(1) The indexation factor for a financial year is the number worked out by:
(a) dividing the index number for the March quarter immediately preceding that financial year by the index number for the March quarter immediately preceding that first‑mentioned March quarter; and
(b) adding 0.030 to the number worked out under paragraph (a).
(2) The indexation factor is to be calculated to 3 decimal places, but increased by .001 if the 4th decimal place is more than 4.
(3) Calculations under paragraph (1)(a) are to be made:
(a) using only the index numbers published in terms of the most recently published reference base for the Consumer Price Index; and
(b) disregarding index numbers published in substitution for previously published index numbers (except where the substituted numbers are published to take account of changes in the reference base).
[ Minister's second reading speech made in--
House of Representatives on 4 September 2008
Senate on 17 September 2008 ]
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