; or (j) is authorised by section 336FA; or
(k) is authorised by section 336FC.
(a) the information disclosed is a personal identifier within the meaning of
paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (f) of the definition of personal identifier
in subsection 5A(1); and
(b) the disclosure is made to an individual; and
(c) the disclosure is for the purpose of obtaining the individual's help
to do one or more of the following in connection with the
administration of this Act:
(i) identify, authenticate the identity of, or locate, the subject;
(ii) refer the officer to another person who might be able to help
identify, authenticate the identity of, or locate, the subject; and
(d) the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the individual
might be able to provide the help that is the purpose of the officer's
disclosure; and
(e) the officer is satisfied that it is reasonably necessary to make the
disclosure to the individual in order to obtain that help.
(a) the officer is disclosing, to the individual, a personal identifier of the
subject and the disclosure is authorised by section 336FA; and
(b) the personal information is disclosed together with the personal
identifier; and
(c) paragraphs 336FA(1)(b), (c), (d) and (e) are met in relation to the
personal information as well as the personal identifier.
(a) the information disclosed is a personal identifier within the meaning of
paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (f) of the definition of personal identifier
in subsection 5A(1); and
(b) the disclosure is for the purpose of obtaining the public's help to
identify, authenticate the identity of, or locate, the subject, in
connection with the administration of this Act; and
(c) the Secretary has authorised, in writing, disclosure of the personal
(a) the Secretary is satisfied that other reasonable steps have been taken to
identify, authenticate the identity of, or locate, the subject; and
(b) either:
(i) the Secretary is satisfied that the subject has been informed of the
proposed disclosure (including the personal identifier that is to be
disclosed and the manner in which the disclosure is to be made) and
the Secretary has either considered the subject's views in relation to
the proposed disclosure or been satisfied that the subject has no
views in relation to it; or
(ii) the Secretary is satisfied that the subject cannot be found; and
(c) the Secretary has considered the sensitivity of the personal
identifier that is to be disclosed; and
(d) the Secretary is satisfied that it is reasonably necessary to
authorise disclosure in order to identify, authenticate the identity
of, or locate, the subject; and
(e) if personal information (within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988 )
that is not identifying information is to be disclosed together with
the personal identifierthe Secretary is satisfied that it is
reasonably necessary to disclose the personal information together
with the personal identifier in order to identify, authenticate the
identity of, or locate, the subject.
(a) paragraph (1)(d) of Information Privacy Principle 11 in
section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988 ; and
(b) paragraph 2.1(g) of National Privacy Principle 2 in Schedule 3 to
the Privacy Act 1988 ;
the disclosure by a person of personal information (within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988 ) about another person (the subject ) is taken to be a disclosure that is authorised by law if:
(c) the person is disclosing a personal
identifier of the subject and the disclosure is authorised by
section 336FC; and
(d) the personal information is disclosed together with the personal
identifier; and
(e) the disclosure of the personal information is for the purpose
mentioned in paragraph 336FC(1)(b).