth reserves and zones to IUCN
348. Australian IUCN reserve management principles
349. Proclamations assigning reserve or zone to wilderness area
350. Revocation and alteration of Commonwealth reserves
351. Report before making Proclamation
352. What happens to Director's usage rights when Commonwealth reserve
353. Simplified outline of this Subdivision
354. Activities that may be carried on only under management
355. Limits on mining operations in Commonwealth reserves
356. Regulations controlling activities relating to Commonwealth
356A. Charges for activities in Commonwealth reserves
357. Managing Commonwealth reserves while a management plan is not in
358. Restriction on disposal of Director's interests in Commonwealth
359. Prior usage rights relating to Commonwealth reserves continue to
359A. Traditional use of Commonwealth reserves by indigenous
360. Activities in wilderness areas
361. Simplified outline of this Subdivision
362. Commonwealth and Commonwealth agencies to comply with management
363. Resolving disagreement between land council and Director over
364. Resolving disagreement between Director and Board over
365. Simplified outline of this Subdivision
366. Obligation to prepare management plans for Commonwealth
367. Content of a management plan for a Commonwealth reserve
368. Steps in preparing management plans for Commonwealth
369. Resolving disagreements between Director and Board in planning
370. Approval of management plans for Commonwealth reserves
371. Approved management plans are disallowable instruments
372. Amendment and revocation of management plans for Commonwealth
373. Expiry of management plans for Commonwealth reserves
374. Simplified outline of this Subdivision
375. Application
376. Functions of a Board for a Commonwealth reserve
377. Minister must establish Board if land council or traditional
378. Altering the constitution of a Board or abolishing a
379. Appointment of Board members
380. Terms and conditions
381. Remuneration
382. Termination of appointments of Board members
383. Procedure of a Board
384. Simplified outline of this Subdivision
385. Activities in Commonwealth reserve without management
386. What are the Kakadu region and the Uluru
387. No mining operations in Kakadu National Park
388. Establishment and development of townships in the Kakadu region
389. Planning for townships
390. Special rules to protect Aboriginal interests in planning
390A. Appointment of Northern Territory nominee to Board
Division 5--Conservation zones
390B. Simplified outline of this Division
390C. Object of this Division
390D. Proclamation of conservation zones
390E. Regulating activities generally
390F. Charges for activities in conservation zones
390G. Other laws and regulations made for this Division
390H. Prior usage rights relating to conservation zones continue to
390J. Revoking and altering conservation zones
CHAPTER 6--Administration
391. Minister must consider precautionary principle in making
Division 1--Wardens, rangers and inspectors
392. Appointment of wardens and rangers
393. Arrangements for certain officers or employees to exercise powers
394. Wardens ex officio
395. Identity cards
396. Appointment of inspectors
397. Inspectors ex officio
398. Arrangements for State and Territory officers to be
399. Identity cards
400. Regulations may give wardens, rangers and inspectors extra
401. Impersonating authorised officers and rangers
402. Offences against authorised officers and rangers
Division 2--Boarding of vessels etc. and access to premises by consent
403. Boarding of vessels etc. by authorised officers
404. Authorised officers to produce identification
405. Access to premises
406. Powers of authorised officers
Division 3--Monitoring of compliance
407. Monitoring powers
408. Monitoring searches with occupier's consent
409. Monitoring warrants
410. Details of monitoring warrant to be given to occupier
411. Occupier entitled to be present during search
412. Announcement before entry
412A. Other powers when on premises under monitoring warrant
Division 4--Search warrants
413. When search warrants can be issued
414. Statements in warrants
415. Powers of magistrate
416. Warrants by telephone or other electronic means
417. The things that are authorised by a search warrant
418. Availability of assistance, and use of force, in executing a
419. Details of warrant to be given to occupier etc.
420. Specific powers available to person executing warrant
421. Use of equipment to examine or process things
422. Use of electronic equipment at premises
423. Compensation for damage to electronic equipment
424. Copies of seized things to be provided
425. Occupier entitled to be present during search
426. Receipts for things seized under warrant
427. Restrictions on personal searches
428. When a thing is in the possession of a person
Division 5--Stopping and searching aircraft, vehicles or vessels
429. Searches of aircraft, vehicles or vessels without warrant in
Division 6--Arrest and related matters
430. Powers of arrest
431. Power to conduct a frisk search of an arrested person
432. Power to conduct an ordinary search of an arrested
433. Power to conduct search of arrested person's premises
Division 7--Miscellaneous provisions about searches, entry to premises, warrants etc.
434. Conduct of ordinary searches and frisk searches
435. Announcement before entry
436. Offence of making false statements in warrants
437. Offences relating to telephone warrants
438. Retention of things which are seized
439. Magistrate may permit a thing to be retained
440. Law relating to legal professional privilege not
441. Other laws about search, arrest etc. not affected
442. Persons to assist authorised officers
Division 8--Power to search goods, baggage etc.
443. Power to search goods, baggage etc.
Division 9--Power to ask for names and addresses
444. Authorised person may ask for person's name and address
Division 10--Seizure and forfeiture etc.
445. Seizure of goods
446. Retention of goods that have been seized
447. Disposal of goods if there is no owner or owner cannot be
448. Release of goods that have been seized
449. Immediate disposal of seized items
450. Court-ordered forfeiture
451. Dealings in forfeited items
452. Delivery of forfeited items to the Commonwealth
453. Keeping of organisms retained under this Part
454. Recovery of costs of storing or keeping organisms
455. Rescuing goods
456. Breaking or destroying goods or documents to prevent seizure
Division 11--Powers of pursuit
457. Power to pursue persons etc.
Division 12--Environmental audits
458. Directed environmental audits
459. Appointment of auditor and carrying out of audit
460. Nature of directed environmental audit
461. Audit reports
462. Directed environmental audits do not affect other audit
Division 13--Conservation orders
463. Simplified outline of this Division
464. Minister may make conservation orders
465. Duration of conservation orders
466. Reviews of conservation orders
467. Publication of conservation orders
468. Application for reconsideration of conservation orders or
469. Reconsideration of conservation orders and decisions on
470. Contravening conservation orders is an offence
471. Minister to consider proposed actions etc.
472. Contents of notices of advice
473. Review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
474. Assistance in complying with conservation orders
Division 14--Injunctions
475. Injunctions for contravention of the Act
476. Injunctions for contraventions of conservation
477. Discharge of injunctions
478. No undertakings as to damages
479. Certain considerations for granting injunctions not
480. Powers conferred are in addition to other powers of the
Division 15--Civil penalties
481. Federal Court may order person to pay pecuniary penalty for
482. What is a civil penalty provision?
483. Contravening a civil penalty provision is not an
484. Persons involved in contravening civil penalty
485. Recovery of a pecuniary penalty
486. Gathering information for application for pecuniary
486A. Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings
486B. Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings
486C. Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings
486D. Evidence given in proceedings for penalty not admissible in
Division 16--Review of administrative decisions
487. Extended standing for judicial review
488. Applications on behalf of unincorporated organisations
Division 17--Duty to provide accurate information
489. Providing false or misleading information to obtain approval or
490. Providing false or misleading information in response to a
491. Providing false or misleading information to authorised officer
Division 18--Liability of executive officers for corporations
493. Who is an executive officer of a body corporate?
494. Civil penalties for executive officers of bodies
495. Criminal liability of executive officers of bodies
496. Did an executive officer take reasonable steps to prevent
Division 19--Infringement notices
497. Infringement notices
Division 20--Publicising contraventions
498. Minister may publicise contraventions of this Act or the
Division 21--Immunity of officers
498A. Immunity of officers and assistants
499. Commonwealth powers to remedy environmental damage
500. Liability for loss or damage caused by contravention
501. Other powers not affected
Division 1--Establishment and functions of the Threatened Species Scientific Committee
502. Establishment
503. Functions of the Committee
Division 2--Establishment and functions of the Biological Diversity Advisory Committee
504. Establishment
505. Functions of the Committee
Division 2A--Indigenous Advisory Committee
505A. Establishment
505B. Functions of the Committee
Division 3--Members and procedures of Committees
506. Application
507. Terms and conditions
508. Remuneration
509. Termination of appointments of Committee members
510. Procedure of a Committee
Division 4--Advisory committees
511. Minister may establish advisory committees
512. Appointments
513. Members of advisory committees
514. Committee procedure
Division 5--Director of National Parks
514A. Continuation
514B. Functions
514C. Powers
514D. Requirements relating to functions and powers
514E. Constitution
514F. Appointment
514G. Acting appointments
514H. Term of office
514J. Remuneration
514K. Outside employment
514L. Disclosure of interests
514M. Leave of absence
514N. Resignation
514P. Termination
514Q. Other terms and conditions
514R. Australian National Parks Fund
514S. Payments to Australian National Parks Fund
514T. Application of money
514U. Modification of the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies
514V. Extra matters to be included in annual report
514W. Exemption from taxation
514X. Changes in office of Director
515. Delegation
Division 1--Annual reports
516. Annual report on operation of Act
516A. Annual reports to deal with environmental matters
Division 2--State of the environment reports
516B. State of the environment reports
CHAPTER 7--Miscellaneous
517. Determinations of species
518. Non-compliance with time limits
519. Compensation for acquisition of property
520. Regulations
521. Fees and charges must not be taxes
522. Financial assistance etc. to be paid out of appropriated
522A. Review of operation of Act
522B. This Act does not apply to certain actions with prior
CHAPTER 8--Definitions
Division 1--Some definitions relating to particular topics
523. Actions
524. Things that are not actions
524A. Provision of grant funding is not an action
524B. Significant impact of actions
525. Commonwealth areas
526. Subsidiaries of bodies corporate
527. Convictions
Division 2--General list of definitions
528. Definitions
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