The Authority must consider the following matters in assessing an application for accreditation of a TUMRA, and in deciding whether or not to impose any conditions on the accreditation:
(a) the objectives of the zone or zones in which the proposed TUMRA would apply;
(b) the matters covered by the TUMRA;
(c) the likely effect of accreditation of the TUMRA on future options for using or entering the Marine Park;
(d) the nature and scale of the traditional use of marine resources and any conservation of natural resources to be undertaken in accordance with the TUMRA;
(e) the conservation of the natural resources of the Marine Park, including the need for conservation of protected species and, in particular, the capability of the relevant population of such a species to sustain harvesting;
(f) the need to protect the cultural values and heritage values held in relation to the Marine Park by Traditional Owners and other people;
(g) the possible effects of the proposed traditional use of marine resources on the environment and the adequacy of safeguards for the environment;
(h) the likely effects of the proposed traditional use of marine resources on adjoining and adjacent areas;
(i) any existing agreements or arrangements between the Authority and the Traditional Owner group covered by the TUMRA;
(j) any legislation or government policy that applies to the proposed traditional use of marine resources;
(k) any action necessary to avoid, remedy or mitigate unacceptable environmental impact that may result from the accreditation of the TUMRA;
(l) any other matters relevant to the TUMRA and either:
(i) achieving the objects of the Act; or
(ii) orderly and proper management of the Marine Park.
Note: For paragraph (e), see section 30 for information about protected species.