[1] Subregulation 19 (5)
(5) The income limits mentioned in subregulation (4), for a household for each subsequent year beginning 1 May, are the amounts for the previous year indexed in accordance with the NRAS tenant income index, rounded to the next whole dollar.
[2] Paragraph 26 (1) (b)
and later years beginning on 1 May
[3] Subregulation 26 (2)
(2) For each subsequent year beginning 1 May, the amount of the incentive is the amount for the previous year indexed in accordance with the NRAS incentive index.
[4] Paragraph 27 (1) (b)
and later years beginning on 1 May
[5] Subregulation 27 (2)
(2) For each subsequent year beginning 1 May, the amount of the incentive is the amount for the previous year indexed in accordance with the NRAS incentive index.