Commonwealth Numbered Regulations
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SCHEDULE Regulation 5
SCHEDULE 1 Regulation 1.03
Part 1.1-Adelaide Airport Allotment 50 on Deposited Plan 49654 in the Land
Titles Office, Adelaide, and the land in the following South Australian
certificates of title:
(a) volume 5088 folio 983;
(b) volume 5088 folio 956;
(c) volume 5436 folio 111
Part 1.2-Alice Springs Airport The land in the following Northern Territory
certificates of title:
(a) volume 233 folio 050;
(b) volume 233 folio 051;
(c) volume 233 folio 049;
(d) volume 541 folio 074;
(e) volume 541 folio 077;
(f) volume 541 folio 076;
(g) volume 501 folio 124;
(h) volume 502 folio 043;
(i) volume 502 folio 042;
(j) volume 166 folio 046;
(k) volume 166 folio 048;
(l) volume 405 folio 041;
(m) volume 564 folio 092;
(n) volume 562 folio 167 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.3-Archerfield Airport The land in the following Queensland certificates
of title:
(a) volume 7127 folio 63;
(b) volume 6735 folio 170;
(c) volume 5700 folio 48 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.4-Brisbane Airport The land in the following Queensland certificates of
(a) 50146353;
(b) 50146354;
(c) 18740240;
(d) 18740241;
(e) 18174183;
(f) 50146351 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given in the Note
at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.5-Canberra Airport Block 3, section 28, Division of Pialligo in the
District of Majura, and blocks 587, 594, 595, 614 and 660 in that District
Part 1.6-Coolangatta Airport The land in:
(a) the following Queensland certificates of title:
(i) volume 7457 folio 085;
(ii) volume 8265 folio 246;
(iii) volume 8287 folio 103; and
(b) the following New South Wales certificates of title:
(i) folio identifier 2/535537;
(ii) folio identifier 1/582467 [NOTE: A fuller description of the
land is given in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.7-Darwin Airport The land in Northern Territory certificate of title
volume 512 folio 035 [NOTE: The land is more fully described as Section 3381
Hundred of Bagot from plan LT089/067A.]
Part 1.8-Essendon Airport The land in the following Victorian certificates of
(a) volume 10044 folio 411;
(b) volume 7027 folio 267;
(c) volume 7894 folio 066;
(d) volume 5587 folio 373;
(e) volume 4496 folio 129;
(f) volume 7156 folio 028;
(g) volume 6478 folio 463;
(h) volume 5456 folio 082;
(i) volume 5849 folio 647;
(j) volume 7874 folio 006;
(k) volume 7307 folio 340;
(l) volume 7874 folio 007;
(m) volume 8222 folio 595;
(n) volume 6087 folio 297;
(o) volume 7027 folio 266;
(p) volume 7566 folio 166;
(q) volume 7364 folio 788;
(r) volume 7031 folio 085;
(s) volume 7841 folio 078;
(t) volume 5937 folio 400;
(u) volume 4996 folio 129 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.9-Hobart Airport The land in the following Tasmanian certificates of
(a) volume 112358 folio 1;
(b) volume 14486 folio 2;
(c) volume 14486 folio 1 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.10-Jandakot Airport The land in the following Western Australian
certificates of title:
(a) volume 1629 folio 281;
(b) volume 1516 folio 700;
(c) volume 1778 folio 742;
(d) volume 1197 folio 27;
(e) volume 51 folio 30A;
(f) volume 1878 folio 302;
(g) volume 1878 folio 301;
(h) volume 1878 folio 303;
(i) volume 1878 folio 304 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.11-Launceston Airport The land in the following Tasmanian certificates
of title:
(a) volume 128763 folio 1;
(b) volume 31731 folio 1;
(c) volume 80983 folio 1;
(d) volume 80983 folio 3;
(e) volume 80983 folio 4;
(f) volume 225834 folio 1 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.12-Melbourne (Tullamarine) Airport The land in the General Law title
found at Memorial Book 889 No. 390, and the land in the following Victorian
certificates of title:
(a) volume 8841 folio 691;
(b) volume 8504 folio 716;
(c) volume 9067 folio 671;
(d) volume 8390 folio 476;
(e) volume 6726 folio 1345179;
(f) volume 7300 folio 459954;
(g) volume 7344 folio 1468688;
(h) volume 7617 folio 046;
(i) volume 8044 folio 649;
(j) volume 8296 folio 766;
(k) volume 8413 folio 481;
(l) volume 8466 folio 277;
(m) volume 8511 folio 436;
(n) volume 8527 folio 519;
(o) volume 8528 folio 830;
(p) volume 8592 folio 937;
(q) volume 8657 folio 662;
(r) volume 8692 folio 815;
(s) volume 8708 folio 041;
(t) volume 8738 folio 114;
(u) volume 8792 folio 799;
(v) volume 8827 folio 437;
(w) volume 8869 folio 263;
(x) volume 8869 folio 264;
(y) volume 8885 folio 503;
(z) volume 8936 folio 136;
(aa) volume 8959 folio 783;
(ab) volume 8986 folio 384;
(ac) volume 9302 folio 900;
(ad) volume 9302 folio 901;
(ae) volume 9768 folio 745;
(af) volume 9815 folio 130;
(ag) volume 8677 folio 659;
(ah) volume 8554 folio 346;
(ai) volume 10327 folio 685;
(aj) volume 10327 folio 686 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land in the
Certificates of Title is given in the Note at the end of this
Part 1.13-Moorabbin Airport Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision PS 410126R (the
balance of the land untransferred in Victorian certificate of title volume
8753 folio 864), and the land in the following Victorian certificates of
(a) volume 7772 folio 134;
(b) volume 8824 folio 220;
(c) volume 8814 folio 943;
(d) volume 10239 folio 842 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land in the
Certificates of Title is given in the Note at the end of this
Part 1.14-Mount Isa Airport The land in the following Queensland certificates
of title:
(a) 20504205;
(b) 20677156;
(c) 20941083;
(d) 21125171;
(e) 21086099 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given in the Note
at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.15-Parafield Airport The land in the following South Australian
certificates of title:
(a) volume 5270 folio 223;
(b) volume 5207 folio 885 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.16-Perth Airport The land in the following Western Australian
certificates of title:
(a) volume 7 folio 196A;
(b) volume 14 folio 389A;
(c) volume 25 folio 186A;
(d) volume 100 folio 86A;
(e) volume 152 folio 50A;
(f) volume 264 folio 141A;
(g) volume 266 folio 24A;
(h) volume 266 folio 25A;
(i) volume 293 folio 170A;
(j) volume 367 folio 79A;
(k) volume 367 folio 80A;
(l) volume 443 folio 174A;
(m) volume 612 folio 26A;
(n) volume 703 folio 97;
(o) volume 777 folio 171;
(p) volume 778 folio 115;
(q) volume 830 folio 168;
(r) volume 857 folio 195;
(s) volume 901 folio 193;
(t) volume 1006 folio 726;
(u) volume 1020 folio 97;
(v) volume 1020 folio 98;
(w) volume 1026 folio 483;
(x) volume 1054 folio 157;
(y) volume 1055 folio 666;
(z) volume 1055 folio 862;
(aa) volume 1064 folio 240;
(ab) volume 1064 folio 640;
(ac) volume 1065 folio 503;
(ad) volume 1065 folio 691;
(ae) volume 1067 folio 82;
(af) volume 1079 folio 432;
(ag) volume 1080 folio 256;
(ah) volume 1085 folio 38;
(ai) volume 1085 folio 39;
(aj) volume 1085 folio 44;
(ak) volume 1088 folio 337;
(al) volume 1092 folio 980;
(am) volume 1095 folio 478;
(an) volume 1100 folio 137;
(ao) volume 1100 folio 320;
(ap) volume 1100 folio 321;
(aq) volume 1100 folio 896;
(ar) volume 1103 folio 560;
(as) volume 1106 folio 312;
(at) volume 1108 folio 178;
(au) volume 1108 folio 384;
(av) volume 1111 folio 584;
(aw) volume 1122 folio 830;
(ax) volume 1128 folio 145;
(ay) volume 1132 folio 364;
(az) volume 1141 folio 715;
(ba) volume 1142 folio 491;
(bb) volume 1142 folio 492;
(bc) volume 1147 folio 912;
(bd) volume 1148 folio 487;
(be) volume 1148 folio 1000;
(bf) volume 1152 folio 457;
(bg) volume 1152 folio 458;
(bh) volume 1165 folio 978;
(bi) volume 1167 folio 467;
(bj) volume 1173 folio 213;
(bk) volume 1180 folio 425;
(bl) volume 1190 folio 991;
(bm) volume 1190 folio 992;
(bn) volume 1190 folio 993;
(bo) volume 1194 folio 385;
(bp) volume 1201 folio 712;
(bq) volume 1233 folio 849;
(br) volume 1234 folio 840;
(bs) volume 1244 folio 89;
(bt) volume 1244 folio 973
(bu) volume 1244 folio 977;
(bv) volume 1245 folio 581;
(bw) volume 1251 folio 16;
(bx) volume 1255 folio 852;
(by) volume 1257 folio 423;
(bz) volume 1260 folio 289;
(ca) volume 1260 folio 721;
(cb) volume 1261 folio 970;
(cc) volume 1263 folio 154;
(cd) volume 1264 folio 327;
(ce) volume 1264 folio 328;
(cf) volume 1266 folio 026;
(cg) volume 1267 folio 111;
(ch) volume 1268 folio 106;
(ci) volume 1268 folio 699;
(cj) volume 1268 folio 958;
(ck) volume 1269 folio 827;
(cl) volume 1272 folio 229;
(cm) volume 1275 folio 305;
(cn) volume 1276 folio 838;
(co) volume 1277 folio 977;
(cp) volume 1278 folio 093;
(cq) volume 1278 folio 718;
(cr) volume 1281 folio 141;
(cs) volume 1281 folio 798;
(ct) volume 1282 folio 146;
(cu) volume 1282 folio 147;
(cv) volume 1283 folio 103;
(cw) volume 1283 folio 433;
(cx) volume 1287 folio 240;
(cy) volume 1287 folio 241;
(cz) volume 1289 folio 174;
(da) volume 1299 folio 668;
(db) volume 1301 folio 313;
(dc) volume 1324 folio 169;
(dd) volume 1324 folio 170;
(de) volume 1324 folio 453;
(df) volume 1324 folio 454;
(dg) volume 1337 folio 662;
(dh) volume 1337 folio 663;
(di) volume 1338 folio 816;
(dj) volume 1340 folio 298;
(dk) volume 1340 folio 862;
(dl) volume 1345 folio 620;
(dm) volume 1347 folio 764;
(dn) volume 1352 folio 597;
(do) volume 1352 folio 598;
(dp) volume 1352 folio 684;
(dq) volume 1352 folio 685;
(dr) volume 1352 folio 688;
(ds) volume 1377 folio 446;
(dt) volume 1382 folio 600;
(du) volume 1402 folio 048;
(dv) volume 1505 folio 234;
(dw) volume 1650 folio 612;
(dx) volume 1670 folio 368;
(dy) volume 1670 folio 551;
(dz) volume 1670 folio 552;
(ea) volume 1674 folio 028;
(eb) volume 1726 folio 289;
(ec) volume 1726 folio 290;
(ed) volume 1726 folio 295;
(ee) volume 1726 folio 296;
(ef) volume 1726 folio 297;
(eg) volume 1726 folio 298;
(eh) volume 1756 folio 075;
(ei) volume 1756 folio 076;
(ej) volume 1809 folio 163;
(ek) volume 1852 folio 601;
(el) volume 1863 folio 794;
(em) volume 1863 folio 795;
(en) volume 1863 folio 796;
(eo) volume 1863 folio 797;
(ep) volume 1863 folio 798;
(eq) volume 1908 folio 407;
(er) volume 1947 folio 761;
(es) volume 1947 folio 762;
(et) volume 1947 folio 763;
(eu) volume 1947 folio 764;
(ev) volume 1977 folio 003;
(ew) volume 2018 folio 188;
(ex) volume 2069 folio 304;
(ey) volume 2099 folio 884 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.17-Tennant Creek Airport The land in the following Northern Territory
certificates of title:
(a) volume 541 folio 081;
(b) volume 441 folio 047 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given
in the Note at the end of this Schedule.]
Part 1.18-Townsville Airport The land in the following lots and registered
plans in the Queensland Land Titles Office:
(a) Lot 2 in RP 748023;
(b) Lot 21 in RP 748033;
(c) Lot 7 in RP 802404 [NOTE: A fuller description of the land is given in
the following Note.] [NOTE: The following are detailed descriptions of
the land in several of the airport sites. ALICE SPRINGS AIRPORT:
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
233 050 N.T Portion 3840 from plan LT090/001B
233 051 N.T Portion 3839 from plan LT090/001D
233 049 N.T Portion 3838 from plan LT090/001A
541 074 N.T Portion 1025 from plan S 80/149
541 077 N.T Portion 995 from plan S 80/149
541 076 N.T Portion 806 from plan S 80/149
501 124 N.T Portion 429 from plan S 80/149
502 043 N.T Portion 4437 from plan S 91/035
502 042 N.T Portion 4054 from plan S 91/034
166 046 N.T Portion 428 from plan S 80/149
166 048 N.T Portion 569 from plan S 80/149
405 041 N.T Portion 3884 from plan LT 090/005B
564 092 N.T Portion 4005 from plan S91/34 & 35B
562 167 N.T Portion 4004 from plan S91/34B & C
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
7127 63 Lot 5 on Registered Plan No. 179578, County
of Stanley, Parish of Yeerongpilly
6735 170 Lot 2 on Registered Plan 196230, County of
Stanley, Parish of Yeerongpilly
5700 48 Lot 1 on Registered Plan 148342, County of
Stanley, Parish of Yeerongpilly BRISBANE AIRPORT:
Title Reference Parish County Lot No. Plan
50146353 Toombul Stanley 4 838457
50146354 Toombul Stanley 5 838457
18740240 Toombul Stanley 1 844114
18740241 Toombul Stanley 2 844116
18174183 Toombul Stanley 1161 11534
50146351 Toombul Stanley 2 838457
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
1152 100 Blocks Nos. 587, 594, 595, 660 and 614,
District of Majura
1262 1 Block 3 section 28, Division of Pialligo,
District of Majura COOLANGATTA AIRPORT: Queensland:
Volume Folio
7457 085 Lot 1 RP 225692, County of Ward Parish of
8265 246 Lot 222 RP 839951, County of Ward, Parish of
8287 103 Lot 5 RP 839952, County of Ward, Parish of
Tallebudgera New South Wales: Folio identifier
2/535537 Lot 2 in Deposited Plan 535537, County of
Rous, Parish of Terranora
1/582467 Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 582467, County of
Rous, Parish of Terranora ESSENDON AIRPORT:
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
10044 411 Land in Plan of Consolidation 354871E
7027 267 Lot 96 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
7894 066 Part of Lot 102 on Plan of Subdivision
No. 10418
5587 373 Lot 103 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
4496 129 Lot 143 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
7156 028 Lot 117 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
6478 463 Lot 125 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
5456 082 Lot 126 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
5849 647 Lot 127 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
7874 006 Lot 128 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418.
Affected by Plan S-8018
7307 340 Lot 138 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
7874 007 Lot 149 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
8222 595 Part of lot 164 on Plan of Subdivision
No. 10418
6087 297 Lot 163 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
7027 266 Lot 162 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
7566 166 Lot One on Plan of Subdivision No. 21832
7364 788 Lot 157 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
7031 085 Lot 19 on Plan of Subdivision No. 1070
7841 078 Lot 3 on Plan of Subdivision No. 1070 and
Lots One to 7 (both inclusive) on Plan of
Subdivision No. 22777
5937 400 Part of lot 14 on Plan of Subdivision
No. 6170
4996 129 Lot 104 on Plan of Subdivision No. 10418
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
112358 1 Lot 1 on Plan 112358, City of Clarence
14486 2 Lot No. 2 on Plan No. P.14486, Parish of
Sorell, Land District of Pembroke
14486 1 Lot No. 1 on Plan No. P.14486, Parish of
Sorell, Land District of Pembroke JANDAKOT AIRPORT:
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
1629 281 Portion of Jandakot Agricultural Area Lot
1516 700 Firstly, the portion of Jandakot
Agricultural Area Lot 527 that is Lots 1, 2,
3, 4, 5 and part of Lots 6, 7 and 8 on
Diagram 27624, and secondly, the portion of
Jandakot Agricultural Area that is Lot 173
(limited to the natural surface to a depth
of 60.96 metres)
1778 742 Jandakot Agricultural Area Lot 588
1197 27 The portion of Jandakot Agricultural Area
Lot 527 that is Lot 1 on Diagram 19220
51 30A The portion of Jandakot Agricultural Area
Lot 527 that is Lot 10 on Diagram 33538
1878 302 Jandakot Agricultural Area Lots 126, 127,
161 to 165 (inclusive), 411, 438, 439, 400
and portion of Jandakot Agricultural Area
Lots 128, 129, 159, 160, 168 and 295 on Plan
7585. Lots 127, 159, 162 and 165 are limited
to a depth of 609.6 metres from the natural
surface; Lots 161 and 411 are limited to a
depth of 60.96 metres from the natural
surface; Lots 127,159, 161, 162 and 165 are
subject to mineral and other reservations
reserved in the Original Grants and
contained in certificate of title volume
1878 folio 301
1878 301 Firstly, Jandakot Agricultural Area Lots
127, 162, 165 and portion of Jandakot
Agricultural Area Lot 159, all below a depth
of 609.6 metres, and secondly, Jandakot
Agricultural Area Lot 161 below a depth of
60.96 metres, both being part of the land on
Plan 7585 and (thirdly) certain mineral and
other reservations in the Original Grant
from the natural surface to a depth of 609.6
metres, for the first area of land and
60.96 m for the second area of land
1878 303 Firstly, the portion of Jandakot
Agricultural Area Lot 527 comprised in Lot 9
on Diagram 29124 below a depth of 60.96
metres, and secondly, certain mineral and
other reservations reserved in the Original
Grant to a depth of 60.96 metres from the
natural surface
1878 304 Jandakot Agricultural Area Lot 444 and
portion of Jandakot Agricultural Area Lot
527 together being Lot 9 on Diagram 29124.
Lot 527 is limited to a depth of 60.96
metres from natural surface and is subject
to mineral and other reservations which are
reserved in the Original Grant and contained
in volume 1878 folio 303 LAUNCESTON AIRPORT:
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
128763 1 Lot 1 on Plan 128763, Parish of Breadalbane,
Land District of Cornwall
31731 1 Lot 1 on Diagram 31731, Parish of
Breadalbane, Land District of Cornwall
80983 1 Lot 1 on Diagram 80983, Parish of
Breadalbane, Land District of Cornwall
80983 3 Lot 3 on Diagram 80983, Parish of
Breadalbane, Land District of Cornwall
80983 4 Lot 4 on Diagram 80983, Parish of
Breadalbane, Land District of Cornwall
225834 1 Lot 1 on Plan 225834, Parish of Breadalbane,
Parish County Volume Folio Plan Reference
Tullamarine Bourke 8841 691 Lot 2 Subdivision No. 51894
Bulla Bulla Bourke 8504 716 Section 1
Bulla Bulla Bourke 9067 671 Section 1 and Portion 2
Bulla Bulla;
Tullamarine 8390 476
Tullamarine Bourke 6726 1345179 Section 13
Tullamarine Bourke 7300 459954 Section 6-Ref. No. 13
Tullamarine Bourke 7344 1468688 Part of Crown Allotment B
Section 13
Tullamarine Bourke 7617 046 Portion 3-Ref. No. 15
Tullamarine Bourke 8044 649 Section 6
Tullamarine 8296 766 Lot 9 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine 8413 481 Lot 8 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine 8466 277 Portion 15
Tullamarine 8511 436 Section 6
Tullamarine 8527 519 Lot 2 Subdivision No. 35600
Tullamarine 8528 830 Lot 10 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 8592 937 Lot 14 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 8657 662 Lot 7 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 8692 815 Lot 13 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 8708 041 Lot 11 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 8738 114 Section 6-Ref. No. 8
Tullamarine Bourke 8792 799 Lot 5 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 8827 437 Section 6-Ref. No. 10
Tullamarine Bourke 8869 263 Part of Crown Portion 15
Tullamarine Bourke 8869 264 Part of Crown Portion 15
Tullamarine Bourke 8885 503 Lot 1 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 8936 136 Lot 4 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 8959 783 Section 6-Ref. No. 9
Tullamarine Bourke 8986 384 Lot 15 Subdivision No. 51894
Tullamarine Bourke 9302 900 Section 13
Tullamarine Bourke 9302 901 Section 13
Tullamarine 9768 745 Section 9
Tullamarine 9815 130 Lot 3 Subdivision No. 51894
Will Will
Rook Bourke 8677 659 Portion 7-Ref. No. 4
8554 346 Lot 6 Subdivision No. 51894
10327 685
10327 686
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
7772 134 Part of Crown Allotment Three Section
Eighteen, Parish of Mordialloc County of
8824 220 Part of Lots 3 and 4 on Plan of Subdivision
No. 4963 Parish of Mordialloc County of
8814 943 Part of Crown Allotment 3 Section 18 Parish
of Mordialloc, County of Bourke
10239 842 Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision 315829K
Lot No Plan No. Title Reference
9 Crown Plan
RD 48 20504205
14 RP 720448 20677156
1 RP 724915 20941083
3 RP 724915 21125171
28 RP 734222 21086099
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
5270 223 Allotment 1 in Filed Plan 9861 in the area
named Parafield, Hundred of Yatala
5207 885 Allotments 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 15, 16 and 17
in Filed Plan 114106 in the area named
Parafield, Hundred of Yatala PERTH AIRPORT:
Certificate of Title Land Description
Volume Folio
7 196A Lot 396 the subject of Diagram 2597
14 389A Lots 5 and 6 on Diagram 28474
25 186A Part of the land on Plan 7067
100 86A Lots 359 and 360 on Plan 2555
152 50A Part of Lot 847 on Plan 3709
264 141A Portion of Swan Location 1349
266 24A Portion of Swan Location 1120
266 25A Part of Lot 3 on Diagram 15044
293 170A Swan Location 8499
367 79A Lot 1 on Diagram 39005
367 80A Lots 2 and 3 on Diagram 39005
443 174A Part of Lot 481 on Plan 4683 and part of the
land on Plan 7494 (Sheet 4)
612 26A Part of Lot 548 on Diagram 5986
703 97 Lot 812 on Plan 3709
777 171 Lot 848 on Plan 3709
778 115 Lot 808 on Plan 3709
830 168 Lots 871 and 872 on Plan 3709
857 195 Lots 865 and 866 on Plan 3709
901 193 Lot 869 on Plan 3709
1006 726 Lot 425 on Plan 4683
1020 97 Part of the land on Diagram 837
1020 98 Part of the land on Diagram 837
1026 483 Part of Lot 392 on Diagram 1886
1054 157 Lot 471 on Plan 4683
1055 666 Lot 459 on Plan 4683
1055 862 Lot 818 on Plan 3709
1064 240 Lot 827 on Plan 3709
1064 640 Lots 867 and 868 on Plan 3709
1065 503 Lot 873 on Plan 3709
1065 691 Lot 864 on Plan 3709
1067 82 Lot 354 on Plan 2555
1079 432 Lot 849 on Plan 3709
1080 256 Lot 426 on Plan 4683
1085 38 Lot 357 on Plan 2555
1085 39 Lot 358 on Plan 2555
1085 44 Lot 823 on Plan 3709
1088 337 Lots 1 and 2 the subject of Diagram 12661
1092 980 Lot 857 on Plan 3709
1095 478 Lot 423 on Plan 4683
1100 137 Lot 870 on Plan 3709
1100 320 Lot 462 on Plan 4683
1100 321 Lots 427 and 428 on Plan 4683
1100 896 Lot 831 on Plan 3709
1103 560 Lot 837 on Plan 3709
1106 312 Lot 822 on Plan 3709
1108 178 Lots 457 and 458 on Plan 4683
1108 384 Lots 420 & 421 and part of Lot 422 on Plan
1111 584 Lot 855 on Plan 3709
1122 830 Lot 809 on Plan 3709
1128 145 Lot 830 on Plan 3709
1132 364 Lot 430 on Plan 4683
1141 715 Lot 836 on Plan 3709
1142 491 Lot 1 on Diagram 15412
1142 492 Lot 2 on Diagram 15412
1147 912 Part of Lot 854 on Plan 3709
1148 487 Lot 1 on Diagram 16915
1148 1000 Lot 2 the subject of Diagram 16084
1152 457 Lot 2 on Diagram 16373
1152 458 Lot 1 on Diagram 16373
1165 978 Part of Lot 461 on Plan 4683
1167 467 Part of Lot 461 on Plan 4683
1173 213 Lot 1 on Diagram 18841
1180 425 Lot 2 on Diagram 18841
1190 991 Lot 850 on Plan 3709
1190 992 Lot 835 on Plan 3709
1190 993 Lots 834 and 851 on Plan 3709
1194 385 Part of Lot 807 on Plan 3709
1201 712 Lot 1 on Diagram 21681
1233 849 Lot 2 the subject of Diagram 25203
1234 840 Lots 874 and 875 on Plan 3709
1244 89 Part of Lot 391 on Diagram 1816
1244 973 Part of Lot 479 on Plan 4683
1244 977 Lot 470 and part of Lot 478 on Plan 4683
1245 581 Swan Location 6246
1251 16 Swan Location 164 and portion of Swan
Location 710
1255 852 Lot 817 on Plan 3709
1257 423 Part of the land on Plan 7494
1260 289 Lots 431, 455 and Part of Lot 454 on Plan
1260 721 Lots 815 and 816 on Plan 3709
1261 970 Part of Lot 876 on Plan 3709
1263 154 Lot 3 the subject of Diagram 26774
1264 327 Lot 833 on Plan 3709
1264 328 Lot 852 on Plan 3709
1266 026 Lot 821 on Plan 3709
1267 111 Lot 820 on Plan 3709
1268 106 Lot 856 on Plan 3709
1268 699 Lot 472 on Plan 4683
1268 958 Lot 829 on Plan 3709
1269 827 Lot 475 on Plan 4683
1272 229 Lot 828 on Plan 3709
1275 305 Lot 1 on Diagram 24060
1276 838 Part of Lot 806 on Plan 3709
1277 977 Lots 476 and 477 on Plan 4683
1278 093 Lot 7 on Diagram 28474
1278 718 Lot 2 on Diagram 24060
1281 141 Lot 3 on Diagram 28474
1281 798 Part of Lot 824 on Plan 3709
1282 146 Lot 2 on Diagram 29866
1282 147 Part of Lot 386 on Plan 2284
1283 103 Lot 819 on Plan 3709
1283 433 Lot 8 on Diagram 28474
1287 240 Lot 1 on Diagram 29201
1287 241 Part of Lot 385 on Plan 2284
1289 174 Lot 4 on Diagram 28474
1299 668 Lot 9 on Diagram 28474
1301 313 Lot 464 and part of Lot 465 on Plan 4683
1324 169 Lot 813 on Plan 3709
1324 170 Lot 814 on Plan 3709
1324 453 Lot 832 on Plan 3709
1324 454 Lot 853 on Plan 3709
1337 662 Lots 861 and 862 on Plan 3709 (Sheet 2)
1337 663 Lot 863 on Plan 3709
1338 816 Portion of Swan Location 1307
1340 298 Portion of Swan Location 1403
1340 862 Lot 1 on Diagram 34174
1345 620 Part of the land on Plan 7493 (Sheet 1)
1347 764 Part of each of Lots 467, 468 and 469 on Plan
4683 (Sheet 3)
1352 597 Lot 3 on Diagram 39761
1352 598 Lot 4 on Diagram 39761
1352 684 Swan Locations 8681 and 8795
1352 685 Swan Location 8794
1352 688 Part of Lot 2 on Diagram 34174
1377 446 Lot 394 on Diagram 2004
1382 600 Portion of Swan Location 1380
1402 048 Part of the land on Diagram 14463
1505 234 Part of Lot 382 on Plan 2283 (Sheet 2)
1650 612 Swan Location 10570
1670 368 Lot 858 and part of Lot 826 on Plan 3709
1670 551 Swan Location 10487
1670 552 Swan Location 10488
1674 028 Part of the land on Diagram 39005
1726 289 Lot 1 the subject of Diagram 63971
1726 290 Lot 501 the subject of Diagram 63972
1726 295 Part of Lot 387 on Plan 2284
1726 296 Part of Lot 389 on Plan 2284 (Sheet 1)
1726 297 Part of Lot 35 on Plan 2799 (Sheet 2)
1726 298 Portion of each of Swan Locations 28, 29, 30,
31, 32 and 33 and being part of each of Lots
1 and 2 and part of Plan 7512
1756 075 Part of the land on Plan 7068 (Sheet 5) and
part of Lot 384 on Plan 2284 (Sheet 1)
1756 076 Part of Lot 384 on Plan 2284 (Sheet 1)
1809 163 Part of Lot 2 on Diagram 26391
1852 601 Swan Locations 687, 783, 3346 and 4886 and
portion of each of Swan Locations 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 29, 30, 773 and 2803
1863 794 Lots 355 and 356 on Plan 2555
1863 795 Lot 364 on Plan 2555
1863 796 Part of Lot 353 on Plan 2555
1863 797 Lot 352 and part of Lot 353 on Plan 2555
1863 798 Lots 429 and 456 on Plan 4683 (Sheet 2)
1908 407 Lot 474 on Plan 4683 (Sheet 3)
1947 761 Lot 395 the subject of Diagram 2005
1947 762 Lots 859 and 860 on Plan 3709 (Sheet 2)
1947 763 Lot 473 on Plan 4683 (Sheet 3)
1947 764 Part of Lot 3 on Diagram 34174
1977 003 Swan Location 11872
2018 188 Lot 400 the subject of Diagram 69211
2069 304 Part of Lot 1 on Plan 7481
2099 884 Part of Section A on Plan 204
Folio Identifier Description
Volume Folio
541 081 Lot 998 Town of Tennant Creek from plan B
441 047 Lot 1281 of Tennant Creek from plan S 79/055
Lot No Plan No.
Lot 2 RP 748023 Volume N1445 Folio 8, County of Elphinstone
Parish of Coonambelah
Lot 21 RP 748033 County of Elphinstone Parish of Coonambelah
Lot 7 RP 802404 County of Elphinstone Parish of Coonambelah
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