1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 Schedule(s)
Schedule 1--Regulation of the migration advice industry
Part 1--Amendment of the Migration Act 1958
Part 2--Application and transitional provisions
Part 3--Amendment of the Migration Act 1958 consequential on new Public Service Act
Schedule 2--Repeal of Levy Acts
Migration Agents Registration (Application) Levy Act 1992
Migration Agents Registration (Renewal) Levy Act 1992
Schedule 3--Continuing professional development of registered agents
Part 1--Object of this Schedule
Part 2--Amendment of the Migration Act 1958 commencing on 21 January 1999
Part 3--Amendment of the Migration Act 1958 commencing on 21 February 1999
Part 4--Amendment of the Migration Act 1958 commencing on 21 March 1999
Part 5--Repeal of the Migration Agents Registration Renewal Charge Act 1997
Migration Legislation Amendment (Migration Agents) Act 1997 No. 205 of 1997
The Parliament of Australia enacts: