Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011
1 Section 11
Before "The", insert "(1)".
2 At the end of section 11
(2) For the purposes of the finance law (within the meaning of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 ):
(a) the Regulator is a listed entity; and
(b) the Chair of the Regulator is the accountable authority of the Regulator; and
(c) the following persons are officials of the Regulator:
(i) the Chair of the Regulator;
(ii) the other members of the Regulator;
(iii) the staff of the Regulator referred to in section 36;
(iv) persons whose services are made available to the Regulator under section 37;
(v) consultants engaged under section 38; and
(d) the purposes of the Regulator include the functions of the Regulator referred to in section 12.
Climate Change Authority Act 2011
3 Section 10
Before "The", insert "(1)".
4 At the end of section 10
(2) For the purposes of the finance law (within the meaning of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 ):
(a) the Authority is a listed entity; and
(b) the CEO is the accountable authority of the Authority; and
(c) the following persons are officials of the Authority:
(i) the CEO;
(ii) an Authority member;
(iii) an associate Authority member;
(iv) the staff of the Authority;
(v) persons whose services are made available to the Authority under section 53;
(vi) consultants engaged under section 54; and
(d) the purposes of the Authority include the functions of the Authority referred to in section 11.