(a) determining whether a person or a ship is complying with this Act;
(b) investigating a possible contravention of this Act.
(a) enter and inspect:
(i) any area, building (other than a residence), vehicle or vessel under
the control of a maritime industry participant; or
(ii) if a maritime industry participant operates from a residence or a part
of a residencethe residence or the part of the residence from
which the participant operates;
(b) inspect equipment in a place, vehicle or vessel mentioned in
paragraph (a);
(c) observe the operating procedures of a maritime industry participant;
(d) discuss those procedures with an employee of the maritime industry
participant or with another maritime industry participant;
(e) inspect, photograph or copy a document or record made or kept by a
maritime industry participant;
(f) operate equipment at a place mentioned in paragraph (a) for the
purposes of gaining access to a document or record made or kept by a
maritime industry participant.