(1) This regulation is made for subitem 6 (3) of Schedule 3 to the amendment Act and prescribes:
(a) the form of the written notice required under subitems 6 (1) and (2) of that Schedule; and
(b) the information that must be included in the form.
(2) The notice must be in the form set out in Schedule 1.
(3) The notice must:
(a) state the number of State certificates being surrendered for the purposes of subitem 6 (1) or (2) of Schedule 3 to the amendment Act; and
(b) state that each State certificate covered by the notice was surrendered:
(i) under a provision of the State Act of the State that substantially corresponds to section 28A of the Commonwealth Act; and
(ii) after 1 April 2010; and
(iii) for the purposes of subitems 6 (1) and (2) of Schedule 3 to the amendment Act.
(4) The notice must also include the following information in relation to each State certificate:
(a) the unique identification code of the certificate;
(b) the year in which the certificate was created;
(c) the name of the person who created the certificate;
(d) the name of:
(i) the person who owned the State certificate immediately before it was surrendered under the State Act; and
(ii) each previous registered owner of the certificate;
(e) the eligible renewable energy source of the electricity in respect of which the certificate was created;
(f) details of the power station or small generation unit in respect of which the certificate was created;
(g) for a certificate created in respect of electricity generated by a power station -- the date of generation of electricity in relation to the certificate;
(h) for a certificate created in respect of electricity generated by a small generation unit -- the date on which the certificate was created in respect of the unit and the address where the unit is installed.
(5) The notice must also include the following information:
(a) if the person who owned the State certificate immediately before it was surrendered under the State Act has a registry account under the Commonwealth Act where the converted State certificate will be registered -- details of the account name and, where applicable, number;
(b) if the person who owned the State certificate immediately before it was surrendered under the State Act does not have a registry account under the Commonwealth Act where the converted State certificate will be registered -- details of:
(i) the account that will be created under the Commonwealth Act for registering the converted certificate; and
(ii) the postal address, telephone number, fax number (if any) and email address (if any) of the person.