Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984
1 Subsection 18(2A) (the subsection 18(2A) inserted by item 7 of Schedule 3 to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Amendment Act 2006 )
Renumber as subsection (2B).
2 Subsections 19BA(4) and (5)
Repeal the subsections.
Note: This item repeals provisions that refer to a provision of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 that has been repealed.
3 Paragraph 4(3)(u)
Omit " Arbitration (Foreign Awards and Agreements) Act 1974 ", substitute " International Arbitration Act 1974 ".
Note: This item corrects a misstatement of the short title of an Act.
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992
4 Subsection 57(1)
Omit "they apply", substitute "it applies".
Anti‑Money Laundering and Counter‑Terrorism Financing Act 2006
5 Subsection 130(3) (note)
Omit "and evidential", substitute "an evidential".
Australian Land Transport Development Act 1988
6 Part I (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Note: This item changes the Part number to an Arabic numeral.
7 Part III (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Part 3 -- Approval of projects and programs
Note: This item changes the Part number to an Arabic numeral.
8 Part IV (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Part 4 -- Conditions of payments
Note: This item changes the Part number to an Arabic numeral.
9 Part V (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Note: This item changes the Part number to an Arabic numeral.
Australian National University Act 1991
10 Paragraph 10(6)(c)
Omit "university", substitute "University".
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998
11 Subsections 56(5A), (5B) and (5C) (note)
Omit "section", substitute "subsection".
12 Subsection 45(2)
Omit "do not", substitute "does not".
13 Section 47
Omit "do not", substitute "does not".
14 Paragraph 54(m)
Omit "give notice" (third occurring), substitute "gives notice".
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
15 Paragraph 7(1)(q) of Schedule 2 (the paragraph 7(1)(q) inserted by item 80 of Schedule 1 to the Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Radio) Act 2007 )
Renumber as paragraph (r).
16 Paragraph 8(1)(j) of Schedule 2 (the paragraph 8(1)(j) inserted by item 85 of Schedule 1 to the Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Radio) Act 2007 )
Renumber as paragraph (k).
Data‑matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990
17 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (db) of the definition of personal assistance ) (the paragraph (db) inserted by item 3 of Schedule 6 to the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Parenting and Other Measures) Act 1997 )
Renumber as paragraph (de).
18 Subsection 3(1) (paragraph (dc) of the definition of personal assistance ) (the paragraph (dc) inserted by item 3 of Schedule 6 to the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Parenting and Other Measures) Act 1997 )
Renumber as paragraph (df).
Defence Housing Australia Act 1987
19 Subsection 23(3)
Omit "subsection (1) (2),", substitute "subsection (1), (2)".
20 Subsection 23(4)
Omit "subsection (1) (2),", substitute "subsection (1), (2)".
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
21 Subsection 194N(2)
Omit "a place", substitute "an item".
Note: The heading to subsection 194Q(7) is altered by omitting " place " and substituting " item ".
22 Subsection 269AA(3)
Omit "189(1A)(c)", substitute "189(1B)(c)".
Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross‑reference.
23 Subsection 404(1)
Omit "(subject to subsection (1A)", substitute "(subject to subsection (1A))".
24 Subsection 430(2)
Omit "(subject to subsection (2A)", substitute "(subject to subsection (2A))".
25 Paragraph 486G(3)(b)
Omit "official", substitute "official.".
26 Section 528 (definition of Officer of Customs ) (the definition inserted by item 825 of Schedule 1 to the Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2006 )
Repeal the definition.
Note: This item repeals a duplicated definition.
27 Paragraph 106ZPB(2)(a)
Omit "authority", substitute "Authority".
Higher Education Support Act 2003
28 Section 179‑10
Omit "the officer" (first occurring).
29 Paragraph 179‑10(a)
Before "either", insert "the officer".
Inspector of Transport Security Act 2006
30 Subsection 77(1)
Omit "subsection (7)", substitute "subsection (6)".
Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross‑reference.
31 Subsection 79(1)
Omit "subsection 77(7)", substitute "subsection 77(6)".
Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross‑reference.
32 Section 268AA (definition of new ESOS Act )
Repeal the definition.
Note: This item repeals a redundant definition.
33 Section 268AA (definition of old ESOS Act )
Repeal the definition.
Note: This item repeals a redundant definition.
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
34 Section 123
Omit "her or she", substitute "he or she".
35 Paragraph 15(2)(f)
Omit "or under orders made in pursuance of regulations made by virtue of paragraph (h) of this subsection".
Note 1: This item omits redundant text.
Note 2: The following heading to section 190AB is inserted: " Publication of information about ships ".
36 Paragraph 267J(b)
Omit "267G(1)", substitute "267G(2)".
Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross‑reference.
Protection of the Sea (Civil Liability) Act 1981
37 Part IV (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Part IV -- Recovery of expenses of Authority under the Protection of the Sea (Powers of Intervention) Act 1981
Removal of Prisoners (Territories) Act 1923
38 At the end of paragraphs 8(3)(a) and (b)
Add "and".
39 At the end of paragraph 11(1)(a)
Add "or".
40 At the end of paragraphs 13(a), (b) and (c)
Add "or".
Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000
41 Subsections 127(2), 129(2) and 130(2)
After "Despite", insert "subsection".
42 Section 131
Before "This Part", insert "(1)".
43 Subsection 131(2)
After "Despite", insert "subsection".
44 Section 132
Before "This Part", insert "(1)".
45 Subsection 132(2)
After "Despite", insert "subsection".
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
46 Subsection 127(2)
Repeal the subsection, substitute:
(2) The Secretary may not review a decision made by the Employment Secretary declaring, under section 28 of the 1991 Act, a program of work to be an approved program of work for income support payment.
Note: This item repeals and substitutes subsection 127(2) so that it no longer contains a single paragraph.
47 Subsection 54AA(1)
Omit "whichever of n or (3) applies".
Note: This item omits redundant text.
Transfer of Prisoners Act 1983
48 At the end of paragraph 3(10)(a)
Add "or".
49 At the end of paragraphs 8(1)(a) and 9(1)(a)
Add "and".
50 At the end of paragraphs 10(4)(a) and (b)
Add "or".
51 At the end of paragraph 12(a)
Add "and".
52 At the end of paragraph 14(1)(a)
Add "and".
53 At the end of paragraph 16A(1)(a)
Add "and".
54 At the end of subparagraph 21(b)(i)
Add "and".
55 At the end of paragraph 25(a)
Add "and".
56 At the end of paragraph 28(a)
Add "or".
57 At the end of paragraphs 30(a), (b) and (c)
Add "or".
58 At the end of paragraph 31(2)(a)
Add "and".
59 Subsection 4(1) (definition of consumptive pool )
Repeal the definition.
Note: This item repeals a redundant definition.
60 Subsection 11(3)
Before "intention", insert "the".
61 Subsections 63(3) and (4)
Omit "proposed water plan" (wherever occurring), substitute "proposed water resource plan".
62 Subsection 69(1)
Omit "paragraph 68(2)(b)", substitute "paragraph 68(6)(b)".
Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross‑reference.
63 Subsection 86(1)
After "responsible", insert "for".
64 Subsection 92(10)
Omit "subsection (7)", substitute "subsection (9)".
Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross‑reference.
65 Subsection 93(6)
Omit "subsection (4)", substitute "subsection (5)".
Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross‑reference.
66 Subparagraph 156(1)(a)(i)
Omit "Part 3,".
Note: This item omits an incorrect cross‑reference.
67 Subparagraph 169(1)(a)(i)
Omit "and the water charge rules", substitute ", the water charge rules and the water market rules".
Note: This item amends subparagraph 169(1)(a)(i) of the Water Act 2007 to ensure it is consistent with subparagraph 169(1)(a)(iii) and paragraph 169(1)(b) of that Act.
68 Paragraph 170(5)(a)
Omit "and the water charge rules", substitute ", the water charge rules and the water market rules".
Note: This item amends paragraph 170(5)(a) of the Water Act 2007 to ensure it is consistent with paragraph 170(5)(c) of that Act.
69 Paragraph 244(1)(b)
After "water", insert "resource".