Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984
1 Paragraphs 11(4)(a) and (aa)
Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:
(aa) the preparation, by or on behalf of the Electoral Commission, of translations into other languages of material contained in those pamphlets;
(ab) the preparation, by or on behalf of the Electoral Commission, of presentations of material contained in those pamphlets in forms suitable for the visually impaired;
(ac) the distribution or publication, by or on behalf of the Electoral Commission, of those pamphlets, translations or presentations (including publication on the Internet);
Omit "Where", substitute "Subject to subsection (3A), where".
3 After subsection 25(3)
(3A) If:
(b) referendums are to be held on the same day (the referendum day ) in relation to 2 or more of the proposed laws identified in the notice; and
(c) the notice under paragraph (a) is given to the Electoral Commissioner at least 28 days before the issue of the writs for those referendums;
(e) for each of those referendums, the ballot papers must be of a different colour, chosen by the Electoral Commissioner.
Omit "the names of the candidates", substitute "his or her vote".
[ Minister's second reading speech made in--
House of Representatives on 11 March 1999
Senate on 25 March 1999 ]