(1) After the closing addresses (if any) at a trial by the Australian Military Court sitting with a military jury, the Military Judge must sum up the evidence and direct the military jury on the law relating to the case.
(2) After the Military Judge has summed up, the military jury must retire to consider its verdict.
(3) The military jury must consider its verdict in private.
(4) The Military Judge may permit the military jury to return to the court to ask the Military Judge for further directions on matters of law or fact.
(5) All communications between the military jury and the Military Judge must be conducted in open court.
(6) When the military jury has reached a verdict:
(a) the Military Judge must direct the clerk of the court to reassemble the court; and
(b) the spokesperson for the military jury must announce the verdict in open court.
(7) The Military Judge must discharge the military jury if:
(a) the military jury has deliberated for at least 8 hours and has not reached a verdict; and
(b) the Military Judge is satisfied that there is no prospect of the jury reaching a unanimous or majority verdict.