Film Licensed Investment Company Act 1998
1Repeal the Act.
Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
2Omit "1 July 2000", substitute "30 June 2007".
Omit "FLICs", substitute "a FLIC".
Omit " 1998 ", substitute " 2005 ".
Omit "2000", substitute "2007".
Omit " 1998 ", substitute " 2005 ".
Omit " 1998 ", substitute " 2005 ".
Omit "5", substitute "6".
Omit "15", substitute "13".
Omit " 1998 ", substitute " 2005 ".
Repeal the note, substitute:
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
(a) the * FLIC in which you hold the * shares has breached a condition under Division 7 of Part 2 of the Film Licensed Investment Company Act 2005 , or a requirement under section 34 of that Act; and
Omit "of conditions".
Repeal the note, substitute:
Omit " 1998 ", substitute " 2005 ".
Omit " 1998 ", substitute " 2005 ".
The provisions amended or repealed by this Schedule continue to apply, in relation to a company that was a film licensed investment company under the Film Licensed Investment Company Act 1998 immediately before the commencement of this Schedule, as if the amendment or repeal had not happened.