To avoid doubt, sections 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 and 57 of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 have effect as if:
(a) the Board and the Future Fund Management Agency were a single Agency; and
(b) the Chair were the Chief Executive of that single Agency; and
(c) an annual report under section 81 of this Act were an annual report of that single Agency; and
(d) in a case where the Future Fund Management Agency is a prescribed Agency for the purposes of that Act—the Future Fund Management Agency were not an Agency in its own right.
Note: This means that there will be:
(a) a single fraud control plan for both the Board and the Agency; and
(b) a single audit committee for both the Board and the Agency; and
(c) a single set of accounts and records for both the Board and the Agency; and
(d) a single set of annual financial statements in relation to both the Board and the Agency; and
(e) a single set of additional financial statements in relation to both the Board and the Agency (if required by the Finance Minister); and
(f) auditing of the single set of annual financial statements.