Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997
1 Part 2 of Schedule 1AB (at the end of the table)
2 |
Mersey Community Hospital |
To provide funding to Tasmania for the continued operation of the Mersey Community Hospital. |
2 Part 3 of Schedule 1AB (note)
Repeal the note, substitute:
Grants |
Item |
Name |
Purpose |
1 |
Grant to Hobart International Airport Pty Limited |
To contribute towards meeting the costs of a runway extension and associated capital works at Hobart International Airport. |
2 |
Rural and Regional General Practice Teaching Infrastructure Grant |
To establish and fund a scheme for the provision, to general practices in rural and regional Australia, of additional consultation space for teaching and training to provide: (a) benefits to students; and (b) support incidental to the Commonwealth's provision of sickness and hospital benefits and medical services. |
3 |
National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health |
To establish and fund a National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health to undertake nationally significant research and collaboration with research partnership nodes as activities that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried out for the benefit of the nation. |
3 Part 4 of Schedule 1AB (at the end of the table)
13 |
Manufacturing Industry Support |
To provide support to manufacturing. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support to: (a) corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies; or (b) manufacturing in connection with interstate or overseas trade and commerce; or (c) manufacturing in connection with the Territories. |
14 |
Fund for Industry Skills |
To support industry diversification and competitiveness by providing, or funding, training and training support services. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support for: (a) the formal or accredited training of workers; or (b) corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies; or (c) the fostering or promotion of interstate or overseas trade and commerce; or (d) business enterprises or workers in the Territories; or (e) online training and support services. |
15 |
Entrepreneurs' Infrastructure Programme |
To drive business competitiveness by providing, or funding, support for business improvement and the commercialisation of new ideas. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing, or funding, support for: (a) the fostering or promotion of interstate or overseas trade and commerce; or (b) businesses involved in interstate or overseas trade and commerce; or (c) corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies; or (d) business enterprises or workers in the Territories; or (e) online support services, advice and information. |
16 |
Growth Fund--Skills and Training Programme |
To address the impact of the decline of the automotive manufacturing sector by providing, or arranging for: (a) formal or accredited education and training for automotive workers to facilitate their transition to other work; and (b) services to assist unemployed former automotive workers to continue with their training to gain employment. |
17 |
Automotive Diversification Programme |
To assist Australian automotive supply chain companies to diversify their businesses out of the domestic automotive manufacturing sector by providing funding to: (a) corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies; and (b) entities involved in interstate or overseas trade and commerce. |
18 |
Growth Fund--Next Generation Manufacturing Investment Programme |
To provide financial assistance to Australian trading corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies involved in manufacturing to promote the growth of the non-automotive manufacturing sector. |
19 |
Regional Infrastructure Programme |
To fund suitable applicants in undertaking projects or activities to support and develop infrastructure, stimulate new business activity and enhance economic development. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding or support for: (a) the fostering or promotion of interstate or overseas trade and commerce; or (b) businesses involved in interstate or overseas trade and commerce; or (c) corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies. |
20 |
Matthew Flinders' Chart |
To do the following for the benefit of the nation: (a) borrow, from the Government of the United Kingdom, the original chart of Australia completed by Captain Matthew Flinders in 1804 following his 1801-03 circumnavigation of the continent; (b) exhibit the chart in the Australian Capital Territory. |
21 |
National Insurance Affordability Initiative |
To establish and maintain a website which would compare features of, and premiums for, certain strata and home building and contents insurance products. |
22 |
Green Army Programme |
To provide support for activities for the protection and conservation of heritage and the environment. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support for activities: (a) to give effect to Australia's international obligations under one or more of the following: (i) the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; (ii) the Convention on Biological Diversity; (iii) the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat; (iv) the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals; (v) the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage; or (b) to provide training and other benefits to students or the unemployed; or (c) to benefit Indigenous Australians; or (d) that are carried out in a Territory. |
23 |
Community Heritage and Icons Grants |
To provide support for activities to conserve, develop and interpret cultural heritage. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support for activities: (a) to give effect to Australia's international obligations under the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage; or (b) that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (c) that are carried out in a Territory, in a Commonwealth place, or outside Australia; or (d) that are carried out by a trading corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies. |
24 |
Orangutan Reintroduction Project |
To support the protection and rehabilitation of orangutans in Indonesia. |
25 |
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility |
To support the development of climate change adaptation policy and risk analysis for the purpose of giving effect to Australia's international obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, including by: (a) assisting local governments to develop a climate change risk management framework; and (b) synthesising and communicating climate change research across key sectors; and (c) coordinating research networks that link researchers with decision-makers managing climate change risk. |
26 |
Solar Towns Programme |
To provide support for community groups to install solar photovoltaic and solar hot water equipment at their facilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to give effect to Australia's international obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. |
27 |
Rural Research and Development for Profit |
To provide support for research and development activities for Australian rural industries: (a) to increase productivity and enhance profitability in order to meet national and global needs; and (b) to the extent that the activities are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried out for the benefit of the nation. |
28 |
Financial Rebate for Small Exporters |
To provide support for small exporters engaging in overseas trade and commerce by: (a) assisting with their regulatory costs by refunding or remitting export registration charges; and (b) funding projects aimed at improving market access for small exporters. |
29 |
Review of Invasive Marine Pests |
To fund the implementation of improved national maritime biosecurity arrangements, including marine biosecurity measures with respect to: (a) international or interstate trade and commerce; and (b) quarantine. |
30 |
A Competitive and Sustainable Fisheries Sector |
To provide support for national recreational and commercial fishing peak bodies for the development and promotion of sustainable fishing practices by giving effect to Australia's international obligations for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. |
31 |
Early Language Learning Australia Trial |
To deliver, through the use of online communication services, foreign language education to preschool students. |
32 |
Student Prizes Programme |
To benefit students by providing prizes to students for excellence in academic and vocational education. |
33 |
Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Programme |
To provide benefits to certain Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance and Parenting Payment recipients, in the form of payments of financial assistance to enable them to relocate to other areas of Australia to take up employment. |
34 |
Work for the Dole |
To support the Job Services Australia program through: (a) providing benefits to unemployed persons by giving them the skills and attributes to meet the needs of prospective employers (including in circumstances where training in, or acquisition of, such skills and attributes is a condition of their receipt of payments under the Social Security Act 1991 ); and (b) providing technical and vocational guidance and training programs to enable persons to realise the right to work; and (c) promoting full productive and freely chosen employment; and (d) providing a free public employment service. |
35 |
Indigenous Advancement--Jobs, Land and Economy |
1. The funding and provision of activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services that promote jobs and economic opportunities for Indigenous persons, families, entities and communities or assist them to gain rights and interests in, or derive economic or social benefits from the use of land and sea, including by: (a) promoting economic and social participation, fostering entrepreneurship and supporting economic, community and business development and opportunities; or (b) providing training, employment and employment-related opportunities and support; or (c) promoting the development of workforce skills and career pathways; or (d) promoting access to vocational and higher education and training; or (e) supporting entities which engage or assist jobseekers and people preparing to enter the labour market; or (f) promoting and supporting land and sea use, development, protection and management; or (g) supporting the pursuit and exercise of native title rights; or (h) supporting access for Indigenous persons, families, entities and communities to affordable, safe and sustainable accommodation, housing and housing amenity. 2. The funding and provision of activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services for remote Australia to do one or more of the following: (a) create and sustain jobs and employment; (b) support employer engagement and community and economic development; (c) create sustainable communities and support sustainable social and economic participation; (d) facilitate transition to work and provide work experience and participation opportunities; (e) assist with the development of skills and improve work readiness, employability and the capacity of persons to participate in the economy; where the activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services: (f) are the provision of, or incidental to the provision of, unemployment benefits (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution); or (g) are the provision of, or incidental to the provision of, benefits to students (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution); or (h) are the provision of such activities, assistance, infrastructure, research or services in a Territory; or (i) are provided by way of grants of financial assistance to States and Territories; or (j) are provided to a trading, financial or foreign corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies in relation to the existing activities of the corporation; or (k) would assist Australia to meet its international obligations, including its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (particularly paragraph 1 of article 28 of the Convention); or (l) are done in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth; or (m) are otherwise for the benefit of the nation. |
36 |
Indigenous Advancement--Children and Schooling |
1. The funding and provision of activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services that assist in one or more of the following: (a) giving Indigenous persons a good start in life; (b) improving schooling and school attendance for Indigenous persons; (c) providing better access to developmental and educational opportunities for Indigenous persons; including by: (d) assisting with pre and post natal education and support, access to childcare and educational resources and other support for Indigenous children and their families, carers and communities; or (e) promoting positive development, school attendance, engagement, literacy and numeracy and educational attainment for Indigenous persons; or (f) assisting with the transition to work or vocational or higher education for Indigenous persons; or (g) supporting access to education, including vocational or higher education and to improved quality of education, educational opportunities and resources for Indigenous persons. 2. The funding and provision of activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services in remote Australia to do one or more of the following: (a) promote positive development; (b) improve schooling and school attendance, engagement, literacy and numeracy and educational attainment for children and youth; (c) assist children and youth with their transition to work or vocational or higher education; where the activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services: (d) are the provision of, or incidental to the provision of, unemployment benefits (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution); or (e) are the provision of, or incidental to the provision of, benefits to students (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution); or (f) are the provision of such activities, assistance, infrastructure, research or services in a Territory; or (g) are provided by way of grants of financial assistance to States and Territories; or (h) are provided to a trading, financial or foreign corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies in relation to the existing activities of the corporation; or (i) would assist Australia to meet its international obligations, including its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (particularly paragraph 1 of article 28 of the Convention); or (j) are done in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth; or (k) are otherwise for the benefit of the nation. |
37 |
Indigenous Advancement--Safety and Wellbeing |
The funding and provision of activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services that promote the safety and wellbeing of Indigenous persons, families and communities, including by: (a) promoting physical, mental, social or emotional wellbeing, good nutrition, food security and health and safety; or (b) reducing crime and providing support and access to legal services and justice; or (c) addressing violence and substance abuse; or (d) promoting social inclusion and engagement, including through sporting, recreational and community opportunities; or (e) developing and providing access to information and support and community services. |
38 |
Indigenous Advancement--Culture and Capability |
The funding and provision of activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services to do one or more of the following: (a) assist Indigenous persons to develop and promote their culture and raise cultural awareness; (b) assist in developing the capabilities of Indigenous persons, families, entities and communities; including by: (c) promoting Indigenous leadership, governance, mentoring, engagement, representation, reconciliation and resilience; or (d) assisting Indigenous persons to gain recognition as first Australians and to develop, communicate, protect and promote awareness of their heritage, culture, language, expression and knowledge; or (e) providing access to, and supporting and enhancing, broadcasting and communication services for Indigenous persons, communities and entities; or (f) promoting respect and recognition for Indigenous persons; or (g) building the capabilities of Indigenous persons, families, communities and entities to participate in the economy and engage and communicate with broader society. |
39 |
Indigenous Advancement--Remote Australia Strategies |
1. The funding and provision of activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services that address social and economic disadvantage for Indigenous persons, families and communities, particularly in remote Australia, including: (a) investment and improvements in housing and infrastructure and municipal and community services; or (b) place based service delivery initiatives. 2. The funding and provision of activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services that address social and economic disadvantage in remote Australia, including by: (a) creating and sustaining jobs and employment; or (b) supporting employer engagement and community and economic development; or (c) creating sustainable communities and supporting social and economic participation; or (d) facilitating transition to work and providing work experience and participation opportunities; or (e) assisting with the development of skills and improving work readiness, employability and the capacity of persons to participate in the economy; or (f) encouraging and improving school enrolment and regular school attendance; or (g) addressing the need for investment in housing and infrastructure and the provision of municipal and community services; or (h) delivering place based service delivery initiatives; where the activities, assistance, infrastructure, research and services: (i) are the provision of, or incidental to the provision of, unemployment benefits (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution); or (j) are the provision of, or incidental to the provision of, benefits to students (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution); or (k) are the provision of such activities, assistance, infrastructure, research or services in a Territory; or (l) are provided by way of grants of financial assistance to States and Territories; or (m) are provided to a trading, financial or foreign corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies in relation to the existing activities of the corporation; or (n) would assist Australia to meet its international obligations, including its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (particularly paragraph 1 of article 28 of the Convention); or (o) are done in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth; or (p) are otherwise for the benefit of the nation. |
40 |
Families and Children |
To do the following: (a) support families to improve the wellbeing of children and young people; (b) enhance family and community functioning; (c) increase the participation of vulnerable people in community life; including by providing funding as follows: (d) to family law services that provide alternatives to formal legal processes for families who are separated, separating or in dispute to improve their relationships and make arrangements in the best interests of their children; (e) to family and relationship services to strengthen family relationships, prevent family breakdown and ensure the wellbeing and safety of children through the provision of broad-based counselling and education to families of different forms and sizes; (f) to develop and facilitate whole-of-community approaches to support and enhance early childhood development and wellbeing for children from birth to 12 years; (g) to provide early intervention and prevention services and resources that are aimed at improving the development and wellbeing of children aged from birth to 12 years and to support the capacity of those in parenting roles; (h) for community-based interventions for vulnerable young people who are at risk of disengaging with family and community, including those at risk of homelessness; (i) for specialist adult support services to improve outcomes and enhance wellbeing for people adversely affected by past institutional and child-welfare practices and policies. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding or support: (a) by providing medical services, family and maternity allowances, child endowment, unemployment and sickness benefits and benefits to students; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to children, in particular those under the Convention on the Rights of the Child; or (c) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; or (d) in a Territory; or (e) by providing assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (f) in relation to aliens or immigrants; or (g) in relation to marriage; or (h) in relation to divorce; or (i) in connection with divorce--in relation to parental rights or the custody or guardianship of infants; or (j) to assist persons who are insolvent or bankrupt to manage their insolvency or bankruptcy; or (k) by providing grants of financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (l) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (m) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
41 |
Transition to Independent Living Allowance |
To support eligible young people exiting out-of-home care to meet some of the costs of moving from care to independent living and promote long-term economic and social stability by providing one or more of the following: (a) funding for goods and services: (i) necessary to support the transition to independence in line with the goals outlined in a transition to independence plan (under which the exact use of payments is agreed upon by the young person concerned and his or her case worker); and (ii) which may include funding for costs associated with securing stable accommodation or the purchase of essential household items; (b) support to access education, training or transport. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support: (a) by providing family allowances, child endowment, unemployment benefits and benefits to students; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to children, in particular those under the Convention on the Rights of the Child; or (c) in a Territory; or (d) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation. |
42 |
Settlement Services |
To provide settlement support for humanitarian entrants and other eligible migrants in their first 5 years of life in Australia to become self-reliant and participate equitably in Australian society and to minimise longer-term reliance on Commonwealth provided social services by providing funding for the following: (a) humanitarian settlement services that deliver early practical support (during the 6 to 12 months following arrival) to enable humanitarian entrants to become self-reliant and participate equitably in Australian society; (b) settlement services activities that deliver services to humanitarian entrants and other migrants in their first 5 year in Australia; (c) support services to enable persons with complex needs to become self-reliant and to participate equitably in Australian society; (d) peak bodies involved in the settlement of persons who arrive in Australia; (e) pre-arrival orientation and information services to persons who have been granted humanitarian visas; (f) free interpreting services for persons settling in Australia; (g) the translation of settlement-related documents; (h) to: (i) set and maintain national standards for translating and interpreting; and (ii) support the ongoing development of credentialed translators and interpreters; (i) to support Australian residents not fluent in English to access mainstream services; (j) research and stakeholder engagement, including funding for national peak bodies and other stakeholder organisations. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support: (a) by engaging in measures in relation to aliens or immigrants; or (b) by providing unemployment benefits and benefits to students; or (c) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation. |
43 |
Financial Wellbeing and Capability |
To: (a) improve the financial knowledge, skills and capabilities and financial resilience of vulnerable individuals and families; and (b) in relation to problem gambling: (i) alleviate the immediate impact of financial stress; and (ii) progress initiatives and assist those at risk of homelessness; by providing funding for the following: (c) crisis support, financial capability-building services, financial counselling and access to microfinance products; (d) research and consultation, engagement activities and expert advice to inform the Commonwealth on issues relating to problem gambling. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing finding: (a) by providing unemployment benefits; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to children, in particular those under the Convention on the Rights of the Child; or (c) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; or (d) in a Territory; or (e) by providing assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (f) in relation to aliens or immigrants; or (g) to assist persons who are insolvent or bankrupt to manage their insolvency or bankruptcy; or (h) by providing grants of financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (i) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (j) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
44 |
Civil Society |
To do the following: (a) support charities and non-government and not-for-profit organisations through education, training and fostering innovation to continue to focus on their work in the community; (b) foster a culture of philanthropic giving, cross-sector partnering, volunteering and corporate social responsibility; (c) help build a strong civil society. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding or support: (a) by providing grants of financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (b) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (c) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
45 |
Families and Communities Service Improvement |
To support and encourage the continuous improvement of Commonwealth-funded social services, by providing funding as follows: (a) to support peak community organisations; (b) for sponsorship activities, informed research and innovation, policy development, information sharing, new pilots and trials of service models and evaluations. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding: (a) by providing medical services, family and maternity allowances, child endowment, unemployment and sickness benefits and benefits to students, and by engaging in measures incidental to their provision; or (b) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (c) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
46 |
Strengthening Communities |
To strengthen communities and promote inclusion and participation in community life by providing funding for the following: (a) research and stakeholder engagement; (b) national peak bodies and other stakeholder organisations; (c) assisting seniors to increase their access to information and community resources; (d) multicultural affairs activities, which include grants aimed at building socially cohesive Australian communities by supporting projects that build the long-term capacities of higher need and at-risk communities, including through the promotion of stronger community relations and the development of sustainable community partnerships; (e) building socially inclusive communities to empower local communities to embrace the benefits of multiculturalism and maintain cohesive and socially inclusive neighbourhoods; (f) language translation services; (g) for organisations to develop solutions and deliver responsive and integrated services that meet local community needs. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding: (a) by providing medical services, family and maternity allowances, child endowment, unemployment and sickness benefits and benefits to students; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to children, in particular those under the Convention on the Rights of the Child; or (c) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; or (d) in a Territory; or (e) by providing assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (f) in relation to aliens or immigrants; or (g) in relation to marriage; or (h) in relation to divorce; or (i) in connection with divorce--in relation to parental rights or the custody or guardianship of infants; or (j) to assist persons who are insolvent or bankrupt to manage their insolvency or bankruptcy; or (k) by providing grants of financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (l) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (m) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
47 |
National Initiatives |
To achieve positive outcomes for families, women and children by working across sectors to: (a) improve the safety and wellbeing of children; and (b) advance gender equality; and (c) reduce violence against women and children; and (d) support women affected by violence; and (e) support trafficked people; and (f) provide communication and information designed to change violence-supportive attitudes and effectively reduce the incidence and impact of violence in Australia; and (g) reducing child abuse and neglect; and (h) support research and stakeholder organisations to assist in making the protection of children everyone's responsibility. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding or support: (a) by providing medical services, family and maternity allowances, child endowment, unemployment and sickness benefits and benefits to students; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to women, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; or (c) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to children, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child; or (d) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; or (e) by engaging in measures with respect to postal, telegraphic, telephonic, and other like services; or (f) in a Territory; or (g) by providing assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (h) in relation to aliens or immigrants; or (i) in relation to marriage; or (j) in relation to divorce; or (k) in connection with divorce--in relation to parental rights or the custody or guardianship of infants; or (l) by providing grants of financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (m) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (n) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
48 |
Housing and Homelessness Service Improvement and Sector Support |
To fund: (a) homelessness prevention initiatives to reduce the impact of homelessness; and (b) activities that improve housing affordability; and (c) research and activities of peak bodies to do one or more of the following: (i) build the research base for effective policy that addresses homelessness and housing affordability over the long term; (ii) identify best practice models that can be promoted and replicated and that will enhance existing housing and homelessness policies and programs; (iii) build the capacity of the community sector to improve linkages and networks; (iv) raise awareness of housing, housing affordability and homelessness issues at all levels of government and across the community. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding: (a) by providing medical services, family and maternity allowances, child endowment, unemployment and sickness benefits and benefits to students, and by engaging in measures incidental to the provision of those matters; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, particularly article 11; or (c) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (d) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
49 |
Disability Employment |
To help individuals with an injury, disability or health condition to secure and maintain sustainable open employment by: (a) providing medical and dental services and unemployment, pharmaceutical, hospital and sickness benefits; and (b) engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. |
50 |
Employment Assistance and Other Services |
To support employers to employ people with disabilities. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support: (a) by providing medical and dental services and unemployment, pharmaceutical, hospital and sickness benefits; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. |
51 |
Disability and Carer Support |
To improve access, support and services for people with disabilities and their carers as follows: (a) by providing and improving access to services and support through stakeholder engagement and sector development; (b) by providing services and support for carers, including services to support carers aged 25 and under; (c) by providing support, services and funding to enable people with disabilities and carers to participate in forums; (d) by providing support to develop a robust sector to meet the needs of people with disabilities and carers; (e) by providing for the delivery of appropriate and timely advocacy for people with disabilities and carers that addresses instances of abuse, discrimination and neglect. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support: (a) by providing medical and dental services, family and maternity allowances, unemployment, pharmaceutical, hospital and sickness benefits and benefits to students; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to children, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child; or (c) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; or (d) in a Territory; or (e) by providing assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (f) by providing grants of financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (g) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (h) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
52 |
Disability and Carer Service Improvement and Sector Support |
To provide funding for: (a) research and stakeholder engagement; and (b) peak bodies and other persons and entities. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding: (a) by providing medical and dental services, family and maternity allowances, unemployment, pharmaceutical, hospital and sickness benefits and benefits to students, and engaging in measures incidental to the provision of those matters; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to children, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child; or (c) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; or (d) in a Territory; or (e) by providing assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (f) by providing grants of financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (g) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (h) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
53 |
Community Mental Health |
To provide early intervention and other support through community-based initiatives for people with mental illness and their families and carers, so that they can develop their capabilities, increase their wellbeing and actively participate in community and economic life, including by providing the following: (a) assistance for people severely impacted by mental illness, including services with an employment focus for those who have employment as a primary goal; (b) early intervention support to vulnerable families with children and young people who are showing early signs of, or are at risk of developing, mental illness; (c) a range of flexible support options for carers and families of people with severe mental illness; (d) funding and support to increase awareness and understanding of mental health issues; (e) education and advocacy. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing support: (a) by providing medical and dental services, family and maternity allowances, unemployment, pharmaceutical, hospital and sickness benefits and benefits to students; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to children, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child; or (c) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; or (d) in a Territory; or (e) by providing assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (f) by providing grants of financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (g) by engaging in measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (h) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
54 |
NDIS Transitioning |
To improve the wellbeing and social and economic participation of people with disabilities and their families and carers as follows: (a) by building a National Disability Insurance Scheme; (b) by providing a better start for children with disabilities and helping children with autism by providing them with early access to early intervention services; (c) by providing supported employment services to enable people with disabilities to participate fully in employment; (d) by providing outside school hours care for teenagers with disabilities; (e) by providing immediate and short-term respite support for carers of young people with severe or profound disabilities whose needs are not being met through existing government initiatives; (f) by providing young carers respite and information services to assist young carers who need support to complete their secondary education or vocational equivalent due to the demands of their caring role. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing funding or support: (a) by providing medical and dental services and pharmaceutical, hospital and sickness benefits; or (b) by engaging in measures to meet Australia's international obligations in relation to persons with disabilities, in particular obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. |
55 |
Stronger Relationships Programme |
To provide education and counselling to couples who are: (a) married, or engaged or intending to be married; or (b) in a de facto relationship; or (c) in a same-sex relationship; relating to their relationship, including education and counselling relating to any of the following: (d) conflict resolution; (e) parenting; (f) financial management. |
56 |
Young Carer Bursary Programme |
To provide benefits to students through the payment of bursaries to caregivers who are aged 25 and under, and who are currently enrolled in secondary school or in tertiary education. |
57 |
Primary Health Networks |
To provide support for the establishment of organisations (to be known as Primary Health Networks) that will work to integrate the care of patients across the health system and improve health outcomes for communities where that support is incidental to the Commonwealth's provision of sickness and hospital benefits and medical services. |
58 |
Good Sports Programme |
To provide support to the Australian Drug Foundation to work with sporting codes, organisations and clubs to provide activities to change behaviours and attitudes around alcohol consumption where the activities: (a) are incidental to the Commonwealth's provision of pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits and medical services; or (b) are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried out for the benefit of the nation. |
59 |
Water Safety |
To provide support for activities to reduce incidences of drowning and promote water safety, including activities that: (a) are carried out by a trading or foreign corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies; or (b) are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried out for the benefit of the nation. |
60 |
Ensuring the Supply of Antivenoms, Q fever vaccine and Pandemic Influenza vaccines |
To provide support for activities to ensure the regular, ongoing availability of Q fever vaccine, antivenoms and pandemic influenza vaccines where those activities are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried out for the benefit of the nation. |
61 |
Community Development Grants Programme |
To provide grants for regional and community infrastructure projects. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing grants: (a) in or in relation to a Territory; or (b) as financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (c) to or in relation to Indigenous Australians and particular groups of Indigenous Australians; or (d) to commemorate Australians killed or injured in war, and support veterans and defence force members and their families and communities; or (e) in relation to aliens or immigrants; or (f) in connection with trade and commerce with other countries, or among the States and Territories; or (g) in connection with assisting Australia to meet its obligations under international agreements; or (h) to provide medical services, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, benefits to students, and measures incidental to the provision of those matters; or (i) in connection with electronic communications; or (j) to provide assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (k) to provide for measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (l) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |
62 |
National Stronger Regions Fund |
To provide grants to support the construction, expansion and enhancement of infrastructure across regional Australia. This objective also has the effect it would have if it were limited to providing grants: (a) in or in relation to a Territory; or (b) as financial assistance to a State or Territory; or (c) to or in relation to Indigenous Australians and particular groups of Indigenous Australians; or (d) to commemorate Australians killed or injured in war, and support veterans and defence force members and their families and communities; or (e) in relation to aliens or immigrants; or (f) in connection with trade and commerce with other countries, or among the States and Territories; or (g) in connection with assisting Australia to meet its obligations under international agreements; or (h) to provide medical services, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, benefits to students, and measures incidental to the provision of those matters; or (i) in connection with electronic communications; or (j) to provide assistance to trading, financial and foreign corporations to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies where the assistance relates to the existing activities of the corporations; or (k) for the construction or extension of railways in any State with the consent of that State; or (l) to provide for measures that are peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation and cannot otherwise be carried on for the benefit of the nation; or (m) in the exercise of the executive power of the Commonwealth. |