Commonwealth Numbered Regulations
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SCHEDULE Regulation 6
"SCHEDULE 1A Regulation 4B
of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at latitude 40¡ 45' south, longitude 140¡ 57' 54" east; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east to latitude 40¡ 45' south, longitude 144¡ 15'
east; and
(ii) from there north to latitude 40¡ 20' south, longitude 144¡ 15'
east; and
(iii) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 40¡
04' south, longitude 144¡ 47' east; and
(iv) from there easterly along the line, every point on which is 20
nautical miles seaward of the baseline from which the coastal
waters of Tasmania are measured, to the intersection of that
line north of Tasmania with the meridian of longitude 146¡ 47'
east; and
(v) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 40¡
37' south, longitude 146¡ 59' east; and
(vi) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 40¡
30' south, longitude 147¡ 16' east; and
(vii) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 40¡
29' south, longitude 147¡ 25' east; and
(viii) from there northerly along the geodesic to latitude 40¡ 18'
south, longitude 147¡ 22' east; and
(ix) from there northerly along the geodesic to latitude 40¡ 04'
south, longitude 147¡ 19' east; and
(x) from there north to latitude 39¡ 53' south, longitude 147¡ 19'
east; and
(xi) from there northerly along the geodesic to latitude 39¡ 36'
south, longitude 147¡ 32' east; and
(xii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 39¡
36' south, longitude 147¡ 32' east; and
(xiii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 39¡
44' south, longitude 147¡ 51' east; and
(xiv) from there south-easterly along the continuation of that
geodesic to its intersection with the outer limit of coastal
waters adjacent to Flinders Island; and
(xv) from there generally northerly and south-easterly along that
outer limit to its intersection east of Flinders Island with
the parallel of latitude 39¡ 56' south; and
(xvi) from there east to latitude 39¡ 56' south, longitude 150¡ 25'
east; and
(xvii) from there northerly along the meridian of longitude 150¡ 25'
east to its intersection with a point 20 nautical miles seaward
of the nearest point of the baseline from which the coastal
waters of Victoria are measured; and
(xviii) from there generally southerly and westerly along the line,
every point on which is 20 nautical miles from the baseline
from which the coastal waters of Victoria are measured, to its
intersection with the parallel of latitude 39¡ south; and
(xix) from there west along parallel of latitude 39¡ south to its
intersection with the eastern shore of Wilson's Promontory; and
(xx) from there generally southerly and westerly along the shore of
Wilson's Promontory to the intersection of the shore with the
meridian of longitude 146¡ east; and
(xxi) from there south along that meridian to a point which is 20
nautical miles seaward of the nearest point of the baseline
from which the coastal waters of Victoria are measured; and
(xxii) from there generally westerly along the line, every point on
which is 20 nautical miles seaward of the nearest point of the
baseline from which the coastal waters of Victoria are
measured, to its intersection with the meridian of longitude
140¡ 57' 54" east; and
(xxiii) from there south along that meridian to the point where the
line began.
PART 2 - AREA OF THE CORAL SEA FISHERY That part of the AFZ that is within the
area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at latitude 24¡ 30' south, longitude 154¡ 40' east, and
(b) running:
(i) from there generally north-westerly along the geodesic to
latitude 22¡ 15' south, longitude 154¡ 40' east; and
(ii) from there generally north-westerly along the geodesic to
latitude 18¡ 45' south, longitude 152¡ 35' east; and
(iii) from there generally north-westerly along the geodesic to
latitude 18¡ 20' south, longitude 148¡ 20' east; and
(iv) from there generally north-westerly along the geodesic to
latitude 15¡ south, longitude 146¡ east; and
(v) from there generally north-westerly along the geodesic to
latitude 13¡ south, longitude 145¡ east; and
(vi) from there northerly along the meridian of longitude 145¡ east
to its intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(vii) from there generally south-easterly along that outer limit to
its intersection with the parallel of latitude 24¡ 30' south;
(viii) from there west along the parallel of latitude 24¡ 30' south to
the point where the line began.
PART 3 - EASTERN TUNA AND BILLFISH FISHERY Division 1 - Area of the fishery
That part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of parallel of latitude 37¡ 30' 24"
south with the coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the
vicinity of the border between the States of New South Wales and
Victoria; and
(b) running:
(i) from there generally southerly and westerly along that
coastline at low water mark to its intersection with the
meridian of longitude 146¡ east, in the vicinity of Cape
Liptrap; and
(ii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the northern coastline of Tasmania at low water mark, in the
vicinity of Emu Bay; and
(iii) from there generally easterly, southerly and westerly along the
eastern coastline of Tasmania to its intersection with the
meridian of longitude 146¡ east, in the vicinity of South West
Cape; and
(iv) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(v) from there generally easterly, northerly and westerly along
that outer limit to its intersection with the meridian of
longitude 144¡ 28' east; and
(vi) from there south along that meridian to the intersection with
the parellel of latitude 9¡ 54' south; and
(vii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡
15' south, longitude 144¡ 12' east; and
(viii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡ 28'
south, longitude 144¡ 10' east; and
(ix) from there west to latitude 10¡ 28' south, longitude 142¡ 31'
49" east; and
(x) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the northern coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in
the vicinity of Cape York; and
(xi) from there generally easterly and southerly along that
coastline at low water mark to the point where the line began.
Division 2 - Sub-areas 1. Sub-area 1 (historical (pelagic longline)) That part
of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of parallel of latitude 37¡ 30' 24"
south with the coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the
vicinity of the border between the States of New South Wales and
Victoria; and
(b) running:
(i) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to its
intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ at the parallel of
latitude 38¡ 58' south; and
(ii) from there generally northerly along that outer limit to its
intersection with the meridian of longitude 144¡ 28' east; and
(iii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 9¡ 54' south; and
(iv) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡
15' south, longitude 144¡ 12' east; and
(v) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡ 28'
south, longitude 144¡ 10' east; and
(vi) from there west to latitude 10¡ 28' south, longitude 142¡ 31'
49" east; and
(vii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the northern coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in
the vicinity of Cape York; and
(viii) from there south-easterly along that coastline to the
intersection of parallel of latitude 12¡ south with the
coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the vicinity of
Shelburne Bay; and
(ix) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 145¡ east; and
(x) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡
south, longitude 147¡ east; and
(xi) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡
south, longitude 149¡ east; and
(xii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 18¡ south; and
(xiii) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 152¡ east; and
(xiv) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 20¡ 28' 49" south; and
(xv) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the eastern coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the
vicinity of Proserpine; and
(xvi) from there generally southerly along that coastline at low
water mark to the point where the line began. 2. Sub-area 2
(Northern inshore (pelagic longline)) That part of the AFZ that
is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the eastern coastline of the mainland
at low water mark, in the vicinity of Barrenjoey Point, with the
parallel of latitude 33¡ 35' south; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the 50 nautical mile line; and
(ii) from there generally southerly along that line to its
intersection with the parallel of latitude 37¡ 53' south; and
(iii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to its
intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ at the parallel of
latitude 38¡ 58' south; and
(iv) from there generally northerly along that outer limit to its
intersection with the meridian of longitude 144¡ 28' east; and
(v) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 9¡ 54' south; and
(vi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡
15' south, longitude 144¡ 12' east; and
(vii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡ 28'
south, longitude 144¡ 10' east; and
(viii) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 142¡ 31' 49" east; and
(ix) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the northern coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in
the vicinity of Cape York; and
(x) from there south-easterly along that coastline to the
intersection of parallel of latitude 12¡ south with the
coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the vicinity of
Shelburne Bay; and
(xi) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 145¡ east; and
(xii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡
south, longitude 147¡ east; and
(xiii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡
south, longitude 149¡ east; and
(xiv) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 18¡ south; and
(xv) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 152¡ east; and
(xvi) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 20¡ 28' 49" south; and
(xvii) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the eastern coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the
vicinity of Proserpine; and
(xviii) from there generally southerly along that coastline at low
water mark to the point where the line began. 3. Sub-area 3
(Northern inshore (purse-seine)) That part of the AFZ that is
within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at latitude 10¡ 28' south, longitude 144¡ 10' east; and
(b) running:
(i) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 10¡ 41' 14" south; and
(ii) from there easterly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡ 41'
south, longitude 145¡ east; and
(iii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 12¡ south; and
(iv) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡
south, longitude 147¡ east; and
(v) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡
south, longitude 149¡ east; and
(vi) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 18¡ south; and
(vii) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 152¡ east; and
(viii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 20¡ 28' 49" south; and
(ix) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 21¡
south, longitude 152¡ 55' east; and
(x) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 24¡
30' south, longitude 154¡ east; and
(xi) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the eastern coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the
vicinity of Baffle Creek at the parallel of latitude 24¡ 30'
south; and
(xii) from there generally southerly along that coastline at low
water mark to its intersection with the parallel of latitude
37¡ 30' 24" south, in the vicinity of the border between New
South Wales and Victoria; and
(xiii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to its
intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ at the parallel of
latitude 38¡ 58' south; and
(xiv) from there generally northerly along that outer limit to its
intersection with the meridian of longitude 144¡ 28' east; and
(xv) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 9¡ 54' south; and
(xvi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡
15' south, longitude 144¡ 12' east; and
(xvii) from there southerly along the geodesic to the point where the
line began. 4. Sub-area 4 (Northern offshore (pelagic longline
and purse-seine)) That part of the AFZ that is within the area
bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at latitude 10¡ 28' south, longitude 144¡ 10' east; and
(b) running:
(i) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 10¡ 41' 14" south; and
(ii) from there easterly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡ 41'
south, longitude 145¡ east; and
(iii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 12¡ south; and
(iv) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡
south, longitude 147¡ east; and
(v) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡
south, longitude 149¡ east; and
(vi) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 18¡ south; and
(vii) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 152¡ east; and
(viii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 20¡ 28' 49" south; and
(ix) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 21¡
south, longitude 152¡ 55' east; and
(x) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 24¡
30' south, longitude 154¡ east; and
(xi) from there east along that parallel of latitude 24¡ 30' south
to its intersection with the 50 nautical mile line; and
(xii) from there generally southerly along that line to its
intersection with the parallel of latitude 37¡ 53' south; and
(xiii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to its
intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ at the parallel of
latitude 38¡ 58' south; and
(xiv) from there generally northerly along that outer limit to its
intersection with the meridian of longitude 144¡ 28' east; and
(xv) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 9¡ 54' south; and
(xvi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 10¡
15' south, longitude 144¡ 12' east; and
(xvii) from there southerly along the geodesic to the point where the
line began. 5. Sub-area 5 (Central offshore (pelagic longline))
That part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the 50 nautical mile line with the
parallel of latitude 34¡ south; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally southerly along that outer limit to its
intersection with the parallel of latitude 38¡ 58' south; and
(iii) from there north-westerly along the geodesic to the
intersection of parallel of latitude 37¡ 53' south with the 50
nautical mile line; and
(iv) from there generally northerly along that line to the point
where the line began. 6. Sub-area 6 (Southern inshore north
(pelagic longline, purse-seine and minor line)) That part of
the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the eastern coastline of Australia at
low water mark, in the vicinity of Cape Howe, with the parallel of
latitude 37¡ 30' 24" south; and
(b) running:
(i) from there generally south easterly along the geodesic to the
outer limit of the AFZ at the parallel of latitude 38¡ 58'
south; and
(ii) from there generally south-westerly along that outer limit to
its intersection with the meridian of longitude 146¡ east; and
(iii) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the southern coastline of Tasmania at low water mark, in the
vicinity of South West Cape; and
(iv) from there generally easterly, northerly and westerly along the
eastern coastline at low water mark to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 146¡ east, in the vicinity of Emu
Bay; and
(v) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the coastline of the mainland at the low water mark, in the
vicinity of Cape Liptrap; and
(vi) from there generally north-easterly along that coastline at low
water mark to the point where the line began. 7. Sub-area 7
(Southern inshore south (pelagic longline and purse- seine))
That part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at latitude 37¡ 53' south, longitude 151¡ east; and
(b) running:
(i) from there generally south-easterly along the geodesic to the
outer limit of the AFZ at the parallel of latitude 38¡ 58'
south; and
(ii) from there generally south-westerly along that outer limit to
its intersection with the meridian of longitude 146¡ east; and
(iii) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the southern coastline of Tasmania, at low water mark, in the
vicinity of South West Cape; and
(iv) from there generally easterly, northerly and westerly along the
eastern coastline to its intersection with the meridian of
longitude 146¡ east, in the vicinity of Emu Bay; and
(v) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 40¡ south; and
(vi) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 151¡ east; and
(vii) from there north along that meridian to the point where the
line began. 8. Sub-area 8 (Southern offshore (pelagic longline
and purse-seine)) The aggregate of:
(a) that part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(i) beginning at the intersection of the outer limit of the AFZ
with the parallel of latitude 38¡ 58' south; and
(ii) running:
(A) from there generally south-westerly along that outer
limit to its intersection with the meridian of longitude
146¡ east; and
(B) from there north along that meridian to its intersection
with the 12 nautical mile line; and
(C) from there generally easterly and northerly along that
line to its intersection with the parallel of latitude
40¡ south; and
(D) from there east along that parallel to its intersection
with the meridian of longitude 151¡ east; and
(E) from there north along that meridian to its intersection
with the parallel of latitude 37¡ 53' south; and
(F) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point
where the line began and
(b) that part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(i) beginning at latitude 40¡ south, longitude 146¡ east; and
(ii) running:
(A) from there east along that parallel to its intersection
with the 12 nautical mile line, west of Flinders Island;
(B) from there generally southerly and westerly along that
line to its intersection with the meridian of longitude
146¡ east; and
(C) from there north along that meridian to the point where
the line began. 9. Sub-area 9 (Cairns/Townsville
restricted (pelagic longline)) That part of the AFZ that
is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the parallel of latitude 12¡ south
with the coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the vicinity
of Shelburne Bay; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 145¡ east; and
(ii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡ south,
longitude 147¡ east; and
(iii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡ south,
longitude 149¡ east; and
(iv) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 18¡ south; and
(v) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 152¡ east; and
(vi) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 20¡ 28' 49" south; and
(vii) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the eastern coastline of the mainland at low water mark, in the
vicinity of Proserpine; and
(viii) from there generally northerly along that coastline at low
water mark to the point where the line began.
PART 4 - AREA OF THE JACK MACKEREL FISHERY That part of the AFZ that is within
the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the west coast of Australia with the
parallel of latitude 31¡ south; and
(b) running:
(i) from there west along that parallel of latitude to its
intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(ii) from there southerly, easterly, south-easterly and north-
easterly along that outer limit to its intersection with the
parallel of latitude 28¡ 10' south; and
(iii) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the east coast of Australia; and
(iv) from there southerly, westerly and northerly along that
coastline to the point where the line began.
AFZ surrounding Macquarie Island that is more than 3 and less than 200
nautical miles outside the territorial sea baselines of Macquarie Island.
[Note: In the north-east of the fishery area, the Australian exclusive
economic zone abuts the New Zealand exclusive economic zone; consequently, not
all of the sea within the 200-nautical-mile line around Macquarie Island is
within the AFZ: see Gazette No. S52 of 14 February 1992. The boundary between
the 2 exclusive economic zones is the line:
(a) beginning at the point of latitude 51¡ 09' south, longitude 160¡ 39'
east; and
(b) running:
(i) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 52¡ 15' south, longitude 162¡ 04' east; and
(ii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 52¡ 26' south, longitude 162¡ 19' east; and
(iii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 53¡ 43' south, longitude 164¡ 05' east; and
(iv) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 53¡ 50' south, longitude 164¡ 16' east; and
(v) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 54¡ 01' south, longitude 164¡ 21' east; and
(vi) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 54¡ 21' south, longitude 164¡ 32' east; and
(vii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 54¡ 42' south, longitude 164¡ 43' east; and
(viii) from there south along the meridian of longitude 164¡ 43' east
to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 54¡ 43'
south. (Geographic coordinates in the description are expressed
in terms of the World Geodetic System 1972.) The sea to the
north-east of the line is part of the exclusive economic zone
of New Zealand.]
is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at latitude 20¡ 54' south, longitude 114¡ east; and
(b) running:
(i) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 19¡
50' south, longitude 115¡ 13' east; and
(ii) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 18¡
58' south, longitude 115¡ 45' east; and
(iii) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 16¡
39' south, longitude 119¡ 18' east; and
(iv) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 15¡
03' south, longitude 120¡ 51' east; and
(v) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 13¡
11' south, longitude 122¡ 02' east; and
(vi) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 12¡
51' south, longitude 122¡ 37' east; and
(vii) from there north along the meridian of longitude 122¡ 37' east
to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 12¡ 01'
south; and
(viii) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 11¡
45' south, longitude 122¡ 42' east; and
(ix) from there north-easterly along the geodesic to the
intersection of the meridian of longitude 123¡ 06' east with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(x) from there generally easterly along that outer limit to its
intersection with the meridian of longitude 123¡ 45' east; and
(xi) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 13¡ 24' 40" south; and
(xii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 13¡
35' south, longitude 123¡ 37' east; and
(xiii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡ south,
longitude 123¡ 36' east; and
(xiv) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡
03' south, longitude 123¡ 25' east; and
(xv) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡
13' south, longitude 123¡ 10' east; and
(xvi) from there westerly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡ 13'
south, longitude 122¡ 53' east; and
(xvii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 14¡
56' south, longitude 121¡ 42' east; and
(xviii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 15¡
south, longitude 121¡ 38' east; and
(xix) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 15¡
23' south, longitude 121¡ 25' east; and
(xx) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 15¡
36' south, longitude 121¡ 08' east; and
(xxi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 15¡
47' south, longitude 120¡ 59' east; and
(xxii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 16¡
20' south, longitude 120¡ 50' east; and
(xxiii) from there south to latitude 16¡ 48' south, longitude 120¡ 50'
east; and
(xxiv) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡
south, longitude 120¡ 47' east; and
(xxv) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡
12' south, longitude 120¡ 35' east; and
(xxvi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡
39' south, longitude 120¡ 10' east; and
(xxvii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 17¡
55' south, longitude 119¡ 11' east; and
(xxviii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 18¡
01' south, longitude 119¡ east; and
(xxix) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 19¡
south, longitude 117¡ 14' east; and
(xxx) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 19¡
09' south, longitude 116¡ 50' east; and
(xxxi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 19¡
11' south, longitude 116¡ 28' east; and
(xxxii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 19¡
17' south, longitude 116¡ 05' east; and
(xxxiii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 19¡
30' south, longitude 115¡ 50' east; and
(xxxiv) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 19¡
40' south, longitude 115¡ 25' east; and
(xxxv) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 19¡
55' south, longitude 115¡ 14' east; and
(xxxvi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 20¡
03' south, longitude 115¡ 03' east; and
(xxxvii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 20¡
15' south, longitude 114¡ 55' east; and
(xxxviii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 20¡
35' south, longitude 114¡ 47' east; and
(xxxix) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 20¡ 53'
south, longitude 114¡ 43' east; and
(xl) from there south to latitude 21¡ south, longitude 114¡ 43' east; and
(xli) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 21¡ 30' south,
longitude 114¡ 06' east; and
(xlii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 21¡ 37' south,
longitude 114¡ east; and
(xliii) from there north along the meridian of longitude 114¡ east to the
point where the line began.
within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the parallel of latitude 24¡ 30'
south with the 4000-metre isobath; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally southerly, westerly, northerly and
westerly along that outer limit to its intersection with the
meridian of longitude 129¡ east; and
(iii) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the coastline at mean low water mark; and
(iv) from there generally easterly along that coast line to its
intersection with the boundary between New South Wales and
Victoria; and
(v) from there south easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 37¡ 35' south, longitude 150¡ 10' east to its
intersection with a line parallel to, and 3 nautical miles
distant from, the coastline at mean low water mark; and
(vi) from there along that line to its intersection with the
geodesic which is a continuation of the landward boundary
between New South Wales and Victoria; and
(vii) from there south easterly along the geodesic to its
intersection with the 4000-metre isobath; and
(viii) from there running northerly along the isobath to the point
where the line began.
PART 8 - SOUTH EAST TRAWL FISHERY Division 1 - Area of the fishery That part
of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the eastern coastline of Australia
with the parallel of latitude 33¡ 35' south; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally southerly and westerly along that outer
limit to its first intersection south of Australia with the
meridian of longitude 138¡ 08' east; and
(iii) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the southern coastline of Australia; and
(iv) from there generally north and east along that coastline to the
point where the line began. Division 2 - Area of species
sectors 1. Area of the gemfish eastern sector That part of the
AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the meridian of longitude 146¡ 22'
east by the southern shore of mainland Australia at low water mark;
(b) running:
(i) from there south along that meridian to its intersection by the
northern shore of Tasmania at low water mark; and
(ii) from there generally easterly, southerly, westerly and
northerly along the shore of Tasmania at low water mark to its
intersection by parallel of latitude 42¡ south; and
(iii) from there west along that parallel of latitude to its
intersection by the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(iv) from there generally southerly, easterly and northerly along
that outer limit to its intersection with the parallel of
latitude 33¡ 35' south; and
(v) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the east coast of Australia at low water mark; and
(vi) from there generally southerly and westerly along the shore of
mainland Australia at low water mark to the point where the
line began. 2. Area of the gemfish western sector That part of
the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the meridian of longitude 138¡ 08'
east with the southern shore of mainland Australia at low water mark;
(b) running:
(i) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally south-easterly along that outer limit to
its intersection with the parallel of latitude 42¡ south; and
(iii) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the west coast of Tasmania at low water mark; and
(iv) from there generally northerly and easterly along the shore of
Tasmania at low water mark to its intersection with the
meridian of longitude 146¡ 22' east; and
(v) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the southern shore of the mainland at low water mark; and
(vi) from there generally westerly along the southern shore of
mainland Australia at low water mark to the point where the
line began. 3. Area of the orange roughy eastern sector That
part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the meridian of longitude 146¡ 22'
east with the northern shore of Tasmania; and
(b) running:
(i) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 39¡ 30' south; and
(ii) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(iii) from there generally southerly along that outer limit to its
intersection with the parallel of latitude 43¡ 10' south; and
(iv) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the eastern shore of Tasmania at low water mark; and
(v) from there generally northerly and westerly to the point where
the line began. 4. Area of the orange roughy southern sector
That part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the eastern shore of Tasmania at low
water mark with the parallel of latitude 43¡ 10' south; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the meridian of longitude 149¡ 30' east; and
(ii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the parallel of latitude 45¡ south; and
(iii) from there west along that parallel to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(iv) from there generally north-westerly along that outer limit to
its intersection with the parallel of latitude 42¡ south; and
(v) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the west coast of Tasmania at low water mark; and
(vi) from there generally southerly, easterly and northerly along
the shore of Tasmania at low water mark to the point where the
line began. 5. Area of the orange roughy western sector That
part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the meridian of longitude 138¡ 08'
east with the southern shore of mainland Australia at low water mark;
(b) running:
(i) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally south-easterly along that outer limit to
its intersection with the parallel of latitude 42¡ south; and
(iii) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the west coast of Tasmania at low water mark; and
(iv) from there generally northerly and easterly along the shore of
Tasmania at low water mark to the point to its intersection
with the meridian of longitude 146¡ 22' east; and
(v) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the southern shore of mainland Australia at low water mark; and
(vi) from there generally westerly along the southern shore of
mainland Australia at low water mark to the point where the
line began.
within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the eastern coastline of Australia
with the parallel of latitude 37¡ 30' south; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east along the geodesic to the intersection of
parallel of latitude 38¡ 58' south with the outer limit of the
AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally south and west along that outer limit to
its first intersection south of Australia with the meridian of
longitude 129¡ east; and
(iii) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the southern coastline of Australia; and
(iv) from there generally northerly and easterly along that
coastline to the point where the line began.
within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of parallel of latitude 24¡ 30' south
with the outer limit of coastal waters; and
(b) running:
(i) from there east along parallel of latitude 24¡ 30' to its
intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally southerly, westerly, northerly and
westerly along that outer limit to its intersection with the
meridian of longitude 129¡ east; and
(iii) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the outer limit of coastal waters; and
(iv) from there generally easterly and northerly along the outer
limit of coastal waters to the point where the line began.
the fishery That part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the western coastline of Australia
with the parallel of latitude 34¡ south; and
(b) running:
(i) from there west along that parallel to the outer limit of the
AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally southerly and easterly along that outer
limit to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 146¡
east; and
(iii) from there north along that meridian to its first intersection
with the southern coastline of Tasmania; and
(iv) from there generally northerly, westerly and then easterly
along that coastline to its most northerly intersection with
the meridian of longitude 146¡ east; and
(v) from there north along that meridian to its first intersection
with the southern coastline of Australia; and
(vi) from there generally westerly along that coastline to the point
where the line began.
Division 2 - Area of Zone Z
That part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the meridian of longitude 146¡ east
with the coastline of Victoria at low water mark; and
(b) running:
(i) from there westerly along the coastline to its intersection
with the meridian of longitude 141¡ east; and
(ii) from there south along that meridian to its intersection with
the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(iii) from there generally easterly and southerly along that outer
limit to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 146¡
east; and
(iv) from there north along that meridian to its intersection with
the southern coastline of Tasmania; and
(v) from there westerly, northerly, and easterly along that
coastline to its most northerly intersection with the meridian
of longitude 146¡ east; and
(vi) from there north along that meridian to the point where the
line began.
That part of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at latitude 21¡ 37' south, longitude 114¡ east; and
(b) running:
(i) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 21¡
41' south, longitude 113¡ 57' east; and
(ii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 21¡
48' south, longitude 113¡ 51' east; and
(iii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 22¡ 01'
south, longitude 113¡ 47' east; and
(iv) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 22¡ 12'
south, longitude 113¡ 45' east; and
(v) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 22¡
50' south, longitude 113¡ 26' east; and
(vi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 23¡
20' south, longitude 113¡ 13' east; and
(vii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 23¡
36' south, longitude 113¡ 02' east; and
(viii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 24¡
06' south, longitude 112¡ 37' east; and
(ix) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 24¡
25' south, longitude 112¡ 25' east; and
(x) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 24¡
39' south, longitude 112¡19' east; and
(xi) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 25¡ south,
longitude 112¡ 14' east; and
(xii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 25¡ 33'
south, longitude 112¡ 12' east; and
(xiii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 26¡ south,
longitude 112¡ 18' east; and
(xiv) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 26¡
24' south, longitude 112¡ 30' east; and
(xv) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 26¡
50' south, longitude 112¡ 44' east; and
(xvi) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 27¡
20' south, longitude 112¡ 55' east; and
(xvii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 27¡
55' south, longitude 113¡ 10' east; and
(xviii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 28¡
35' south, longitude 113¡ 29' east; and
(xix) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 29¡
south, longitude 113¡ 46' east; and
(xx) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 29¡
54' south, longitude 114¡ 25' east; and
(xxi) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 30¡
40' south, longitude 114¡ 41' east; and
(xxii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 31¡
14' south, longitude 114¡ 55' east; and
(xxiii) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 31¡ 48'
south, longitude 115¡ 01' east; and
(xxiv) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 31¡
58' south, longitude 115¡ 13' east; and
(xxv) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 32¡
16' south, longitude 115¡ 05' east; and
(xxvi) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 32¡
53' south, longitude 114¡ 41' east; and
(xxvii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 33¡
10' south, longitude 114¡ 34' east; and
(xviii) from there south-westerly along the geodesic to latitude 33¡
30' south, longitude 114¡ 29' east; and
(xxix) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 34¡ south,
longitude 114¡ 27' east; and
(xxx) from there southerly along the geodesic to latitude 34¡ 20'
south, longitude 114¡ 30' east; and
(xxxi) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 34¡
41' south, longitude 114¡ 40' east; and
(xxxii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 34¡
52' south, longitude 114¡ 50' east; and
(xxxiii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 34¡
58' south, longitude 115¡ east; and
(xxxiv) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 35¡
01' south, longitude 115¡ 08' east; and
(xxxv) from there south along the meridian of longitude 115¡ 08' east
to its intersection with the outer limit of the AFZ; and
(xxxvi) from there generally north-westerly along that outer limit to
its intersection with the meridian of longitude 114¡ east; and
(xxxvii) from there south along that meridian to the point where the
line began. Division 2 - Sub-area 2 That part of the AFZ, known
as 'Area B', that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the point of latitude 34¡ south, longitude 114¡ 27'; and
(b) running:
(i) from there southerly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 34¡ 20' south, longitude 114¡ 30' east; and
(ii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 34¡ 41' south, longitude 114¡ 40' east; and
(iii) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 34¡ 52' south, longitude 114¡ 50' east; and
(iv) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 34¡ 58' south, longitude 115¡ east; and
(v) from there south-easterly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 35¡ 01' south, longitude 115¡ 08' east; and
(vi) from there north-westerly along the geodesic to the point of
latitude 35¡ south, longitude 114¡ east; and
(vii) from there north along the meridian of longitude 114¡ east to
its intersection with the parallel of latitude 34¡ south; and
(viii) from there east along that that parallel to the point where the
line began.
PART 13 - WESTERN TUNA AND BILLFISH FISHERY Division 1 - Sub-area 1 That part
of the AFZ that is within the area bounded by a line:
(a) beginning at the intersection of the northern coastline of Australia
with the meridian of longitude 142¡ 30' east; and
(b) running:
(i) from there north along that meridian to the outer limit of the
AFZ; and
(ii) from there generally westerly and southerly along that outer
limit to its intersection with the parallel of latitude 34¡
south; and
(iii) from there east along that parallel to its intersection with
the western coastline of Australia; and
(iv) from there generally northerly and easterly to the point where
the line began. Division 2 - Sub-area 2 Those parts of the AFZ:
(a) surrounding Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands; and
(b) extending from a line every point of which is 12 nautical miles from
the Australian territorial sea baseline toward the outer limit of the
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