1 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Answer questions )
After "his", insert "or her".
2 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Owner )
After "himself", insert "or herself".
3 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Produce documents )
After "his", insert "or her".
4 Subsection 13(5)
After "his", insert "or her".
5 At the end of paragraph 13(5)(a)
Add "and".
6 Section 19
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
7 Sub‑subparagraph 30A(3)(a)(ii)(B)
After "his", insert "or her".
8 Subparagraph 30A(3)(c)(i)
After "him", insert "or her".
9 At the end of subparagraph 30A(3)(c)(i)
Add "or".
10 Sub‑subparagraph 30A(4)(b)(ii)(B)
After "his", insert "or her".
11 Subsection 30A(5)
After "his", insert "or her".
12 At the end of paragraph 30A(5)(a)
Add "and".
13 Subparagraph 30A(5)(c)(i)
After "him", insert "or her".
14 At the end of subparagraph 30A(5)(c)(i)
Add "or".
15 Paragraph 49A(1)(b)
After "he", insert "or she".
16 Subsection 49A(1)
Omit "he may", substitute "he or she may".
17 Subsections 49A(2) and (5)
After "he", insert "or she".
18 Subsections 58(1) and (2)
After "his", insert "or her".
19 Subsection 60(1)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
20 Subsection 60(4)
After "he", insert "or she".
21 Subsection 61(1)
After "his", insert "or her".
22 Subsection 62(1)
After "him", insert "or her".
23 Subsections 65(1) and (2)
After "him", insert "or her".
24 Section 66
After "his", insert "or her".
25 Subsection 72(3)
After "him", insert "or her".
26 Paragraphs 78(3)(a) and (b)
After "he", insert "or she".
27 At the end of paragraphs 80(a), (b), (c) and (d)
Add "and".
28 Paragraph 80(e)
After "him", insert "or her".
29 Subsection 81(1)
After "his", insert "or her".
30 At the end of paragraphs 81(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (da) and (e)
Add "or".
31 At the end of paragraphs 83(2)(a) and (b)
Add "and".
32 Paragraph 83(2)(c)
After "him", insert "or her".
33 At the end of paragraphs 83(2)(c) and (d)
Add "and".
34 Paragraph 83(2)(e)
After "him", insert "or her".
35 At the end of paragraph 83(2)(e)
Add "and".
36 Paragraph 83(2)(g)
After "him", insert "or her".
37 Subsection 84(3)
Omit "he" (first occurring), substitute "the CEO".
38 Subsection 84(3)
After "he" (second occurring), insert "or she".
39 Subsection 86(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
40 At the end of paragraphs 86(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (fa)
Add "or".
41 Subsection 86(1)
After "him", insert "or her".
42 Paragraph 86(3)(a)
After "he", insert "or she".
43 At the end of paragraphs 86(7)(a), (b) and (c)
Add "and".
44 Paragraph 86(7)(d)
Omit "him", substitute "the owner".
45 Paragraph 86(7)(d)
After "his", insert "or her".
46 At the end of paragraph 86(7)(d)
Add "and".
47 Paragraph 86(7)(f)
After "him", insert "or her".
48 Paragraphs 87(1)(a) and (b)
After "he", insert "or she".
49 Subsection 87(4)
After "he", insert "or she".
50 At the end of paragraph 87(4)(a)
Add "and".
51 Section 89
After "his", insert "or her".
52 Subsection 94(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
53 Paragraph 96A(2)(a)
After "him", insert "or her".
54 Paragraph 96A(2)(a)
After "he", insert "or she".
55 At the end of paragraph 96A(7)(a)
Add "or".
56 Paragraph 96A(7)(b)
After "he", insert "or she".
57 Paragraph 96A(7)(c)
After "him", insert "or her".
58 Subsection 96A(11)
After "he", insert "or she".
59 Subsection 96A(12)
After "him", insert "or her".
60 Subsection 96A(14)
After "he", insert "or she".
61 Subsection 97(1)
After "him", insert "or her".
62 Subsections 100(2), 101(1) and 102(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
63 Section 120
After "his", insert "or her".
64 Subsections 123(1) and (2)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
65 Paragraph 124(1)(b)
After "his", insert "or her".
66 Section 126
After "him", insert "or her".
67 Paragraphs 129(3)(a) and (b)
After "he", insert "or she".
68 Subsection 132B(3)
After "he", insert "or she".
69 Subsection 132C(1)
After "his", insert "or her".
70 Sections 132D and 164B
After "he", insert "or she".
71 Subsection 175(7)
After "he", insert "or she".
72 Subsections 181(1), (2) and (3)
After "his", insert "or her".
73 Paragraph 181(4)(b)
After "he", insert "or she".
74 Subsection 183(1)
After "himself", insert "or herself".
75 Subsection 183(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
76 Subsection 183(2)
After "himself", insert "or herself".
77 Subsection 183(2)
After "he", insert "or she".
78 Paragraphs 183B(2)(a) and (b)
After "he", insert "or she".
79 Paragraph 183CA(1)(e)
After "him", insert "or her".
80 Subsection 183CA(2)
After "he" (first occurring), insert "or she".
81 Subsection 183CA(2)
After "his", insert "or her".
82 Subsection 183CA(2)
After "he" (second occurring), insert "or she".
83 Subsection 183CA(3)
After "he", insert "or she".
84 Subsection 183CB(1)
After "he" (wherever occurring), insert "or she".
85 Subsection 183CC(1)
After "his", insert "or her".
86 Subparagraph 183CC(1)(a)(iii)
After "he", insert "or she".
87 Paragraph 183CC(2)(a)
Omit "he" (wherever occurring), substitute "the applicant".
88 Paragraph 183CC(2)(b)
Omit "he", substitute "the applicant".
89 Paragraph 183CC(2)(b)
Omit "him", substitute "the applicant".
90 Subsection 183CC(3)
After "him", insert "or her".
91 Subsection 183CC(3)
After "he", insert "or she".
92 Subsection 183CC(5)
Omit "him", substitute "a person".
93 Paragraphs 183CD(1)(a), (b) and (c)
After "he", insert "or she".
94 Paragraph 183CD(1)(c)
After "his", insert "or her".
95 Paragraphs 183CD(1)(d), (e), (g) and (h)
After "he", insert "or she".
96 Subsection 183CE(1)
After "he" (first occurring), insert "or she".
97 Paragraph 183CE(1)(b)
After "he", insert "or she".
98 Subsection 183CF(4)
After "he", insert "or she".
99 Subsection 183CG(2)
After "his", insert "or her".
100 Subsection 183CG(2)
After "he", insert "or she".
101 Subsection 183CG(8)
After "his", insert "or her".
102 Subsection 183CG(8)
Omit "him" (wherever occurring), substitute "the customs broker".
103 Subsection 183CJ(4)
After "he", insert "or she".
104 Subsection 183CK(1)
After "him", insert "or her".
105 Subsection 183CK(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
106 At the end of paragraphs 183CN(1)(a), (b) and (c)
Add "or".
107 Paragraph 183CN(1)(d)
After "his", insert "or her".
108 Subsection 183CQ(1)
Omit "he", substitute "the CEO".
109 At the end of paragraphs 183CQ(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d)
Add "or".
110 Paragraph 183CQ(1)(e)
After "his", insert "or her".
111 At the end of paragraphs 183CQ(1)(e), (f) and (g)
Add "or".
112 Subsection 183CQ(1)
Omit "him", substitute "the CEO".
113 Subsection 183CQ(5)
Omit "he", substitute "the CEO or Regional Director".
114 Subsection 183CQ(6)
Omit "he", substitute "the CEO".
115 Subsection 183CQ(6)
After "his", insert "or her".
116 Subsection 183CR(1)
Omit "he" (wherever occurring), substitute "the CEO".
117 Subsection 183CS(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
118 At the end of paragraphs 183CS(1)(c), (d) and (e)
Add "or".
119 Subsection 183CS(2)
After "he" (wherever occurring), insert "or she".
120 Subsection 183CS(5)
After "he", insert "or she".
121 Paragraph 183D(2)(d)
After "him", insert "or her".
122 Subsection 183DA(5)
After "him", insert "or her".
123 Subsection 183DA(6)
After "his", insert "or her".
124 Subsection 183DB(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
125 Paragraph 183DC(1)(b)
After "his", insert "or her".
126 Subsection 183DC(2)
After "he", insert "or she".
127 Subsections 183J(2) and (3)
After "his", insert "or her".
128 Subsection 183K(1)
After "his" (first occurring), insert "or her".
129 Subsection 183K(1)
Omit "his" (second occurring), substitute "the person's".
130 Subsection 183K(1)
Omit "he", substitute "the person".
131 Subsection 183K(2)
After "himself", insert "or herself".
132 Section 183L
Omit "him", substitute "the person".
133 Section 183L
After "his" (first occurring), insert "or her".
134 Paragraphs 183L(a) and (b)
After "his", insert "or her".
135 Subsection 183N(2)
Omit "he" (first occurring), substitute "the witness".
136 Subsection 183N(2)
After "he" (second and third occurring), insert "or she".
137 Subsection 183N(2)
Omit "asked him", substitute "asked of him or her".
138 Paragraph 183P(1)(a)
After "him", insert "or her".
139 Paragraph 183P(1)(a)
After "his", insert "or her".
140 At the end of paragraph 183P(1)(a)
Add "or".
141 Paragraph 183P(1)(c)
After "he", insert "or she".
142 Section 183Q
Omit "him" (first occurring), substitute "the person".
143 Section 183Q
After "him" (second occurring), insert "or her".
144 Section 183Q
Omit "his", substitute "the person's".
145 Section 183Q
After "him" (third occurring), insert "or her".
146 Paragraph 183Q(b)
After "him", insert "or her".
147 Subsection 183R(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
148 Subsection 183R(1)
Omit "him", substitute "the person".
149 Subsections 183R(1) and 183T(1)
After "his", insert "or her".
150 Section 193
After "his", insert "or her".
151 Section 194
After "he", insert "or she".
152 At the end of paragraph 195(1)(a)
Add "or".
153 Subsection 195(1)
After "him" (first occurring), insert "or her".
154 Subsection 195(1)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
155 Subsection 195(1)
After "him" (second occurring), insert "or her".
156 At the end of paragraph 195(1)(d)
Add "or".
157 Subsection 195(2)
After "him", insert "or her".
158 Paragraph 196C(1)(a)
After "his", insert "or her".
159 At the end of paragraph 196C(1)(a)
Add "and".
160 Paragraph 196C(1)(b)
After "he", insert "or she".
161 At the end of paragraph 196C(1)(b)
Add "and".
162 Paragraph 196C(1)(c)
After "he", insert "or she".
163 Paragraph 196C(1)(d)
After "him" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
164 Subsection 196C(2)
After "him" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
165 Subsection 196C(3)
After "him" (first and second occurring), insert "or her".
166 Paragraph 196C(3)(a)
After "his", insert "or her".
167 Paragraph 196C(3)(b)
After "him", insert "or her".
168 Subsection 209(5)
After "he", insert "or she".
169 Subsections 209(10) and (11)
After "his", insert "or her".
170 Subsection 209(11)
After "him", insert "or her".
171 Subsections 210(1) and (1A)
After "he", insert "or she".
172 Section 212
After "he", insert "or she".
173 Paragraph 213(1)
After "he", insert "or she".
174 Paragraph 213(2)
Omit "him", substitute "the person".
175 Paragraph 213(2)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
176 Subsection 214B(2)
After "he" (wherever occurring), insert "or she".
177 Subsection 214B(3)
After "his", insert "or her".
178 Subsection 214B(4)
After "him" (first occurring), insert "or her".
179 Subsection 214B(4)
After "he", insert "or she".
180 Subsection 214B(4)
After "him" (second and third occurring), insert "or her".
181 Subsection 214B(6)
Omit "him" (first occurring), substitute "the person".
182 Subsection 214B(6)
After "him" (second occurring), insert "or her".
183 Subsection 214B(6)
Omit "his", substitute "the person's".
184 Subsection 214B(6)
After "him" (third and fourth occurring), insert "or her".
185 Subsection 214B(7)
After "him", insert "or her".
186 Subsection 214B(8)
After "he", insert "or she".
187 Subsection 214B(8)
Omit "asked him", insert "asked of him or her".
188 At the end of paragraph 214B(9)(a)
Add "or".
189 Section 217
After "he", insert "or she".
190 Section 221
After "his" (first occurring), insert "or her".
191 Section 221
After "him", insert "or her".
192 Section 221
After "his" (second occurring), insert "or her".
193 Section 221
Omit "his attorney or agent", substitute ", or the plaintiff's attorney or agent,".
194 Section 222
After "his", insert "or her".
195 Section 224
Omit "his attorney or agent", substitute ", or to the plaintiff's attorney or agent,".
196 Section 224
After "he" (wherever occurring), insert "or she".
197 Section 224
After "his" (second occurring), insert "or her".
198 Paragraph 229(1)(q)
After "he", insert "or she".
199 Paragraph 229(1)(q)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
200 Paragraph 229A(2)(a)
After "his" (first and second occurring), insert "or her".
201 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(i)
Omit "his" (first occurring), substitute "the person".
202 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(i)
Omit "his" (second occurring).
203 At the end of subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(i)
Add "or".
204 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(ii)
Omit "his" (first occurring), substitute "the person".
205 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(ii)
Omit "his" (second occurring).
206 At the end of subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(ii)
Add "or".
207 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(iii)
Omit "his" (first occurring), substitute "the person".
208 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(iii)
Omit "his" (second occurring).
209 At the end of subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(iii)
Add "or".
210 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(iv)
Omit "his" (first occurring), substitute "the person".
211 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(iv)
Omit "his" (second occurring).
212 Subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(iv)
After "his" (third occurring), insert "or her".
213 At the end of subparagraph 229A(2)(a)(iv)
Add "or".
214 Subparagraphs 229A(2)(a)(v) and (vi)
Omit "his", substitute "the person".
215 Paragraphs 229A(2)(b) and (c)
After "him", insert "or her".
216 Subsection 229A(3)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
217 Subsection 229A(3)
After "him", insert "or her".
218 Subsection 229A(3)
After "he", insert "or she".
219 Subsection 229A(4)
After "him", insert "or her".
220 Subsection 229A(4)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
221 Paragraph 229A(8)(a)
After "he", insert "or she".
222 Subparagraph 229A(8)(b)(i)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
223 Subparagraphs 229A(8)(b)(i) and (ii)
After "him", insert "or her".
224 Subparagraph 229A(8)(b)(ii)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
225 Paragraph 233(1)(d)
After "his", insert "or her".
226 Subsection 233(2)
After "his", insert "or her".
227 Subsection 233(2)
After "him", insert "or her".
228 Subsection 233(3)
After "his", insert "or her".
229 Subsection 233A(1)
After "his", insert "or her".
230 Subsection 243A(2)
After "his" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
231 Subsection 243A(2)
After "him", insert "or her".
232 Subsection 243A(2)
After "he", insert "or she".
233 Paragraph 243A(3)(a)
After "he", insert "or she".
234 At the end of paragraph 243A(3)(a)
Add "or".
235 Paragraph 243A(3)(b)
After "he", insert "or she".
236 At the end of paragraph 243A(3)(b)
Add "or".
237 Paragraph 243A(3)(c)
After "he", insert "or she".
238 At the end of paragraph 243A(3)(c)
Add "or".
239 Paragraph 243A(3)(d)
After "he", insert "or she".
240 Paragraph 243A(3)(d)
After "his", insert "or her".
241 At the end of paragraph 243A(3)(d)
Add "or".
242 Paragraphs 243A(3)(e) and (f)
After "he", insert "or she".
243 Subsection 243A(5)
After "he", insert "or she".
244 Paragraphs 243B(1)(a) and (b)
After "him", insert "or her".
245 Subsections 243B(2) and 243C(2)
After "his", insert "or her".
246 Paragraph 243C(2)(e)
After "he", insert "or she".
247 Paragraph 243C(2)(e)
Omit "and" (last occurring).
248 Subsection 243C(3)
After "he" (wherever occurring), insert "or she".
249 Subsection 243C(3)
Omit "by reasons of his", substitute "by reason of his or her".
250 Subsection 243C(4)
After "he", insert "or she".
251 Subsection 243C(4)
After "his", insert "or her".
252 Paragraphs 243C(5)(a) and (b)
After "his", insert "or her".
253 Subsection 243C(5)
After "his" (last occurring), insert "or her".
254 Subsection 243C(6)
After "his", insert "or her".
255 Subparagraph 243E(2)(a)(i)
After "he" (wherever occurring), insert "or she".
256 Paragraph 243H(3)(a)
After "him", insert "or her".
257 At the end of paragraphs 243J(2)(a) and (b)
Add "or".
258 Paragraph 243J(2)(c)
After "he", insert "or she".
259 At the end of paragraphs 243J(2)(c) and (d)
Add "or".
260 Subsection 243R(1)
After "him" (wherever occurring), insert "or her".
261 At the end of paragraph 243R(1)(a)
Add "and".
262 Subsection 243R(2)
After "him", insert "or her".
263 Section 250A
After "his", insert "or her".
264 Section 253
After "he", insert "or she".
265 Section 253
Omit "him", substitute "the officer".
266 Section 253
After "his", insert "or her".
Note: The heading to section 259 is altered by inserting " or her " after " his ".
267 Subsection 269U(2)
After "his", insert "or her".
268 Subsection 269U(7)
After "him", insert "or her".
269 Subsections 273(2), 273GAA(4) and (5) and 273GA(6)
After "he", insert "or she".
270 Subsection 275A(2)
After "him", insert "or her".
271 Subsection 275A(5)
After "he", insert "or she".
272 Subsection 275A(6)
After "he" (wherever occurring), insert "or she".
[ Minister's second reading speech made in--
Senate on 6 December 2006
House of Representatives on 1 March 2007 ]
(193/06) |