For section 7 of the National Transport Commission Act 2003 (the NTC Act), Schedule 1 sets out road transport legislation, in the form of Regulations, about vehicle driving hours.
Note 1 The road transport legislation set out in Schedule 1 does not have the force of law (see paragraph 7 (2) (a) of the NTC Act).
Note 2 These Regulations must be made in accordance with the Agreement (see subparagraph 3 (b) (ii) of the NTC Act).
Note 3 These Regulations are not subject to disallowance — see the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 , subsection 44 (2) (table, item 44) and the Legislative Instruments Regulations 2004 , regulation 8 and Schedule 2 item 7.
Note 4 These Regulations are not subject to sunsetting — see the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 , subsection 54 (2) (table, item 51) and the Legislative Instruments Regulations 2004 , regulation 9 and Schedule 3 item 4.
Note 5 The text set out in Schedule 1 is that of the proposed Road Transport Reform (Driving Hours) Regulations 1998 . Those proposed Regulations were prepared in the form of Regulations to be made under the Road Transport Reform (Vehicles and Traffic) Act 1993 , and were approved in that form by the Ministerial Council for Road Transport on 15 January 1999, but were never actually made as Regulations. The text set out in Schedule 1 is that of those proposed regulations as approved by the Council. It has been formatted in accordance with current drafting practice (including styles of provision numbering and cross-referencing) but is otherwise unaltered.