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Prescribed measures -- Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

(paragraph 2.1 (a))


1              Definitions

1.1           In this Schedule:

"CCAMLR Secretariat" means the Secretariat of the Commission.

"Commission" means the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

"Convention Area" means the waters defined in Article I (4) of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources done at Canberra on 20 May 1980 ([1982] ATS 9).

Note    The text of the Convention is available in the Australian Treaties Library, located on the Internet at http:// .

CP-IUU vessel list means the Contracting Party Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported vessel list established by the Commission, as existing from time to time.

Note    The CP-IUU vessel list is available on the Internet at .

fishing season , for a species in the Convention Area, means:

                (a)    the period starting on 1 December in a year and ending on 30 November of the following year; or

               (b)    another period that is specified for a species, including a period that is to end if a precautionary catch limit is reached.

"IMO" means the International Maritime Organization.

MARPOL 73/78 means the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 (MARPOL 73/78), as amended by Annexes I and II as adopted , done at London on 15 October 2004 ([2007] ATS 19).

Note    The text of MARPOL 73/78 is available in the Australian Treaties Library, located on the Internet at http:// .

"NCP-IUU vessel list means the Non-Contracting Party Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported vessel list" established by the Commission, as existing from time to time.

Note    The NCP-IUU vessel list is available on the Internet at .

"SSRU" means small-scale research unit.

"UTC" means Coordinated Universal Time.

2              CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-01 (1998): Marking of fishing vessels and fishin g gear

2.1           To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-01 (1998), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must :

                (a)    mark the boat in such a way that it can be readily identified in accordance with internationally‑recognised standards such as the FAO Standard Specifications for the Marking and Identification of Fishing Vessels ; and

               (b)    mark all floating gear that is used or intended to be used with the letter or letters (if any) and the number or numbers (if any) of the boat to which the gear belongs.

Note    The FAO Standard Specifications for the Marking and Identification of Fishing Vessels is located in Annex II of the FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries No. 1 , available on the Internet at .

3              CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-02 (2008): Licensing and inspection obligations of Contracting Parties with regard to their flag vessels operating in the Convention Area

3.1           To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-02 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must make the authorisation to fish issued under the law of the country of nationality of the boat available for inspection, on request, by an inspector designated by the Commission.

3.2           A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must:

                (a)    document, if possible, the following information about any fishing vessel sighted in the Convention area:

                          (i)    the name of the vessel;

                         (ii)    a description of the vessel;

                         (iii)    the vessel call sign;

                        (iv)    the registration number of the vessel;

                         (v)    the Lloyds/IMO number of the vessel;

                        (vi)    the flag State of the vessel;

                        (vii)    photographs of the vessel;

                       (viii)    any relevant information regarding the observed activities of the vessel; and

               (b)    forward a report containing the information to the appropriate authority of the flag State of the boat.

4              CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-04 (2007): Automated satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS)

4.1           To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-04 (2007), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must :

                (a)    have a satellite-linked vessel monitoring device that communicates:

                          (i)    the boat's identification; and

                         (ii)    the boat's current geographical position; and

                         (iii)    the date and time expressed in UTC;

                        to the fisheries monitoring centre of the Flag State of the boat at least once every 4 hours; and

               (b)    ensure that the vessel monitoring device is:

                          (i)    located in a sealed unit; and

                         (ii)    protected by official seals (or mechanisms) of a type that indicate whether the unit has been accessed or tampered with.

4.2           If a boat's satellite-linked vessel monitoring device cannot communicate the information as required in subclause 4.1 because the device has a technical fault, the person must communicate the information by another means to the fisheries monitoring centre of the Flag State of the boat at least once every 6 hours .

4.3           A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must give at least 24 hours prior notice of entry, exit and movement between Statistical Subareas and Statistical Divisions of the Convention Area to:

                (a)    the flag State of the boat; and

               (b)    the CCAMLR Secretariat.

5              CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-05 (2008): Catch Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus spp.

5.1           To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-05 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must :

                (a)    complete accurately a DCD immediately after the completion of each transshipment of Dissostichus species; and

               (b)    ensure that the DCD is signed by the person to whom the catch is being transferred; and

                (c)    send a copy of the DCD by electronic means to the appropriate authority of the Flag State of the boat.

5.2           The DCD must include the following information:

                (a)    the name and address of the relevant issuing authority;

               (b)    the telephone number of the relevant issuing authority;

                (c)    the facsimile number of the relevant issuing authority;

               (d)    the name of the relevant vessel;

                (e)    the home port of the relevant vessel;

                (f)    the national registry number of the relevant vessel;

                (g)    the call sign of the relevant vessel;

                (h)    if issued -- the IMO/Lloyd's registration number of the relevant vessel;

                 (i)    the reference number of the licence or permit that has been issued for the vessel;

                (j)    unless paragraph (k) or (l) applies, the weight of each Dissostichus species landed or transhipped by product type;

               (k)    if the Dissostichus species is caught in the Convention Area -- the weight of each Dissostichus species landed or transhipped by CCAMLR statistical subarea or division in which the species was caught; or

                 (l)    if the Dissostichus species is caught outside the Convention Area -- the weight of each Dissostichus species landed or transhipped by the FAO statistical area, subarea or division in which the species was caught;

               (m)    the period in which the catch is taken;

                (n)    if the catch is landed:

                          (i)    the date on which the catch is landed; and

                         (ii)    the port at which, the catch is landed;

               (o)    if the catch is transhipped:

                          (i)    the date of transhipment; and

                         (ii)    the name of the vessel; and

                         (iii)    the flag of the vessel; and

                        (iv)    the national registry number of the vessel;

               (p)    for each recipient of the catch:

                          (i)    the name of the recipient; and

                         (ii)    the address of the recipient; and

                         (iii)    the telephone number of the recipient; and

                        (iv)    the facsimile number of the recipient; and

                         (v)    the amount of each species received by the recipient;

                        (vi)    the amount of each product type received by the recipient.

5.3           In this clause:

"DCD" means a Dissostichus catch document.

transhipment :

                (a)    means the transfer of catch in its harvested or processed form from a vessel to another vessel or means of transport and, where such transfer takes place within the territory under the control of a Port State, for the purpose of effecting its removal from the State ; and

               (b)    does not include the temporary placement of catch on land or on an artificial structure to facilitate such transfer where the catch is not landed .

6              CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-06 (2008): Scheme to promote compliance by Contracting Party vessels with CCAMLR conservation measures

6.1           To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-06 (2008), a person must not use a boat in the Convention Area for fishing if the boat is listed on the CP-IUU vessel list.

6.2           A person using a Contracting Party boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not participate in any transhipment or joint fishing operations supporting or resupplying a boat that is listed o n:

                (a)    the CP-IUU v essel list; or

               (b)    the NCP-IUU vessel list.

7              CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-07 (2008): Scheme to promote compliance by non-Contracting Party vessels with CCAMLR conservation measures

7.1           To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-07 (2008), a person must not use a boat in the Convention Area for fishing if the boat is listed on the NCP-IUU vessel list.

7.2           A person using a non-Contracting Party boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not participate in any transhipment or joint fishing operations supporting or resupplying a boat that is listed on:

                (a)    the CP-IUU vessel list; or

               (b)    the NCP-IUU vessel list.

8              CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-09 (2008): Notification scheme for transhipment within the Conservation Area

8.1           To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 10-09 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not tranship catch from a new and exploratory fishery, or a fishery or a fishery specified in the following table unless the person:

                (a)    has recorded in a bound or electronic logbook the information mentioned in subclause 8.2; and

               (b)    no later than 72 hours before the intended transhipment, has notified the Flag State or the CCAMLR Secretariat of the information mentioned in subclause 8.2.



Target species

Statistical Subarea/Division

Fishing gear


Dissostichus eleginoides

Subarea 48.3
Division 58.5.2

Longline, pot, trawl


Dissostichus spp.

Subarea 48.4



Champsocephalus gunnari

Subarea 48.3
Division 58.5.2




Subarea 48.3


8.2           The person must record and notify the following information in accordance with subclause 8.1:

                (a)    the name of the carrier vessel that is to receive the fish

               (b)    the registration number of the carrier vessel;

                (c)    the international radio call sign of the carrier vessel;

               (d)    the Flag State of the carrier vessel;

                (e)    the type of the carrier vessel;

                (f)    the length of the carrier vessel;

                (g)    the gross registered tonnage ( GRT ) of the carrier vessel;

                (h)    the carrying capacity of the carrier vessel;

                 (i)    the proposed time of the transhipment;

                (j)    the proposed location of the transhipment, expressed in latitude and longitude;

               (k)    details of the type of the catch that is to be transhipped;

                 (l)    details of the amount of the catch that is to be transhipped;

               (m)    details of the type of any other goods that are to be transhipped (such as food stores and fuel);

                (n)    details of the amount of any other goods that are to be transhipped (such as food stores and fuel).

9              CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-02 (1984): Mesh size

9.1           To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-02 (1984), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing for a species specified in the following table must not use a pelagic or bottom trawl having a mesh size that is less than the size specified in the table for the species other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14.


For this species ...

the minimum mesh size is ...


Notonthenia rossii

120 mm


Dissostichus eleginoides

120 mm


Gobionotothen gibberifrons

80 mm


Notonthenia kempi

80 mm


Lepidonotothen squamifrons

80 mm

9.2           A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not obstruct or diminish the size of the meshes other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14.

10            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-03 (1990): Mesh size for Champsocephalus gunnari

10.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-03 (1990), A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing for Champsocephalus gunnari must not use a pelagic or bottom trawl that has a mesh size less than 90mm other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14.

10.2         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing for Champsocephalus gunnari must not obstruct or diminish the size of the meshes other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14.

11            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-04 (2006): Interim prohibition of deep-sea gillnetting

11.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-04 (2006), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not use gillnets other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14.

11.2         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not use gillnets for scientific research purposes in waters deeper than 100 metres unless:

                (a)    the person has given advance notice to the CCAMLR Scientific Committee; and

               (b)    the Commission has agreed to the use.

11.3         A person transiting through the Convention Area must not be in possession of gillnets unless the person has given advance notice to the CCAMLR Scientific Committee, including the period during which the person expects to be in the Convention Area.

12            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-05 (2008): Interim restrictions on the use of bottom trawling gear in high-seas areas of the Convention Area

12.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-05 (2008) , a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not use bottom trawling gear in the high-seas areas of the Convention Area unless Conservation Measures allow the use of bottom trawling gear.

12.2         A person is not required to comply with subclause 12.1 if the fishing is conducted for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14.

13            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-06 (2008): Bottom fishing in the Convention Area

13.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-06 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area must not engage in bottom fishing activities otherwise than in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measures 22-06 (2008) and 22-07 (2008).

13.2         In the absence of site-specific or other conservation measures to prevent significant adverse impact on vulnerable marine ecosystems, a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must:

                (a)    cease bottom fishing activities in any location in which the person encounters evidence of a vulnerable marine ecosystem in the course of fishing operations; and

               (b)    report the encounter to the person's flag State.

13.3         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for bottom fishing activities must ensure that there is at least 1 CCAMLR‑designated scientific observer on the boat to collect data.

13.4         This clause applies to:

                (a)    all areas in the Convention Area south of 60° S; and

               (b)    any other area in the Convention Area other than an area mentioned in subclause 13.5.

13.5         This clause does not apply to:

                (a)    any Statistical Subarea or Statistical Division of the Convention Area in which an established fishery was in place in the 2006/07 fishing season and had a catch limit greater than zero, and

               (b)    the area of Statistical Division 58.4.1 north of 60° S.

13.6         In this clause:

"bottom fishing activities" includes the use of any gear that interacts with the bottom of the sea.

"vulnerable marine ecosystem" includes seamounts, hydrothermal vents, cold water corals and sponge fields.

14            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24‑01 (2008): The application of conservation measures to scientific research

14.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24‑01 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not use the boat for scientific research purposes unless the fishing has been authorised by the Commission in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24‑01 (2008).

 14.2        A person using a boat in the Convention Area for scientific research fishing, during a voyage that involves any commercial fishing, must ensure that the boat is linked to an automated satellite-linked vessel monitoring system in accordance with Conservation Measure 10-04 (2007), as given effect by clause 4.

15            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-02 (2008): Longline weighting for seabird conservation

15.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-02 (2008), a person using a boat for longline fishing during between sunrise and sunset in:

                (a)    any of Statistical Subareas 48.4, 48.6, 88.1 or 88.2 of the Convention Area; or

               (b)    any of Statistical Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2, 58.4.3a, 58.4.3b or 58.5.2 in the Convention Area;

must conduct a longline sink rate test under observation by a scientific observer.

15.2         The longline sink rate test must be conducted in accordance with 1 of the following requirements:

                (a)    Protocol A for vessels monitoring longline sink rate with Time-Depth Recorders (TDRs), set out in the Conservation Measure, and using longlines to which weights are manually attached;

               (b)    Protocol B for vessels monitoring longline sink rate with bottle tests, set out in the Conservation Measure, and using longlines to which weights are manually attached;

                (c)    Protocol C for vessel monitoring longline sink rate with either TDR or bottle tests, set out in the Conservation Measure, and using internally weighted longlines with integrated weight of at least 50 g/m that are designed to sink instantly and that have a linear profile at greater than 0.2 m/s with no external weights attached.

16            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 25-02 (2008): Minimisation of the incidental mortality of seabirds in the course of longline fishing or longline fishing research in the Convention Area

16.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 25-02 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must ensure that the fishing operations of the boat are conducted in a way that all procedural measures set out in the Conservation Measure are taken to ensure that hooklines sink beyond the reach of seabirds as soon as possible after they are put in the water.

16.2         If the person uses an autoline system, the person must:

                (a)    add weights to the hookline while deploying a longline; or

               (b)    use integrated weight hooklines while deploying a longline.

16.3         If the person uses the Spanish method of longline fishing:

                (a)    the person must use:

                          (i)    traditional weights made of rocks or concrete of at least 8.5 kg mass, spaced at intervals of no more than 40 m; or

                         (ii)    traditional weights made of rocks or concrete of at least 6 kg, spaced at intervals of no more than 20 m; or

                         (iii)    solid steel weights, not made from chain links, of at least 5 kg mass, spaced at intervals of no more than 40 m; and

               (b)    the person must release the weights before line tension occurs.

16.4         If the person uses the trotline system exclusively (not alternating between trotlines and the Spanish method of longline fishing within the same longline), the person must use:

                (a)    traditional weights made of rocks or concrete of at least 6 kg mass, but only at the distal end of the droppers in the trotline; or

               (b)    solid steel weights of at least 5 kg mass, but only at the distal end of the droppers in the trotline.

16.5         If the person alternates between using trotlines and the Spanish method of longline fishing within the same longline:

                (a)    for the Spanish method of longline fishing, the person must comply with subclause 16.3; and

               (b)    for the trotline method, the person must use:

                          (i)    traditional weights made of rocks or concrete of at least 8.5 kg mass ; or

                         (ii)    solid steel weights of at least 5 kg mass;

                        that are attached on the hook-end of all droppers in the trotline at no more than 80 m intervals.

16.6         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must set longlines only at night, during the hours of darkness between the times of nautical twilight, unless:

                (a)    the person is conducting a longline sink rate test in

                          (i)    any of Statistical Subareas 48.4, 48.6, 88.1 or 88.2 of the Convention Area; or

                         (ii)    any of Statistical Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2, 58.4.3a, 58.4.3b or 58.5.2 in the Convention Area; and

               (b)    the person complies with clause 15.

16.7         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for longline fishing at night must use only the minimum lights of the boat that are necessary for safety.

16.8         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing:

                (a)    must not dump offal while longlines are being set; and

               (b)    must deploy a streamer line during longline setting; and

                (c)    must have the boat equipped to discharge offal only on the opposite side of the boat to where longlines have been set.

17            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 25-03 (2003): Minimisation of the incidental mortality of seabirds and marine mammals in the course of trawl fishing in the Convention Area

17.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 25-03 (2003), A person using a boat in the Convention Area for trawl fishing:

                (a)    must not use a net monitor cable in the Convention Area; and

               (b)    must not discharge offal during the shooting and hauling of trawl gear.

18            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 26-01 (2008): General environmental protection during fishing

18.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 26-01 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not use a plastic packaging band to secure a bait box.

18.2         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing that does not have an on-board incinerator that is a closed system must not use a plastic packaging band for any purpose.

18.3         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing that has an on-board incinerator that is a closed system:

                (a)    must cut a plastic packaging band that has been removed from a package into strips not more than 30cm long; and

               (b)    must burn the strips in the on-board incinerator as soon as possible; and

                (c)    must store any plastic residue on the boat until it reaches port; and

               (d)    must not discard plastic residue at sea.

18.4         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing south of 60° S:

                (a)    must not dump or discharge:

                          (i)    oil or fuel products; or

                         (ii)    oily residues;

                        into the sea unless it is permitted under Annex I of MARPOL 73/78; and

               (b)    must not dump or discharge food wastes that are not capable of passing through a screen with openings no greater than 25 mm; and

                (c)    must not dump or discharge sewage:

                          (i)    within 12 nautical miles of land or an ice shelf; or

                         (ii)    while the boat is travelling at a speed of less than 4 knots; and

               (d)    must not dump or discharge:

                          (i)    garbage; or

                         (ii)    poultry or poultry parts (including egg shells); or

                         (iii)    offal; or

                        (iv)    incineration ash.

18.5         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing south of 60° S:

                (a)    must not bring live poultry or other living birds into the area; and

               (b)    must remove from the area any dressed poultry that has not been consumed.

19            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 31-02 (2007): General measure for the closure of all fisheries

19.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 31-02 (2007), if the CCAMLR Secretariat notifies a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing of the closure of a fishery, the person must:

                (a)    ensure that all fishing gear is removed from the water by the date and time of closure notified by the CCAMLR Secretariat; and

               (b)    either:

                          (i)    ensure that no new longlines are set within 24 hours before the date and time of closure notified by the CCAMLR Secretariat; or

                         (ii)    if the person is notified less than 24 hours before the date and time of closure -- ensure that no new longlines are set after the person is notified.

19.2         If it is likely that the person will be unable to remove all of the fishing gear from the water before the date and time of closure because of:

                (a)    the safety of the boat and crew; or

               (b)    limitations which may arise from adverse weather conditions; or

                (c)    sea-ice cover; or

               (d)    the need to protect the Antarctic marine environment;

the person must notify the Flag State of the boat and remove all fishing gear from the water as soon as possible.

20            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-02 (1998): Prohibition of directed fishing for finfish in Statistical Subarea 48.1

20.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-02 (1998), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for finfish in Statistical Subarea 48.1 other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14.

21            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-03 (1998): Prohibition of directed fishing for finfish in Statistical Subarea 48.2

21.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-03 (1998), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for finfish in Statistical Subarea 48.2 other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14 .

22            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-04 (1986): Prohibition of directed fishery for Notonthenia rossii in the Peninsula area (Statistical Subarea 48.1)

22.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-04 (1986), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Notonthenia rossii in the Peninsula area (Statistical Subarea 48.1) .

23            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-05 (1986): Prohibition of directed fishery for Notonthenia rossii around South Orkneys (Statistical Subarea 48.2)

23.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-05 (1986), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Notonthenia rossii around the South Orkneys (Statistical Subarea 48.2) .

24            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-06 (1985): Prohibition of directed fishery for Notonthenia rossii around South Georgia (Statistical Subarea 48.3)

24.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-06 (1985), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Notonthenia rossii around South Georgia (Statistical Subarea 48.3) .

25            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-07 (1999): Prohibition of directed fishery for Gobionotothen gibberifrons , Chaenocephalus aceratus , Pseudochaenichthys georgianus , Lepidonotothen squamifrons and Patagonotothen guntheri in Statistical Subarea 48.3

25.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-07 (1999), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for any of the following species:

                (a)    Gobionotothen gibberifrons ;

               (b)    Chaenocephalus aceratus ;

                (c)    Pseudochaenichthys georgianus ;

               (d)    Lepidonotothen squamifrons ;

                (e)    Patagonotothen guntheri ;

in Statistical Subarea 48.3 .

26            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-08 (1997): Prohibition of directed fishing for Lepidonotothen squamifrons in Statistical Division 58.4.4 (Ob and Lena Banks)

26.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-08 (1997), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Lepidonotothen squamifrons in Statistical Division 58.4.4 (Ob and Lena Banks) other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008), as given effect by clause 14 .

27            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-09 (2008): Prohibition of directed fishing for Dissostichus spp. except in accordance with specific conservation measures in the 2008/09 season

27.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-09 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 48.5 in the period starting on the day on which these Regulations commence and ending on 30 November 2009.

28            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-10 (2002): Prohibition of directed fishing for Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Division 58.4.4 outside areas of national jurisdiction

28.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-10 (2002), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Dissostichus species in Stati stical Division 58.4.4 outside areas of national jurisdiction other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008) , as given effect by clause 14.

29            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-11 (2002): Prohibition of directed fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea 58.6

29.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-11 (2002), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea 58.6 other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008) , as given effect by clause 14.

30            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-12 (1998): Prohibition of directed fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea 58.7

30.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-12 (1998), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Subarea 58.7 other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008) , as given effect by clause 14.

31            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-13 (2003): Prohibition of directed fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Division 58.5.1 outside areas of national jurisdiction

31.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-13 (2003), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Division 58.5.1 outside areas of national jurisdiction other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008) , as given effect by clause 14.

32            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-14 (2003): Prohibition of directed fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Division 58.5.2 east of 79° 20 ¢ E and outside the exclusive economic zone to the west of 79° 20 ¢ E

32.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-14 (2003), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Division 58.5.2 to the east of 79° 20 ¢  E and outside the exclusive economic zone to the west of 79° 20 ¢  E other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008) , as given effect by clause 14.

33            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-15 (2003): Prohibition of directed fishing for Dissostichus spp. In Statistical Subarea 88.2 North of 65° S

33.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-15 (2003), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.2 to the north of 65° S other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008) , as given effect by clause 14.

34            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-16 (2003): Prohibition of directed fishing for Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Subarea 88.3

34.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-16 (2003), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.3 other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008) , as given effect by clause 14.

35            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-17 (2003): Prohibition of directed fishing for Electrona carlsbergi in Statistical Subarea 48.3

35.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-17 (2003), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not undertake directed fishing for Electrona carlsbergi in Statistical Subarea 48.3 other than for scientific research purposes that are carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008) , as given effect by clause 14.

36            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-18 (2006): Conservation of sharks

36.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 32-18 (2006), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing :

                (a)    must not undertake directed fishing for shark species in the Convention Area unless the fishing is permitted in accordance with a permit allowing catch of shark for scientific research purposes; and

               (b)    must release any by-catch of shark alive if this is possible.

37            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 33-03 (2008): Limitation of by-catch in new and exploratory fisheries in the 2008/09 season

37.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 33-03 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must, if possible, release skates and rays alive from the line by:

                (a)    cutting snoods; and

               (b)    if practical, removing the hooks;

unless a scientific observer asks the person not to do so.

37.2         If the by-catch of a species is equal to or greater than 1 tonne in any one haul or set, the person must:

                (a)    move the boat to another location that is at least 5 nautical miles from that location; and

               (b)    ensure that the boat does not return to any point within 5 nautical miles of the location where the by-catch exceeded 1 tonne for a period of at least 5 days (treating the location where the by-catch exceeded 1 tonne as the path followed by the boat while taking the catch).

37.3         If the catch of Macrourus species taken by a single boat in any 2 10-day periods in a single SSRU exceeds:

                (a)    1 500 kg in each of the 10-day periods; and

               (b)    16 % of the catch of Dissostichus species by the boat in the SSRU in those periods;

the person must not use the boat to fish in the SSRU for the remainder of the fishing season.

38            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-04 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in the 2008/09 season

38.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-04 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 48.6 unless the person is conducting the exploratory longline fishery in:

                (a)    a flagged boat of Japan; or

               (b)    a flagged boat of the Republic of Korea.

38.2         The person must not:

                (a)    fish for Dissostichus species at a depth shallower than 550 m in Statistical Subarea 48.6; or

               (b)    discharge offal.

38.3         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in an area if the precautionary catch limit for that area has been caught.

38.4         The person must ensure that:

                (a)    toothfish caught in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in a fishing season are tagged at a rate of at least 3 fish per tonne green weight caught; and

               (b)    skates caught in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in a fishing season are tagged at a rate of at least 1 skate per 5 skates caught, up to a maximum of 500 skates per boat; and

                (c)    at least 2 scientific observers are on board thoughout all fishing activities, and at least 1 of the observers is appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observations.

39            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-05 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Division 58.4.2 in the 2008/09 season

39.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-05 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Division 58.4.2 in the 2008/09 fishing season unless the person is conducting the exploratory longline fishery in:

                (a)    a flagged boat of Japan; or

               (b)    a flagged boat of the Republic of Korea; or

                (c)    a flagged boat of Spain; or

               (d)    a flagged boat of Uruguay.

39.2         The person must ensure that:

                (a)    toothfish caught in Statistical Division 58.4.2 in a fishing season are tagged at a rate of at least 3 fish per tonne green weight caught; and

               (b)    skates caught in Statistical Division 58.4.2 in a fishing season are tagged at a rate of at least 1 skate per 5 skates caught, up to a maximum of 500 skates per boat; and

                (c)    at least 2 scientific observers are on board throughout all fishing activities, and that at least 1 of them is appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation; and

               (d)    night setting occurs in accordance with Conservation Measure 25-02 (2008) if a total of 3 seabirds are caught in the fishing season.

39.3         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Division 58.4.2 if the precautionary catch limit for that area has been caught.

39.4         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species at a depth shallower than 550 m.

39.5         The person must ensure that the person's total catch of Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Division 58.4.2 in the 2008/09 fishing season does not exceed a precautionary catch limit of:

                (a)    30 tonnes in small-scale research unit ( SSRU ) A; and

               (b)    0 tonnes in SSRU B; and

                (c)    0 tonnes in SSRU C; and

               (d)    0 tonnes in SSRU D; and

                (e)    40 tonnes in SSRU E.

39.6         In this clause:

                (a)    a fishing season is taken to start on 1 December of a year and to end on 30 November of the following year; and

               (b)    the 2008/09 fishing season is taken to start on 1 December 2008 and to end on 30 November 2009.

40            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-06 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. on Elan Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3a) outside areas of national jurisdiction in the 2008/09 season

40.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-06 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Dissostichus species on Elan Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3a) outside areas of national jurisdiction in a fishing season unless the person is conducting the exploratory longline fishery in a flagged boat of Japan.

40.2         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species on Elan Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3a) outside areas of national jurisdiction at a depth shallower than 550 m.

40.3         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Division 58.4.3a if the precautionary catch limit for that area has been caught.

40.4         The person must ensure that:

                (a)    toothfish caught by the person on Elan Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3a) outside areas of national jurisdiction in the 2008/09 fishing season are tagged at a rate of at least 3 fish per tonne green weight caught; and

               (b)    skates caught by the person on Elan Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3a) outside areas of national jurisdiction in the 2008/09 fishing season are tagged at a rate of at least 1 skate per 5 skates caught, up to a maximum of 500 skates per boat; and

                (c)    at least 1 scientific observer, appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation, is on board during all fishing activities.

40.5         In this clause:

                (a)    a fishing season is taken to start on 1 May of a year and to end on 1 August of that year.

41            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-07 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. on BANZARE Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3b) outside areas of national jurisdiction in the 2008/09 season

41.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-07 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Dissostichus species on BANZARE Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3b) outside areas of national jurisdiction in the 2008/09 fishing season unless the person is conducting the exploratory longline fishery in:

                (a)    a flagged boat of Japan; or

               (b)    a flagged boat of Spain; or

                (c)    a flagged boat of Uruguay.

41.2         The person must not use the boat to fish for Dissostichus species on BANZARE Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3b) outside areas of national jurisdiction in the 2008/09 fishing season if another person is already conducting the exploratory longline fishery in a flagged boat of the same country.

41.3         The person must ensure that:

                (a)    toothfish caught by the person on BANZARE Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3b) outside areas of national jurisdiction in the 2008/09 fishing season are tagged at a rate of at least 3 fish per tonne green weight caught; and

               (b)    skates caught by the person on Elan Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3a) outside areas of national jurisdiction in the 2008/09 fishing season are tagged at a rate of at least 1 skate per 5 skates caught, up to a maximum of 500 skates per boat; and

                (c)    at least 1 scientific observer, appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation, is on board the boat during all fishing activities.

41.4         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species on BANZARE Bank (Statistical Division 58.4.3b) outside areas of national jurisdiction at a depth shallower than 550m.

41.5         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Division 58.4.3b if the precautionary catch limit for that area has been caught.

42            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-09 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Subarea 88.1 in the 2008/09 season

42.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-09 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.1 in the 2008/09 fishing season unless the person is conducting the exploratory longline fishery in:

                (a)    a flagged boat of Argentina; or

               (b)    a flagged boat of Chile; or

                (c)    a flagged boat of the Republic of Korea; or

               (d)    a flagged boat of New Zealand; or

                (e)    a flagged boat of Russia; or

                (f)    a flagged boat of South Africa; or

                (g)    a flagged boat of Spain; or

                (h)    a flagged boat of the United Kingdom; or

                 (i)    a flagged boat of Uruguay.

42.2         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.1 at a depth shallower than 550 m.

42.3         The person must ensure that:

                (a)    toothfish caught in Statistical Subarea 88.1 are tagged at a rate of at least 3 fish per tonne green weight caught; and

               (b)    skates caught in Statistical Subarea 88.1 are tagged at a rate of at least 1 skate per 5 skates caught, up to a maximum of 500 skates per boat; and

                (c)    at least 2 scientific observers are on board throughout all fishing activities, and that at least 1 of them is appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation; and

               (d)    night setting occurs in accordance with Conservation Measure 25-02 (2008) if a total of 3 seabirds are caught in the fishing season; and

                (e)    the person does not fish for Dissostichus species within 10 nautical miles of the Balleny Islands.

42.4         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.1 if the precautionary catch limit for that area has been caught.

42.5          The person must:

                (a)    meet the requirements of the Five‑day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-01 (2005); and

               (b)    meet the requirements of the Monthly Fine‑scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000); and

                (c)    submit fine‑scale data on a haul‑by‑haul basis.

42.6         In this clause:

                (a)    the fishing season is taken to start on 1 December 2008 and to end on 31 August 2009; and

               (b)    the Five‑day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-01 (2005) is taken to apply to the person; and

                (c)    the Monthly Fine‑scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000) is taken to apply to the person.

43            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-10 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.2 in the 2008/09 season

43.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-10 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.2 in a fishing season unless the person is conducting the exploratory longline fishery in:

                (a)    a flagged boat of Argentina; or

               (b)    a flagged boat of Chile; or

                (c)    a flagged boat of the Republic of Korea; or

               (d)    a flagged boat of New Zealand; or

                (e)    a flagged boat of Russia; or

                (f)    a flagged boat of South Africa; or

                (g)    a flagged boat of Spain; or

                (h)    a flagged boat of the United Kingdom; or

                 (i)    a flagged boat of Uruguay.

43.2         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.2 in a fishing season at a depth shallower than 550 m.

43.3         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Subarea 88.2 if the precautionary catch limit for that area has been caught.

43.4         The person must:

                (a)    ensure that toothfish caught in Statistical Subarea 88.2 are tagged at a rate of at least 1 fish per tonne green weight caught in each SSRU mentioned in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41‑10 (2008); and

               (b)    ensure that skates caught in Statistical Subarea 88.1 are tagged at a rate of at least 1 skate per 5 skates caught, up to a maximum of 500 skates per vessel; and

                (c)    if a total of 3 seabirds is caught in a fishing season -- ensure that night‑setting is carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 25‑02 (2008); and

               (d)    ensure that at least 2 scientific observers are on board during all fishing activities; and

                (e)    ensure that at least 1 of the scientific observers has been appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation.

44            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-11 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus species. in Statistical Division 58.4.1 in the 2008/09 season

44.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-11 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Division 58.4.1 in the 2008/09 fishing season unless the person is conducting the exploratory longline fishery in:

                (a)    a flagged boat of Japan; or

               (b)    a flagged boat of the Republic of Korea; or

                (c)    a flagged boat of New Zealand; or

               (d)    a flagged boat of South Africa; or

                (e)    a flagged boat of Spain; or

                (f)    a flagged boat of Uruguay.

44.2         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Division 58.4.1 in a fishing season at a depth shallower than 550 m.

44.3         The person must not fish for Dissostichus species in Statistical Division 58.4.1 if the precautionary catch limit for that area has been caught.

44.4         The person must:

                (a)    ensure that toothfish caught in Statistical Subarea 58.4.1 are tagged at a rate of at least 3 fish per tonne green weight caught in each SSRU mentioned in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41‑11 (2008); and

               (b)    if a total of 3 seabirds is caught in a fishing season -- ensure that night‑setting is carried out in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 25‑02 (2008); and

                (c)    ensure that at least 2 scientific observers are on board during all fishing activities; and

               (d)    ensure that at least 1 of the scientific observers has been appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation.

44.5         The person must:

                (a)    meet the requirements of the Five‑day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-01 (2005); and

               (b)    meet the requirements of the Monthly Fine‑scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000); and

                (c)    submit fine‑scale data on a haul‑by‑haul basis.

44.6         In this clause:

                (a)    the Five-day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-01 (2005) is taken to apply to the person; and

               (b)    the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000) is taken to apply to the person.

45            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-01 (2008): Precautionary catch limitations on Euphausia superba in Statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4

45.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-01 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing in Statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4 :

                (a)    must fish for Euphausia superba using only any of the methods specified in Annex A of Conservation Measure 21-03 (2008) Notification of intent to participate in a fishery for Euphausia superba ; and

               (b)    must not use any other method of fishing for Euphausia superb ; and

                (c)    must use a marine mammal exclusion device on any trawl.

46            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-02 (2008): Precautionary catch limitation on Euphausia superba in Statistical Division 58.4.1

46.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-02 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing in Statistical Division 58.4.1 :

                (a)    must fish for Euphausia superba using only any of the methods specified in Annex A of Conservation Measure 21-03 (2008) Notification of intent to participate in a fishery for Euphausia superba ; and

               (b)    must not use any other method of fishing for Euphausia superb ; and

                (c)    must use a marine mammal exclusion device on any trawl; and

               (d)    must have an observer appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation on board during all fishing activities.

47            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-03 (2008): Precautionary catch limitation on Euphausia superba in Statistical Division 58.4.2

47.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-03 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing in Statistical Division 58.4.2 :

                (a)    must fish for Euphausia superba using only any of the methods specified in Annex A of Conservation Measure 21-03 (2008) Notification of intent to participate in a fishery for Euphausia superba ; and

               (b)    must not use any other method of fishing for Euphausia superba ; and

                (c)    must use a marine mammal exclusion device on any trawl; and

               (d)    must have 1 scientific observer, appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation, on board the boat during all fishing activities.

48            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-04 (2008): General Measure for exploratory fisheries for Euphausia superba in the Convention Area in the 2008/09 season

48.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-04 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Euphausia superba in the Convention Area in the 2008/09 fishing season if the Commission has announced that the catch limit for Euphausia superba has been exceeded .

48.2         The person must make and keep records of:

                (a)    the total green weight of krill that the person has caught in the Convention Area; and

               (b)    the person's estimate of the total weight of lost krill in the Convention Area.

48.3         A person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing for Euphausia superba must have 1 scientific observer, appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of Scientific Observation, on board the boat during all fishing activities.

49            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-05 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for Euphausia superba in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in the 2008/09 season

49.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 51-05 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for Euphausia superba in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in the 2008/09 fishing season unless the person is fishing in a flagged boat of Norway.

49.2         The person must:

                (a)    use a marine mammal exclusion device on any trawl; and

               (b)    have 1 scientific observer, appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation, on board the boat during all fishing activities; and

                (c)    ensure that no offal is discharged from the vessel.

49.3         The person must:

                (a)    meet the requirements of the Five‑day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-01 (2005); and

               (b)    meet the requirements of the Monthly Fine‑scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000); and

                (c)    submit fine‑scale data on a haul‑by‑haul basis.

49.4         In this clause:

                (a)    the Ten-day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-02 (2005) is taken to apply to the person; and

               (b)    the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000) is taken to apply to the person.

50            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 52-01 (2008): Limits on the fishery for crab in Statistical Subarea 48.3 in the 2008/09 season

50.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 52-01 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing in Statistical Subarea 48.3 in a fishing season :

                (a)    must fish for crab using pots only; and

               (b)    must retain only sexually-mature male crabs; and

                (c)    must have at least 1 scientific observer, appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation, on board the boat during all fishing activities.

50.2         In this clause, the fishery for crab in Statistical Subarea 48.3 is any commercial harvest activity in which the target species is any member of the crab group (Order Decapoda , Suborder Reptantia ).

50.3         In this clause, a fishing season is taken to start on 1 December of a year and to end on the earlier of :

                (a)    30 November of the following year; and

               (b)    the time at which the catch limit is reached.

50.4         The person must:

                (a)    meet the requirements of the Five‑day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-01 (2005); and

               (b)    meet the requirements of the Monthly Fine‑scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000); and

                (c)    submit fine‑scale data on a haul‑by‑haul basis.

50.5         In this clause:

                (a)    the Ten-day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-02 (2005) is taken to apply to the person; and

               (b)    the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000) is taken to apply to the person.

51            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 52-03 (2008): Limits on the exploratory fishery for crab in Statistical Subarea 48.4 in the 2008/09 season

51.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 52-03 (2008), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not fish for crab in Statistical Subarea 48.4 in a fishing season unless the person is fishing in a flagged boat of Russia.

51.2         The person:

                (a)    must fish for crab in Statistical Subarea 48.4 using pots only; and

               (b)    must retain only sexually-mature male crabs; and

                (c)    must have at least 1 scientific observer, appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation, on board the boat during all fishing activities; and

               (d)    must not fish for crab if the precautionary catch limit for Statistical Subarea 48.4 has been caught; and

                (e)    must record all by-catch of finfish by length and species; and

                (f)    after meeting the requirements of paragraph (e) -- must release any live fish to the sea; and

                (g)    if the bycatch is Dissostichus species -- must tag and release the Dissostichus species to the sea; and

                (h)    must not have on board at any one time more than 0.5 tonnes of by-catch.

51.3         In this clause, a fishing season is taken to start on 1 December of a year and to end on the earlier of :

                (a)    30 November of the following year; and

               (b)    the time at which the catch limit is reached.

51.4          The person must:

                (a)    meet the requirements of the Five‑day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-01 (2005); and

               (b)    meet the requirements of the Monthly Fine‑scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000); and

                (c)    submit fine‑scale data on a haul‑by‑haul basis.

51.5         In this clause:

                (a)    the Ten-day Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-02 (2005) is taken to apply to the person; and

               (b)    the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in CCAMLR Conservation Measure 23-04 (2000) is taken to apply to the person.

52            CCAMLR Conservation Measure 91-02 (2004): Protection of the Cape Shirreff CEMP site

52.1         To give effect to CCAMLR Conservation Measure 91-02 (2004), a person using a boat in the Convention Area for fishing must not operate the boat in a CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program ( CEMP ) site unless the person has a permit issued by the person's Flag State that authorises activities which are consistent with a management plan for the CEMP site .

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