base rate is the amount of contributions that would be payable for that hospital cover in respect of an adult beneficiary in respect of whom:
years without hospital cover is the number obtained by:
The number of years without hospital cover is 2 (rounded down to the nearest whole number). The amount of the increase in the base rate under this clause is therefore as follows:
Part 2Exceptions to the general rules
The increase under this Schedule for Bill, on a base rate of $750, is $105 (because he did not have hospital cover, after 1 July 2000, until he turned 35, and because of the subsequent 800 days without hospital cover).
There is no increase under this Schedule for Maria.
The amount of the increase in the base rate, for Bill and Maria jointly, is therefore $105.
[ Minister's second reading speech made in
House of Representatives on
2 June 1999
Senate on 21 June 1999 ]