Federal Court (Corporations) Rules 2000
1 Subrule 11.3(4)
Repeal the subrule, substitute:
(4) If the originating process or interlocutory process, and supporting affidavit, are lodged with a Registry for filing (other than by being sent to the Registry by electronic communication), the originating pr ocess or interlocutory process, and the supporting affidavit, must be filed in a sealed envelope marked, as appropriate:
(a) "Application and supporting affidavit for issue of summons for examination under section 596A of the Corporations Act 2001 "; or
(b) "Application and supporting affidavit for issue of summons for examination under section 596B of the Corporations Act 2001 ".
(4A) If the originating process or interlocutory process, and supporting affidavit, are sent by electronic communication to a Registry for filing, the originating process or interlocutory process, and supporting affidavit:
(a) must be marked "Confidential"; and
(b) must be accompanied by a statement that the originating process or interlocutory process, and supporting affidavit, are, as appropriate:
(i) "Application and supporting affidavit for issue of summons for examination under section 596A of the Corporations Act 2001 "; or
(ii) "Application and supporting affidavit for issue of summons for examination under section 596B of the Corporations Act 2001 ".