(1) The rules may provide for a listed course provider to be taken to meet one or more course provider requirements.
(2) Each of the following is a listed course provider as long as it is a registered training organisation:
(a) a Table A provider;
(b) a Table B provider;
(c) a body established to provide vocational education or training under one of the following:
(i) the Technical and Further Education Commission Act 1990 (NSW);
(ii) the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic.);
(iii) the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 (Qld);
(iv) the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 (WA);
(v) the TAFE SA Act 2012 (SA);
(vi) the Training and Workforce Development Act 2013 (Tas.);
(vii) the Canberra Institute of Technology Act 1987 (ACT);
(d) a training organisation owned by the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory;
(e) a body specified in the rules.