(1) In considering an application under subrule 11.48(1), the court must have regard to:
(a) the amount of the debt; and
(b) the amount likely to be obtained by the receiver; and
(c) the probable costs of appointing and paying a receiver.
(2) When appointing a receiver, the court must make orders about:
(a) the receiver's remuneration (if any); and
(b) the security (if any) to be given by the receiver; and
(c) the powers of the receiver; and
(d) the parties to whom, and the intervals or dates at which, the receiver is to submit accounts.
(3) The cou rt may authorise a receiver to do (in the receiver's name or otherwise) anything the payer may do.
(4) The receiver's powers operate to the exclusion of a payer's powers during the receivership.
(5) The court may, on application by an interested person, make procedural orders about the powers of the receiver.
Note: For rules relating to the enforcement of obligations other than an obligation to pay money, see Division 11.1.7.