(1) At a meeting of Safe Work Australia, a majority of the voting members constitute a quorum.
(2) However, if:
(a) section 40 (disclosure of interests) prevents a voting member from participating in Safe Work Australia's deliberations or decisions in relation to a particular matter; and
(b) when the member leaves the meeting concerned there is no longer a quorum present;
the remaining voting members at the meeting constitute a quorum for the purpose of any deliberation or decision at that meeting in relation to that matter.
(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), a quorum is not constituted for the purpose of any deliberation or decision relating to the model OHS legislation or model OHS codes of practice if a majority of all of the voting members who represent the Commonwealth, States and Territories are not present for the deliberation or decision.
Note: The voting members who represent the Commonwealth, States and Territories are those members referred to in paragraphs 10(1)(b) and (c).