(1) The form of an oath for a potential juror is:
"I swear ( or the person taking the oath may promise ) by Almighty God ( or the person may name a god recognised by his or her religion ) that I shall give a true verdict according to the evidence.".
(2) The form of an affirmation for a potential juror is:
"I solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I shall give a true verdict according to the evidence.".
(3) The form of an oath for a person appointed as a jury officer or assistant jury officer is:
"I swear ( or the person taking the oath may promise ) by Almighty God ( or the person may name a god recognised by his or her religion ) that I shall not allow anyone to speak to any juror concerning issues before the Court and that I shall not speak to any juror concerning issues in the trial before the Court.".
(4) The form of an affirmation for a person appointed as a jury officer or assistant jury officer is:
"I solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I shall not allow anyone to speak to any juror concerning issues before the Court and that I shall not speak to any juror concerning issues in the trial before the Court.".