(1) This section applies if:
(a) the application is an EPBC referral deemed application; and
(b) the Authority has decided in relation to the application that:
(i) assessment by public environment report must be used, and PER guidelines have been given to the applicant under section 96A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 ; or
(ii) assessment by environmental impact statement must be used, and EIS guidelines have been given to the applicant under section 101A of that Act.
(2) The Authority may give the applicant written notice that the guidelines also apply for the purposes of assessing the relevant impacts of the proposed conduct.
(3) If the Authority gives the applicant such a notice:
(a) sections 98 and 99 do not apply; and
(b) the applicant must act in accordance with the guidelines.
Note: The Authority may declare that the application is taken to be withdrawn if the applicant delays acting in accordance with the guidelines (see section 102).