Commonwealth Numbered Acts
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FUEL TAX ACT 2006 (NO. 72, 2006)
CHAPTER 1---Introduction
Division 1--Preliminary
Subdivision 1-A--Preliminary
1.5. Short title
1.10. Commencement
1.15. States and Territories are bound by the fuel tax law
Division 2--Overview and purpose of the fuel tax law
Subdivision 2-A--Overview and purpose of the fuel tax law
2.1. Overview and purpose of the fuel tax law
Division 3--Explanation of the use of defined terms
Subdivision 3-A--Explanation of the use of defined terms
3.1. When defined terms are identified
3.5. When terms are not identified
3.10. Identifying the defined term in a definition
Division 4--Status of Guides and other non-operative material
Subdivision 4-A--Status of Guides and other non-operative material
4.1. Non-operative material
4.5. Guides
4.10. Other material
CHAPTER 3---Fuel tax credits
Division 40--Object of this Chapter
Subdivision 40-A--Object of this Chapter
40.5. Object of this Chapter
Division 41--Fuel tax credits for business taxpayers and non-profit bodies
41.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 41-A--Entitlement rules for fuel tax credits
41.5. Fuel tax credit for fuel to be used in carrying on your enterprise
41.10. Fuel tax credit for fuel to be sold or packaged
Subdivision 41-B--Disentitlement rules for fuel tax credits
41.15. No fuel tax credit if another entity was previously entitled to a credit
41.20. No fuel tax credit for fuel to be used in light vehicles on a public road
41.25. No fuel tax credit for fuel to be used in motor vehicles that do not meet environmental criteria
41.30. No fuel tax credit for fuel to be used in aircraft
Division 42--Fuel tax credit for non-business taxpayers
42.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 42-A--Fuel tax credit for non-business taxpayers
42.5. Fuel tax credit for fuel to be used in generating electricity for domestic use
Division 43--Working out your fuel tax credit
43.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 43-A--Working out your fuel tax credit
43.5. Working out your fuel tax credit
43.10. Reducing the amount of your fuel tax credit
Division 44--Increasing and decreasing fuel tax adjustments
44.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 44-A--Increasing and decreasing fuel tax adjustments
44.5. Increasing and decreasing fuel tax adjustments for change of circumstances
44.10. Increasing fuel tax adjustment for failure to use or make a taxable supply of fuel
Division 45--Greenhouse Challenge Plus Programme
45.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 45-A--Greenhouse Challenge Plus Programme
45.5. Certain entities to be members of Greenhouse Challenge Plus Programme
Division 46--Instalment taxpayers
46.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 46-A--Instalment taxpayers
46.5. Instalment taxpayers
CHAPTER 4---Common rules
Division 60--Net fuel amounts
60.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 60-A--Net fuel amounts
60.5. Working out your net fuel amount
Division 61--Returns, refunds and payments
61.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 61-A--Returns, refunds and payments
61.5. Entitlement to a refund
61.10. Requirement to pay a net fuel amount
61.15. When you must give the Commissioner your return
61.20. Fuel tax return periods
Division 65--Attribution rules
65.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 65-A--Attribution rules
65.5. Attribution rules for fuel tax credits
65.10. Attribution rules for fuel tax adjustments
Division 70--Special rules about entities
70.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 70-A--Special rules about entities and how they are organised
70.5. Application of fuel tax law to GST groups and joint ventures
70.10. Entry and exit history rules
70.15. Consolidating joint venture returns
70.20. Application of fuel tax law to religious practitioners
70.25. Application of fuel tax law to incapacitated entities
70.30. Application of fuel tax law to GST branches, resident agents and non-profit sub-entities
Subdivision 70-B--Government entities
70.35. Application of fuel tax law to government entities
Division 75--Anti-avoidance
75.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 75-A--Application of this Division
75.5. When does this Division operate?
75.10. When does an entity get a fuel tax benefit from a scheme?
75.15. Matters to be considered in determining purpose or effect
Subdivision 75-B--Commissioner may negate effects of schemes for fuel tax benefits
75.40. Commissioner may negate avoider’s fuel tax benefits
75.45. Commissioner may reduce an entity’s net fuel amount to compensate
75.50. Refund payable in accordance with declaration
75.55. Commissioner may disregard scheme in making declarations
75.60. One declaration may cover several tax periods or fuel tax return periods
75.65. Commissioner must give copy of declaration to entity affected
Division 95--Miscellaneous
95.1. What this Division is about
Subdivision 95-A--Miscellaneous
95.5. Determination of blends that no longer constitute fuels
95.10. Application of this law to the Commonwealth
95.100. Regulations
CHAPTER 5---Interpretation
Division 105--Rules for interpreting this Act
Subdivision 105-A--Rules for interpreting this Act
105.1. What forms part of this Act
105.5. What does not form part of this Act
105.10. Guides, and their role in interpreting this Act
Division 110--Dictionary
Subdivision 110-A--Dictionary
110.5. Dictionary
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