Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
1 Subsection 30-25(2) (at the end of the table)
2.2.19 | the Foundation for Gambling Studies | the gift must
be made after 8 March 2000 |
2 Subsection 30-45(2) (after table item 16)
4.2.17 | the
Community Disaster Relief (Sydney Hail Storm Assistance) Fund | the gift must
be made after 14 April 1999 and before 15 April 2001 |
3 Subsection 30-50(2) (table item 5.2.8)
4 Subsection 30-50(2) (at the end of the table)
5.2.9 | the Australian
Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial Fund | the gift must be made after 19 October
1999 and before 20 October 2001 |
5.2.10 | the RSL and 6th Division
Australian-Hellenic Educational Memorial Fund | the gift must be made after
13 June 2000 and before 14 June 2002 |
5 Subsection 30-80(2) (at the end of the table)
9.2.8 | The Global
Foundation | the gift must be made after 2 November 1999 |
9.2.9 | the
United Hellenic Earthquake Appeal | the gift must be made after
6 September 1999 and before 7 September 2000 |
6 Section 30-105 (at the end of the table)
13.2.2 | the Foundation
for Rural and Regional Renewal Public Fund | the gift must be made after
28 March 2000 |
7 Subsection 30-315(2) (after table topic 25)
25A | Australian
Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial Fund | item 5.2.9 |
8 Subsection 30-315(2) (after table topic 34)
34A | Community
Disaster Relief (Sydney Hail Storm Assistance) Fund | item 4.2.19 |
9 Subsection 30-315(2) (after table topic 50)
50A | Foundation for
Gambling Studies | item 2.2.19 |
50B | Foundation for Rural and Regional
Renewal Public Fund | item 13.2.2 |
10 Subsection 30-315(2) (after table topic 51)
52 | Global Foundation
| item 9.2.8 |
11 Subsection 30-315(2) (after table topic 104)
104A | RSL and 6th
Division Australian-Hellenic Educational Memorial Fund | item 5.2.10 |
12 Subsection 30-315(2) (after table topic 118)
118AA | United
Hellenic Earthquake Appeal | item 9.2.9 |