(1) T he following obligations and orders may be enforced under this Part :
(a) an obligation to pay money;
(b) an obligation to sign a document under section 106A of the Family Law Act (see Division 11.1.7);
(c) an order entitling a person to the possession of real property (see Division 11.1.7);
(d) an order entitling a person to the transfer or delivery of personal property (see Division 11.1.7).
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), an obligation to pay money includes the following:
(a) a provision requiring a payer to pay money under:
(i) an order made under the Family Law Act, the Assessment Act or the Registration Act; or
(ii) a registered parenting plan; or
(iii) an award made in arbitration and registered under section 13H of the Family Law Act; or
(iv) a maintenance agreement registered under subsection 86(1) of the Family Law Act; or
(v) a maintenance agreement approved under section 87 of the Family Law Act; or
(vi) a financial agreement or termination agreement under Part VIIIA of the Family Law Act; or
(vii) a financial agreement under Part VIIIAB of the Family Law Act or a termination agreement under Part VIIIAB of the Family Law Act; or
(viii) an agreement varying or revoking an original agreement dealing with the maintenance of a child under section 66SA of the Family Law Act; or
(ix) an overseas maintenance order or agreement that, under the Family Law Regulations, is enforceable in Australia;
(b) a liability to pay arrears accrued under an order or agreement;
(c) a debt due to the Commonwealth under section 30 or 67 of the Registration Act;
(d) a child support liability;
(e) a fine or the forfeiture of a bond;
(f) costs, including the costs of enforcement.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), an obligation to pay money does not include an obligation arising out of costs for work done for a fresh application payable by a person to the person's lawyer.
Note: For fresh application , see section 1.05. For enforcement of lawyer-client costs for a fresh application, see the State or Territory legislation governing the legal profession in the State or Territory where the lawyer practises.
(4) This Part applies to an agreement referred to in paragraph (2)(a) as if it were an order of the court in which it is registered or taken to be registered.